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Steele Family Romance Collection

Page 37

by Cami Checketts

  She met his gaze, her teal eyes gleaming. He often thought it was a gleam of desire, but then she’d reject him, and he’d be left wondering if she was simply playing for the crowd or if she just liked to toy with him. She was an angel … with a teasing side that kept him coming back every day, begging like a dog with his tongue hanging out.

  “Mean what?” She tilted her head, and the desire in her eyes morphed to a challenge.

  Jex chuckled easily, but his insides were churning and he felt like his future was riding on this question. He stepped even closer, cupped her smooth cheek with his palm, and said, “Will you give me a kiss for good luck?” He held his breath as he awaited her answer. How many days had they repeated this pattern, and how many days had he tasted disappointment instead of her sweet lips? He didn’t waste time calculating, but it was around a year ago that he’d grown brave enough to ask her these questions every day.

  Pearl’s gaze dropped to his lips, then returned to meet his eyes. His heart leapt and his pulse was racing as she leaned closer to him. His other hand went naturally around her trim waist. She placed both of her palms on his chest, and he caught his breath. This was happening. Him and Pearl. Forget the stunt. If she’d kiss him, agree to marry him, he’d sweep her off her feet and find a preacher somewhere on this beautiful island, and they’d be married on the beach at sunset. Every muscle tightened as he waited for her to say yes to his question—or even better, answer by kissing him. How he’d dreamt of kissing her.

  Her pulse was pounding so fast, he could see it thrumming in her neck. He ran his fingers down to that pulse point and brushed it. She let out a soft gasp that made his own pulse speed up. The smooth skin of her neck was so appealing. He wanted to kiss it, after he kissed her lips.

  She arched up, sliding her hands around his neck, but instead of going in for the kiss, she darted her lips around to his ear and said, “Not today. Ask again tomorrow.”

  The camera must’ve picked up her answer, because the crowd roared in disappointment. Jex barely heard it. Nothing could match the disappointment rolling through him in dark waves.

  She released him and stepped back. “Be careful,” she whispered.

  Jex swallowed hard and nodded to her. He grabbed his bike and waved jauntily to the crowd. “Another day, another rejection from the beautiful Pearl,” he said.

  They screamed back at him, clapping and hollering answers he couldn’t distinguish. He glanced at Pearl, wondering if rejecting him was simply routine for her, an automatic response. It hurt him every time, but he was Jex Steele and he had to push on and do his stunts like the brave madman he was. Brave. Ha! If he was brave, he’d go for a kiss at night, when he and Pearl were alone, but somehow her rejection in front of millions of people was easier to stomach than a rejection when it was just the two of them.

  He gave her a wink and a grin, as if his heart wasn’t aching for her and her lack of reciprocation didn’t matter one way or another to him, and pedaled off and around the fence barrier. This route wasn’t for mountain bikers and wasn’t even an official hike because of how dangerous it was, but of course he’d gotten permission to use it for a show.

  He cruised down the trail pell-mell, dodging rocks and jumping over tree branches on autopilot. Not today, not today. The words echoed in his head. What day, then? Why did the only woman he wanted reject him outright? Tonight, he reassured himself, they’d go to JoJo’s, then for a walk on the beach. Maybe he’d finally get brave enough to claim a taste of those full, pouty lips. They’d become close friends over the past six years of working together, and yet he never tried to kiss her when they were alone every night. His brothers would say he was the biggest wimp they knew, and they’d be right. It was easier to put the charade in a video that millions of people would see rather than be rejected in private and know she truly didn’t want him.

  “Where’s the dialogue from our favorite extreme sports guy?” Pearl’s voice asked in his earpiece.

  Shoot. He’d been stewing about her and needed to get his head in the game.

  The muddy trail suddenly dropped ten feet. He and the bike dropped with it, no problem, but the vicious drop-off he had seen on the virtual ride his safety guys took him through this morning appeared on his right. He flirted with it but brought the bike back in control and shot off through the bramble bushes, almost to the spot where the trail narrowed to a couple feet wide with game-ending thousand-foot cliffs on both sides. “Whew, friends, that was a close one. Guess my brain’s a bit muddy with another rejection from my dream woman.”

  He heard her soft laugh in his ear, but her voice was tart. “You’ve got so many takers, I’m sure one woman doesn’t matter much to you.”

  He shot out of the bushes, and the trail narrowed and the world fell away on each side of him. People called this a creepy-crawler hike, because some hikers’ fear of heights overcame them and they literally crawled on hands and knees rather than walk upright on such a dangerous precipice. He supposed most people would say he was insane to be biking it, but it was a normal day of work for him. He felt alive and invigorated. He was on top of the world, like usual. If only he could get Pearl to fall for him.

  “Ah, that hurts.” He spoke into his mic. “Pearl thinks I’ve got too many women after me, but you all know she’s the only woman I want.” He pedaled furiously toward the end point, his bike solidly on the trail. With his skill set he was in little danger, though it was a brutal drop. He looked down into nothingness. No coming back from that one. The views of the Napili mountains, the insane greenery deep below him, and the beautiful coastline beyond were inspiring. “I guess I’ll have to just prove I’m devoted to her.”

  “That would be a miracle,” she said.

  Jex smiled jauntily. “Well, love, I specialize in miracles.”

  She let out a small gasp, obviously watching the cameras as he flew toward the dead end of the ride: a rounded and flat spot that seemed suspended in the air with sheer green cliffs on all sides. The only way back to safety was the thin trail he’d just pedaled along to get here.

  Gripping his hand brake, he realized he was coming in faster than he’d planned on. He hadn’t had his head in this game. Pearl was the only thing on his mind. The best mountain bike tires anyone could buy chewed up the muddy surface, trying to gain traction and keep him and the bike from plunging off the rapidly approaching edge. Chances of survival if he went off were nonexistent, but that was what he did—face death every day to give people a thrill and let them live vicariously through him.

  The bike flew toward the ledge and he grinned. He released the bike handles and kicked off the seat, reversing his trajectory and flying into the air just like he planned. The trick was landing in the middle of the trail. A half foot too far on either side and he’d plunge to his death. Flipping in the air for added effect, he watched the bike plunge over the edge. He couldn’t worry about losing a favorite mountain bike. He had to stick this landing. Focused on the muddy spot, he bent his knees and landed only a few inches off-center. Pretty sweet trick, if he did say so himself.

  He heard Pearl’s scream as his momentum and the slick mud carried him toward the edge once again. His stomach tumbled, but he didn’t let fear enter the equation. He rotated over onto his hands and knees, grabbing at nothing. Was this it? Would he plunge down into the beautiful greenery below and never get that chance to kiss Pearl?

  Digging into the mud with his fingers, he clawed around in the softness, praying, hoping. Come on—in all this greenery, there had to be some kind of branch or a rock ledge. His body slid off the side, and he could hear Pearl screaming into the headset. “Jex!”

  Jex didn’t want to leave her; it wasn’t his time. He was scratching viciously for something to hold on to; any microsecond now and his body would be completely separated from anything solid. He felt a root with his fingertips and clamped on to it. His body jerked violently, and his shoulder felt like it would be wrenched out of its socket, but the root held. His feet and lower
body dangled over the side of the sheer drop-off. “Yes!” he hollered, punching the air with his other fist.

  Clinging to the root, he vaulted his body back onto solid ground, stood, and lifted both hands over his head. Tilting his head down so the camera would pick up just how far he would’ve fallen, he said, “Wow, that was a ride, my friends!” He gave a pretend shudder, but there was no fear in him. He’d come off the victor, like he always did. He truly did specialize in miracles—though maybe it was more likely that his mom, his little sister Lottie, and Pearl prayed him safe every day.

  Jex turned and jogged back up the narrow trail, anxious to see Pearl. Maybe she’d be so distraught over this near-death experience that she’d fling herself into his arms.

  “Jex?” Pearl’s voice in his ear.

  “Yes, love?”

  “Are you okay?” Her voice trembled and gave him some hope that she cared for him as deeply as he did for her.

  “Never better. We might need to get hold of our sponsor at Yeti. It appears I’ve lost another mountain bike.”

  Pearl let out a gurgle that might have been a strained laugh. “You’re insane.”

  “It’s what you love about me.”

  Jex picked up his speed down the thin trail. As he waited for Pearl’s answer, he made it through the bramble bush section and then reached the ten-foot drop-off where he’d almost lost the ledge earlier. He grabbed roots and branches and scaled it easily.

  “It’s not what you love about me?” he finally asked.

  “Let’s just say that after that little stunt, I’m not going to be rushing to change my last name, even with the appetizing one-syllable offer.”

  Jex’s gut churned. Dang. “We’re still on for JoJo’s?” He wasn’t ready to give up. How many years had he been in love with his beautiful assistant/manager, yet she’d kept him at arm’s length? He’d tried to date other women, hoping to either find someone he liked well enough to transfer his desperate affection from Pearl, or maybe make Pearl jealous enough to declare her own affection. Neither had worked. Over the past six months, he’d given up on dating anyone else and increased his flirtations with Pearl. He knew no one but Pearl would do for him, and he’d been so close today. Curse him getting distracted and almost going over the edge. It was a normal day’s work for him, and he knew it would get millions of views, likes, and shares. Great for publicity, but not so great for his relationship with Pearl. Instead of flinging herself into his arms like he dreamed, Pearl often closed off emotionally when he had a near-death experience. His ratings and earnings went through the roof, so you’d think she’d be happy.

  “We’ll see.” Did her voice sound a little choked up? If his luck today held she would get emotional and throw herself into his arms. A guy could hope. “Just get back here safe, please.”

  “You got it, love.” Please. And that sweet little catch in her voice. Maybe she did want him holding her.

  Instantly, she retorted, “And don’t call me love.”

  Jex grimaced. Or maybe not. He upped his run to a sprint, anxious to get a read on the situation with Pearl.

  He saw her as soon as he rounded the fence. She had her arms folded tightly across her chest. Her entire body was tense and closed off. Even a concerned frown couldn’t mar that lovely face that he adored. Why couldn’t she fall into his arms after he flirted with death? Most women would’ve responded that way. Not his vivacious and irresistible Pearl, unfortunately.

  The crowd saw him. They exploded. The barriers couldn’t keep them back as they rushed to him, wanting to slap his back, shake his muddy hand, see his scratched-up knees and elbows, and relive the stunt over and over again—which was easy to do, as that was exactly what the large screens were replaying.

  Pearl was pushed farther and farther away from him. He wanted to shove everyone out of his way, holler her name in desperation until she finally saw that he wasn’t teasing or joking, that he loved her and wanted only her.

  He clamped down his desires—he was afraid they’d never be reciprocated anyway—and concentrated on the brunette gushing over how brave he was. Brave? His brother Gunner, the ex-Navy SEAL who rescued children from slavery, protected innocent people, and took out drug dealers, was brave. Jex was just a crazy adrenaline junkie who got paid lots of money to show off. He wasn’t even brave enough to kiss the woman of his dreams.

  The crowd finally started thinning after hours of gushing over him, and he spotted Pearl over a petite redhead’s curly hair. Pearl’s face looked … resigned, almost sad. Her teal eyes met his, and she searched his gaze for a minute before shaking her head slightly and turning to talk to one of the camera guys.

  That wasn’t the look of a woman who thought her man was brave. That was the look of a woman who didn’t want a crazy man. Dang.

  Chapter Two

  Pearl Davenport-Jacobsen grabbed a few pieces of sushi—a rainbow roll, she thought—off the platter on the granite kitchen counter. The floor-to-ceiling windows of the open living area showcased the beach beyond but she was so upset she couldn’t focus on the gorgeous view. She hurried through the massive rental house and up the stairs to her room. Jex’s stunt had been over since early afternoon, but his fans, as usual, had surrounded him, gushing over him for hours. Jex’s events were always advertised on their social media sites, and the past couple of years had drawn increasingly larger local crowds hoping to meet and greet the celebrity. Jex never disappointed them, especially the ladies.

  She, the cameramen, the safety crew, and Jex had ridden back to the rental house on Hanalei Bay in miserable silence. The drive lasted over an hour, and even the youngest camera guy, Brent, who seemed oblivious most of the time, sensed the tension between her and Jex. Jex kept giving her concerned glances, but she didn’t know what to say. She’d let down her guard before his event and told him she’d think about changing her last name, and she’d almost let herself kiss those lips she dreamt about.

  Jex risked his life more often than most people checked their Instagram account. Most of the time she thought she dealt pretty well with watching the man she loved almost die, watching women fawn over him, and teasing with him for the crowd. She yearned for his smile, his teasing words, and a simple touch of his hand, but today it was all too much. She was tired. Maybe it was time to move on. Jex paid her an insane amount of money to manage his finances and investments, his schedule and events, keep everything behind the scenes flowing well, and flirt with him for the crowds and cameras. She’d always been attracted to him and thought he was a chill and amazing guy, but over the last six years, they’d become close friends. For the past year, they’d innocently began each show with flirtatious banter. The cameras had picked up on it, and his fans loved it.

  Pearl usually loved teasing with Jex, and she knew she loved him. But today had left her horrified. She vividly remembered every angle on the big screens, from his helmet cam to the drones following him, showing him almost go off that thousand-foot drop. Twice.

  When she’d realized he wasn’t stopping fast enough on the bike, she’d screamed, sure that her life would be over when his ended. Then he kicked off the bike and used that momentum to stay in the safe zone. But that wasn’t enough for Jex Steele; the adrenaline junkie did a flip in the air to show off and then slipped toward the other edge of nothingness. Watching him scramble for some kind of handhold as his body almost plunged over the edge had taken years off her life.

  Gone. He would’ve just been gone. She didn’t even know how they would’ve recovered his body. How would she have consoled his mom and his sister, Lottie? How would she have gone on with life without Jex and his teasing, irresistible smile?

  No amount of money would be worth losing him. And as much as she loved spending day after day with him, the generous paychecks were starting to feel like hazard pay, but with his life on the line instead of hers.

  Today was far from his worst near-death experience, but each one was harder for her to watch. She knew how desperately she loved him,
and she also knew that even if the playboy crazy man truly did care for her and would settle down with only one woman, it was inevitable that one day a stunt would go wrong and she would have to watch him die. She imagined if she finally gave in and kissed him, she’d only be more in love and more committed to him.

  Slamming into the spacious suite that overlooked the tan sand and rolling waves of Hanalei Bay, she clicked around the hardwood floor in her heels. She was anxious and upset but also tired, so tired. Ripping her heels off, she slid out of her skirt and quickly unbuttoned her blouse.

  A loud knock came at her door.

  “What?” she hollered. All decorum had gone out the window.

  “Love?” Jex’s deep, irresistible voice called. “You ready for shaved ice?”

  Shaved ice? Shaved ice? He’d almost killed himself today, and he was holding her to her silly comment about going for shaved ice? She realized she was overreacting as he almost killed himself most days, but the cumulative damage of watching it over and over again was wearing on her, and she couldn’t remain casual and detached much longer.

  She rushed to the door and flung it open. “Are you insane?” she yelled at him.

  Jex’s beautifully stubbled jaw dropped open, and his deep brown eyes with those gorgeous long lashes were so wide they looked like saucers.

  “What?” she flung at him.

  Jex’s eyes darted up and down the length of her body; then he gestured to her. “Uhhh ….” He shoved a hand through his hair, squeezed his eyes shut then grunted again. “Uhhh ….”

  Pearl looked down at herself and let out a squeak of surprise. She slammed the door in his face. Even though he couldn’t see her anymore, she wrapped her open shirt around her bare abdomen, humiliated. Her bra and panties were more covering than most bikinis, but still … What in the world had she just done? She was so unsettled and mad at him that she hadn’t even stopped to realize she was undressed.


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