Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields)

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Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields) Page 19

by Mercedes Keyes

  Manny turned his back from the lot to hide the moisture gathering in his eyes.

  * * *

  “Don’t cry honey, everything will be alright.”

  “No auntie, it won’t be. I admit it, because it can no longer be hidden. I should have listened to you.” Katherine whimpered softly, coming up from the handkerchief she’d been crying into. Her eyes were red and swollen as she sniffed, her aunt holding her in her arms on the sofa in the drawing room. “He doesn’t love me. He never has, I was taken in for the sole purpose of providing Morris with a grandchild. One that is legitimate that is. He’s a spiteful, dreadful old man. And Manny, he - he doesn’t even come to our bed anymore. While there was a time that he did, deep into the night he would sneak off the moment he thought I was sleeping…t-to – go-goooo… to - herrrr…” She informed them brokenly, falling back into her heaving sobs.

  Mother and daughter exchanged glances of pity as Sarah sighed, deciding it was best she remain silent. Having gone through something similar, she knew why this innocent girl was brought into the marriage. All for the sake of appearances, if rumor was at all close to being true, Manny was very much as her Josephine was, that being, in love with someone white society deemed unacceptable. By his being the only son, he could not shirk his responsibilities to all that was built for him, this was the burden Manny, as an only child would have to carry.

  Helene sat on one side stroking her back, as Mildred sat on the other. Helene suggested, “Have you discussed possibly selling the wench with Morris, explaining how she’s coming between you and your husband?”

  “Oh auntie, I dare not even mention such a word in this house! The one time I did go to Morris, he only told me, if I were a better woman, he - he wouldn’t need his wench. And - and then added the fact that in no time at all, Lena had been with child, and after that one, he said she’d been done twice more. Only she lost those two. Walking away he said, the problem then must be…meee!”

  “That barbarian! What a horrible thing to say-…”

  “Oh Helene come now! You act as if such a thing is unheard of! We both know there was a time when that was an established fact of why a woman was chosen. To bring forth an heir and she did so until it killed her, or the heir was born. Please will you stop pretending that he is an oddity…fact is…he’s the norm.” Sarah finally inserted.

  “Surely you don’t agree with such archaic traditions?!” Mildred asked stunned.

  “If I believed in arranged marriages, my daughter would be married to Maynard Webster instead of your cousin. That had been my dream; but children never go in the direction you desire them. That is why she is where she is, and you my dear… are married to him – unhappily I might add.”

  “Well then, she would be just as unhappy as I am. Having to deal with that - that harlot! She has absolutely no respect for me as her Missus. Strutting around the kitchen haughty and proud as if she has more right here than I. And Manny, treats her as if that is so. I can’t believe I’ve made such a horrible mistake!”

  "Shhh, don’t say anymore, I know… you’re just upsetting yourself all the more, but you must remember this, if worse comes to worse, you come back to us. Until then, you must fight for your rights as his wife. You should let his wench know who is missus here. Where there’s a will…there is way. Now dry your eyes, last thing you want is him to know you’re crying over him. You straighten your back and walk proud…things can get no worse than they are now, only better.” Helene advised as Sarah shook her head, adding her own point of view.

  “The only way that will happen, is when you accept the way things are. This is a man’s world; until you learn to accept the privileges of your life, and turn a blind eye to his actions, there will be no way for them to get better.”

  “How can you tell her to do such a thing?” Mildred cried out.

  “Because unlike your mother, I live in the real world; I suggest she wake up and join me.” Sarah finished tired of their moaning and groaning, they were getting on her nerves.

  * * *

  “Excuse me Master Morris, the table set. You all can come and be served now.” Ferrus informed the men.

  “Well it’s about time.” Morris stated, still smarting from Jordan Lee’s comment. “Go fetch the women Ferrus, they’re round this house somewhere.”

  “Yes sir, right away.”

  * * *

  “Mmm! Mama, that sure was good. I’m so full, I think I’m gonna bust.” Mikey groaned in pleasure. Lena smiled at her son as she brushed a stubborn lock from his brow and laid a loving kiss there as he swallowed down the remainder of his cream.

  “You liked that pie hmm?”

  "Mm hm, Kayleen did it again.”

  “Oh yeah, and what makes you think Kayleen made it?”

  “’Cause ma, she always makes the good ones.” He said, starting to grin at his mother, whose hands went to her hips.

  “And - young man, if hers are the good ones, what does that make mine?” She asked trying to keep a straight face. He leaned away from her, starting to laugh with his arms up in defense.

  “We call yours, burn bottom pies.”

  “Burn bottom pies!?” She repeated in shock. “And just who is it that decided to call them that!” She demanded, leaning over him threateningly. “Me, Manny and Kayleen; he’s the one that named’em that.” Mike said now laughing at his mother’s hurtful pout. “They do not burn on the bottom!”

  “Uh huh! Black as shoe bottoms.”

  “Michael Ramsey Webster, you take that back!”

  “Burn bottoms, burn bottoms, that’s what she maken, burn bottoms, burn bottoms, cause Ms Lena baken!” He taunted in his childlike sing song voice, then fell to the floor laughing hysterically holding his stomach with tears streaming from his eyes. Lena tried to bite back her own laughter, running over to him on the floor to tickle him mercilessly. “Take it back!” She mildly demanded.


  “You take that back or I’ll…I’ll - I’ll stop baking you pies!”

  “Oh thank goodness.” Lena’s eyes widened and then she burst with laughter, continuing her punishment to his ribs, inner thighs and knees. His laughter and rolling joy was like medicine to her soul.

  Unexpectedly he turned on her, and started tickling her too. Now Lena was on the floor, crying with laughter…begging for mercy.

  “Okay, okay…enough, enough…no more, I give.”

  “No more pie baking?” He demanded.

  “Aaaah, are they that bad?” She looked up from the floor, a bit hurt that he didn’t like her pies.

  “Can’t you just let Kayleen bake’em instead? You make good greens!”

  With a sigh, Lena turned over getting to her feet. “I see, fine… no more pie baking for me then. Now up my little man, time to clean up our mess. Afterwards…” She flexed her brows suggestively.

  “Presents!” He called out knowingly, leaping to his feet quick to start the chore. As they cleaned, he asked. “You think Manny will come tonight?”

  Lena smiled washing up their dishes in the wood bucket after softening the lye soap in it. “He has company sweetheart.”

  “But he wants to be with us.”

  “If he could be, he would be.”

  “Can he come after they’re gone?”

  He followed her to the door asking as she went out to empty the bucket of soapy water; and also leave scraps for the loose dogs that ran the plantation. Standing in the open doorway, he waited for her return. She came back from the side of the house rubbing her upper arms. “Mama, can he come after they’re gone?” He asked again.

  “I don’t know honey. Come on, let’s see what presents there are to open.” She encouraged to get his mind off of Manny. As he grew, he was showing signs of wanting his father more and more. Yet, there was a contemplative quality about him, as if he was watching and taking everything in around him. This was one of the reasons she talked to Manny about being careful with what they said and did when he was in the cabin. Espec
ially now with Manny spending so much time there. Before Katherine, he hardly ever slept in her cabin, and now since his marriage, he slept there three to four nights out of a week.

  “Can I go first mama? I wanna go first to give you my present.” He pleaded.

  “Alright, you go first.”

  “Then you have to sit right here at the table, and I’ll get it.”

  “Okay.” She agreed, sitting as he ran to his end of the cabin, then a moment later he returned, revealing a beautifully wrapped bundle. She looked from the bundle to him, smiling in surprise. “Now what can this be?” She asked accepting it, placing it on the table in front of her.

  “Oh my goodness, I’m so nervous.”

  “Open it…open it! I bought it all by myself. Manny - well, he just helped a little. He paid me for some work I did for him, like in the stables and such. Helping Jordan and Henry, feeding and exercisin’ the horses, all that kind of grown up stuff. Work only big grown up men do.” He informed her, serious as can be.

  “Oh my, then I can only imagine how special this gift is.” She said working with the ribbons and bows, slowly pulling it apart, driving Mike crazy. “Mamaaa! Hurry up!” He said excitedly, shaking his hands, jumping up and down with impatience for her to see what he’d bought her. “Okay, Okay! Let’s see what I’ve got here.” She unfolded the cream and lace burlap cloth, carefully unrolling it to reveal each piece. Mike watched her face closely for her expression of surprise. Within each fold lay an expensive marble and silver trim vanity item. A matching comb, brush, and mirror with an intricate chased inlay design on the back of the brush and mirror. Her look didn’t disappoint him as she ran her fingers over the beautiful pattern; her eyes grew moist as she looked up at him.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Do I like it? It’s beautiful…just beautiful…I love it! And I love you.”

  “Ah mama, don’t get all sappy.”

  “I can’t help it. You spoil me…how’d you know I’d like this?”

  “I just know you would. I saw it in the catalogue one day when Manny took me into town with him. He ordered supplies and told me to see if I could find something. I knew you had to have it. Princesses should always have the best, especially when it’s my mama.”

  He finished with a broad smile as she laid everything back in burlap cloth. “Well you were right … now can I have a hug?” She asked smiling; knowing how he suffered through her hugs and kisses.

  “I guess so…it is Christmas.” He whined as if it were a burdensome chore he had to endure. Lena laughed and kept it short and sweet. “Now…it’s your turn. Come over by the bed, and close your eyes.”

  Standing there a moment, he could hear her wrestling with something. “You need my help mama?!” She tugged and pulled some more. “No…I’ve - got it.” She was still struggling as she said it. “You sure?”

  “Mm hm.” He started laughing, as he stood with his eyes closed, he couldn’t resist any longer … he peaked to see her feet spread wide as she leaned with her rump almost to the ground for leverage to pry from under the bed, something really big. “Mama, what are you doing?” He asked still laughing. “I’m trying…to get…this …eeeek!” She squealed right before she lost her grip and fell back on her rear.

  Quickly he covered his mouth, when she demanded, “You stop laughing at your mother, and help me get this gift from under this bed!”

  He dropped down beside her quickly to obey, eager because he knew it was for him. “What is it mama?” He asked helping by pulling it out as she lifted the bed a bit so he could pull it free. “Unwrap it and see for yourself.” As he did so, she sat on the bed watching him for his reaction. “It’s a saddle mama! A saddle!” He declared excitedly. “Yep, that’s what it looks like to me.”

  “But I ain’t got no horse.” His face contorted with that information.

  "Son!” Lena called frustrated. “Your speech is atrocious. You mean, you haven’t a horse…not — ain’t got!”

  He looked down meekly, “Sorry mama.” Shaking her head, Lena continued mildly, “As much as your father corrects you, one would think you’d catch on by now.” Sighing deeply, he corrected himself, “I mean…I haven’t a horse.” And then he grinned looking up, “Or do I?”

  “Well you never know, for one reason or another, you may end up with one; some how…anyway, it’s nice to be ready…just in case.” She bit into her lip to keep a straight face. However he knew her well, and a fat grin broke out on his face. “You know something, don’t you?” He asked suspiciously.

  “I know nothing. I just thought since you’re almost ten years old, it would be good for you to have a saddle.” Mike flexed his brows mannishly, flirting with his mother…giving her a look very much like the ones his father gave her; stunning Lena. ‘My God - look at him, so much his father.’

  “Okay then, if there’s nothing to tell…I guess I’ll just have to polish up my saddle like Jordan taught me…just in case.” He grinned in anticipation.

  “I never said there was nothing to tell.”

  “What then!?”

  “Well, depending on how you look at it…it’s better than a horse.”

  “What could be better than a horse!?”

  “Mmmm, a little brother or sister maybe?” She looked at him hoping he would be as happy as she was about her pregnancy. After all this time, she couldn’t believe it. After the last baby she’d lost, so many years ago, she was sure she would never have another. No idea as to why, she just didn’t get pregnant, not that Manny had loved her any less, even though he did stay away a while after their third. But here she was, with child again, and she never felt better. She figured it must have happened that night on Manny’s return… because her flow had been due within the next couple of weeks, it never came. When November came; she missed it again, and now it was December, and again nothing. “A little brother or sister?” He asked stunned, and then his eyes widened to show the whites around. “You gonna have a baby?”

  “Hm hm, is that alright with you?”

  “Oh mama, of course it’s alright. I’m gonna be a big brother. I can’t wait.” He said as he grabbed her for a hug. “But this time you gotta be really careful. And don’t worry, I’m bigger now, so I can take good care of you. And when she’s born, I’m gonna name her, ‘Hope’.”

  “She? Her? Hope? You sound mighty sure it’s a girl, what if it’s a boy?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, it’s gonna be a girl. You’ll see and if it is, we gotta call her, Hope. Promise me?”

  "Okay, I promise, but - why, Hope?” Lena asked gently. He looked down and shrugged as sadness came over him. “What’s wrong son?” Again, he shook his head. “Please tell me, talk to me.” She urged softly. After a moment more of coaxing, he finally looked up explaining. “Because, she’s gonna make him different. She’s gonna make him do right by us. Do right by you. At least, that’s what I - hope.” Lena looked away before he saw the instant flood of tears.

  * * *

  The O’Brien’s had already departed not long after dinner, and now Manny stood bidding goodnight to the rest of their guests with Katherine and Morris near doing the same. “Yes, as my son said, we’ll have to do this again, soon.” Morris lied, rolling his eyes to the ceiling as they made their exit.

  Katherine hugged her cousin, then her aunt; giving them each a kiss to both cheeks. “You hold on and be strong honey, things will work themselves out.” Helene encouraged her niece before they stepped into the waiting carriage, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  Manny and Katherine re-entered the house, closing and locking the door to hear Morris mutter. “I thought this evening would never end … goddamn bores – every one. Goodnight!” This over his shoulder as he made his way up the stairway heading toward his bedroom, rounding the top and out of sight.

  Katherine stood in the foyer watching as he went; dreadfully amazed at the situation she found herself in. How could she have ever let this happen in her life? Then Manny walked p
ast her heading down the hallway. “You know, it’s amazing just how much you and your father have in common.” She started, following behind him. “The both of you, are low class - phonies!”

  He stopped on his way, turned to her and very calmly said, “Is that right?” Growing bolder by the moment, she continued, “That’s right, and further more. You’re both selfish, inconsiderate and you’re both hypocrites!” She went on to enlighten him with her arms crossed over her breasts; her face red with brewing anger.

  His face, held no emotion, as he replied passively, “If that’s the way you feel, you can leave. No one asked you here in the first place.” That ill statement made, he turned to continue on to the library where his office was set. Katherine was close on his heels having just begun this fight.

  “Ohhh no sir, that is where you are most certainly wrong! You asked me to marry you, not I you!” She firmly corrected him, now standing by his side as he poured himself another drink. He paused at her correction as if considering the truth of it, follwed by swallowing down the amber fluid and agreeing coldly. “Ah, so you are right, a point for you madam; as for me, to err is human. No greater fact than that, after all, here you stand!”

  “One might claim the same with you! I too could have done better!” She replied quickly.

  “And you should have!” He threw back at her, “The question is, why didn’t you!?”


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