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Steele Family Romance Collection

Page 35

by Cami Checketts

  The men stared at them. The one on the right reached for his knife, but the other one hissed, “Jon, knives on her only. We’ve got to tie him up first, remember?”

  Jon grunted. “Sorry, Larry.”

  Lily burst out with a slightly delirious laugh. “Larry? Your name’s Larry?”

  The guy glared at her. “Yeah, why?”

  Lily looked at Gunner who was smiling patiently at her. “Larry.” She giggled again. “It’s like the classic, stupid bad guy. This is Larry and my other brother Larry.”

  “Definitely looks stupid,” Gunner said.

  A thoughtful, hurt look crossed Larry’s face, and he glanced at Jon for comfort or something.

  Gunner winked at Lily, and then without any warning he dodged, grabbed the gun off the counter and shot Jon. Jon slammed into the wall with a loud grunt, but Gunner didn’t pause. He flew at Larry, leaping into the air and landing a kick into the man’s abdomen. Larry’s breath popped out, and he leaned forward grabbing at Gunner’s leg. Gunner used him as a stabilizer and brought his other leg around, kicking Larry in the side of the head. Larry went down hard, taking Gunner with him. They rolled and crashed into the legs of the table and started exchanging blows.

  Blood was oozing from Jon’s shoulder, but he yanked his gun out and aimed at Gunner. Lily rushed him, dropping her head and driving it into his wounded shoulder. He cried out and dropped the gun. She kicked it away from them and planted her fist right in his temple, following it quickly with a left hook to his kidneys and a knee to his groin.

  He jerked in surprise, howling and leaning forward. Lily brought her fist up and slammed it into the soft flesh of his neck. He flung his head back, grasping at his throat and gurgling. She jabbed her fist into his solar plexus, and he gasped for air.

  Someone banged on the floor from downstairs. “Stop or I’ll call the police!”

  “Please do!” Lily hollered back.

  A small part of her thought she should show mercy, the man had been shot. If there was any chance the police might come to rescue her and Gunner, she could just hold Jon off. Yet these men seemed to have no qualms about following Bella Jolie’s directions to carve Lily up, and then shoot Gunner.

  Jon yanked out a knife, swinging it at her and making her decision to take him out. Lily brought her fist down hard on his wrist, and then dug her fingers into the sickening softness of his eye.

  He howled, dropped the knife, and pulled away from her, slamming his back into the door. Lily took in a breath of relief. All her training was actually paying off. Now if only they could be loud enough that someone would call the police. She turned to check on Gunner. He was on top of Larry, slamming his fist repeatedly into the guy’s face. She and Gunner were both winning. Yes! She wondered what they’d been planning on tying Gunner up with. If she could find the rope or zip ties or whatever one of them had on them, she and Gunner could tie them up and go deal with Bella Jolie. Lily wasn’t a scared, belittled girl anymore; she was more than capable of dealing with her mother.

  She reached for the phone on the counter, calling for help was definitely the first priority. Jon knocked into her, head first like a lineman, and drove her back into the couch. Pain radiated through her chest. She toppled onto her back. His huge frame pushed her deeper into the soft cushions as his hands came around her neck in a vice grip. Lily gasped for air, kicking, squirming, smacking at him, and digging her fingernails into his arms to try to pry them from her neck.

  Nothing worked. Panic pressed in as she couldn’t get any oxygen into her lungs. Cold sweat encased her body, and her vision seemed to be darkening. She tugged on his arms, but he wasn’t budging.

  Gunner appeared above Jon’s ugly face. He’d never looked as appealing to her as he yanked Jon’s hands from her neck and flung the man to the ground. Gunner jabbed him again and again in the head. Lily gingerly touched her tender neck, taking in some blessed air before slowly sitting up on the couch. Her stomach hopped, and the world swam for a second. When it settled, she could see Larry was passed out next to the dining table and Gunner was walloping Jon. She should go find something to tie them up with, or finally call the police, after her stomach stopped pitching.

  The door crashed open. “Police! Hands up!”

  Gunner took his time releasing Jon and standing with his hands up. Jon looked too stunned to move. Lily stood and put her hands up also.

  “Thank you for coming,” Gunner said evenly. “We need you to go arrest the woman who paid these thugs to kill us. She should be close by.”

  “Don’t tell us what to do,” one of the policemen shot back at him.

  “I’m a retired Navy SEAL, Lieutenant Commander Gunner Steele. I work for Sutton Smith.”

  The guy in the front’s eyebrows rose. “I’ve heard of him. Billionaire philanthropist who runs an exclusive security company.”

  “Yes. If you’ll check in with your superiors, they’ll explain we always work with law enforcement. Please go search the parking lot and surrounding area for Bella Jolie. She tried to have her daughter, Lily Jewel, murdered by these men, and frame me for it.”

  “The Bella Jolie?”


  “I heard something about a stalker and a kidnapping.” He looked over Lily. “I can see the resemblance.”

  Lily cringed.

  The policeman glanced at Jon. “Were you hired by Bella Jolie?”

  “I ain’t saying nothing,” Jon spit out, still not standing.

  “Please,” Lily echoed. “Don’t let her get away.”

  “You want your own mother arrested?”

  “More than anything.”

  “You two stay put and cooperate, and I’ll personally go look for her. You don’t know where she’d be?”

  Gunner glanced to Jon, but he just looked belligerent. “Try the airports,” Gunner suggested.

  The policeman left and the rest of the men handcuffed everybody, including Lily and Gunner. Larry came to and was able to struggle to his feet and walk with all of them out to the parking lot and the police vehicles. Lily had a sinking feeling in her stomach. They’d survived but from the sight of policemen scurrying around looking in vehicles and talking urgently with the hotel staff, Bella Jolie had disappeared.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Gunner rubbed his wrists as he finished his story for the local police, a third time. It was now early morning, and he should be exhausted but was still too wired from almost seeing Lily be choked to death. Lily. He cared far too much for her, and he had to protect her. That meant leaving her to find her mother, and then somehow finding Lily again. He didn’t mind complying with the authorities, but Bella Jolie was escaping as they talked, and he was itching to chase her down.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant Commander,” the officer said. “You’re free to go. Sutton Smith contacted us and one of our men will take you to the airport to meet the chartered plane Mr. Smith has waiting, if you’d like.”

  Gunner had tried to correct them on his title a few times—he was retired, but it did no good. “Thank you.” He shook the man’s hand and headed for the door. Now, to find Lily and get out of here.

  He stalked down a wide hallway to the receptionist area. Lily was standing next to the exterior window, her hand wrapped around her neck. Fury filled him again, just like when he’d finally knocked out Larry and whirled to find Jon choking the life out of her. Before that point she’d been holding her own with Jon, impressing Gunner, and unfortunately, making him relax and simply focus on his fight with Larry. A few more seconds and he might have lost her. The thought of losing her wrenched something deep inside and made him realize he was more deeply invested than he’d ever been. Lily was unreal, and he wanted to build a relationship with her. Resolve flowed through him. He wouldn’t lose her. He would track down her mother, and end this. Lily would be safe.

  “Lily,” he said softly.

  She turned, and she looked so vulnerable and beautiful, he figured he could give Bella Jolie a few more minute
s lead time. It was going to devastate him to leave Lily, even for this important assignment. Would it damage her trust in him again? He wanted to be with her, but he had to be true to who he was: a warrior.

  He opened his arms, and Lily gave a little gasp and ran at him. Gunner swept her into his arms, cradling her tightly against his chest. He bent and captured her lips with his own. Sparks and desire swirled around them. He tried to pour into his kiss that he would always protect her, even though she did a pretty great job of protecting herself. More importantly, he wanted her to know that he would come back for her. She wasn’t the type to sit around and wait, that was okay, he’d find her.

  A throat clearing pulled them apart. A smiling detective held up a set of keys. “Somebody need a ride to the airport?”

  Gunner nodded. They followed the man, hand in hand. He wanted to say so much to Lily, but it had to be private. The ride to the airport was too quick. Lily sat close to Gunner’s side and he kept his arm around her.

  The detective stopped the car. Gunner thanked him and slid out, helping Lily to her feet. He leaned back in and said quietly, “Could you wait a few minutes then give me a ride back to the hotel?”

  The man lifted his eyebrows in surprise but said, “Sure.”

  “Thank you.”

  Gunner shut the door and walked Lily into a building for private charters, out the other side, and across the tarmac to a waiting Cessna. He shook hands with the pilot. “Will you please fly Miss Jewel to San Diego? Sutton Smith will have someone waiting for her.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “What?” Lily demanded, jerking her hand free. “Where are you going?”

  “We need a moment,” Gunner said.

  The man bowed and climbed into the plane.

  “Lily.” Gunner brushed some hair off of her face. “Ah, beautiful Lily.”

  She stared up at him. “Did that hurt you?”

  “No.” He smiled. “But leaving you is going to.”

  “Then don’t leave me,” she rushed out, anguish filling her blue eyes.

  Gunner shook his head, even though pain stabbed at his chest. He didn’t want to leave her. “I’ve got to track down your mother. I will not allow her to come after you again.”

  “She’s probably fleeing to Mexico,” Lily protested. “If she comes for me, I’m more than prepared to take her out.”

  He smiled, knowing she could easily subdue her mother, but what about the men Bella Jolie would have surrounding her? He couldn’t risk Lily’s safety. Sutton would protect her, and Gunner would find her mother, starting with the information the local police had, then working from what Sutton’s experts would procure soon.

  She grabbed both of his hands. “Gunner, stay with me.”

  “Lily.” He squeezed her hands then leaned in and stole a quick kiss. “I’ll be back.”

  She looked so beautiful, innocent, and appealing he couldn’t make himself walk away. “Neither of us wants to live in a world where your mother is roaming free,” he said, trying to convince himself as much as her. He didn’t want to be separated from her. They had no commitment or promise, but he’d fallen for her over the last few days and wanted to see where this relationship could go.

  “It might take you months to find her, years,” she said.

  “Sutton’s teams are incredible and with as famous as your mother is and as much as she craves notoriety, we’ll catch her quickly.”

  “Take me with you.”

  He was shaking his head briskly. “No. I can’t risk you.”

  “I can fight.”

  “You can,” he agreed, “But you aren’t trained to be a field op, and I can’t endanger you.” He tugged her in and folded her smaller frame into his embrace. “Stay with Sutton and Liz. Stay safe. I’ll come for you.” He kissed her one more time, and then pulled away.

  “I’m not just going to sit around waiting for you like some stupid damsel in distress,” she flung at him.

  Gunner smiled. “No, that wouldn’t fit you at all. I really like you, Lily Bella Jewel-Jolie. Despite who gave it to you, your name fits. You are a beautiful flower who is also a priceless jewel.”

  Lily planted her hands on her hips, looking peeved at him, even though her eyes held a telling brightness. “Did that hurt you?”

  Gunner chuckled. “No, but not having you around to make me laugh will.” Her eyes were bright, her lips were full, and he didn’t know how to leave her. “I’ll see you soon,” he forced out then he turned and jogged away from her.

  “You might not find me,” she yelled to his back.

  Gunner’s heart felt like it was torn in two. He’d felt pain like this when he left his family the first time to deploy to Afghanistan. Then he’d been young and idealistic, he’d marched away with his back straight and strong, too proud to turn back despite the ache. Now he was older and thought he might be falling in love with this feisty, beautiful lady. He wanted to run back to her and hold her again, but he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to walk away if he did. He couldn’t allow himself to turn around, but his shoulders slumped slightly and his head bent for a moment. She was too perfect for him, and if he stopped, he’d never be able to leave her. He lifted his head, waved a hand in acknowledgment, and increased the speed of his run. When he reached the building, he jerked open the door and strode through, pulling out the phone Klein had given him and calling Sutton.


  “Sir, I’m sending Lily to you. Protect her.” His throat was so thick with emotion, he could hardly scratch out the words. Lily meant everything to him. Would she understand he’d only left because he had to track her mother down to keep her safe? When he came back, would she forgive him and love him, figure out with him how to make a future work for them? Too many questions, and he needed to focus on the mission at hand.

  “Of course.”

  “I’m heading after Bella Jolie now, with your support, sir.”

  “I’d like to go with you, but I’ll watch out for your Lily, and give you all the support you need from here. What else do you need?”

  “A lot. I need a lot, sir.” He was grateful Sutton was allowing him this mission, that his boss understood how personal it had become.

  “Ask away, old chap.”

  Gunner relaxed knowing Klein, Josh, and Blake would be rewarded for their help, and Bella Jolie had better find a large rock to hide under. With Sutton’s help and Gunner’s drive, she didn’t stand a chance. He prayed they’d find her quickly. Already, he missed Lily.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three weeks. Three miserable, lonely weeks. Gunner had left Lily at that airport, and he hadn’t even looked back. Worse, their only contact had been brief messages from Sutton about his progress and impersonal junk like “Gunner hoped she was doing well” or “Gunner said he’d see her soon.” Bleh! She needed him, not stupid second-hand messages.

  Lily had accepted Sutton Smith’s hospitality for a few days. She’d fallen instantly in friendship with his wife, Liz, his feisty daughter-in-law Alexandria, and his hilarious and maternal housekeeper, Agatha. Still, after three days she’d had to sit Sutton down and explain to the dapper, charming, James Bond lookalike that she couldn’t take it any longer. She had to be moving on. She had to work and be productive, mostly she had to flee from her longings for Gunner.

  Sutton and Liz understood about Lily needing her space. Agatha had cried as they hugged goodbye. Sutton and Alexandria’s husband River had flown with Lily on one of their private jets back to Idaho. She’d been able to say goodbye to James and everyone she’d worked with at the restaurant and Josh and Blake, who loved their fully restored truck that amazingly had five thousand dollars in the glove compartment. Sutton claimed that was all Gunner’s doing. It was very thoughtful of him and made her like him even more, but then it ticked her off. He had time to make sure a truck was restored and reward their buddies but not time to even pick up a phone and call her? Not that she had a phone, but Sutton did.

Sutton and River helped her relocate her camper to the Temple View R.V. lot in St. George, Utah, right close to downtown and the beautiful LDS temple. They wired the camper, her new phone and Apple watch with enough security to make certain that if her mother tried to come after her, she could have police by her side in minutes. They weren’t very concerned about it, and neither was she. Gunner was apparently tracking Bella Jolie through Nicaragua, and she was running scared. The likelihood of her coming after Lily right now was pretty low. Sutton had confided in her that Gunner, and her father, had paid handsomely for all the security. How interesting her dad would step up now.

  She found a great hometown spot to work in St. George, Nielsen’s Frozen Custard. After a few days she realized the new job choice may have been a mistake, as she was eating ice cream several times a day to help her deal with missing Gunner, and her work was within walking distance of her camper, so she wasn’t getting a long bike ride in every day. At this rate she was going to be sick to her stomach, gain twenty pounds, and still not get over Gunner. He was a jerk for leaving her anyway.

  Late one afternoon, she was walking through the city park on her way back from work. There were some fun water features for the kiddos to play in, and a stream that ran through it all with a fake, river-looking bottom that was soft to walk on. It was late September, but Southern Utah was twice as warm as Southern Idaho, and the temperature today was close to ninety. She took off her shoes and waded through the stream for a while.

  “That’s the most beautiful image I’ve seen in three weeks,” a deep voice said from behind her.

  Lily whirled and gasped. Gunner stood on the edge of the creek, grinning at her. She planted her hands on her hips and tossed at him, “Did that hurt you?”

  “Nope.” Gunner waded right into the water, not bothering to take his shoes off. “The only thing that’s hurt me is being away from you.”

  Lily wanted to grab him and kiss him, but she couldn’t give in that quickly. He’d deserted her to track down her mother and hadn’t even had the courtesy to send as much as a postcard. He eased in close to her, looking incredibly handsome in a white shirt, that showed off his toned biceps, and some gray shorts. His dark beard was trimmed, and his dark eyes were glinting happily at her. She was going to kiss him, after she told him off.


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