Steele Family Romance Collection
Page 23
He sat there in front of her parents’ house, waiting, but no response came.
Chapter Eighteen
Ally awoke late the next morning. She’d driven back to her apartment in the city after eleven last night and then had trouble falling asleep. Her mind had been full of thoughts of Preston and today’s media event.
She rushed to get ready, excited and nervous for the press conference. She was going to present her idea to the world, with Mack and Sariah Quinn’s help. They’d rehearsed it over FaceTime and it had gone fabulously. Everything was going to be amazing, if she didn’t throw up. She selected a fitted navy blue and white floral dress, thinking she looked professional and feminine. She knew she’d never be thin, but Preston had helped her feel that her curves were appealing. To him, at least. Aw, Preston. A whole week until she found out if he truly wanted to spend more time with her, or if he’d already moved on to the next thin model. It felt like eternity.
Arriving at the Patriots’ stadium, she took the elevator to the larger conference room, stopping in at the makeup and preparation room first. A crowd had already gathered when she was done there; the conference room was full of press and some Patriots’ employees. Mack and Sariah were already there as well, and so was Bucky.
She rushed up to everyone. “Good morning.”
Sweet Sariah gave her an impulsive hug. “You look beautiful.”
“You too.” Sariah did look beautiful in a flattering off-the-shoulder floral dress. She had scarring on her ear and neck from being burned as a child, but it only showed how confident and awesome she was that she didn’t hide it. She looked miniscule next to her freight train of a husband. Ally wondered if she truly looked small next to Preston like that. She supposed she would. Preston wasn’t as thick or tall as Mack Quinn’s six-six and three hundred plus pounds, but he was still a big guy at six-four and two-thirty.
Bucky took her by the elbow and led her to the podium. He’d been very supportive of her ideas, and she didn’t mind that he treated her like a favorite niece, not an employee. She appreciated that he wasn’t using her and Preston’s kidnapping to create more interest in the Patriots.
“You got this, girly.” He grinned at her. “You’re so gorgeous they won’t even care what you say.”
“Bucky, you can’t talk like that.” But she leaned in and squeezed him. “It’s going to be great.”
“I know it will. You thought of it.”
The mics were all set up and the crowd quieted as Mack and Sariah stood up next to her. Ally said a prayer in her mind, straightened her shoulders, and plastered a smile on her face. Before getting to know Preston, she wouldn’t have been confident enough to do this. She loved that he’d given her that gift.
“And we’re live in three, two …” The guy mouthed the one.
Ally was pretty certain she was going to throw up. She forced a grin and started talking through the plan: the social media blast, narrowing it down to a hundred touching stories, the voting, and front-row seats and a double date with Mack and Sariah as the prize. Everyone was smiling at her and Mack and Sariah were inserting cute quips. She thought it was going great, and she hadn’t thrown up yet.
A reporter asked a question about which forms of social media could be used. Ally opened her mouth to answer, but the door at the rear of the room flung open. Preston strode in, carrying a shoebox and looking so incredibly handsome in a pin-striped black suit that she couldn’t have remembered her sisters’ names at the moment, let alone answered the reporter.
All heads swiveled, and a murmur of “Preston Steele” echoed throughout the room.
He confidently walked past the reporters and up front. His eyes were focused on Ally. Bucky backed away and gestured to Ally’s side. Preston came right into her space and wrapped an arm around her. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“For what?” she asked.
He grinned and looked out at the reporters. “Good morning, everyone.”
“Mr. Steele,” one of them called. “Are you here to support this project?”
“Yes, I am, and to support the brilliant Ally Heathrow. Mack mentioned the press conference to me yesterday, and I thought, ‘Now that’s an idea I can get on board with.’ So the winner will get the amazing seats Bucky’s donated and have dinner with Mack and Sariah.” He paused for emphasis. “The runner-up will get my front-row seats to the game of their choice, and have dinner with me and Miss Heathrow.” Preston squeezed her waist. “That is, if Miss Heathrow approves.”
Everyone’s eyes swung to her. Ally was light-headed with happiness. Preston had come to support her idea. It meant the world to her. “Yes, of course. It’s a brilliant plan.”
Reporters started calling out questions, but Preston turned to her. “Ally, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t remember everything, but last night it all came back. The reason I turned away from you was because you’re the most desirable, beautiful woman I’ve ever touched. I turned away in that tent to preserve your innocence and virtue.”
Ally’s stomach pitched. Preston wanted her, and he wanted her so much he’d turned his back on her to keep her safe.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Bucky sprang in front of them and covered the mic with his palm. It was then that Ally registered how quiet the room had gotten. He glanced back at them. “Private conversation?”
Ally couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re teaching me about decorum now?”
He chuckled and uncovered the mic. “We’re thrilled to have Preston Steele on board for this philanthropic mission. He and Miss Heathrow have some unfinished business from their time on a tropical island. I’ll tell you a little about their crazy experience while they skedaddle to my office.”
Ally gave him a pointed look.
He shrugged. “I’ll keep it vague.” He tilted his head. “Go!”
The reporters were clamoring for Preston and Ally to answer their questions, but Preston wrapped his arm around Ally’s waist and escorted her out the rear door of the conference room, down a hallway and into Bucky’s spacious office. Ally found she didn’t much care what Bucky told the press.
Preston turned to face her and handed her the shoebox.
“What is this?” She opened it, and her jaw dropped. “My Christian Louboutins! How did you …?” They were identical to the ones he’d chopped the heels off.
Preston grinned. “Sutton’s men cleaned up the island, and Gunner was able to get a picture and the size of the shoes. Then, early this morning, Jex had one of his many girlfriends open her shop and get me the shoes.”
“Thank you.” She clutched the box to her chest.
Preston wrapped his arms around her waist. “Sorry, probably shouldn’t have said that little bit about turning away to preserve your innocence on national television.” He grimaced.
Ally set the shoebox on the nearby desk and reached up to cup his jaw with both her hands. “I don’t care, as long as it’s true. You honestly wanted me so bad, you turned away to stay under control?”
He nodded solemnly. “You’re the only one I want, Ally, for your brain, your bravery, your sense of humor, your great attitude, but also your beautiful face and body. But I want to do this right, date and get to know each other.”
She simply stared at him.
“Is that okay?” he asked.
“Is it okay? It’s more than okay.” She slid her arms around his neck, tugged him down, and kissed him.
Preston kissed her back, sighing against her mouth. “There are some rules, though.”
“Rules? I don’t like the sound of rules.”
“Me neither.” He pulled her closer. “But as irresistible as you are, I need rules.”
Ally knew she’d never tire of him saying she was irresistible. Even more wonderful to her, she believed him. “Such as?”
“No kissing lying down in a tent.”
She laughed. “That should be easy, since I don’t even own a tent. Do you?”
“No.” He grinned, and he looked so good she cou
ld hardly resist kissing him again. “No kissing lying down anywhere.”
“But kissing standing up in Bucky’s office?”
“That I can get on board with.” He lifted her off her feet and against his chest, taking his time exploring her mouth and lighting up her world. Ally didn’t care where they kissed, as long as they kissed. She didn’t care what they did for dates, or how long they dated. All that mattered was being with Preston.
Preston and Ally were exploring the beaches of Tybee Island, near Savannah, with Lottie. Preston had the day off practice, and it was great to get away with his two favorite women on this beautiful fall day. They walked contentedly along as Lottie exclaimed over seashells and shrieked about jellyfish, stopping to chat with families on the beach and making friends everywhere she went.
“She’s absolutely adorable,” Ally whispered in Preston’s ear.
“I only know of one woman who I love as much as her and my mom,” he said back.
Ally’s eyes widened and she stopped walking. They’d been dating for over a month now and he’d known he loved her since that day at the press conference, but he hadn’t let it slip yet. He didn’t want to rush things with Ally.
“Oh?” She lifted her eyebrows.
“Yeah. She’s a beautiful, smart, funny marketing genius, who ropes me into all kinds of things I wouldn’t normally do.”
“Such as?”
“Jumping out of an airplane with Jex. Do you have any clue how many times I told him no before you asked?”
She grinned impishly. “I only asked once and you set it all up.”
He nodded seriously. “I’d do anything for you.”
“Such as?”
“You name it.” He’d give her the world and it wouldn’t be enough.
“Just love me,” she whispered, looking vulnerable and scared as she said it. That girl was back—the uncertain girl he’d first fallen in love with on that island, who didn’t know how desirable she was to him.
“I love you,” he said firmly. “I love you,” he repeated, louder.
“Kiss her, you tater tot.” Lottie giggled from far too close, her face pressed up next to theirs.
They both laughed and Ally said, “He will, sweet girl, but first I need to tell him.” She smiled sweetly and looked as innocent and perfect as she was, definitely not the driven marketing executive he’d once imagined. “I love you, Preston Steele.”
Preston swooped her off her feet and into his arms. He kissed her until Lottie finally tugged them apart. It was just as well. Ally was simply too irresistible to him. He didn’t want to rush things, but he was going to have a wedding ring on her finger soon. He leaned in close. “What do you think about eloping on a tropical island?”
She laughed. “As long as there aren’t any snakes, I’m in.”
Preston whooped and kissed her again.
The Committed Warrior
Chapter One
Gunner Steele didn’t say much while his boss Sutton Smith and the infamous “Princess of the Big Screen” Bella Jolie discussed the protection of her daughter Lily Bella Jewel-Jolie. He recognized his name was a bit unique, but did someone actually name this woman Bella Jolie, which basically meant beautiful beautiful in Spanish and French? Her daughter’s name was even more over the top. A beautiful flower that is a priceless jewel? He smiled to himself. He could bet high maintenance didn’t even begin to describe the daughter.
Bella Jolie was the most dramatic woman he had ever been around. That was saying something as his cute little sister Lottie had been born with Down Syndrome, and was so well-loved she stole the spotlight everywhere she went. But Lottie’s behavior was fun and innocent; this woman’s theatrics made him uncomfortable. Sutton seemed to be dealing with her well, but nothing ruffled his boss.
Gunner paced a few steps away from the desk. Sutton had placed himself behind the large desk and insisted Bella Jolie sit on the other side. Gunner suspected it was so she would quit touching Sutton’s arm or getting in his personal space. Sutton was happily married to the former Duchess Elizabeth Gunthry, and he drew clear boundaries with other women. Gunner thought he was smart, as many women came on to Sutton. It must be the English accent and the James Bond looks that did it. Gunner had plenty of women come on to him too, but he was too focused on work and would never consider dating someone who acted like the woman in front of him. Now she’d dissolved into tears with fear for her “little girl”. Her daughter was twenty-four years old, so a few years past “little girl”, but it did appear they were both being targeted by a vicious stalker.
With a very forced smile, Sutton splayed his hands. “Everything is going to be just fine, Miss Jolie.” He gestured to Gunner. “Mr. Steele is very accomplished in all forms of combat and excels at discretion. He will keep Lily safe until the threat has been eliminated.”
“And you’ll keep me safe?” She trailed her tongue over her lips.
Gunner’s stomach turned. The woman was exquisitely beautiful, and he used to like the action movies she’d starred in when he was a teenager, but meeting her in person made him never want to watch another show with her in it. He hadn’t seen her advertised in any shows since he was a teenager, so he was probably safe.
“I’m assembling a team right now who will monitor your safety around the clock.” Sutton nicely skirted the question.
Sutton was off the hook, but Gunner found himself wondering who would have to deal with this drama queen. Then his stomach got even more squeamish as he thought that her daughter would probably be exactly like her. Oh, boy. He was in for a doozy of an assignment.
Bella Jolie’s eyes narrowed, obviously not liking that. “I am paying top dollar here, I want the best of the best, that is you.”
Sutton smiled patiently. “I apologize. I retired from field work when I married Liz last year. I assure you Mr. Steele and my other operatives are the ‘best of the best’, but if you’d feel more comfortable finding a different security company we understand.”
The words hung in the air for a few seconds, and Gunner found himself praying she’d walk. He’d been part of some despicable jobs in his time—going undercover as a human trafficker and drug dealer were definitely the worst. He found himself dreading being around this woman’s daughter almost as much. He didn’t deal well with drama.
“No.” She twisted her plump lips, and then shook her head. “I’ve been assured that you are the best.”
“Thank you,” Sutton said.
Gunner wondered if this woman was intuitive enough to read through the lines. Sutton wasn’t thrilled with this job, and whoever referred this diva to them was going to be asked to use a little discretion. No matter how vast his operation became, Sutton didn’t just take any security job.
“We’ll get everything set up and keep in touch.” Sutton stood.
“No!” Bella Jolie held up a hand. They’d gone over in extreme detail everything about the stalker who she claimed was after her, wanting her to reenact a love scene from a movie she’d starred in ten years ago. The latest messages had threatened to harm her daughter if she didn’t follow through, thus the need to protect both of them. What other information did they need besides where Lily was so Gunner could find her?
“No?” Sutton sank back down into his chair.
“I need him to understand about my girl.” She jabbed a finger Gunner’s direction. “So he can protect her fully.”
Sutton arched an eyebrow. “I’m sure Mr. Steele will appreciate the insight.”
Gunner was thinking he didn’t appreciate anything about this job. He’d only been with Sutton a little over a year but thought he had proven his worth. Why had he been pulled in on a crapshoot like this? He couldn’t force himself to smile like Sutton was so good at, but he nodded to the woman. “I would,” he said.
She eyed him shrewdly. “You’re a handsome one. That will work in our favor.”
“I don’t see how my looks play into this at all,” Gunner sa
id evenly.
Her eyebrows were the ones shooting up now. Well, as much as perfectly-tattooed eyebrows could lift on a face subjected to so much work her features were permanently frozen. She stood and walked right up to him, getting far too close. Her rose-scented perfume made his nose twitch. Gunner hugged his mom and his sister, shook hands with and maybe took a slap on the back from his brothers. Other people did not get in his space. He backed up a step. She didn’t seem to like it by the narrowing of her eyes, but she got the message and didn’t advance again.
“My girl is my princess.”
Gunner could’ve guessed that.
“You will protect her, but you can’t tell her you’re protecting her.” Her blue eyes were drilling into him. “Your being so incredibly …” She let her gaze trail over his face and body. He felt dirtier than when he associated with traffickers. “…appealing will work in our favor, because she will simply think you’re one of the many men who pursues her.”
Gunner’s gaze darted to Sutton. His boss seemed as uncomfortable with this as he was.
“Excuse me,” Sutton said smoothly. “Lily’s protection will be much more effective if she understands who she is being protected by and why.”
Bella Jolie shook her head quickly. “No. She won’t accept it. She’ll run away and make it more difficult for you. My girl is a … sweetheart,” it appeared to pain her to compliment her daughter, “but she’s also very, very spoiled. I blame it on her father.”
When neither of them said anything, she rolled her eyes. “Neither of you know who her father is?”
Keeping up with celebrity gossip of today wasn’t in Gunner’s wheelhouse, let alone twenty-four years ago when he would’ve been three years old. “No, ma’am, we don’t,” he said.
“Does Jamison Jewel ring a bell with you?” She folded her arms under her chest, making her cleavage even more pronounced.