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The Sheikh's Forbidden Tryst

Page 16

by Lara Hunter

  She accepted it and began chopping vegetables as he seasoned some steaks.

  “You really like steak,” she observed, breathing in the scent of the herbs. “Are you going to grill that?”

  Amir nodded, still focused on his food prep.

  “It is one of my favorites. While the restaurant I took you to has a good selection, you’ve never had a good steak until you’ve had one of mine.”

  “Humble, aren’t you?” she teased, and Amir smiled.

  “You’ll see,” he said.

  A dimple appeared with his grin, boyish and handsome, and Kaye nearly cut her finger as she stared at it for a moment too long.

  A minute later, Amir turned with the seasoned steaks on a plate.

  “Are you ready to be amazed?” he asked.

  She stared at him with a deadpan expression. Unfazed, he turned and opened what had appeared to be another set of cabinets, but was really a built in indoor grill.

  “Wow!” Kaye exclaimed, and Amir laughed. “Are you going to grill these too?” she asked, gesturing toward the cut vegetables.

  He nodded.

  “Go ahead and put them right up here. I’ll give them a little bit of flavor.”

  Kaye stood, bringing the wooden board full of fresh cut veggies over and setting them on the counter next to Amir. He tensed, grasping her hand and looking at it. She jumped in surprise.

  “What—” she began, but had no time to finish her question.

  “A ring,” he said, his tone serious. “We forgot to put a ring on your finger!”

  Kaye glanced at her hand, still encased in Amir’s grasp. Her heart was beating a little faster at his touch, and she knew she had to find a way to let go. She pulled her hand up as though to look at it more closely—like she needed to—and he let go, thankfully.

  She couldn’t afford to have her heart racing for Amir. A million dollars depended on it. A lifetime of security. The ability to eat anything but crackers. She reminded herself every time she realized she was staring at him just what was a stake.

  “I’m sure we can come up with a story for it. Maybe I had to get it refitted, or it was sent to the cleaners the day we filmed our earlier scenes.”

  Amir visibly relaxed.

  “Yes, those are both viable options. Quick thinking, Kaye. Still…”

  He left the steaks and vegetables by the grill, walking away and into the other room. He disappeared for several minutes before he returned with a little black box in his hand. Kaye swallowed.

  This wasn’t exactly how she pictured her first engagement.

  Seeing the trepidation in her eyes, Amir cracked open the box to show her what was inside. A stunning diamond ring with beautiful rubies on either side graced the inside of the box, shimmering in the muted light of the kitchen.

  “This was my grandmother’s,” Amir said, removing it from the box.

  Kaye held up a hand to stop him.

  “Amir, I couldn’t possibly. That ring deserves to go to a woman you actually love…someday,” she protested, but Amir simply shook his head.

  “We have to be believable. I would never use any other ring for the woman I love. No, this one will have to do.”

  He reached for her hand, and she allowed him to take it. When he slid the ring onto her finger, it was a perfect fit, and a shiver ran down Kaye’s spine.

  “Just for the show. I promise you I won’t keep it once this is all over and done.”

  Amir simply nodded, satisfied that they had filled their plot hole before he plopped the steaks and veggies onto the grill, and they began to sizzle.

  “There’s some wine in that little fridge over there,” he said, nodding toward the other side of the kitchen. “If you’d like to share a bottle.”

  Kaye nodded, grateful for the libation. She opened the wine fridge and looked at the bottles. The contents of that tiny fridge could have probably paid off her rent for life, but she tried not to think of that as she picked a nice, cool bottle of champagne.

  Unwrapping the cork, she popped it, the sound echoing across the room as Amir glanced back at her.

  “Champagne. Inspired choice.”

  “It feels like we should be celebrating,” she said, finding two flutes and filling them while Amir continued to cook.

  She located a couple of plates, napkins, and silverware, and set the small table that was just off the kitchen. By the time she was finished, Amir’s steaks were ready, and he asked her to bring the plates over for him to load up. The food smelled outstanding, and Kaye’s mouth was watering as she took a seat, excited to share another sumptuous meal with her host.

  “To life—both real, and reality TV,” Amir toasted, lifting a glass.

  Kaye clinked hers against his, taking a sip.

  “To life,” she agreed, enjoying the crisp taste and the bubbles that tickled her tongue.

  She cut a piece of her steak and took a bite, the meat melting in her mouth as an eruption of flavors exploded around her taste buds. She looked up to see Amir watching her, expectant.

  “All right, fine, best steak I’ve ever had,” she complimented begrudgingly, and he beamed with pride.

  “I thought so,” he said, taking a bite of his own. “Now, about naming your new car…”

  The two tossed around names for a while until they settled on ‘Iishraq’, meaning sunshine in Arabic.

  “The perfect way for me to commemorate the Sheikh with the sunshine personality who gave her to me,” Kaye concluded.

  They ate the rest of their food in comfortable silence, Kaye enjoying the savory taste of another exquisite meal. She would dearly miss this food when all this came to an end, but she reminded herself that she would have plenty of money to buy whatever she pleased. It would all work out in the end, no matter what.

  “Thank you for letting me stay here,” she said when they were finished eating.

  Amir shook his head.

  “It’s no trouble at all. Besides, it will be easier to film with you close by, and you’ll find my guest house to be more than comfortable.”

  “I already have. We did a bit of filming in there today for my one-on-one interviews.”

  “And how did those go?”

  “I think they went well. I tried to be convincing.”

  “You are an exceptional actress, Kaye.”

  “So are you. You really impressed me today,” she said.

  Was he blushing a little?

  “Yes, well. I’ve had plenty of exposure. The harder parts will be when we go to Al Rayyan, and I’ll have to act alongside my family.”

  Kaye nearly spit out her champagne.

  “Al Rayyan? We’re going to be taking a trip to your home country? Meeting your family?”

  “Of course. I believe we’re scheduled to go next week. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Two people in love will need to meet one another’s families. We’ll be scheduling time to do an episode meeting your family, as well.”

  Kaye swallowed, thinking about how her family would react to cameras in their faces while living their regular everyday lives.

  “Is something wrong?” Amir asked, picking up on her unease.

  “No, not at all. Just planning,” she replied quickly, downing the rest of her drink.

  Amir lifted an eyebrow but said nothing, instead rising as he moved to put the dishes in the sink.

  “I can help with this,” Kaye said, standing up as well.

  Amir shook his head.

  “No worries. The kitchen staff will take care of it. I just like to compile and rinse a little to make their lives easier.”

  “That’s very considerate of you.”

  Amir shrugged as he organized the kitchen. As he did so, Kaye yawned. It had been an exhausting first day, and the effects of the champagne sank in as it relaxed her body and soul.

  “You are tired, and rightly so. Allow me to make sure the guest house is suitable.”

  Not entirely ready to say goodnight to him, Kaye nodded as she followed him back up
the stairs, across the house and around the pool. A few stars were visible above them, but the light pollution from the city generally blocked most of them out.

  Amir opened the door to the guest house, checking all the rooms quickly before he stepped back toward the exit.

  “I hope you sleep well,” he said.

  “Thank you. And you as well,” she replied, not sure what else to say.

  Did she wish him sweet dreams? Did she dare think of what Amir looked like asleep, his perfect face resting against a plush pillow?

  He nodded, hesitating before he turned around and made his way back into the main house. Kaye watched him go, finally turning back and closing the guest house door. She glanced down and turned his ring on her finger so it glinted in the light once again. It felt heavier than it should have, like it carried a lie with it that shouldn’t have been there. Still, in spite of that, it looked stunning on her hand, and she found that she loved it.

  Walking around, she gave herself a small private tour of the space before she landed in the bathroom, sifting through the drawers as she discovered a fresh toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. After washing up, she rifled through some drawers, finding cloud-soft pajamas that looked brand-new, as though a whole wardrobe had been purchased just for her.

  That night, Kaye slid into the most comfortable bed of her life, turning off the light and staring up at a dark ceiling. Her thoughts drifted to Amir, and she shooed them off. Instead, she made herself think about how nice it felt to have a full belly and a warm bed, with work promised in the morning.

  She tried her best to focus on that, even as the idea of the sensation of Amir’s arms wrapped around her won out, and she drifted off into a deep, comfortable sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  The next day, the crew arrived at the main house earlier than expected. Kaye dressed in one of the many outfits in her expansive closet before heading over to see Amir laughing with a few members of the camera crew. When he saw her walk in, his eyes lit up.

  “Kaye! Good morning,” he said, gesturing toward the pyramids of food on the kitchen counter. “Breakfast?”

  Kaye’s stomach grumbled, and she nodded, eyeing the food with gumption.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, reaching for a whole wheat bagel and slathering it with cream cheese. She added a pile of fruit to her plate and took a seat next to Jesse, who grinned down at her.

  “Amir was just telling us about our fatal flaw yesterday,” he said, glancing down at Kaye’s hand.

  The ring shone as brightly as ever, and she smirked up at him.

  “Kind of an important detail when you’re supposedly engaged, huh?”

  “Kind of,” he agreed. “We’re not giving up the footage from yesterday, though. We got too much good stuff to do that. What we’ll do today is film a scene when Amir brings the ring back from the cleaners for you, and we can explain it off that way. Plus, we’ll get some conspiratorialists that will use yesterday as a way to ‘prove us false.’ There’s a big part of the fan base that loves to do that.”

  Kaye frowned.

  “Isn’t that exactly what we don’t want to happen?” she asked, confused.

  Jesse chuckled.

  “You would think so, but the truth is, those are viewers, too. We like to give them little Easter eggs to keep them coming back for more. If we keep them guessing, we keep getting their views, which is the goal in the end, right?”

  “Right,” Kaye agreed.

  They finished up their breakfast, Kaye sliding off Amir’s ring and placing it back in the box for them to film the scene. A part of her felt empty when she took it off, and she chastised herself for such irrational feelings.

  “Okay, Amir, why don’t you come on in and announce that the ring is ready, but remember, you are a big tough guy, so all this girly stuff annoys you, right?”

  “Got it,” Amir said, squaring his shoulders.

  Instantly, he was domineering and commanding, his face set in a stoic frown. Kaye was meant to love him in spite of that, apparently, and she headed out of the room so she could wait for him to call out to her.

  “And, action!” she heard.

  The door opened and Amir stepped inside.


  His voice was loud, and completely unlike him. She stepped back in from the kitchen, a curious expression on her face.


  He held out the box to her.

  “This was sent to my office. Why did you send me your engagement ring?”

  He looked almost menacing, and Kaye wanted to tell him to tone it down a bit. He still needed to be likable, even if he had to be more assertive. He was borderline aggressive, which wasn’t a good thing. Playing off his act, she approached him coyly.

  “Oops, I thought that would be sent back here. They must have known it was yours.”

  “It isn’t mine,” he reminded her, stilling holding out the box.

  “That’s true,” she said as she faced him directly, taking his hands in hers. “I just wanted it to shine as brightly as possible on our wedding day, so I had it cleaned. You’re not mad, are you?”

  She batted her eyes up at him while he continued to stand taut above her, his face a scowl.

  “You’re so cute when you’re annoyed,” she giggled.

  He narrowed his eyes at her, though she could tell he was about to crack a smile.

  “I am not. Where I come from, men are not sent the rings they have already given. I thought you were ending the engagement!”

  Kaye’s eyes widened at that admission, and she gave his hands a reassuring squeeze.

  “I would never do that, Amir! How could you even think that?”

  He leaned down, pressing his forehead to hers in a cherishing gesture.

  “We come from such different worlds, you and I. There is still so much to learn about one another.”

  “We’ll get there, my love. We’ve got this. It’s just you and me, against all the odds. Let’s show ‘em what we’re made of, huh?”

  Amir nodded, gazing down into her eyes.

  “Just…no more sending me jewelry I bought for you, okay?”

  Kaye’s smile was warm as she gazed up at him adoringly.

  “But you didn’t buy that one,” she said, gesturing to the box still in his hand.

  “You know what I mean,” he grumbled.

  He opened the box finally, removing the ring and placing it delicately on her finger. She gazed at the ring, then back up at Amir, whose eyes were hiding more complicated emotions beneath the surface.

  The man deserved an Oscar. She couldn’t believe they were just filming a reality show in that moment!

  “I love you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders as though to knock him out of his foul mood.

  “I know,” he said with a grin.

  She swatted him playfully on the back.

  “You never say it back!” she protested.

  “I say it back plenty. Just not in front of cameras,” he said, gesturing around them.

  “Whatever. I’m going for a swim,” Kaye said, and she walked out of the room.

  Amir watched her go, and she heard Jesse call out to end the shot.

  “Awesome work guys! Perfect!”

  Kaye peeked back in, grinning.


  Jesse nodded.

  “Yeah. Swimming is a great idea, too. Let’s go see what swimsuits will look best on camera, and we’ll get some shots of you splashing around and swimming some laps. Sound good?”

  “Sure,” Kaye said, heading back in that direction.

  The rest of the day was spent much like the first, with Kaye and Amir placed in quirky and sometimes awkward situations, all in the name of good television. Amir was in character for the entirety of the day, his stern expression only lightening when Kaye walked into the room.

  “That’s great. We want your eyes to really light up when she walks in, so that the audience knows that you may be a bit of
a tough guy, but Kaye brings out the softness in you, just a bit.”

  “Got it,” Amir said, and his eyes on Kaye felt warm.

  As the sun began to set on another day of shooting, a cascade of colors erupted in the sky while Kaye sat down by the pool, feeling the hours of filming on her shoulders.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Amir sat down next to her. He was wearing a comfortable pair of shorts and a T-shirt, and he looked handsome as ever. Kaye nodded, allowing her feet to dangle in the water up to her calves. Amir sat next to her, his own feet sinking into the cool, clear water.

  “This has been quite the journey so far,” he said.

  She was about to answer when she glanced up and noticed a cameraman filming from across the pool.

  Ah, so they were still in character, but needed some night scenes.

  “It’s been a whirlwind,” she agreed.

  It was one of her more truthful statements, while things were rolling. Amir reached out and took her hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb as he so often did when they filmed. She found it oddly soothing, even if it wasn’t real.

  “You can say that again. I’m not about to help that, though.”

  She glanced up at him with a question in her eyes. His eyes were dark as he looked down at her, ever serious.

  “I’d like you to meet my parents before we get married, Kaye. I’m not sure they’re going to be thrilled about all this, but it’s important to me that they get to know you a little. Would you be willing to do that?”

  She stared up at him as though considering his question, then her face broke out in a smile.

  “Of course I would. I don’t want to get married without knowing my future in-laws, at least on some level! When are they coming?”

  “Well, that’s the thing…” he hedged. “They aren’t coming here. We have a flight booked for early next week to head out to see them.”

  “We’re going to Al Rayyan?” she asked, her voice filled with excitement, like she had no idea that was the plan all long.

  “Yes, if that is amenable to you,” he said, still holding her hand.

  She nodded enthusiastically.

  “How did I get so lucky with you?” she asked, her voice soft.


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