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Against the Odds

Page 12

by Brenda Kennedy

  “Well, in this case, it is,” I say looking up at the rainbow of colors on the balloons.

  After breakfast, Leah and I go to the hospital to see Gracie. The incubator is gone and has been replaced with a regular hospital baby bed. “Oh, Robert, look. Our baby has graduated,” she giggles.

  I knew Gracie was getting stronger and gaining weight, but I had no idea she was well enough to be moved to the step-down unit. She is one step closer to coming home. Nurse Amy is getting things situated to bathe Grace. It will be her first bath in a bathtub of water. “Look, Grace, Mommy and Daddy, are just in time for your bath.” Grace is wrapped up in a hospital baby blanket watching the bright ceiling lights. I like that Nurse Amy talks to Gracie.

  Leah rushes over and holds Gracie while the nurse gets everything she needs for her bath. Leah talks to, kisses, and coos to Gracie. Gracie focuses at the bright lights. Her hair is an inch long and stands straight up and every direction. Most babies are born with blue eyes, but Gracie's eyes are as black as night. She is a beautiful child.

  I take Gracie from Leah and hold her close while Nurse Amy instructs us on the proper way to bathe her. I watch as Leah excitedly nods her understanding. Amy stands near as Leah and I fumble through Gracie’s first bath. I gave her my phone and asked her to take some random pictures if she had time. The bath is filled with lots of cries from Gracie and laughs from Leah and me.

  I didn’t stay to visit as long as I wanted to, but I did stay longer than I intended to. I kiss the baby and Leah goodbye as I run to Upper Cut for my workout. The guys will be there waiting for me. Maybe I should just call them right before I leave the hospital so we can get here about the same time.

  Dad, Tim, and Gus are waiting for me and I also see my sparring partner standing at the water cooler. “I’m sorry I’m late,” I say as I rehydrate.

  “It’s all right, I was running late myself. My son, Carter, was running a fever this morning,” he says.

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Hope he’s feeling better,” I say, honestly.

  “He’s teething, he’ll be okay. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  I walk over to where Gus, Dad, and Tim are huddled together so I can get wrapped and gloved up. I feel good today and I want to get started on my training. I’m on a mission to beat Kennedy and I plan on coming out on top this time. I have a baby girl I need to make proud of me.

  “Good morning,” I say as I take my seat for Dad and Tim to wrap my hands. They sit on the wooden folding chairs and begin to wrap each hand.

  Gus comes over and gives me a letter addressed to him from the Bellagio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. “I just got this yesterday,” he says. I look at each person and I remove the letter from the envelope. “It doesn’t give you much time to prepare for it,” he adds.

  I read the letter and the hotel wants to do another press conference with Kennedy and me. This time, they are inviting anyone who is anybody in the boxing world. It’s already been scheduled for two weeks. I fold the letter and place it back into the envelope before I hand it to Gus. “I guess it’s time to get serious. I’ll be ready,” I say, flatly.

  “What about Leah?” Gus asks.

  “She’ll be okay. She knows about the fight and this is all part of it. The sooner this begins, the sooner it will end for her.” When no one says anything, I say, “Let’s dance.”

  I turn on my iPod to “The Eye of The Tiger” and place the earbuds in my ears and wait. I think about the press conference and I realize I have been slacking off with my training. I vow to put my training right up there on my priority list — right after caring for my family.

  I walk to the ring stand in my corner. After twelve rounds, I feel rejuvenated. My sparring partner can barely stand. I replace the earbuds and walk out of the ring.

  I finish my workout with very few words being spoken between my team and me. It’s not their fault I’ve been slacking. I concentrate on my workout and what and how I’m going to tell Leah. After my shower and right before I leave, I say, “Leah won’t be able to attend. I want to fly out in the morning and then we’ll fly home later that night.”


  Gracie and I have a good day. After her bath and after her Daddy leaves, both grandmas came for a visit. Gracie is a good baby and loves attention. We hold her, feed her, and read to her. Because of Robert, we always try to have a bottle of breastmilk available. Since I am breastfeeding, the only way Robert can feed her is if I pump. Same goes with our grandparents.

  Our mothers leave right before Robert arrives. He visits with Gracie and I watch and take pictures. She likes him and listens intently when he talks to her. I think she knows his voice from all those nights of him reading to her in utero.

  Later that night I wait in bed for Robert. He walks into the bedroom wearing a smile and carrying a small gift. “What are you up to?” I ask.

  “There are some things we need to talk about, but I bought you something, too,” he admits.

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “First of all, I wanted to get the mother of my children something special.” He carefully hands me the black velvet box and adds, “I hope you like it.”

  “The mother of your children. I like the way that sounds.” I kiss him.

  “Me, too.”

  “I have no idea what it is, but I love it.” I lean up and kiss him again. “Should we talk first, or should I open this first?” I'm not sure what to do.

  “There’s a press conference scheduled in two weeks in Vegas.”

  “Kennedy will be there?” I ask. I fear that man, and I’m frightened for Robert to fight him.

  “Yes, and his team. They’ll be more people in attendance this time.”

  Hold it together, Leah. “Good. Now’s a good time. With Grace being born, there isn’t anything holding you back. Will Dad, Gus, and your dad go with you?”

  “Yes, they all will be there.”

  “Good, then it’s time your start training seriously. Everyday. I want you training like a warrior,” I say honestly and sincerely.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “And on May 2nd you’ll retire?”

  “No more boxing,” he confirms.

  “Win or lose?” I want him to say it.

  “Win or lose.” He looks at me and says, “There’s one more thing.”

  “You have my undivided attention.”

  “I thought I would. We also have a court date for custody of Madison a few days before the press conference.”

  “Custody? I thought we would be arguing over visitation?”

  Robert inhales and then exhales slowly. “When several attempts from Bruce trying to contact the Sinclairs’ attorney have failed, I told Bruce to file for full custody.”

  “When were you going to tell me?” I ask.

  “I didn’t want to tell you while you were pregnant. I knew how upset the baby got whenever you were stressed,” he says and it’s the truth. He adds, “Now we have leverage, Leah. Now we have something to work with. If they deny us custody, we’ll ask for visitation.”

  “And what if we don’t get either?”

  “What if we do?” He looks from one eye to the other. “I want you to trust me, Leah. I’ve been working very closely with Bruce on this. We have so much going for us.”

  “I trust you, Robert.” I don’t stutter and I speak calmly, although I’m scared that this plan may not work. “If you think this is what’s right for our family, I trust you to do what you think is best. I’m ready to move forward with Madison in our family, and I’m also prepared to get this fight with Kennedy over with and put that chapter behind us.”

  “Thank you, Leah.”

  “Did you buy me this as a peace offering?” I ask, shaking the black velvet box.

  “I wish I were that smart,” he laughs. “I bought it because I thought you would love it.” I watch him and he nods to the box, “Please open it, Sweets.”

  I look
at the box and open it slowly. Inside is a platinum infinity heart with five colored stones that adorn the right side of the heart symbol. I lightly touch the necklace and the stone. I don’t have to ask what the stones mean. I know the stones are birthstones. One is mine, one is Robert's, one is Gracie’s and since Jamie and Madison are born on the same day and month, their stones match and are side by side. “Thank you, I love it.” I lean in and kiss him sweetly.

  “You understand what it is, right?”

  “It’s a necklace with each of our birthstones are on it. Mine and yours, and one each of our three daughters.” He smiles and I say, “And the infinity heart means that you’ll love us forever.”


  I kiss Leah softly and passionately. “I love you,” I say in between kisses.” I cup her cheeks with my hands and search her eyes. When I say I love her, it just isn’t enough. She is my world. What do you tell someone who you would die for? I would give my life for hers without any hesitation.

  “I love you, too.”

  Leah pulls me on top of her as she lays back on the bed. As I keep my weight off of her, I stare into her eyes. God, I love her. She wraps her hands into my hair and pulls me closer to her. My dick instantly becomes hard and I release a low growl. It’s been so long since I’ve been buried deep inside her, it’s all I want to do. It’s all I can think about. I grind slowly in rhythm to hers and she moans louder. “Do you have any condoms?” she whispers so softly and sensually into my ear.

  I lick the shell of Leah’s ear and whisper, “Why would I need a condom?” I slide my tongue along her jawline to her other ear. I just want to taste her and lose myself in her.

  She kisses me and moans, “I’m not on the pill yet. Remember?”

  My mind shifts back to the here and now. Gracie, premature, sex, too soon, a six-week checkup. I stop kissing her and lean further up off the bed. I blink a few times and will my hard-on to go down. “We can’t.” I stutter.

  “Yes, we can. I feel fine. I want this, Robert,” she begs.

  “It’s too soon,” I say with a hard cock. I wish my dick would listen to the words I am speaking. I try to get up from the bed, but Leah wraps her legs around my hips.

  “Please, Robert? It’s been so long.”

  “I can’t.” I break away and stand. “Soon, Leah, I promise,” I yell over my shoulder as I walk to the bathroom to take a cold shower. I don’t wait for her to reply or for her to be understanding. I know my wife wants this as much as I do. There is very little that’s worse than sexual frustration in the Grether house. I think it’s because we very seldom suffer from it, except for times like this.

  I shower and hope Leah is asleep when I return to bed. She isn’t. “Did the cold shower work for you?” I look up and Leah doesn’t sound happy.

  I remove the towel that’s wrapped around my waist and ask, “Does it look like it did any good?” I look down at my painfully hard dick.

  She laughs, “Good if I have to go to bed with all this pinned up sexual frustration, you should too.” She rolls over and turns off the lights, “Good night, Ace.”

  “Good night, Sweets.” I pull on a pair of boxer briefs and climb into bed, making sure I keep a safe distance from her. “In four weeks, you’ll be begging me to get off of you.”

  “I’m counting down the days.”

  The next morning we have breakfast before going to the hospital. Leah and I go about our day like last night didn’t happen… or almost happen. Two weeks post-delivery is definitely too soon for sex. I think she knows this, too.

  We walk hand in hand into the N.I.C.U. and Gracie is lying awake in bed. Leah talks softly to her and I watch. I think Gracie is starting to interact with Leah. She turns her head in the direction of Leah’s soothing voice. Leah becomes excited and reaches for my arm. “You try it,” Leah says to me softly.

  I watch Gracie and she watches Leah. “Hi, Daddy’s little girl,” I attempt to speak in a quiet and soothing voice. She doesn’t look at me, her eyes stay focused on the bright ceiling lights. “What’s Daddy’s little girl doing?” I ask and she startles. Leah laughs and begins talking softly to her again.

  The doctor comes in and says, “It looks like Miss Grace is only one pound away from going home.”

  “Gracie, did you hear that? You’re becoming a big girl,” Leah says softly.

  “Keep talking to her, she seems to like that,” the doctor says. He examines her and documents her progress. I watch as he carefully holds her and monitors her movements. He smiles and says, “Miss Grace is developing as she should. In another week or two, you should be able to take her home.”

  Leah squeezes my hand and it makes her happy to know that soon all this will be put behind us. “That is fantastic news,” Leah says.

  The doctor leaves and I leave for my training when Leah begins to nurse Gracie. I run to Upper Cut where I know Gus, Dad, and Tim will be waiting for me. I texted Dad and told him when I was leaving the hospital. They still beat me here. I know Gus likes to have everything lined up and in order before I get here.

  I walk into the room and head straight for the water cooler. I see Gus, Dad, and Tim standing near the lockers. I rehydrate and notice my sparring partner in the ring. He’s larger and more my size than the other one from yesterday. I nod and acknowledge him and his trainer.

  While I get gloved up, Gus discusses the news conference with me. “The hotel booked our flight for us. I insisted we fly out the same day we arrived.”

  “Good, I can’t stay. I have too much at home to deal with.”

  “I’m beginning to see that,” Gus says and I feel that there is more to come. “I wonder if maybe this isn’t a good time for you to fight.”

  I move my hands to stop Dad and Tim from wrapping them. “You think I can’t stay focused on the fight?”

  “I’m just saying you have a lot going on,” Gus says holding up his hands in defense.

  “I got this. You worry about getting us to where we need to be and I’ll worry about winning the championship fight.”

  Gus, says, “Fair enough. Are you ready?”

  “Let’s dance.”

  Bruce Myles

  I sit in my office waiting for Drake Sinclair to arrive. He’s my last appointment and he’s already late. To say I was shocked by his request to have a private meeting with me would be an understatement. I knew the motions we filed in family court for custody of Madison would get his attention, but I didn’t think Drake would reach out to me personally. I figured he was a man who would let his attorney handle everything. He’s not as smart as I once gave him credit for.

  When Drake is thirty minutes late, I stand to leave. I have dinner plans with my wife, Mason, Angel, and their twins, Ana and Alex. It pleases me to know that Mason has finally settled down. I gather my briefcase and head towards the door when the speaker comes to life and my secretary announces my last appointment is here.

  I open the door and watch as Drake Sinclair saunters towards me. He looks like a powerful man, but he is definitely a stupid man. He pays an attorney to do what? “Drake,” I say, politely.

  “Bruce, thank you for seeing me,” he says with an outreached hand.

  I shake his hand and say, “I see you didn’t take my advice and bring your attorney with you.”

  He laughs. “No, I didn’t. Mr. Reed is on a more important mission.”

  Once he is in my office, I close the door and motion towards the chair, “Please, have a seat.”

  “Thank you. Besides, I wanted to speak to you alone.”

  “I’m sure this has to do with Madison. Did you not understand the paperwork you received from the courts about custody?”

  “Don’t be so condescending, it’s unbecoming of you.”

  “What is it you want, Drake” I don’t have all night.”

  “Before we go into court, I thought you should know that the secret is out about Bobby Grether.”

  “What secret are you talking about?” I take the seat at my desk
across from him. Drake looks smug. “The Grethers have no secrets,” I insist. Drake Sinclair is starting to piss me off.

  “Really?” he rubs his scruffy chin with his left hand. He raises a brow and says, “It took me some searching, and I have to say, it even took me by surprise.”

  “Drake, really, I have someplace I need to be. I don’t have all night.”

  He continues, “Bobby’s drug abuse and his police record aren’t a secret? It was a bit shocking, I have to admit.”

  I knew about Bobby’s past, but I had no idea Drake would find out. “No, it’s public record,” I say, casually. Bobby told me he had his one and only police record expunged. Is this what Drake is talking about? “I’m not going to sit her and discuss the Grethers with you.”

  “Well, the police record for assault is public record but his drug addiction isn’t.” Drake sits on the edge of his chair and asks, “Do you honestly think any court in Florida is going to give a junkie custody of a child, my child?”

  “Drake, this conversation is over.” I stand up and walk around my desk to escort Drake out of my office.

  Drake laughs and stands tall as he casually walks towards the door. “Mr. Myles, I can see I caught you off guard. I didn’t want you showing up in court… unprepared.”

  “Are you forgetting who the attorney is?” I say as I hold open the door. “Unprepared? We’re ready for whatever you think you have. And if this is all you have…”

  “Don’t underestimate me, Bruce, This is just the icing on the cake. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.” He walks through the door, turns around and says, “When I get through digging the dirt up on Bobby Grether…well, let’s just say, he won’t stand a chance of getting custody of Madison.”

  “I wouldn’t get your hopes up too soon, Drake. It’s still early in the game to announce a victor. Have a good evening.” I say before shutting my office door. I look at my watch and I am already over an hour late for dinner. I then call my wife and tell her I’ll be working late at the office, again. This conversation with Drake has absolutely caught me off guard. Maybe I didn’t give him enough credit. I don’t call Bobby, I call in my investigative team instead.


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