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Ferdie and The Seven, book one_When the Angels are Gone

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by Larry Buenafe

  Dude, Ling is tough. “I"m ready when you are,” I said. It only took Ling about a minute to recover; we repeated the process, again with a high-five, and I peeked into her mind. “Ok, Ling, going to the in-between, take two!”

  Ling looked at me a little confused, and said “I cannot take two, I have already

  taken three.”

  “No, not that, it"s like in the movies, when they… let"s just give it a try, ok?”

  Then she began her second attempt. Whoa, she’s shaking like crazy… come on

  Ling… wait, what am I seeing? I can see her thoughts, but fading in, kind of superimposed, not clear yet, I can see… is this her actual brain? It’s too jumbled up, I can’t tell what’s what… she’s getting closer to the in-between, and it’s getting a little clearer… I’m in the wrong spot in her brain… how do I move in here? I can’t believe this; I didn’t think it would really work… I can see the long, what are they called… oh yeah, dendrites… how is Ling doing? Looks like she’s going to make it this time… really close… I can see wherever I am in her brain super clear now, but I don’t see her ocular nerve… it’s not how it looks in the textbooks, everything is mashed together… I’m on the wrong side, I have to push forward and to the right…

  wait, is that the back of her eye? There it is! Uh oh, it’s starting to get fuzzy… she’s almost there but not quite… it looks like the perfect point to see what’s going on is like three-fourths to the in-between… I wonder if it’s possible to hold it there…

  that’s going to be tricky…

  Ling was struggling again, so I removed my hand from the high-five and said,

  “Ok, Ling, that"s enough for now. Let me tell you what I saw.” We sat down and I gave her a full description; of course we were both pretty excited that it actually seemed to be working.

  “Ferdie, this is truly amazing; is there anything you cannot do?” Ling gushed.

  “Well, the one thing I absolutely want to do is to catch The Others, but I haven"t been able to do that yet.” Still, it felt good to know that I was continuing to progress.

  I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do that stuff that Arnie could do… uh oh, don’t think about Arnie, you’ll start to leak again… get it together… “What we have to do is figure out some way to get you to just the right point but then stop there, and I don"t think that"s going to be easy, because right when you get to that point the fishhooks are pulling so powerfully that you can"t resist them. I think we"re going to need help with that. Maybe…”

  I was unable to finish my thought, because from behind me came a deep,

  familiar voice, with the lilting, vaguely Caribbean accent: “This is an interesting and unprecedented experiment, Mr. Ferdie, Ms. Ling; there really seems to be no end to your precociousness.” and then the signature booming laughter.

  A b o u t t h e A u t h o r

  Larry Buenafe is a lover of books and writing. Although he has had many

  aborted attempts, this is his first full novel. He has two others currently available, including the second book in the Ferdie and The Seven series, Time Flies. In the real world, he is a full-time high school administrator (there are some unwritten books contained in those experiences, I can assure you) and part-time musician.

  Would he make his living via writing if he could? Why yes, yes he would. Perhaps you could help with that endeavor. He lives in central California with his wonderful wife and has two amazing daughters. Wonderful? Amazing? Yes, he insists it is so.

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  These are the hilarious true stories of my personal pain, injury, and humiliation, all written here for your enjoyment. Admit it: we all get just a little pleasure out of seeing that person who is a habitual red light runner getting pulled over and given a ticket. This collection of funny stories is written in that spirit; that bit of schadenfreude that exists in all of us. Inside, you will learn about...

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  C o n n e c t w i t h L a r r y B u e n a f e



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