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Devil's Reach Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 65

by J. L. Drake

  “I kept her company.” Morgan came up behind me and rested his arms on the back of the truck. “I found her eating in the trash. I tried to catch her, but she bolted to your truck. I figured you allowed it, so I fed her ’til you came back.”

  I nodded my thanks. Morgan was good at keepin’ shit quiet.

  “He’s heading out,” he said quietly as he lit a smoke. “Was hopin’ to tail him.”

  My forearms rested on the side of the truck bed as we both faced away from the clubhouse.

  “Where’s he off to?”

  “Death Valley Junction.”

  Slowly, I turned, and we mirrored the same expression.

  “That so?”

  “Hmm. Could be a trap?”

  “Yeah, could be.”

  I ran through all the scenarios that might come from tailing him, but none ended with all my guys returning in one piece.

  “Looks like we need to do a road trip of our own.” I rubbed the kitty’s ear. “Call Cray, tell him to set up a meeting. He wouldn’t question that.”

  “Will do.”

  Trigger: Will you track someone for me?

  Mike: What’s the number?

  I snapped a photo of the serial number on the back of the tracking device and attached it to my text.

  Trigger: I’ll turn it on within the next twenty.

  Mike: I’ll be in touch.

  Trigger: My debt is getting large.

  Mike: Repayment’s a bitch.

  The bar was quiet when I left my office. Tess was chatting with Minnie, and Peggy was making a show of scraping shit off a table but really was hitting on a friend of Cooper’s.

  “Peggy.” I waved her over, and she dropped the knife she was using and hurried like she was about to get laid.

  “Come to your senses yet?”

  “Do me a favor.”

  “What do I get in return?” She glanced down at her boobs.


  Her face twisted in confusion. “Advice?”

  “Take this,” I handed her the black device that looked like a cell phone, “give it to Rail.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  I glared at her. The fucking nerve of this woman.

  “Fine!” She tossed up her hands. “Whatever.”

  “Brick and Morgan, pack your bags. We leave for Cray’s in an hour.”

  The two men didn’t miss a beat as they headed to their rooms to pack up.

  Tess was watching me. She told Minnie to hold on while she made her way in my direction.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You need to stay here.”

  She looked doubtful as she folded her arms.

  “Is it Gus?”

  “It’s a lead.” I scanned the room to see who was in earshot. “Stay here and don’t leave the club. I’ll be back tomorrow night.”

  “Trigger,” she pulled my attention down to her worried face, “you’re going to come back to me, right?”


  “Don’t lie to me, Trigger.” I saw the fire lick her insides. It was one of the things I loved about her. No bullshit, she wanted it straight. “I will cut you in your sleep.”

  I couldn’t help but smirk, but it quickly faded when I realized she was serious.

  “Just ask Bret. Oh, wait, you can’t,” she joked darkly, but I could see a part of her was bothered by it.

  “I will.” I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed her hard. “Don’t leave.”

  “Fine.” She nodded then went back to where Minnie was waiting for Brick to come out.

  “Ryder.” My voice boomed through the room as he raced by with a bag of trash. He fit in well as a prospect, kept his head down and listened. I guided him away from the others. “You watch Tess. She stays at the club. You hear me?”

  He nodded, but I could tell he was worried. “You, ah…you know she doesn’t really listen, right?”

  I handed him a different cell, ignoring the fact that he was right. “Use this to call me. Don’t use yours. I want updates every few hours.”

  “Okay. Everything okay, boss?”

  “No one comes in the club unless they’re a member.”

  He nodded again. “Are we expecting company?”

  “I sure fucking hope not.”

  I answered my phone and headed out, giving Tess one last look. “Mike, tell me you have it.”



  “I really can’t tell if you’re flirting.” I laughed, and Rail gave me a wink from behind the cigarette that flopped around between his lips.

  “Well,” he eyed the man sitting next to him, “that’s just depressing.”

  “It’s your approach.” I finished drying the cutting board and leaned my hip into the bar as I gave him the once-over. “You come in hard and fast like some seventeen-year-old pimple puss, all hyped up and round-eyed with the prospect of sex.”

  “And that’s a bad thing, I’m excited?”

  “Yes.” I swatted his arm. “I’m not a woman who wants romance, but,” I held up my hand, “I’m still a woman, and we still have a built-in little swoon factor. You need to be smooth but not sleazy.”

  “I’m not sleazy.” His head pulled back like he was genuinely shocked by this idea.

  “Oh, Rail,” I cupped his cheek, “you are the sleaziest.”

  “That hurts, you know.” He lit another joint then openly ogled a woman who walked by. When his eyes met mine again, his eyebrows rose with guilt. “That was different.”

  “Hopeless.” I started to turn, but he grabbed my arm to stop me.

  “Please don’t give up on me, Tess. I have a problem.”

  “We all know that already,” Peggy huffed then glared at me. “There’s a package for you in Trigger’s room.”

  “Hey, Peggy,” Rail leaned over and fingered a piece of her hair, “your eyes are like little drops of heaven. If I’m not careful, I might get lost in them.”

  Of course, a sleazy line like that would get Peggy to grin. Only thing was, her lipstick had stained her teeth red, and it definitely broke the moment.

  “I can’t.” Rail stood with his hands in the air. “Nope. Not happening.”

  “Don’t blame you.” I laughed and locked the bar cash box.

  “What?” Peggy whined and looked around to try to understand what we were talking about. “What did I do?”

  “You need a mirror in your life,” Brick muttered from the front door.

  “Tess!” Cooper slumped at the bar. “I thought you were meeting me for breakfast by the pier?”

  “Oh, my God.” I smacked my forehead, irritated that I’d stood him up. “I’m sorry, Coop. Fin needed a walk to school, and halfway there I noticed Vib hadn’t packed him a lunch, so I swung by the store to get some stuff to make him one.” I leaned forward to smile at him. “I’m really sorry.” I didn’t mention the hardest part was convincing Ryder it was okay for me to leave the club to walk the kid the short distance to school.

  “Meh, you can make it up to me somehow.”

  “Absolutely.” I gave him a quick squeeze before I stepped away from the bar.

  I glanced at Ryder, who watched me like a hawk. Clearly, he had strict instructions to keep an eye on me. “I’ll be right back. I just need to take him his lunch.”

  He nodded but looked pathetic. I thought he should feel a little better because I had returned after walking Fin the first time. “It’s hot, and I need a quick change before I go. Do you want to come watch?” I couldn’t help but tease him. He was such a mess, and I could almost see the sweat as it stained his armpits. He shook his head and stepped aside to let me pass. He really needed to relax a little. Freaking out about my every move wasn’t going to help anyone.

  Once I was down the hallway and away from the others, I pulled out my phone, hoping Trigger had texted me.


  With my head down, I rounded the corner and into our room. I set my Netflix to The Fall and headed into the
bathroom where I kicked off my shoes, peeled off my clothes, and shimmed on a cotton shirt and jean shorts.

  The box caught my attention. Oh, yeah, my package. I wondered who it was from. It was bulky and looked damp, and the sides bowed out a bit.

  Why would they set it on the bed? Why not on the floor or the table?

  With a pocketknife, I tore back the clear tape and pried the flaps open. My knees balanced on the mattress as I peeled the plastic back.

  What the hell?

  It took about four seconds for my head to catch up with my eyes, and about six for my voice to find itself and tear through my vocal cords in a throat-ripping scream.

  I hopped back, which made the bed jerk and the box jump. The severed head was stuffed into the box so it stared straight up into my eyes.

  “Ahhh!” I couldn’t do anything but scream. The smell hit my nose, and my stomach tried everything not to bring up my breakfast.

  Holy shit! I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to erase the memory that was now burned into my retinas.

  From somewhere, the screams became louder. I fisted my chin and locked my elbows together as my chest shook with fear.

  There were moments when shock could be so damaging that your brain turns off. The impact of what you have witnessed plowed through to your core, like a punch to the soul. Everything stopped, and you were left a fragile, empty casing.

  That was me, right here, in this very moment.

  “Sweet hell!” Rail, gun drawn, burst through the door with Ryder right behind him. Big Joe was tight on their heels. Both circled my room, all sense of fun from the earlier banter lost.

  “Tess?” Big Joe stood in front of me and shook my shoulders gently. “What happened?”

  “The box.” I pulled myself together enough to point with a shaky hand. “Jace is inside.” Once the words slipped past my lips, I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop what was coming next. I couldn’t break down, not yet.

  “Oh, shit.” Rail gagged dramatically, which was shit. Rail loved anything disturbing. “That’s just nasty.”

  Big Joe positioned himself in front of me to block my view, and his arm landed over my shoulders to give me a side hug.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that, Tess. People are animals.” Most people would have thought Big Joe didn’t have feelings. He just worked the door and remained in the background most of the time. Really, he was a huge softy who had been nothing but good to me since I arrived. He never questioned my loyalty to the club either, unlike some others. I hugged him back.

  “They couldn’t have left his arms on? I have nothing to grab onto. Gross.” Rail snickered. “Ears it is, man.” He pulled out his cigarette and put it out on the side of Jace’s face. My mouth dropped open, and Joe made a sick sound.

  “What?” Rail shrugged. “Not like he can feel it.”

  “Come on,” Joe pulled me out of the room, “let Rail deal with it.”

  Big Joe sat me at a table, and Ryder joined us.

  “Shit, Tess, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  “Somebody sent her Jace’s head in a box.” Big Joe had his phone out. “What do you think? I need to call Trigger.”

  “No, don’t,” I pleaded. “He’s got enough on his plate. Give me the night to deal with it. I’ll be all right.”

  “Sorry, chicky, we have rules.” He tried two times, but Trigger wasn’t picking up.

  “I have—” Ryder started to say but stopped short.

  “You have what?” Joe asked.

  “I thought I had something, but I remember it broke.” He eyed me for a moment before he left the room.

  “Strange kid.” Joe took the seat across from me and gave me a sad smile. “You okay?”

  I shrugged. “Yeah. I think I’m still in shock.”

  “Good.” He nodded. “It’s a numb feeling like a car idling. Live in that moment for as long as you can.”




  DR: Change in plans. Meet me in the other spot.


  Allen: On the way.

  “Fox, Zay, change in plans. We’re meeting at the shop.” I grabbed the keys and headed out to the car.

  “Father Allen, is that you? Are you back in town?” One of the most annoying chicks in the church stopped me at the door.

  Gawd. I forced my annoyance down.

  “Ms. Terrance, how are you this fine day?” I flashed a million-dollar smile at her but secretly hoped she’d get hit by the next car that drove by.

  “I’m well, thank you. I’m thankful for our Grace that I’m able to stand without any help.”

  It took all my power not to roll my eyes as her long story continued about her painful gout condition. She should stop eating, for fuck’s sake. Fat old cow.

  She reached out and touched my arm and left her hand there. “I can feel him, you know, every time I touch you.”

  That’s the Devil reaching out to say if you don’t leave, he will send the reaper to deal with your gout. But think what you will, you old bat.

  I kind of liked the idea that she could feel the power inside me.

  “How kind.” I covered her hand with mine and gave it a squeeze. It took everything inside me not to break her fingers. Fuck me, what was it with people needing to touch me to feel complete?

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Terrance,” I removed her hand from my arm, “but I’m in desperate need of supplies for our church, so if you don’t mind—”

  “Oh, dear, do you need help? Perhaps a donation? I’d love to help our church.”

  That stopped me.

  “My, Ms. Terrance, I think that would be a lovely gesture. Your generosity will be rewarded by the Lord, I’m sure.”

  She pulled out a sizable wad of cash and started to count the hundreds. “Will this do?” She showed me six hundred.

  I took the wrist that held the rest of the money and closed my eyes, “Dear Lord, will you please steer the dear, sweet Ms. Terrance on just how much money we need?”

  I peeked out from under my lashes and saw she was beaming at the opportunity.

  “Oh,” I jerked excitedly, “he says this will do.” I gently pulled the stack of cash from one hand and the six hundred from the other. “Bless your kind heart.” I turned and walked back to the car.

  “I feel him!” she shouted, still stuck in her trance. “I feel the Lord.”

  I nodded at her with a smile and started the car.

  “Nice.” Fox reached through the seat and started to count the money while Zay remained quiet. “Six, eight, a thousand. Damn, boss, we have about fifteen hundred.”

  “Not bad for the Lord’s work.”

  “That was messed up,” Zay muttered and avoided my glare.

  “You can’t be a killer and harp about my methods.”

  “You speak about the devil, so I know you believe. What will you do when you meet the man above?”

  I laughed, which pissed him off. Zay was no saint, but he had become fucked up in the head after setting eyes on Tess.

  “I’ll be saying the same thing you will be, Zay. Where’s the down elevator?”

  I laughed and slammed the car into reverse but not before I gave Ms. Terrence an overly dramatic wave goodbye.

  The parking lot was empty, so it was easy to spot his bike parked a bit away in the bushes. I noticed his overnight bag was not in evidence, which made me curious.

  “You’re not staying?” I asked as he stepped out of the side door.

  “Not this time. Something feels off.”

  “Hence the new meeting place. Stop worrying. Everything is going to go smoothly. Are we still on for Friday?”

  His gaze followed a truck behind me. “Let’s do it tonight. Trigger has his chapters combing for information on you. It’s only a matter of time.”

  I took a moment to think it through. Yeah, that was doable. “All right.” I nodded at Fox to make it happen.

  “How’s Gus?”

  I shrugged. “St
ill alive, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Won’t be able to walk right anymore.” Fox jabbed him in the arm, missing the social cues that he wasn’t in the mood to play around.

  “Did he ever?” Zay snickered from behind me. He was a moody son of a bitch sometimes.

  I checked my phone while I rubbed my chin, thinking. “You have anything to tell me?”

  “No, they’re still chasing a lead up north. They have no clue you’re so close.”

  I tugged on my stiff collar, about ready to knife his balls. He must have caught my mood, as he cleared his throat and tried again.

  “You just need to say when and where, and I’ll have her there.”

  “Tomorrow morning,” Zay cut in.

  I made a hissing sound in the back of my throat as a warning to Zay to shut the fuck up.

  “You want tomorrow, boss, I’ll have her there.”

  My head started to pound, not with pain but with excitement. To have that little bitch back in my custody would really send Trigger off the deep end.

  “Tomorrow, nine a.m., surf shop by the pier.” I stepped up and removed his glasses, handing them to Zay. I studied his eyes, searching for any signs of betrayal, but all I got was a tired, burned-out soul staring back at me.

  “I’ve kept your secret for well over a decade, Allen,” he muttered. “Think by now I’ve earned a little trust.”

  “Can’t blame a man for lack of trust after his own son tried to kill him.”

  He snatched his Ray-Bans back from Zay and slipped them over his eyes to give them the cover they needed. The shades couldn’t hide the deeply etched crow’s feet at the corners.

  “And who saved your life when no one else did?”

  “Case in point, and you will soon have your promised reward.” I offered my hand, and he gave it a good shake before he settled in on his bike and left.

  Chapter Twelve


  “How many?” I whispered to Morgan when he poked his head inside the garage. We had chased Fox to this location, and even though it was a trap, I didn’t care. We were that much closer to Gus.


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