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A Call Away

Page 23

by KC Richardson

  “Yes, Ms. Syd.”

  “Great. Go on and wash your hands and I’ll meet you in the kitchen. Please find Alisa for me. She wants to help out too.” Syd turned to Bernice. “Where is that granddaughter of yours?”

  Bernice looked at the clock on the wall. “She had a late lunch with Edward Robinson to discuss the funds we need to start that new program. She should be back anytime.”

  “Good. Are you staying for dinner tonight?”

  Bernice stood and pulled her sweater on. “Not tonight, dear. I’m having dinner with Jeremiah then we’re going to see a movie.”

  “You sure are seeing Mr. Abrams quite a bit. Is he ready to make an honest woman out of you?” Syd teased her.

  “We’re just friends that enjoy each other’s company, so mind your own business.”

  The twinkle in Bernice’s eyes indicated she was teasing.

  “I could ask the same of you about my granddaughter, Sydney. Are you going to put a ring on it soon?”

  Syd burst into laughter at the lingo Bernice was picking up when she hung out with the kids. Syd was going to have to keep a closer eye on her to make sure she stayed in line. “As a matter of fact, we’re going ring shopping next weekend, so I promise, it will be soon.”

  Bernice placed her palms on the side of Syd’s face. “Good. You girls give me so much joy to be able to witness your love growing.”

  Syd wrapped Bernice in a gentle hug. “I’m so happy you’re here, Bernice. I don’t think I ever thanked you for talking sense into Abby and getting her to come back to me.”

  “No need to thank me. You just make sure you do right by my Abigail. She’s very special to me.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I promise. Have a nice evening and we’ll see you on Sunday for brunch with my parents.”

  Syd went back to the kitchen and was pleased to see two other kids arrived, Nicole and Bobby, to help with dinner. “Hey, guys. You ready to cook? We’re going to make lasagna, salad, garlic bread, and chocolate cake for dessert. Alisa and I will make the lasagna. Bobby can make the salad. Nicole, I’d like you to prep the garlic bread then make the frosting for the cake Chandra is going to make.”

  They all got busy and Syd was just about to spoon the meat mixture onto the noodles when she heard the all too familiar voice coming from the doorway.

  “It sure smells great in here. I can’t wait to eat.”

  Syd turned around to find the love of her life smiling from ear to ear. Her heart raced, just as it did every time she saw Abby. She wondered if that feeling would ever go away, maybe when they were old and had been married for fifty years. God, I hope not.

  “Hey. Let me just finish up here and I’ll come find you.”

  When Syd had placed the lasagna in the oven once the cake came out, she told the kids to clean the mess they’d made and she’d be back in a few minutes.

  The door to the office was ajar and Syd knocked before entering. The site of Abby sitting behind the desk stirred something primal inside Syd, especially when she had her reading glasses on. Syd thought she looked so sexy like that, which always made Abby laugh when Syd brought it to her attention.

  Syd closed the door and Abby greeted her with open arms and soft, yielding lips.

  “Hey, baby. How did the meeting go?”

  Abby continued to hold Syd against her, missing the feeling of her in her arms. The days seemed to drag on when they were at work until they were alone together every night.

  “It went great. I told him how we do a family night dinner one Friday a month and how useful it would be to have our own community garden. He agreed to fund the whole thing as long as we invite him to the first dinner using our own vegetables.”

  Syd laughed and kissed Abby again. “That’s incredible. I can’t believe you got him to pay for the whole thing.”

  “Well, he’s very impressed with what we’re doing here that he sees it as an opportunity to keep making strides in the right direction. He said he wished there was something like our center when he was growing up.”

  Syd felt her chest swell with pride. The center was Syd and Abby’s pride and joy, and she loved seeing the positive impact it had on the youth in that part of town.

  “We do great work, baby. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, sweetheart. Now go finish dinner and I’ll get Reggie and Dwayne to help me set up the tables and chairs.”

  Thirty minutes later, they all sat down to eat and share their week. Syd looked around to the eight teens, three volunteers, and Abby sitting by her side. The smiles, laughter, joking, and interaction between everyone was the perfect end to her week, and this truly was Syd’s dream come true.

  About the Author

  KC Richardson attended college on a basketball scholarship, and her numerous injuries in her various sports led her to a career in physical therapy. Her love for reading and writing allows her to create characters and tell their stories. She and her wife live in Southern California where they are trying to raise respectful fur kids.

  When KC isn’t torturing/fixing people, she loves spending time with her friends and family, reading, writing, kayaking, working out, and playing golf.

  KC’s second novel, Courageous Love, was a 2017 Goldie Finalist. You can reach KC on Facebook, Twitter @KCRichardson7, email, or her website, kcrichardson

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