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Fighter's Claim

Page 6

by D. D. Galvani

  When I turned my back to get in the shower, I heard him swear, “God fucking damn him to hell.” When I felt him ghost his fingers over the belt marks, I shied away. His lips tightened. “Get in the shower and then back in bed, Tish.”

  “You’re mad,” I said, trying to duck under his arm.

  He sighed. “I’m not mad at you babe, I’m pissed for you.” He worked as he talked, wrapping the cast on my arm with a baggie and tucking the ends inside so it wouldn’t get wet. Then he moved me into the shower, checking the water once more before letting me settle under the spray.

  The water hit my head and I lifted my face to the spray. “Ahh, that feels so good,” I said. I jumped, trying to move away when I felt someone at my back.

  “Shh,” he soothed, “it’s just me, babe. I’m gonna wash your hair.” He adjusted the showerhead, the water flowing down my back.

  “Does it sting?” he asked.

  “Not enough to make it stop,” I replied.

  He grabbed a bottle of shampoo, squirting some into his palm. The scent of wildflowers filled the air. He rubbed his palms together, then his strong fingers massaged the shampoo into my scalp. I leaned forward so he could work the soap into the tangled mass. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his strong fingers working the silky substance into the messy locks.

  His rough hands snarled in the strands that were stuck around my face; he carefully unwound them from his fingers. He rinsed the soap out, then repeated the procedure with some conditioner.

  He pulled a pink pouf off the shower handle, slathered some of my body wash onto it, and then handed it to me. I took it from him, washing the front of my body as best I could with one arm. He stood back, braced against the wall, relaxed but attentive should I need help. I tipped my head back under the spray, letting the water wash out the conditioner.

  I looked over at Jameson, handing him the pouf to wash my back. My eyes wandered down his body; his cock was tenting his shorts. It wasn’t hard to miss. His shorts were soaked—Lord, he wasn’t wearing underwear! He was thick and long, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

  “Tish, you keep staring at my cock like that you’re gonna get more than just a look.”

  My eyes jerked up to his face; lust blazed back at me. I blushed. I couldn’t help it, quickly I turned around for him to wash my back.

  Very gently, he ran the pouf over my back and buttocks, squatting down to wash my legs and feet, turning me to rinse. Getting up, he shut off the water.

  I felt a towel hit my back and I grabbed it, wrapping it around my body. He opened the door ahead of me, following close behind me ‘til I sat on the edge of the bed again.

  A fresh set of panties and sleep shorts with a T-shirt lay on the bed. I grabbed the panties, but trying to bend over to put them on pulled a pained cry from my lips.

  Jameson was immediately there, taking them out of my hands to slide them over my feet, up my legs, over my hips. I took them from him, pulling them into place. He was down on the floor with my sleep shorts next. Balancing by clutching his head, I lifted my foot one at a time while he slid them on. Next came my T-shirt. He pulled it over my head, helping me get my bad arm into its sleeve while I put my other arm through. I felt his fingertips glide over my bruises. I pushed his hand away, smoothing the T-shirt over my torso.

  He let me but he lifted my head as he spoke. “Babe, this isn’t over. When those bruises heal and you’re feeling better, you and me have some alone time coming.”

  He leaned down, kissing me softly since my lip was still busted.

  I blushed, and he smiled. “From the way you were looking at my dick in the shower, you liked what you saw.”

  I could feel the heat on my cheeks but I didn’t back down. “Jameson, that thing looked like a loaded weapon.”

  He burst out laughing, kissing the top of my head. “Lay down, babe, get some rest. You need to heal quick, or I’m going to have a permanent case of blue balls!” My blush spread over the tops of my breasts. He noticed, tracing a finger over the swells. He sighed and removed his finger.

  He dried off, tossed the wet shorts, and pulled on a pair of jeans but left them unbuttoned at the top, all while I was busy getting into bed. I kept sneaking peeks at his firm butt cheeks ‘til they were covered by the worn denim.

  He came over to the bed, leaned down, kissed me lightly on the lips, and stood up. “I gotta get to work, babe, but I’ll be back later.”

  He pulled a T-shirt over his head. As he was walking out the door, I caught a glimpse of a girl walking up to him. She pulled the T-shirt down, saying something to him. I wanted to get up and pound her into the ground but I couldn’t even swing my legs over the bed without getting dizzy. Damn the man for being so sexy.

  The door closed and they walked away, leaving me stewing alone in his room.


  I met Sonya, the blonde who replaced Cristal, coming out of my room. She came up to me, pulled my T-shirt down, and plastered herself against my body. Usually my dick would have stood up and taken notice but after just being with Tish I didn’t feel a twinge.

  I lifted her away from me, continuing down the stairs with her following close behind. I turned at the bottom of the stairs. “Sonya, I gotta get to work.”

  She stopped a couple steps above me so we were eye level. “What’s going on, Fighter? You were so hot to get in my pants. Then I haven’t seen you for days; now I do, and you’re blowing me off. What the fuck is that?”

  “Listen, Sonya, we were never exclusive. You wanted to fuck, we fucked; there are plenty of other guys in the club that can scratch your itch.”

  “Fighter, I don’t want any of the other guys. I’m happy with things the way they are; why can’t we continue doing what we’re doing?”

  “Sonya, I don’t have time for this shit, I’m late for work. There are other things going on right now. I’m sorry you’re feeling hurt, but that’s just the way it is. Now, keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself unless I invite you to touch me. Go find some other brother to fuck.”

  I knew I was being an asshole to her, but she wouldn’t leave it alone. It wasn’t her I wanted to sink my dick into anymore, it was Tish.

  I went downstairs into the office. Walking in, I found Dukes lounging on the couch. Sonny was on the other end with his laptop open. Breech was at the table in front of his computer with a cup of coffee.

  I lifted my chin at the three men, saying, “Sorry I’m late.”

  Breech chuckled from behind the table. “Sonya’s pussy keeping you busy, Fighter?”

  I turned towards Breech, wanting to pound his face against the desk. He didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, but it still pissed me off. When I’m pissed I fight, hence my road name. I took a calming breath then blew it out.

  What the fuck was wrong with me? Every man here enjoyed pussy. At one time or another we’ve even shared the same women. Don’t get me wrong, my dick doesn’t get near another dude’s but I’ve been sucked off by a woman while one of my brothers fucked her and vice versa. I know I had a reputation of being a player. I didn’t mind that before, somehow, I did now.

  “Any word on Aden, Sonny?” I asked.

  “No, man. I got some guys working on it but so far the guy’s off the grid.”

  “Shit, so not what I wanted to hear. How could he have gone so ghost?”

  “I know, man, I’m doing all I can but the guy is a slippery fucker. He knows how to lay low.”

  Dukes looked at me. “How’s Jiji and Tish?”

  “Jiji is fine; the bump on her head is healed. She’s chomping at the bit to get back to school and volunteering at a shelter. Sonny, do we know anyone here with the ASPCA that could use some help at the local shelter?”

  “On it, Fighter. I’ll get with Opry and see what we can do for her. Danko knows a bunc
h of local business owners; maybe he can help too,” Sonny said.

  “Isn’t Opry’s girl a vet?” I asked.

  Dukes piped up, “Yeah, she has her own animal clinic. She could be a big help. Sonny, see if Opry can hook her up with his girl,” Dukes said. “As for her classes, Sonny, do you think you could spare a laptop so she can catch up online?” Dukes asked.

  “I have a couple she can pick from, Dukes. I’ll get her outfitted and online by the end of today.”

  “Good deal. Thanks, Sonny,” I said.

  Dukes cell rang, and he got up to answer it, exiting the office as he spoke to his caller. Five minutes later, he stuck his head back in the door.

  “Fighter, we gotta hit the Firing Line Club; Opry has some issues with a supplier. Meet you at your bike in ten.”

  I acknowledged his order with a salute as he closed the door. “Sonny, since we are heading down to the Firing Line, I’ll check with Opry about getting his girl to help Jiji.”

  “Okay by me,” he said. “Fighter, while I got you here, the 3rd street property is almost ready for its open house. Once KK, Dolly, and her crew get done, I’ll get it listed for you.”

  “Thanks, Sonny, you’re the man!” I said.

  He flipped me the bird as I walked out of his office, laughing.

  When I went down to my bike to meet Dukes he was already mounted up, waiting for me. I put on my helmet, straddled my bike, and turned the key, twisting the throttle. The engine came to life, roaring then settling into a loud purr. I loved that sound; it always settled me, gave me peace. After I backed out, I put the bike in gear, pulling out behind Dukes. Once we passed the gates, I swung in next to him, riding side by side to the Firing Line Club.

  I could picture Tish on the back of my bike, her arms wrapped around me, her thighs hugging me. Shit, where did that thought come from? I’ve never wanted a woman on the back of my bike. I’ve liked being alone with my machine. Feeling the wind, the tires gripping the pavement, rolling through turns, picking up speed on backcountry roads.

  The road was a bit slick from a recent rain; the front wheel slid sideways before I got control again. Pulling into the Firing Line’s driveway, we parked and dismounted.

  Dukes looked over at me. “Fighter, shiny side up, remember? What the fuck happened back there? Keep your mind on your ride, brother. We don’t need you having an accident, feel me?”

  “Sorry, Dukes, won’t happen again,” I replied.

  He slapped me on the back, smiling. “Sure thing. Come on, let’s see what Opry’s problem is.”

  Going inside the range, I saw Opry through the glass so I signaled for him. Opry came out to greet us. “Hey, Fighter,” he said, bumping fists with me. “I haven’t seen you since the charity ride, some prime pussy keeping you at the club?” he asked.

  I laughed. “No, bro, my little sister blew into town. I’ve been busy sorting her shit.”

  “Holy hell, man, everything okay?”

  I gave him a quick rundown of the story Jiji and Tish told us.

  He sucked in a deep breath. “Fighter, that’s a shitty thing to happen. I’m fuckin’ sorry about your mom, man!”

  “Thanks, brother! I appreciate that. I went home a couple months ago to see Jiji graduate from college, so at least I got to see her before she died. But that fucker Aden is dead.”

  “No worries, Fighter, we’ve got your back,” he said.

  “Listen man, Jiji needs some help with her vet tech stuff. Sonny said your girl is a vet? Do you think she could help Jiji?”

  “Sandra takes students all the time; I’ll talk to her and get back to you.”

  “Thanks, Opry.”

  “You got it, man.”

  Opry turned to Dukes and started explaining the issue with one of his munitions suppliers, but I listened with half an ear, already planning on what I would say to Jiji about work and school.

  Concluding their business, they shook hands then Opry pulled me in for a man hug, slapping my back. I did the same and we headed out.

  “See you at the club later?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, gotta pick up Sandra, then I’ll see you guys later! Sure glad it’s Friday; Dukes, I could use some time to kick back and enjoy the party this weekend,” Opry said.

  I smiled at him. “Whose pussy you gonna be balls deep in tonight, Dukes?”

  “Like you don’t know, Fighter. This cute little brunette’s been hanging out at the clubhouse with me for how long now?”

  Dukes had been seeing Lani for a couple years. I really liked her—she could take it then dish it right back at you. “I wouldn’t mind that firecracker in my bed tonight,” Dukes said. I slapped him on the back, laughing.

  My mind was on a beautiful redhead who was already in my bed. We put our helmets on and rode back to the club.


  Doesn’t hurt too much, but I have to pee again, was my first thought upon waking up. I looked around, but Jameson wasn’t there. Jiji, however, was sitting at the desk with a laptop in front of her, hammering away at the keyboard. She didn’t hear me moving because she had her earbuds in. She was bopping along to the music.

  I swung my legs over the side of the bed, happy that I didn’t feel dizzy or lightheaded. Putting my feet on the floor and standing up, I felt secure, so I walked over and tapped Jiji on the shoulder.

  She screamed, jumping up from her chair, almost knocking the laptop off the desk. “God fucking damn it, Tish, warn a girl before you scare 10 years off her life!” Jiji was standing with her hip against the desk, her hands hovering over her heaving chest.

  The door banged inward. Breech came running into the room. “What the ever-loving fuck is going on?” He was half dressed, no shirt or shoes and he smelled fresh from the shower. He quickly searched the room for trouble. Seeing none, he stopped in front of Jiji. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the rapid rise and fall of her chest. “Why did you scream?”

  “It was me, Breech,” I said. “She had her earbuds in, didn’t hear me come up behind her.”

  He reached out to Jiji but she flinched away. Slowly he let his hand drop. Turning towards the door, he spoke to both of us, “You’re safe here, but if you need anything just call one of us.” The door shut quietly behind him.

  “I’m sorry, Tish, I didn’t know you were awake,” Jiji said, watching the closed door. She shook herself like a wet dog. We laughed at her clowning.

  “Don’t make me laugh, I gotta pee so bad.” I moved into the bathroom with her laughter following me. I used the toilet and was washing my hands in the sink when I heard Jiji come through the door, sitting on the closed seat while she talked.

  “I never did thank you, Tish. I’d be dead if you hadn’t come in when you did. Aden would have killed me too!”

  “Too? What do you mean too?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Jameson didn’t tell you? Aden killed her, Tish; Mom’s dead.”

  I walked over to Jiji and we clung to each other tightly. “I love you, baby girl. I have from the minute you walked up to me in school; you’re my best friend. I would do anything in this world to help you and keep you safe. I’m so sorry about your mom.”

  I felt the sobs that wracked her body. I rocked her ‘til the tremors stopped, murmuring nothing words and just holding her while she cried.

  She smiled through her tears. “You nailed Aden, though, girlfriend. You gotta teach me that move.”

  She squeezed me hard, then she let go, wiped her eyes, and blew her nose. Getting up, she turned on the water at the sink and washed her face.

  I could hear someone knocking on the bedroom door. “Come in,” I called out, walking out of the bathroom.

  It was Boomer coming to check up on us. “Good to see you standing, Tish. How’s your face and side feel? Any pain anywhere else?�

  “My side is pretty colorful and it aches but I’m not in much pain,” I replied.

  “How about your arm?”

  “The cast on my arm is helping but I can feel it throb from time to time. I know my face looks like shit, but I can open my eye now. My lip has begun to heal without breaking open and dripping blood when I talk or laugh.”

  As I said all this, he guided me to the chair by the desk and was taking inventory of my injuries. He had just lifted my shirt to get a look at my side when Jameson opened the door.

  His face filled with fury; he snatched Boomer away and let my shirt fall. “What the fuck, man,” he yelled.

  Boomer held both hands up. “Chill, bro, I’m just checking her injuries.”

  Jameson blew out a breath. “Sorry, man; no harm no foul.”

  Jiji came out of the bathroom, smirking at Jameson. “Big brothers got it bad,” she said as she passed. I wanted to wring her neck but she smirked at me too.

  She packed up her laptop, heading out the door. “I’ll be downstairs doing my online homework,” she said as she left the room.”

  Boomer said, “I’ll check you out downstairs, Jiji, once I finish up with Tish.”

  “Okay, Boomer, see you down there,” she replied.

  Boomer looked at me. “How you doing on pain meds, Tish?”

  I frowned. “I don’t like taking them, Boomer. They make me loopy, and I hate that feeling.”

  “I know, Tish, but until you’re fully healed, take them when you need them. In between, take the ibuprofen.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I huffed.

  Jameson stepped forward, holding out his hand. “Thanks, Boomer. I appreciate what you’ve done for both my girls.”

  Boomer shook his hand and slapped him on the back in that man hug thing. “No worries, Fighter, it’s all good!” He winked at me. “Laters, babe.”

  I laughed at the 50 Shades reference, making Jameson scowl.


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