Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 21

by Michelle Love

  Now, with the love and support of my family, I had hopes of doing all those things again. Especially making love to my wife, who was beautiful outside as well as inside, where it really counts.


  As the days passed, with me bringing the children to sit with Pierce every single day for at least a few hours, he got better and better.

  It seemed the exchange of energy that he had told me about when I first spoke with him over ten years ago was a thing that could help many situations.

  With his family around him so much, my husband was making huge strides. Doing things that stupefied his doctors.

  The first sign that things were beginning to heal in him came when Johnathon was working his father’s right arm. He had Pierce’s arm held out straight and pulled it up over his head.

  Pierce looked at me. “Watch this, baby.” He looked at our son. “Let it go, Johnathon.”

  “What if it falls?” our son asked.

  Slowly shaking his head, Pierce said. “It won’t. I can feel it, son.”

  The girls and I gasped and made a ring around the bed to watch what was about to happen. When Johnathon let his arm go, Pierce held it in place before slowly moving it to rest at his side. The laugh he made sent chills through me.

  He’d done it!

  We all whooped and hollered and laughed as he picked his arm up and put it down a few more times. Then he looked at his left arm. It took some doing, but he managed to lift it a few times too. “I can feel them both!” He smiled at me then gave me a wink. “Come here, baby.”

  I moved toward him, eager to feel his arms around me. Leaning down to him, I cried as I felt him enclose me in his arms for the first time in a couple of months. He whispered in my ear. “I just felt my cock twitch, baby.”

  A sob came out of me as I had made peace with the idea that I might not ever get to feel my husband in a sexual way again. I clung to him as I cried and he held me tight.

  After giving all of the kids hugs too, he asked me to go find his doctor. He wanted an assessment of his body done.

  I took our children home while the doctors checked Pierce out. And when I came back, I found him sitting in a wheelchair, beaming with pride. “Like my new ride, baby?”

  To see him happy with being in the wheelchair instead of the bed was a relief. “It’s a pretty sweet ride. Too bad there’s not room for two on that bad ass, bitch.” I laughed.

  He patted his lap. “Climb on, little mama.”

  His leg casts had been off for a couple of weeks but I still worried about hurting him. “You’re silly.”

  “No, I’m serious,” he told me with a sexy grin. A grin I’d missed so much. “Climb on.”

  “Pierce?” I put my hands on my hips.

  “Now,” he said as he wiggled his finger at me.

  So I eased onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, watching his face for any signs of pain and finding none as his eyes closed. “Nothing hurts?”

  “Oh, baby,” he moaned. “I can feel you.” His eyes opened slowly as his hands moved up and down my arms. “I can really feel you, Jade.”

  “Are you telling me that you can feel your legs now too?” I asked in disbelief.

  He nodded. “I can. And I feel your fine ass pressing against my cock. A cock my doctor told me I could use if I felt inclined to.”

  “Pierce! Really?” I gasped.

  He nodded. “Why don’t you go lock that door and get rid of those clothes you have on? I’ll get back in bed, and you can take a ride on top of me if you’d like.”

  “Oh, I would like that very much!” I hopped off his lap and ran to the door, locking it, then hitting the light switch to dim the room, setting a romantic mood.

  When I turned around, I found he’d already wheeled himself back to the bed and was actually pulling himself up, standing on his legs for a moment before moving to lie back on the bed.

  The sight nearly had me crying, but I managed to exchange that emotion for one a bit more sensual, lust. Because as Pierce laid back on that bed, I found his hospital gown had become a tent.

  “Wow!” I hissed. “I can’t believe it!”

  His smile told me more than any words could. My man was damn proud of himself. “Come on, baby.”

  Wasting no time, I pulled my dress off over my head and got rid of my bra and panties in record time. Then I sprinted across the room to climb onto my husband’s fat cock.

  Sliding down the length of his surprisingly rock hard dick, our combined moans filled the small room. “God!” I hissed as I looked into his eyes. “I’ve got my husband back.”

  “Not entirely, but we’re getting there, baby,” he said with a sexy smile.

  Oh, that smile. I’d missed it so.

  His hands gripped my waist, and I could feel his strength increasing by leaps and bounds as he lifted me to stroke him at the speed he wanted. I let him take charge, be at least some of the man he’d been before the accident.

  “I think we may have stumbled on a new and better way to do your rehabilitation therapy, Pierce.”

  With a chuckle, he moved me faster. “I think so too. Why don’t you lean on over here, baby? I think I need to work on my lips a bit. Maybe sucking your tits will help.”

  Glad to oblige my man, I did as he’d said to and groaned with the incredible sensation of having his mouth on me again. His tongue rolled around my nipple before he bit it, sending me into a deeper moan, and taking me to new heights.

  Up and down I went until my body rocked with an orgasm so hard that I doubted I’d ever had an experience quite like that one. “Pierce!”

  He moved me faster then moaned as heat filled me, his cum coating my insides and leaving us both spent.

  Panting, I rested my head on his chest as we caught our breath. My husband was on his way back to me. I’d never dared to even hope for this much, but it seemed I was going to be pleasantly surprised by things from there on out.


  Day by day, my body got stronger and stronger. The day I got to leave the hospital was a day I’d never forget.

  The nurse wheeled me out to the waiting car at the entrance of the hospital. The smell of damp air was the first thing to hit my senses. “Ah, nothing beats the smell of London fog,” I said to the nurse who pushed my chair.

  She laughed. “Oh, Mr. Langford, you will be missed.”sd

  “While that’s nice to hear,” I said with a smile. “I hope I never see the inside of this hospital again and only meet you all on the outside of these walls.”

  She laughed. “I bet you do!”

  Jade got out of the back seat as the driver opened the door. She came to me, taking me by the hands to help me up. Not that I really needed it. But I let her think she was helping me. “Thank you, baby.”

  I’d been walking for a week. There was still progress that had to be made, but I was well on my way to making a full recovery. Of course, I gave most of that credit to Jade with her own brand of physical therapy. Now that kind of therapy seemed to help the most!

  As we got into the back of our town car, I took in the smell of the leather. “I missed this too.”

  Jade laughed as she clicked my seat-belt before putting hers on. “I can’t wait to get you home, sweetie.”

  “In our bed, I’ll get to take your sweet ass tonight. I cannot wait.” Taking her face between my palms, I kissed my wife and found my cock twitching. “What you do to me is unnatural.”

  She smiled at me then pecked my lips once. “Pierce, you still have to take it easy you know.”

  “You don’t have a thing to worry about.” I held out my hand. “Did you bring my cell the way I told you to?”

  She shook her head and I clenched my jaw. “I meant it when I said you have to take it easy. I’m not about to let you get all wrapped up in work. We have a shit-ton of money, Pierce. Enough to last us three lifetimes. You will relax at home with us, and you will put work out of your mind until you have fully recovered.”

“I think you’re forgetting who the boss is around our home, baby.” Placing my hand on her upper thigh, I gave it a slight squeeze. “I can still put you over my lap and spank that defiant ass if I have to.”

  “Well, you may just have to do that.” She winked at me, coyly. “But it won’t get your cell back. I’ll take my licks to make sure you’re completely fine before you get back to work.”

  Not sure how to take my wife, I sat back, wondering just what I should do about this turn in our marriage.

  I’d always been the master of my domain. With this setback, things seemed to have swerved, letting my wife, my sub, take the lead. I wasn’t sure how this was going to work for me.

  Jade and I started out being a Dom and his sub. She and I had a solid foundation, rooted in the BDSM world. In all matters, I had final say. Including this one. But she seemed to have forgotten that.

  Perhaps holding my life in her hands had brought out the dominant in her. Given her strength that had hidden deep inside her. With the power of giving life or letting death take me from her, she must’ve stumbled into the realm of domination.

  I couldn’t have that. My power had to be regained somehow.

  When we pulled into the drive, I found my wife slipping out first, then reaching back in to take my hand and help me out. “I’ve got this, baby.” I let her know. “Step back.”

  She huffed. “I’d feel better if you’d take my hand. I don’t want you to fall, Pierce. Please.” Her expression said she wasn’t about to take any shit from me. She was set on making sure I never got hurt again. Some would love that. I did not.

  “Step back,” my tone stern.

  With a roll of her eyes, she did as I said, but stayed very close. Close enough to catch me if I stumbled.

  It took me longer than usual to get out of the car. My driver never blinked an eye, but he stood very close too. Obviously taking his cue from my wife, staying close enough to grab me if my feet faltered.

  Admittedly, my gait wasn’t what it had been. Slow and steady is how I moved. But I moved, and I did it on my own, no crutches, no wheelchairs, no walkers, just me and my own two feet. To say I was proud of my progress — a thing that astounded my doctors — would be an understatement.

  With my driver walking very close behind me and Jade only inches in front of me, aggravation began to gnaw at me. And when Jade’s hand reached out to open the door I’d had enough. “No. I’ll do it, Jade.”

  “But Pierce…”

  “Hush now. Step back.” I gave her a stern look, and she did so with a long and drawn out sigh, but she stepped to one side and ducked her head a bit. “Good girl.”

  Opening the door, I readied myself for the charge of the children. Screams filled the air as little feet made their way through the main living area to greet me in the foyer. “Daddy!” Oh, how the sound of those three little voices stirred my heart and soul.

  “I’m home,” I called out.

  Barely had my feet taken me inside than my wife stepped in front of me, getting between the running children and myself. “Stop! You can’t run up on him like this,” she scolded them.

  “Jade, stop,” I commanded her. “I’m not some breakable thing you have to protect all the time.”

  The driver closed the door and left us, as a chill filled the air and Jade turned to look at me. “But you are fragile, sweetheart. Let me protect you.”

  With a huff, I moved around her. “Come, children. Give me those hugs I crave.”

  All three of them moved in and put their arms around me as I hugged them back. Jade only sighed. She stood behind me, quiet but obviously aggravated at me for wanting to be me. The kids always met me at the door, running into my arms where I’d pick all three of them up at the same time and carry them into the next room.

  “Shall we adjourn to the living room, kids?” I asked them and found three nodding heads. Quinn took my hand as we headed into the large living area that I loved spending time with my family in.

  A nice fire was crackling in the stone fireplace; light music wafted through the air. My in-laws were seated in two of the overstuffed blue velvet covered chairs. My mother-in-law rose, coming to hug me. “Oh, how nice it is to see your handsome face in this home again, Pierce.”

  “Thank you, Mother.” I kissed her cheek. “It’s wonderful to be home.”

  My father-in-law stood. “Glad you’re home, son. Gramma and I will get out of your hair and let you guys get back to the family you’ve always been. If you need us, we’ll be in the guesthouse.”

  With waves goodbye, my wife’s parents left us. With the kids sitting next to me, and my wife taking a seat on the chair her mother had vacated, things were settling inside of me.

  “Did you tell the cook to make the dinner I asked for, Jade?” I asked her as she picked up a magazine off the coffee table in front of her.

  “Smoked duck is much too rich for you. You’ve had a diet of bland hospital food, Pierce. What were you thinking?” She peered over the top of the pages she held in her small hands. “I told her to make a hearty stew full of fresh vegetables and lean lamb.”

  Oh, I could tell my little sub needed to be reined in. But was I up for it?


  The ticking of the lock after Pierce had come through our bedroom door thrilled me. But when he turned around and looked at me, I saw a familiar expression on his face. “On your knees.” His lips formed a tight line, meaning the dominate in him wanted to play.

  I had to admit; Pierce almost always had a dominating air about him. Most often I found myself bending to his will without even batting so much as an eyelash. It came second nature to me.

  Until the accident.

  No, after that I took on a new role. The role of his protector. I watched over his life, made the doctors save him again and again. “Pierce, sweetheart, you are in no condit…”

  “On your knees,” came his stern remark, cutting me off mid-sentence.

  Perhaps it would make things easier if I just went along, I thought. Getting out of bed, I went to my knees, taking the submissive position.

  Slow and steady, he came to me. His feet bare, only wearing pajama bottoms. His usual Dom attire. “It seems you’ve forgotten your place, Jade Langford.”

  Clad in only a pale blue silk nightgown and some thin matching panties, I eyed him with defiance. “I…” I tried to defend myself.

  But he wasn’t having any of that. “Hush.”

  “Yes, sir.” My jaw was tight with aggravation. After all, I’d done for the man, and this was how he wanted to treat me?

  “I asked you to bring my cell to me, and you didn’t do it. I asked for roast duck with creamy mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus for dinner, and you didn’t allow that.” His hand moved over my shoulder. “You know what happens to naughty subs who don’t do as they’re told.”

  That was a given after ten years of having a Dom/sub relationship with the man, on top of a marriage nearly equally as long. Of course, I knew what happened to naughty subs. But I also knew that Pierce wasn’t up for handing out any punishments. I went along with it for the time being. If it came down to it, I wouldn’t let him exert himself too much.

  My husband had a need to be the alpha. As masochistic as it may seem, I liked that in him. I liked the idea that he’d take care of things. I liked the idea that he had no problem being the bad guy.

  When our children asked for something, and we both thought they shouldn’t have it, then Pierce had no problem telling them no. And they knew it was of no use to ask me after he’d said no. He made that happen, and it kept the heat off me.

  Pierce pulled open the drawer of the nightstand on his side of the bed and took out the set of fluffy pink handcuffs he kept inside of it. Not being as agile as he was before the accident, he couldn’t bend down to cuff me the way he usually did. “Lean over the bed.”

  I moved to do as he’d said, laying the upper part of my body on the bed, my feet still on the floor. Once he’d cuffed my hands, he pull
ed out a leather belt, snapping it behind me. But before he did anything else, he blindfolded me. “I know this means I’ll get more lashes, sir but I must say this.” I purposely made my voice sound appeasing as I went on, “If you fall or anything happens to you, I can’t help you if my hands are bound.”

  With a huff, he smacked my ass hard with the belt. “I. Am. Not. An. Invalid.” A strike came along with each word, and each one stung, even more so with the words that accented the strikes.

  “Ahh!” I screamed as the pain radiated all over my ass. “Yes, sir.”

  The hard smacks had me thinking Pierce’s arms were anything but weak. Not nearly as weak as his legs still were. But then again, he’d had full use of his arms for a couple of weeks longer than his legs.

  Another five strikes came. “Those are for the insubordination with the cell phone.” Five more came after those. “And those are for the dinner you refused me.” Three more came. “And those are for treating me like some kind of cripple who is unable to do things for himself. Or open doors for his sub, his wife who he loves to take care of.” Another followed. “That’s for making me have to do this to you.”

  Shaking with the pain of the spanking and the pain in my heart. I cried out as I sobbed, “Yes, sir. I am so, so sorry, sir. I never meant to make you feel inadequate, sir.” It resonated with me then. He wanted his life back, and I had refused him that basic right. “I understand now. I do. I never meant to make you feel less than a man. A powerful man who I love, respect, and honor, as I have every day since the day I met you.”

  “Good girl.” He rubbed my sore ass with his hand. “That’s my girl. My sweet submissive angel who saves me each and every day.”

  It might be hard to get back to how things were, but my man was certainly trying very hard to get right back to life as usual.


  Although disciplining Jade hurt me both physically and mentally, I knew I had to let her know she hadn’t lost the man she’d married. There was no way in hell that I’d take on the role of an invalid who had to be told what was best for him by anyone.


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