Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 22

by Michelle Love

  It wasn’t like I didn’t know what was good for me. And Jade had to relinquish the temporary reins she’d been handed when I lost the capacity to take care of myself. Her sorrow-filled cries told me she had gained an understanding by the discipline I’d just dished out.

  Leaving her bound and blindfolded, my cock ached as I ran my hands over the silk nightgown that kept her body hidden from view. “On your knees, sub.”

  She shifted to get into the position, her ass coming up high enough that it was at the same level as my cock. Pushing the garment up to expose her silken panty-covered round ass, Jade gasped as I ripped the panties right off her.

  Moving my hands over her bare ass, I cupped her sweet pussy in one of them. “Mine.”

  “Yours, sir,” Jade agreed. “Always yours.”

  Releasing my cock with one swift push of the elastic waistband, I wasted no time, thrusting it into her with one solid motion that was so hard, it sent the air from her lungs.

  Gripping her hips, I held her still so I could delve deeper into her sweet canal. Her body quivered as she moaned and whispered my name over and over.

  Back home, I felt more myself, and it was showing. My body took hers with a vengeance; her sweet juices flowed all over my cock as she climaxed, screaming as she did.

  My end wasn’t near. I’d take her, again and again, to make sure she knew her husband and Dom had returned to his rightful place in our family.

  Rolling her onto her back, I took off the blindfold then the cuffs. “And this time I want to feel your hands roam all over my body as I take you.”

  Her top teeth showed as she bit her lower lip. Red-rimmed gorgeous eye gazed at me. “I really am sorry about how I acted.”

  Brushing her dark hair off her face, I kissed her lips lightly. “I can see that.”

  Ridding her of the nightgown and me of the pajama bottoms, I found her spreading herself open for me and moved in between her legs, pushing my cock into her once more. Her legs enveloped me the same way her arms did, making me feel at home on top of her.

  Slowly, I moved in and out of her as we looked into each other’s eyes. Hers began to glisten, and I stopped moving altogether. She blinked a few times, trying to hold the tears at bay. “I… I thought…”

  “Shh,” I hushed her. “I know what you thought. But I can handle things now. The work I want to do won’t hinder my progress. The food I want to eat won’t really hurt me. You have this tendency to go overboard. You do it with the kids too. How many things that concerned them have I had to override when you deemed them too dangerous or too scary?”

  “A lot.” She smiled and arched up to make me move again. “You can keep moving while we talk. No reason to stop that. It feels amazing.”

  My wife did love it when I made love to her. A man could have it so much worse. “I think I can do two things at once.”

  “You definitely can,” Jade said with a sexy little grin on her sweet plump lips. “And I know I can go overboard. I also know I let my fear of losing you make me do things I wouldn’t normally do. Like, take over.”

  I corrected her. “Try to take over. You’ll play hell taking me over, my naughty little sub.” I kissed her again. The conversation was over as far as I was concerned anyway.

  And with my kiss, our passion ignited. A fire began to burn that would end up burning all night long.


  Waking up in our bed with my husband’s arms wrapped around me felt better than I’d ever felt in my entire life. And when I opened my eyes to see Pierce’s face right in front of mine, my heart melted.

  I had him home.

  And he was on the mend too. There’d be no need to build the ramps I’d already had designers make plans for. No need to install lower cabinets in the bathroom so Pierce could come home to a place where he’d have access to most of the house. There was no need to make accommodations for a wheelchair at all. And by the way Pierce handled me the night before, I didn’t think he had much longer to go before he was at a hundred percent again.

  Back to the man I’d married ten years ago.

  Moving my hand over his bearded cheek, I suppressed the urge to kiss him awake. But then his eyes opened, and he moved right in, taking my lips with a good morning kiss.

  “Hey, baby. Sure is nice to wake up to you like this. In our bed. In our home.” He sighed. “I had a dream last night that we made love all night long, but it had all been just a dream and I’d woken up back in the hospital. Nurse Ratchet was coming in with her bucket full of blood, needle in hand to take a vial from me too.”

  “Those days are behind you.” I kissed his lips once more before going on, “And I pray none of us has any more days in the hospital.”

  “Well, you must admit there is one way to actually like a hospital stay,” he said with a smile as he moved his body closer to mine, his morning wood evident. “When you’re having our babies it’s not so bad.”

  Slowly something crept into my mind. Something I’d missed since the night of his accident. Something kind of important, I was thinking, but not so much as a single clue entered my brain.

  “Pierce, I feel like I’m missing something.”

  “Like?” he looked at me with a silly grin. “You’re not missing me, that’s for sure.”

  Shaking my head, I sat up. “I need to take a little bathroom break before I take care of your morning problem.”

  Pierce put his hands under his head as he laid back. “Cool. I’ll be right here, baby.”

  Padding across our bedroom to the attached bathroom, I headed in and went straight to the toilet to relieve myself. After that, I gave my teeth a good brushing before swishing my mouth with mouthwash. And then I splashed some water on face and ran my hands through my hair.

  Still the feeling of missing something nagged at me as I headed back out to Pierce. And as I looked at him, the sheet tented from his hard cock, it hit me.

  Halting, my body swayed as I stood there, the thought filling my brain. “Pierce!”

  His chuckle echoed off the walls. “You look like you’ve hit a brick wall, baby.”

  Spinning around, I ran back to the bathroom. Jerking the door open to the little cabinet where I kept my personal toiletries, including my birth control pills, I found the little pack and opened it.

  Staggering back to Pierce, I showed him the packet with only three pills missing. A chill had taken up residence in my body. “I forgot to take these.”

  He took the package from me, looking it over. “For how long?”

  “Since the night of the accident.”

  “That’s over two months,” he said as he put the package down then smiled at me. “Well, seems like it’s time to try for a new addition to this family.”

  “Pierce, don’t joke like that. What if we’re…” I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t think about it.

  Three kids were plenty for me. I never intended to have another one. Not that I’d told Pierce that. Things like that were better left unsaid. But the fact was that I hadn’t wanted another child, and I wasn’t going to bring any of that up and hoped he wouldn’t either.

  “So what if we are?” Pierced asked then grabbed me, pulling me into the bed with him. “Even if we’re not, let’s just do it. Don’t take these anymore and let’s see what happens.”

  “But…” How could I tell him that I didn’t want to go through all that again? The weight gain, the bladder control problems I’d had before when the babies got bigger and stomped on my bladder, sending pee out of me without any warning at all, those were just a couple of things I didn’t want to go through again.

  The first baby was great. I didn’t even have any weight issues after she was born. Then the second came, and it was harder to lose the extra weight. The third one came along, and I never regained my former weight. I had stayed fifteen pounds heavier than I’d been prior to the pregnancy.

  Pierce took both of my hands, kissing every single fingertip. “I have no idea why you’re wearing a frantic expressi
on. But let it go, baby. Come on. Let’s let things happen naturally.”

  “Can I be honest with you, Pierce?” I finally asked him.

  Honesty had always been our first priority so he merely raised his brow at my question. “You know the answer to that.”

  And I did. Pierce always demanded complete honesty. Right from the very beginning, it had been that way.

  “I know I never divulged this information to you. Not to say I’ve been keeping a secret.” I had no want to earn a punishment at that point. “But I have kept my thoughts to myself where babies are concerned.”

  “You have?” he smirked at me. “And what are your thoughts where babies are concerned, my love?”

  After taking a nice deep breath to ready myself to say the words I’d kept to myself for so long, I looked right into my husband’s eyes. “I don’t want any more children.”

  His smirk faded to a frown, and I knew then and there I’d disappointed my husband. A thing I hated to do.


  Biting my tongue wasn’t a thing I did. But I did it when my wife told me she’d been harboring a secret thought in her pretty little head. A thought about not wanting to have any more of my children.

  Being a man who considers himself an alpha, I wasn’t taking my wife’s news well at all. Who wants to think that they know their spouse inside and out, only to find you don’t really know them at all?

  Jade was young when we got together. An inexperienced virgin college student who sought to interview a real live Dom. She and I met on the message board of The Dungeon of Decorum, a place she later became a member of so we could have a real Dom/sub relationship, complete with a written contract overseen by the Dungeon’s legal staff.

  The thought drifted in my mind that Jade hadn’t sown any of her wild oats and perhaps that was the reason behind her idea of not wanting to give me any more children. Maybe she was thinking of leaving me one day, after the children were grown. Adding a new baby would put her at least five more years away from her goal.

  I had to shake my head to rid the thought from my brain.

  Jade loved me. She’d proven that time and time again. But she’d really proven that when she refused to allow me to simply die, leaving her alone.

  No, she couldn’t be planning on leaving me. Not if she’d done what she did, saving my life six times. So what could the reason be then?

  “Jade, I don’t understand,” the words finally left my mouth as my inner thoughts were getting me nowhere.

  She closed her eyes and sighed heavily before saying, “Pierce, I know you don’t understand why I’d say such a thing. I really do. But you haven’t carried three children. The mood swings are one thing. The weight gain another.”

  “Hold it right there.” I sat up and pulled her to sit on my lap, running my hands down her waist which had gotten thicker with the birth of our last child. “The weight gain shouldn’t be a con in this, baby. Each child has only proven to make your body more luscious and curvaceous. I love your body and love how each child you’ve carried changed it in one way or another. So you’ll have to come up with better things than that for the reasons you don’t want to have another baby.”

  She nodded then leaned her head against my chest, running her arm around my neck to play with my hair a bit. “Okay, I’ll leave the weight out of it then. There’s a host of other things anyway. Like the loss of bladder control when the baby decides to take up tap dancing, using my bladder as the stage. You do recall my embarrassing moments, don’t you?”

  Ah! We had it down now. She had peed on herself a handful of times with the second and third pregnancies. Now we were getting somewhere. But I had a solution for that problem. “Adult underwear.”

  She gasped. “No!”

  “Yes, that would solve that problem.” I kissed the top of her head then stroked her neck with my fingertips. “Come on, give me another reason and let’s see if I can’t solve that problem too, baby.”

  She giggled then, and I felt a shift beginning to form in her mind, she assumed had been made up. “Well, I never had problems with this before, but I’ve heard that the older a women is when she gets pregnant, the more likely she is to have problems with hemorrhoids.”

  “They make a cream for that,” I came up with on the fly. “Next.”

  She giggled again. “Wow, that time in the hospital must’ve had you overhearing a lot of clinical jargon, Pierce. You have an answer for everything. But I bet you don’t have one for this.”

  “Try me,” I said with a chuckle. “I’m on fire, girl. Take your best shot at slowing me down.”

  “What about the fact that women over thirty,” she pulled her head up to look into my eyes, “which I am thirty-one, let’s not forget, have a higher risk of having a baby with Down’s Syndrome?”

  And with that, she’d stumped me. Our eyes held firm as I tried to think of how that could be fixed. But nothing came to me. “I hadn’t thought about that. But Jade lots of women are having babies in their thirties nowadays.”

  She shook her head. “If you’re referring to these celebrities who are having babies later in their lives, you should know that most of them have had their eggs frozen and the fathers have their sperm taken, then the embryos are formed in a lab. Afterwards, they’re implanted into the woman’s uterus. Ever wonder why so many of those celebrities have twins, sweetheart?”

  The thought had never occurred to me before. But as she talked about it, it finally sunk in. “So, there’s a chance we could have a baby with problems that could last a lifetime?”

  She nodded. “Now can you see my dilemma?”

  I could, because now I had one too. But the fact remained that we might already be pregnant.


  It seemed I’d won the argument with my husband. That said, I had no idea if I’d already gotten myself knocked-up or not. After a shower and getting dressed, I headed out to buy a pregnancy test. Pierce stayed home with the children, looking a bit more solemn than usual.

  Hating the fact that my mishap caused him any discomfort, I chided myself mentally the entire drive to the drug store. How could I have been so thoughtless? How could I have completely forgotten to take the pills I’d taken for years? How could an accident and being in shock for so long make me so forgetful?

  There was just no way to understand why I’d done this to myself and my husband. Once inside the drug store, I saw an old friend from school. “Hi, Debra.”

  Not being one to merely say hello, she hugged me tightly. “Oh, Jade, I heard about your poor husband. How is he?”

  “Home,” I told her once she’d released me. “And he’s on the mend, making strides so fast his doctors can hardly believe it.”

  “That’s wonderful.” She clapped her hands. A little girl came up behind her, tugging on her dress. Debra ran her hand back to take the girl’s hand. “Come, Holly, meet my friend from when I was a child your age. This is Mrs. Langford.”

  I shook the girl’s little hand. “Nice to meet you, Holly. What a pretty name that is.” She looked about five and had a shy smile.

  “Um, hm.” She hid her face in her mother’s skirt.

  “She’s shy,” Debra commented. “So, he’s doing well, that’s great news. We were all so worried. That was an awful accident. The driver was a co-worker of my husband’s. It seems he fell asleep at the wheel that night.”

  It had never occurred to me to find out a thing about the driver that hit Pierce. “He’d fallen asleep? Had he been overworked do you think?”

  “I’d say so,” Debra said as she nodded. “Why do you think he was out so late at night, still making deliveries?”

  The idea that we may have a case to file a lawsuit filtered into my mind. “That’s terrible. I suppose he came out of it unharmed. I never heard a thing about him.”

  “He didn’t suffer any injuries. But he has suffered from some kind of a stress disorder. It might help him to know Pierce is doing well. He’s been wracked with guilt. He wanted to
go see him in the hospital, but the boss told him that would be a bad idea.”

  “Because Pierce might want to sue the company?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Is that something he’s spoken about?”

  “No, not at all.” I looked around her to find a man coming up behind her with a baby in his arms. When he stopped, I asked, “And do these two belong to you, Debra?”

  She turned and spotted them. “Ah, yes. This is my husband, Richard and our two-month-old, Braxton.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” I said then peeked at the bundle in his arms. Debra was my age, and it seemed she’d just had a baby. “Is little Braxton okay?” I saw the odd look in her eyes and decided to clarify. “I’m only asking because I’ve had a slight mishap. With the accident, I went into shock and only this morning realized that I hadn’t taken my contraceptive pills. The reason I’m here this morning is to get a pregnancy test. And the truth is I’m afraid of having a baby with problems due to my age.”

  Debra shook her head. “There’s no reason to worry that much, Jade. They do a test early on to check for any abnormalities, and if they find any, you have a window of time to end the pregnancy. I wouldn’t worry if I were you. You’re in good health, aren’t you?”

  I had to take a moment to think about that. “I’ve gone through a hell of a lot in the last couple months. To tell the truth, I haven’t felt well since that night. But I’ve been assuming that was due to the stress I’d been under.”

  Debra’s optimism looked as if it had taken a backseat to my reality. “Oh, I hadn’t thought about that.” She shook her head. “My advice is to get that pregnancy test and take it today. If you are pregnant, get to your physician as soon as you can. And remember, worst case scenario, you end the pregnancy.”

  She was right; I knew that. But what would Pierce say to a thing like that?

  He’d never approve of ending a pregnancy. Not even if the baby would be born with problems. I knew that. With everything in me, I knew that.


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