Russia Against Napoleon: The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace
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2nd Guards Division: Major-General I. F. Udom
Brigade: Lithuania (Litovsky) Guards Regiment; Life Grenadier Guards Regiment
Brigade: Pavlovsky Guards Regiment; Finland Guards Regiment
2nd Guards Heavy and 1st and 2nd Guards Light batteries
Third (Grenadier) Corps: Lieutenant-General N. N. Raevsky
1st Grenadier Division: Major-General P. N. Choglokov
Brigade: Count Arakcheev Grenadier Regiment; Ekaterinoslav Grenadier Regiment
Brigade: Tauride Grenadier Regiment; St Petersburg Grenadier Regiment
Brigade: Kexholm Grenadier Regiment; Pernau Grenadier Regiment
2nd Grenadier Division: Lieutenant-General Prince Karl of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Brigade: Kiev Grenadier Regiment; Moscow Grenadier Regiment
Brigade: Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment; Fanagoria Grenadier Regiment
Brigade: Siberia Grenadier Regiment; Little Russia Grenadier Regiment
33rd Heavy and 14th Light batteries
Reserve Cavalry: Lieutenant-General Prince D. V. Golitsyn
1st Cuirassier Division: Major-General N. I. Preradovich
Brigade: Chevaliers Gardes; Horse Guards
Brigade: His Majesty’s Life Cuirassiers; Her Majesty’s Life Cuirassiers
1st and 2nd Guards Horse Artillery batteries: Colonel Kozen
2nd Cuirassier Division: Major-General N. V. Kretov
Brigade: Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment; Pskov Cuirassier Regiment
Brigade: Glukhov Cuirassier Regiment; Astrakhan Cuirassier Regiment
3rd Cuirassier Division: Major-General I. M. Duka
Brigade: Military Order Cuirassier Regiment; Starodub Cuirassier Regiment
Brigade: Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment; Novgorod Cuirassier Regiment
Guards Light Cavalry Division: Major-General I. G. Shevich
Brigade: Guards Dragoon Regiment; Guards Lancer Regiment
Brigade: Guards Hussar Regiment; Cossack Guards Regiment
Lancer Division: Major-General Baron E. I. Müller-Zakomelsky
Chuguev Lancer Regiment; Serpukhov Lancer Regiment; 2nd Tatar Lancer Regiment
Ataman Cossack Regiment and 2 other Don Cossack regiments
1st Don Cossack Horse Artillery Battery
Reserve artillery:
1st Guards Heavy Battery; 1st, 14th, 29th, 30th Heavy batteries
Marine Guards artillery detachment: 1st, 3rd, 10th, 23rd Horse Artillery batteries
Army of Silesia
Army Corps of Lieutenant-General Baron Fabian von der Osten-Sacken: 24 battalions, 30 squadrons, 12 irregular cavalry regiments, 60 guns = 17,689 men
10th Infantry Division: Lieutenant-General Count Johann von Lieven
Brigade: Iaroslavl Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Crimea Infantry Regiment; Belostok Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 8th and 39th Jaeger regiments
16th Infantry Division: Major-General S. Ia. Repninsky
Brigade: Okhotsk Infantry Regiment; Kamchatka Infantry Regiment
27th Infantry Division: Lieutenant-General D. P. Neverovsky
Brigade: Vilna Infantry Regiment; Simbirsk Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Ternopol Infantry Regiment; Odessa Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 49th and 50th Jaeger regiments
Cavalry: Lieutenant-General I. V. Vasilchikov
Brigade from 3rd Dragoon Division
Smolensk Dragoon Regiment; Courland Dragoon Regiment
2nd Hussar Division: Major-General S. N. Lanskoy
Brigade: Belorussia Hussar Regiment; Akhtyrka Hussar Regiment
Brigade: Aleksandria Hussar Regiment; Mariupol Hussar Regiment
8 Don Cossack regiments; 1 Kalmyk and 1 Bashkir regiment; 2 other Cossack regiments
Artillery: Major-General A. P. Nikitin
10th and 13th Heavy, 24th and 35th Light, and 18th Horse Artillery batteries
1 company of pioneers
Army Corps of General Count A. de Langeron: 53 battalions, 37 squadrons, 176 guns = 43,531 men
Sixth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Prince A. G. Shcherbatov
7th Infantry Division: Major-General F. I. Talyzin
Brigade: Pskov Infantry Regiment; Moscow Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Libau Infantry Regiment; Sofia Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 11th and 36th Jaeger regiments
18th Infantry Division: Major-General P. E. Benardos
Brigade: Vladimir Infantry Regiment; Tambov Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Dnieper Infantry Regiment; Kostroma Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 28th and 32nd Jaeger regiments
Eighth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Count E. de Saint-Priest
11th Infantry Division: Major-General Prince I. S. Gurelov
Brigade: Ekaterinburg Infantry Regiment; Rylsk Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Elets Infantry Regiment; Polotsk Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 1st and 33rd Jaeger regiments
17th Infantry Division: Major-General Georg Pilar von Pilchau
Brigade: Riazan Infantry Regiment; Beloozero Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Wilmanstrand Infantry Regiment; Brest Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 30th and 48th Jaeger regiments
Ninth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Z. D. Olsufev
9th Infantry Division: Major-General E. E. Udom
Brigade: Nasheburg Infantry Regiment; Apsheron Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Riazhsk Infantry Regiment; Iakutsk Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 10th and 38th Jaeger regiments
Detachment of General A. Ia. Rudzevich: 15th and 13th Infantry divisions:
Brigade (15th Division): Vitebsk Infantry Regiment; Kozlov Infantry Regiment
Brigade (15th Division): Kuriia Infantry Regiment; Kolyvan Infantry Regiment
Brigade (13th Division): 12th and 22nd Jaeger regiments
Tenth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General P. M. Kaptsevich
8th Infantry Division: Major-General Prince A. P. Urusov
Brigade: Archangel Infantry Regiment; Schlüsselberg Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Staroingermanland Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 7th and 37th Jaeger regiments
22nd Infantry Division: Major-General P. P. Turchaninov
Brigade: Viatka Infantry Regiment; Staroskol Infantry Regiment; Olonets Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 29th and 45th Jaeger regiments
Cavalry Corps: Lieutenant-General Baron Friedrich von Korff
3rd Dragoon Division: Major-General A. N. Berdiaev
Tver Dragoon Regiment; Kinburn Dragoon Regiment
1st Dragoon Division: Major-General N. M. Borozdin
Moscow, Kargopol, Mitau, New Russia Dragoon regiments
4th Dragoon Division: Major-General G. A. Emmanuel
Kharkov Dragoon Regiment: Kiev Dragoon Regiment
1st Mounted Jaeger Division: Major-General S. D. Panchulidzev
Chernigov, Arzamas and Seversk Mounted Jaeger regiments
2nd Mounted Jaeger Division: Major-General Count Paul von der Pahlen
Livonia and Dorpat Mounted Jaeger regiments
Irregular cavalry
5 Don Cossack, 3 Ukrainian Cossack and 1 Kalmyk regiment
Artillery of Langeron’s Army Corps:
2nd, 15th, 18th, 32nd, 34th and 39th Heavy batteries; 3rd, 19th, 28th, 29th, 32nd, 33rd and 34th Light batteries; 8th Horse Artillery Battery and 2nd Don Cossack Horse Artillery Battery; 3 pioneer and 3 pontoon companies
Army of the North:
Army Corps of Lieutenant-General Baron F. von Winzengerode: 29 battalions, 48 squadrons, 20 irregular cavalry regiments, 96 guns = 29, 639 men
Detachment of Lieutenant-General Count M. S. Vorontsov
21st Infantry Division: Major-General V. D. Laptev
Brigade: Petrovsk, Podolia and Lithuania Infantry regiments
Brigade: Neva Infantry Regiment: 44th Jaeger Regiment
31st Heavy an
d 42nd Light Artillery batteries
24th Infantry Division: Major-General N. V. Vuich
Brigade: Shirvan and Ufa Infantry regiments
Brigade: Butyrki and Tomsk Infantry regiments
Brigade: 19th and 40th Jaeger regiments
46th Light Artillery Battery
Cavalry: Major-General Count Gothard von Manteuffel
St Petersburg Dragoon Regiment; Elizavetgrad Hussar Regiment; Iakhontov Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
5 Don Cossack, 1 Bug and 1 Ural Cossack regiment
Detachment of Major-General Harpe
Navagin, Tula, Sevsk infantry regiments
2nd, 13th, 14th Jaeger regiments
3 Combined Grenadier battalions
Cavalry detachment of Major-General Count Joseph O’Rourke
Nezhin Mounted Jaeger, Pavlograd Hussar, Polish Lancer and Volhynia Lancer regiments
6 Don Cossack, 1 Siberian Cossack and 1 Bashkir regiment
Cavalry detachment of Major-General A. I. Chernyshev
Finland Dragoon Regiment; Riga Dragoon Regiment; Izium Hussar Regiment
5 Don Cossack regiments; 4 guns of 8th Horse Artillery Battery
Army Corps artillery
31st Heavy, 42nd and 46th Light Artillery batteries; 8 guns of 8th Horse Artillery Battery
Army of Poland:
Commander: General Levin von Bennigsen: 43 battalions of army and 27 battalions of militia infantry: 40 squadrons of army regular cavalry, 10 regiments of irregular cavalry, 7 squadrons of militia cavalry: 198 guns = 59,033 men
Advance Guard: Lieutenant-General E. I. Markov
16th Infantry Division: Major-General M. L. Bulatov
Neishlot Infantry Regiment; 27th and 43rd Jaeger regiments
13th Infantry Division: 2nd Brigade: Major General Ivanov
Saratov Infantry Regiment: Penza Infantry Regiment
Cavalry: Major-General S. V. Diatkov and Major-General N. V. Dekhterev
Orenburg and Vladimir Lancer regiments; 1st Combined Hussar Regiment; 1st Combined Lancer Regiment
4 Don Cossack regiments, 1 Ural Cossack regiment, 4 Bashkir regiments
1 regiment Siberian Cossack militia and 1 regiment Penza militia cavalry
Artillery: 16th Heavy, 56th Light and 30th and 10th Horse Artillery batteries
Right Flank Army Corps: General D. S. Dokhturov
12th Infantry Division: Major-General Prince N. N. Khovansky
Brigade: Smolensk Infantry Regiment; Narva Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Aleksopol Infantry Regiment; Novoingermanland Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 6th and 41st Jaeger regiments
26th Infantry Division: Major-General I. F. Paskevich
Brigade: Ladoga Infantry Regiment; Poltava Infantry Regiment
Brigade: Nizhnii Novgorod Infantry Regiment; Orel Infantry Regiment
Brigade: 5th and 42nd Jaeger regiments
13th Infantry Division: Brigade of Major-General Axel Lindfors
Velikie Luki Infantry Regiment: Galits Infantry Regiment
Cavalry detachment: Lieutenant-General E. I. Chaplitz
Combined Dragoon Regiment: 1st and 2nd Combined Mounted Jaeger regiments; 2nd Combined Lancer Regiment; Taganrog, Siberia and Zhitomir Lancer regiments
Artillery: 26th and 45th Heavy, 1st and 47th Light, 2nd Horse Artillery batteries
1 company miners
Army Corps reserve artillery: 22nd Heavy, 18th, 48th, 53rd Light, and 9th Horse Artillery batteries
Left Flank Army Corps: Lieutenant-General Count P. A. Tolstoy
Militia Corps of Major-General N. S. Muromtsev
4 regiments of Nizhnii Novgorod militia infantry; 1 regiment of Nizhnii Novgorod and 1 regiment of Kostroma militia cavalry; 1 Ural Cossack regiment
52nd Heavy and 22nd Horse Artillery batteries
Militia Corps of Major-General Titov
3 regiments of Penza militia infantry; 1 regiment of Riazan militia infantry and 1 regiment of Riazan militia jaegers; 1 regiment of Riazan militia cavalry; 2 squadrons of Kazan militia cavalry
64th Light Artillery Battery
Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh
British Library
Correspondance de l’Empereur Alexandre
Correspondance de l’Empereur Alexandre Ier avec sa sœur la Grande Duchesse Cathérine 1805–1818, ed. Grand Duke Nicholas, SPB, 1910
V. Bezotosnyi et al. (eds.), Otechestvennaia voina 1812 goda: Entsiklopediia, Moscow, 2004
Eugen, Memoiren
Memoiren des Herzogs Eugen von Württemberg, 3 vols., Frankfurt an der Oder, 1862
Istoricheskii vestnik
L. G. Beskrovnyi (ed.), M. I. Kutuzov: Sbornik dokumentov, Moscow, 1954, vols. 4i, 4ii, 5
Materialy voenno-uchenago arkhiva (1812, 1813)
Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii
Russkii arkhiv
Relations diplomatiques
Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voenno-istoricheskii arkhiv
Russkaia Starina
Sbornik istoricheskikh materialov izvlechennykh iz arkhiva S.E.I.V. kantseliarii
Sbornik imperatorskago russkago istoricheskago obshchestva
St Petersburg
Stoletie voennago ministerstva
Trudy gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeia
Voenno-istoricheskii sbornik
Vneshniaia politika Rossii
Voennyi sbornik
Chapter 1: Introduction
1 Much of this introduction is drawn from my article, ‘Russia and the Defeat of Napoleon’, Kritika, 7/2, 2006, pp. 283–308. That article includes comprehensive footnotes, and interested readers should consult it as regards references to most of the secondary literature. This introductory chapter also skims across many topics covered in more detail later in the book, at which point I will make the necessary citations to literature in the notes.
2 For the key works in English on and around this subject, see Additional Reading.
3 The one exception is Christopher Duffy: see his Austerlitz, London, 1999, and Borodino and the War of 1812, London, 1999: both of these are reprints by Cassell of books published some years previously. Both books are brief and were written when Russian archives were shut to foreigners. Duffy’s main works on Russia cover an earlier period.
4 Of course by this I mean the primary sources: there is much splendid French secondary literature on the Napoleonic era. See my article in Kritika, n. 14.
5 Memoiren des Herzogs Eugen von Württemberg, 3 vols., Frankfurt an der Oder, 1862.
6 For example, the memoirs of Friedrich von Schubert, the chief of staff of Baron Korff’s cavalry corps: Unter dem Doppeladler, Stuttgart, 1962.
7 Carl von Clausewitz, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia, London, 1992.
8 Clausewitz’s judgements on the later stages of the campaign are more mellow: conceivably it helped that by then he was serving under Peter Wittgenstein, at whose headquarters all the key officers were German.
9 The first three volumes of Rudolph von Friederich (Die Befreiungskriege 1813–1815) cover the spring and autumn campaigns of 1813 and the campaign of 1814: Der Frühjahrsfeldzug 1813, Berlin, 1911; Der Herbstfeldzug 1813, Berlin, 1912; Der Feldzug 1814, Berlin, 1913.
10 See the five volumes of Geschichte der Kämpfe Österreichs: Kriege unter der Regierung des Kaisers Franz. Befreiungskrieg 1813 und 1814, Vienna, 1913.
11 This is most true as regards Henry Kissinger, A World Restored, London, 1957.
12 See e.g. Anthony D. Smith, ‘War and Ethnicity: The Role of Warfare in t
he Formation, Self-Images, and Cohesion of Ethnic Communities’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 4/4, 1981, pp. 375–97.
13 Above all thanks to Peter Hofschroer’s two volumes: 1815: The Waterloo Campaign, London, 1998 and 1999.
14 The tart comment by F. Zatler in 1860 that logistics is the big weakness of military history still largely remains true: Zapiski o prodovol’stvii voisk v voennoe vremia, SPB, 1860, p. 95. The best published source on Russian logistics in 1812–14 remains the report submitted to Alexander I by Georg Kankrin and Mikhail Barclay de Tolly: Upravlenie General-Intendanta Kankrina: General’nyi sokrashchennyi otchet po armiiam…za pokhody protiv Frantsuzov, 1812, 1813 i 1814 godov, Warsaw, 1815. There is a useful candidate’s dissertation by Serge Gavrilov, Organizatsiia i snabzheniia russkoi armii nakanune i v khode otechestvennoi voiny 1812 g. i zagranichnykh pokhodov 1813–1815 gg.: Istoricheskie aspekty, SPB, 2003. On Napoleonic logistics, see Martin van Creveld, Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton, Cambridge, 1977, ch. 2.
15 There is an interesting recent work on the horse in war by Louis DiMarco, War Horse: A History of the Military Horse and Rider, Yardley, 2008.
16 On Wellington and the history of Waterloo, see Malcolm Balen, A Model Victory: Waterloo and the Battle for History, London, 1999, and Peter Hofschroer, Wellington’s Smallest Victory: The Duke, the Model-Maker and the Secret of Waterloo, London, 2004. Buturlin’s work was originally published in French in 1824: Histoire militaire de la campagne de Russie en 1812. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky’s first published campaign history was on the 1814 campaign: Opisanie pokhoda vo Frantsii v 1814 godu, 2 vols., SPB, 1836. His history of 1812 was published in Petersburg in 1839 in four volumes: Opisanie otechestvennoi voiny 1812 goda. The next year his two-volume history of the 1813 campaign was published: Opisanie voiny 1813 g.
17 On Russian historiography of the Napoleonic Wars, see I. A. Shtein, Voina 1812 goda v otechestvennoi istoriografii, Moscow, 2002, and the article by V. P. Totfalushin in Entsiklopediia, pp. 309–13.