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How To Become A Roulette Champion

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by Ivan Nikolic, Jr

  Learn How to make more than 500€ daily online


  My name is Ivan Nikolic, and I am from Croatia, but I currently live in a beautiful country of


  I would like to share with you how I earn a stable 15.000 $ per month spending 2 to 3 hours online daily. If you are ready to sacrifice 5 minutes of your time to read this book, you can start making that same amount of money. All my informations are free. That's right ! No Login, No Registration, No Download. I just give crude information !


  This is me driving somewhere (Picture by my girlfriend)

  I am sure you came to this ebook with a couple of things in your mind . You are probably sure that you won't make this kind of money with your daily work, and for sure you ain't gonna get rich by working much. One year ago, I found this simple method for making money online. What is so good about that? I will tell you ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE !


  First Month I earned 1000€ for just a couple of hours online. Second Month, My online income was already over 2500€. Finally, Third Month, I decided to quit my job.

  Islas Galápagos


  How I can make more then 7 average


  Before I start, I got to tell you that I am not a millionaire and if you are seeking an advice how to make a multi-million dollar job, I am sorry, you are in the wrong place. However, the thing I am doing online is generating me an income of 200000€ per year.I get all of it online when I want to work.

  I changed my jobs very often. On my last job, I worked as quantitative analyst. Usually, my job was consisting of analysing the financial markets. I used statistics, probability and regression analysis. I advised my employers how to set product prices, how to invest and what they can expect of financial market.

  That was the first time I met John, my good friend. I was always wondering, where did he get all the money for the stuff he was buying? He was a specialist in probability analysis, which is area very similar to mine.

  After some time, he entrusted to me that he knows how to GENERATE the money(And NO, by that I don't think about printing the money). With his experience in math and probability, He knew for simple rule which in basis DOUBLES his money. I realized that anyone could use this rule ONLINE and make a decent profit. I tried what he told me, and I was SHOCKED. This method was so simple, but yet it worked PERFECTLY when I used it first time online. I couldn't believe, but I continued using this method for some time. More and more money were coming constantly on my account.


  In the beginning, I successfully secured an income of about 1000€ per month. I reinvested that money and today I make more than 15000€ per month. The best thing with this simple method is that I don't work for the money anymore. I'm doing that money works for me. Also I can live wherever I want, all I need is just an internet connection.

  I am very conscious and I know that there are people which make a lot more money than me.

  But, what is important is that I am finally very happy with my life. I moved in Ecuador, beautiful South-American country. I bought a small villa and two sports cars, but after all I have time to simply enjoy in this amazing nature of Ecuador.

  Place is two hours away from Islands of Galapagos, and that is probably the most beautiful place I have ever visited in my life. And, Believe me it is super to live in such a place where my income is 10 times more than a salary of all others around me! But listen, I am not suggesting that you should move to South America. You can live and travel wherever you want - USA, Europe, Australia - as long as you have access to the internet, you can make money.

  But I think you are interested in HOW I MADE MONEY, and not my travelling. Just wait a bit, we will be there fast. Just a short reminder - I offer my advice for free, I don't need to ask for your registration fees or your contact data. Even I don't want your e-mail address. All I am offering is the real way to make money. That helped me and I would like to share my experience and knowledge with you.

  If you want to thank me on some way, you can send me an e-mail at any time at Feel free to tell me your story or ask a question.

  However, I will be happiest if you simply enjoy in your money or if you use it in good cause.


  I love it with my heart. I had to buy it.


  Check out my monthly incomes.

  MOST PEOPLE are simply UNINTERESTED or TOO LAZY. They accustomed on their boring, everyday life and they don't really want to change it. What if you have a chance to change your life forever ? With my method, you will be able to MULTIPLY your money online.


  Pay attention on these instructions. This is how you should be working

  Let me explain you something about roulette, it is often neglected but VERY interesting game. With my method, you will verbatimly absorb the money from the game into your pocket. The wheel is divided into 37. fields. Fields are numerated, there are 18 black, 18 red and one zero is on the last field.

  When the wheel starts spinning, pellet falls and stays in one single field.

  Immediately forget betting on a single number (that's where casinos make money). You need to focus JUST on so called outside bets (thats where YOU will be making money).

  This method YOU CAN legally use online. However, YOU CANNOT use this method in real casinos. I have to warn you: do not try this in real casino. Ever! If you use this method in real casino, you won't go well becouse you will attract attention of the staff from the casino security. I am black listed and I am not allowed to play in many casinos (where you have to show your personal ID card at the entrance), in some of them I can't even enter. That's why I am glad why internet exist. :-)

  When we talked about this money making method first time, my friend explained to me that the whole thing is similar to coin tossing (you can try this at home). Now it's important THIS QUESTION: What is the probability when you toss a coin:


  Drops heads 20 times in a row?

  We assume that both heads and tiles have the same chance (ordinary coin). In this case, probability to show heads 20× in a row is 0,520 =

  0,00009536 %

  Drops tiles AT LEAST ONCE in 20 throws?

  With the same assumption, we can calculate the probability that the tiles shows at least once: 1-(0,520) =

  99,99990463 %


  You can try something similar with the cube at home: Try tossing the cube and getting number 6 five times in a row. Very difficult, isn't it? You could spend whole day doing this (which is stupid and ridiculously). The more time you throw the cube, it's harder and harder to get the same number. Mathematicians and statisticians don't say it is impossible (so, it is probably

  0,00009536 %), but they use expression limited:

  Let's suppose that:

  n = number of spins where the same color comes out

  P = probability of a single event

  IF we take all stated, we calculate: limn→∞(P) = 0

  Don't worry if you don't understand. It is actually very simple:

  Probability of a fail is increasing to zero,while the number of rounds increases. After 7 or 8 rounds, probability is almost zero.


  That's OK, but how can i make money on that?

  That is very simple - yet almost noone knows for this method. Most

  players behave illogically. REMEMBER THIS:

  1. Register

  2. Bet on the color (let's say red)

  3. If other color comes out (black), always DOUBLE your bet

  4. Keep betting like this untill your color comes out (IT MUST come out
- same principle as coin tossing)

  5. When your color comes out, always TAKE cash prize (take the amount you won) and start from the beginning


  Keep repeating that same method untill your color comes out and you win. After that, start using this method again from the beginning. Never change the color if you lose ! Also don't increase your starting bet if you win !


  Real Example

  You Bet him: Outcome: Your profit(winning)

  1 € 0 €

  2 € 0 €

  4 € 0 €

  8 € 16 €

  You win! Start betting from the starting bet (1€)

  1 € 0 €

  2 € 4 €

  You win! Start betting from the starting bet (1€)

  1 € 0 €

  2 € 0 €

  4 € 0 €

  8 € 0 €

  16 € 0 €

  32 € 64 €

  You Win! Start investing now with starting bet (1€)

  As you can see, if you use this rule carefully, you can't lose. That is becouse you count your investments, amount you win is always bigger from the amount you invest.

  My example shows extreme situations. In the last game i got red color six times in a row. Color change is happening too often. Usually combinations are red-black, black-red, black- black-red and red-red-black.

  Even if you have a long count of repeating the same color (which is THE WORST case), you always earn your profit of 1€.

  Game Example

  I got 4, as I would call them most powerful cars. I wouldn't have them without strategy.




  98 % of players play illogically - casinos make money on THEM

  Thos kind of players don't think about the game, they decide impulsively and accidentally, rashly changing their bets. Sometimes they bet completely by accident. Black/red probability could lead you to bet all your money on the color you choose. Please, DON'T do that!

  You may think: "I will invest 100$, and if i win, i will get 200$ in just a couple of seconds!" However, your chance for win is just 50%. If you are sticking to strategy by doubling your bet, chance for winning is closing to 100%(that's something what usual player won't understand)!

  Basic rules of combinations Wikipedia explain what is the result of my betting method. Your chances in the first round are preety much equivalent (black and red have the same

  probability). But, after round 7, chances of your color coming (or it has already come) is bigger

  than 99%. That means you win - if you stick to this strategy.


  Houses here are much cheaper than in England then why not buy 1 or 2 houses :-)


  At least you can check my example from the game in right side bar. The most fascinating thing about this principle is your chances of winning are bigger and bigger from round to

  round. Check this chart:



  Probability that your color comes AT LEAST ONCE


  50 %



  75 %



  87,5 %



  93,75 %



  96,875 %



  99,902 %


  The key thing here is that you don't overlook on color in the current round. That is the mistake which is made by 98% of all new players - they uselessly change the color of their bet. Look at the chart above - as the number of rounds increase, the chances of winning increase! That's the reason why YOU MUST'T change the color if you lose.

  And what to do if I get zero?

  That's a great question! That looks like you are really interested for this strategy and that you are really thinking about this whole thing. When my friend explained it to me first time, I was a bit scared of zero. But, that isn't needed, zero isn't an obstacle. When you play, you shouldn't think about zero as zero, but always as DIFFERENT color. Let me explain:


  when you bet on red: zero isn't zero but black. When zero comes, double your bet on red

  when you bet on black: zero isn't zero but red. When zero comes, double your bet on black

  NEVER PLAY ON ZERO! And never change the color if zero comes out!

  3 things you need to stick with

  1. Register in authorized casino

  Set your daily limit and don't go over it

  Always hold some money in casino

  3 things you should avoid

  DON'T bet on a single number(for example #4)

  DON'T get upset if you play too long

  DON'T play on slot. Ever.


  Singapore Airlines Suite ;-)


  I really love this panorama, just outside the city.



  If someone is watching your game, he should get the impression that you follow the rules, sometimes you have luck, and sometimes not. But what you will be ACUALLY doing is making money and then multiply gradually. If you want, you can try other games from time to time (poker, sports betting), but always in normal boundaries. Your target is not to wake a suspect and to minimize the risk. This method is PERFECTLY LEGAL, but you must hold everything under control.


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