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Devil's Reach Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 60

by J. L. Drake

  “’Bout time you’re home!” Fin punched my arm again; his little fist was red just like his glossy eyes. I could see he was hurt I didn’t come find him, but truth be told, I was so wrapped up in Tess I forgot.

  “Why aren’t you in your jammies?” Tess went from sexy to sexy mother in two seconds.

  “Vib didn’t wash our clothes, so I got nothing to wear.”

  It was the first time I ever heard him call his mother that. I wondered how she was dealing with Gus being gone.

  Tess moved from my hold and disappeared out back.

  “Glad Tess is back.” Fin sniffed away his tears.

  “Not me?” I half smirked.

  “Like you care.” He folded his arms and turned away.

  Something inside of me shifted, and I was able to feel something for the little runt. I always liked the kid, but he clearly was upset I didn’t go see him.

  Fuck. This wasn’t something I was used to. I blamed Tess for this shit feeling.

  “I care, Fin,” I muttered uncomfortably. “I’m just not good at showing shit like that.”

  “Yeah,” he sniffed. “That’s nothin’ new.”

  “Then why are you givin’ me shit?”

  “Because he wants you to try.” Tess hit my shoulder. “Come here, rug rat, you need to be in bed.”

  “Where’s your mom?” I asked, curious where the junkie was tonight.

  “Asleep in bed, since yesterday.”

  Tess snapped me a look.

  “Cooper,” I grunted, “what’s up with Vib?”

  He rolled his eyes, annoyed. “Gus is away, so Vib will play.”

  Fucking cokehead.

  I watched Tess take Fin to bed and chuckled at Peggy, who was headed my way with her bloody nose.

  “Any other chick would have been thrown out on her ass for that shit she pulled.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed with a smirk.

  “What makes her different?”

  I hated personal talk, but something made me speak to it. Peggy had been a hangaround for a lot of years.

  “She ain’t going anywhere, Peggy.”

  She went silent. She better not cry. I hated when they cried.

  “Fuck, I fuckin’ hate you. I been trying hard to show you I want you for a long time, and you want that little piece.”

  I finished my drink, not wanting to give her an inch.

  I held her gaze; I wasn’t going any further with the conversation.

  “You know what?” She dropped her annoying act and took a moment to think about her words. “Tess is a dime a dozen. When you’re done being blinded by her hot ass and teeny tits, you know where to find me, and you can get some of this.” She grabbed her big boobs and held them up.

  “Can I cash in on that?” Rail tapped his beer to her glass.

  I pushed off my seat and headed for my room. I was fucking tired of talk. I glanced in the boys’ room and saw they were already asleep. I couldn’t help but scowl at Vib’s naked body, her fake tits pointed at the ceiling.

  Fucking train wreck.

  My room was empty. I went to hunt for the one person I needed to sink nine inches of myself into.

  “Where is she?” I found Brick with Minnie, heading to their room.

  “Pool.” Minnie giggled.

  I tossed my wallet and keys in my room before I headed out that way. The wind was warm tonight, which had drawn more of the guys outdoors than usual.

  “So, you just left?” Cooper was sitting on a lounge chair next to the pool while Tess floated near the edge.

  “It’s not so cut and dried, but yes, I got away.”

  “Have you considered they’ll come for you?”

  She shifted and drew her leg up to her chin, and the double air mattress bounced up and down. She was in a black bikini, lying on her back, and her hair was spread out around her. The water on her skin make her tits glisten in the low light from the pool house.

  “Be truthful,” he said as I tossed a blanket in the back of my pickup.

  She sighed before she answered. “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but I would trade places with Gus in a heartbeat.”

  “Why didn’t he leave with you?”

  “They did a number on his knees.”

  “Cooper.” I flicked my head at him so he’d leave.

  He stood and waved at Tess. “Good to have you back, Trigger.”

  I nodded and waited for him to leave, then I pulled off my pants and slid into the water, moving silently toward her.

  She lit a fat joint as she watched me approach and sucked back a long puff before she let it go into the dark sky above.

  “What are you thinking?” she whispered.

  I smirked as I dove and overturned the air mattress, pulling her into me.



  Blood dripped down my fingers as I glanced dispassionately down at the mess on the floor. I pressed my head hard into my fists up against the wall.

  This can’t be happening. How in hell did he get released?

  “Boss,” Zay whispered cautiously behind me.

  “No,” I hissed. “Leave.”

  He sighed heavily, but he didn’t leave. “Fox thinks he has an idea to lure her out. Give me fifteen minutes, and we might be able to convince her.”

  A low chuckle came from the across the room. I turned my head and saw the sly grin on Gus’s face.

  The man had a death wish.

  “You think she’s ever going to betray Trigger?” He squinted through his two black eyes. “You clearly don’t know her at all.”

  I tapped my fingers on the bloody wall while I mulled over his comment.

  “Perhaps she won’t betray Trigger, but how far would she go to save you?”

  The eyes gave nothing away, and he held his irritating, smug face.

  “I’m nothing but a fuckin’ weathered old man. She’s tougher than you think an’ won’t risk the club for me.”

  I smirked. “Yes. You are a weak old man, not worth shit, I agree, but those two boys of yours might be worth exploring. She will do what I want because of them.”

  His tongue darted out to lick his lips. I’d hit home.

  “Ah, yes,” I purred, pleased to have hit the nail on the head. “The moment you set eyes on your nephew years ago, I knew I had you. You have a weakness for kids, like so many people do. It’s interesting to me that people get so emotional over sniveling, snot-nosed little brats. I’ll never understand the allure.”

  With that, I left and headed upstairs to shower the techy nerd’s blood off me. My green eyes stared back at me from the mirror. I knew my reflection was just a mask, and as I stared, I opened my mind to reveal my real self. I stuck out my tongue. Oh, yes, there it was.

  The devil’s fork.

  “Allen,” Gus banged on the window, “stop fucking around and let me in. I have a right to see my nephew.”

  “Did I say you could touch that?” I screamed at the little shit who held a piece of bread he’d stolen from the bag on the counter. “You already ate.”

  His gaze dropped to the ground, but he didn’t put it back.

  “What are you, stupid? Put that shit back. You think I’m made of money?”

  He shook his head and rested the bread on the counter. His hands fell to his sides as I marched over and tossed the bread in the trash.

  “That was your fault I had to throw it out. Now you don’t get dinner.”

  He stood still like he always did when he was in trouble. It was frustrating when he didn’t answer me.

  I gave him a smack to the head, but he didn’t react. He was a tough little son of a bitch.

  “Answer me,” I commanded.

  He cleared his throat, lifted his head, and held my gaze. “Sorry, sir.”

  I could swear I saw a tiny smirk before he lowered his head again.

  “Get the fuck in your room before I give you the belt again.”

  Suddenly, the door flew open, and Gus blew in. The little
shit took that moment to run to his bedroom. Gus, of course, followed, and I plopped in my chair.

  “So, you’re out of prison again, Gussy?” I shouted before I tuned into the TV, annoyed.

  “Hey, kid,” Gus whispered loudly, “sorry it’s been a while. What do you have there?”


  “Ha,” he chuckled lightly, “it looks well used.” I heard the squeak of the mattress. He must have sat down. Please, make yourself at home, Gus. I rolled my eyes. How pathetic. I listened for the kid to answer him.

  “Do you know who gave you that?”

  I turned my head toward his room, curious about what the kid had.

  “No,” the kid answered.

  “Someone special, that’s who.” There was a scuffle of feet, and then the bed squeaked again. “Is that where you keep it?” Pause. “That’s a good spot.” The kid’s grunt seemed to agree.

  I started to push up from the chair to go see what the fuck the little shit had been hiding from me, when I noticed a flyer on the coffee table. My buddy Nick had dropped it off the other day, but I hadn’t looked at it.

  Underground fight taken to a new level.

  Come see Mad Mike, the untouchable eleven-year-old!

  My blood ran hot as excitement raced through me. I needed to make some quick cash, and Nick had said that Mad Mike kid was insane.

  “What do you call him?” Gus’s voice pushed through my thoughts as I hurried to the phone to let Nick know I was in for tonight.

  “Mr. Rabbit.”

  “Father!” Zay raced into my room. He held his hands in the air so I wouldn’t snap his fucking head off. “She still has it! The chick has some balls because she used it to blackmail the fuckin’ judge to get them released.”

  “You said you saw her destroy—”

  “I know,” he interrupted me, and I glared at him with a twitch in my neck. “But I had no idea she had a second copy. It wasn’t like I could look around the club, and Trigger was there, and that stupid fucking bartender had eyes in the back of his head.” He stumbled over his words.

  My hands covered my mouth as I thought about my plan. The bitch had a second copy, or maybe even more.

  I almost felt the power surging through my body. All was not lost.



  “Ah!” I yelped. “Trigger, it’s cold!”

  “Mm,” he moaned in my ear. “I’ve tried to play the understanding role, but you’re out here in this,” he fingered my swimsuit and twisted my nipple, “talkin’ to Cooper while I’m dealing with my own problems.” He grabbed my hand and pushed it to his giant erection. I gave it a squeeze before I nipped at his chin. He picked me up and plunked me back on the mattress then crawled up and lay beside me. He paddled us over to the side to snag a joint out of the bag on the pool deck and pushed us off again.

  He sucked back a large puff before he twisted and blew it slowly in my face.

  What was it about Trigger when he smoked pot? It was as if he was mind fucking me in all the right places. His eyes would darken, his breath smelled sweet like the drug, and the feeling I’d get when he drew the smoke into his lungs made me clench internally.

  “I can help you with that problem.” I panted and dragged my tongue up his neck to his jaw. “I’m here. Do what you want.”

  He leaned up and flexed his strong muscles and looked down at me through hooded eyes.

  “Too many people.”

  “Never stopped you before.” I couldn’t help but say it. Trigger was known for fucking women wherever, whenever.

  “No.” He hopped off and pulled the mattress over to the edge and hauled me off. He hiked me up over his shoulder and walked to the back of his pickup.

  “It’s cold,” I yelped as my back hit…a blanket? “Oh.”

  His fingers clawed at my bottoms and tossed them over his head, and before I had a moment to think, his mouth covered my opening, his tongue deep inside me.

  “Shit,” I cried as I strained to keep up.

  He lifted my hips high to plunge his tongue even deeper. My nails combed his hair blindly, and I pressed hard against his head. My body was wound up so tight, I needed this so much, but my inner coil fought the release he offered me.

  He dove, sucked, and nipped, but my head was stuck. Guilt wouldn’t let go, and I didn’t blame it. What right did I have to feel such bliss when Gus was stuck in that hell wondering if I made it back?

  “Tess,” Trigger grunted, which brought me out of my inner loop, “where the fuck are you?”

  “I’m here.” I was confused and, honestly, pretty jacked up inside.

  He studied me for a moment before he rubbed his lips dry.

  “Are you?”

  Fuck, this was not how this was supposed to go.

  “I’m sorry.” I inched back from him.

  “Don’t.” He caught my leg before I could move any more. “Don’t pull away like that.”

  “Trigger,” I moved to my knees and took his hand, “I feel so guilty.”

  I could swear tears were on cue when it came to the situation with Gus.

  “I know,” I waved him off, “it was the only way out, but it doesn’t make it any easier to know he’s there and I’m here.”

  Trigger moved to sit on the truck bed. “What did he say to you before you left the last time?”

  “Just that it was the only way to get out of there, and I was to find the blue folder that was in the top of his closet and use it if he didn’t return.” I shook my head. “I haven’t found it yet. I don’t want to.”


  His reaction made me wonder if he knew what it was. “What is the blue folder?”

  Trigger pulled me to his chest and kissed my head. “Gus gave me custody of the boys when Fin turned one. I’m their legal guardian, but Vib doesn’t know. He got her to sign the agreement when she was wasted.”

  I moved to face him. “You’re the boys’ legal guardian?” Holy shit. Wow. “Why didn’t you ever step in when Vib was spiraling?”

  “I did.” He tucked my hair behind my ear. I wondered if he knew the tenderness he was showing. “I just don’t let the others know.”

  “That’s pretty cool.” I grinned boldly. I loved this new insight I had into Trigger. I knew Vib had disappeared into drugs more than once, and the fact that Gus had done that for his boys didn’t surprise me.

  I turned and tugged at his waist. “You started something a moment ago.”

  “I did.” He pulled at the strings of my top and popped it forward. “Fuck, I missed these.” He bit my nipple, and when I moaned, he lifted me over his lap so I straddled him.

  His was everywhere. His hands roamed freely, not leaving one place untouched. We were starved for each other.

  I felt as if I were flying in and out of a hurricane. My vision would blur as he nudged me toward the edge of my climax then quickly dragged me backward into clarity.

  My back bowed in an arch off the flat bed to get him deeper. I dug my heels into the strong muscles over his shoulder blades.

  “Yes,” I moaned when he tipped my opening. One hand grabbed his hair, and I pushed him further inside me. “Harder!” I forgot how much I needed his wildness to come out when I was exposed like this. I needed to know it was okay to let go.

  He pulled back and stared down at me with hooded eyes. “Shift down.” He offered me a hand before he pulled his jeans off. His erection flopped down heavily, and a little excitement dripped from the tip.

  His hands slid slowly up my inner thighs then came together at my opening. His thumb rubbed a small circle as his other hand gave himself a few pumps.

  I dripped with need, my stomach clenched, and my breathing was hot and heavy. I was two seconds to losing my shit in the clubhouse’s back yard.

  A fever broke across my tender skin as he pushed inside me to the base.

  Trigger released a low growl, and both hands palmed my breasts as he twitched inside me and drove my clit crazy. My body ached wit
h need. I needed a goddamn release now!

  Just as I started to move, he pulled out. “Flip over.”

  I didn’t waste any time. I waited eagerly for another good thrust. Instead, I jumped when I felt his tongue drag up the length of my spine.

  My nipples grew hard and pointed. It was such an intimate act that I had to shake my head clear of emotion. I didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  “Tess,” he groaned in my ear and twisted one of my greedy nipples.

  “Damn it, fuck me, Trigger,” I wanted to get in a fight just to have him flip his switch.

  I barely got the last word out before he slammed into me. One hand held my shoulder and the other my hip. His thrusts knocked the air out of me as I clung with sweaty hands to the edge of the steel frame.


  Over and over and over again he took what was his and left me feeling wanted and loved in our twisted, fucked-up way.

  I barely felt him lift me as he swung me around and put my back against a tree.

  “Open your eyes,” he grunted. “I fucked you up against a tree the first time, and it won’t be the last.” He dropped me onto his erection and found his spot on my neck and started to suck away. I clawed at his back, wanting more, but wanting less. It was wonderfully painful in all the right places.

  Trigger let out a roar as he came. His stomach flexed and quivered, which tipped me over.

  Fuck me.

  I couldn’t care less at who was around. It was our moment, and we so desperately needed it.


  After my shower, I pulled on my clothes and headed out to the bar.

  My phone lit up the space under the bar. I waited until I served my last customer before I finally checked it.

  Shantee: Girl, I’m in town tonight. We need to go out!

  An hour later…

  Shantee: Don’t make me hunt you down, Tess.

  I laughed to myself. She was such a trip. I quickly wrote her back.

  Tess: Meet me at Duke’s in twenty.

  Shantee: On the way.

  I grabbed my bag, let Morgan know where I was going, and headed down the road.


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