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Forever Love

Page 3

by Jade Whitfield

  I'm completely out of my comfort zone, I'm used to just kicking back in front of the TV with pizza or Chinese food. My Dad's in his seat at the head of the table with Pam at his left side. Noah sits next to her and Chase sits opposite him. There's a seat free next to my Dad that I'm guessing is for me. I mentally groan in frustration on seeing another banner across the wall facing the door. This one has 'WELCOME HOME OLIVIA' in sparkly purple letters. Pam is way too excited for this. I look back, quickly eyeing the door in case I need an escape route from all this craziness.

  "Olivia, how's your unpacking going? We waited." My Dad says as he rises from his seat.

  I almost want to tell him to keep his butt planted, this is all way too weird. I'm still standing in the doorway, not sure whether to go in or run as fucking far away as I can. I guess it's in I go.

  On taking my seat Pam leaves the room to come back moments later wheeling a trolley. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. A trolley? What is this, Downton Abbey? Obviously my Dad notices the expression on my face by his next words.

  "We have a lot of dinner parties so the trolley makes sense then. Plus it's so good to have you here and Pam wanted to make dinner extra special."

  I slowly nod, not even knowing what to say to that as Pam places the plates in front of everybody. On seeing the tray I've become starving. I haven't eaten at all today and my stomach growls in appreciation at finally being fed. That is until the plate is set in front of me.

  You've gotta be fucking kidding me. I scrape my chair backward harshly against the wooden floor causing a squeaking sound to vibrate through the room.

  "Everything ok Olivia?" Pam says, looking to me with concern in her eyes.

  "Are those prawns?" My voice is panicked as I look at the offending site.

  The color drains from my Dads face.

  "Shit, I completely forgot." He lays his head in his hands, dragging them down before looking to me. "I'm so sorry."

  He jumps out of his seat grabbing my plate before making his way around the table taking everyone elses until a pile of plates lie in his hands. Everyone looks confused and looks to me for an answer.

  "I'm allergic."

  Pam gasps, obviously realizing how bad her mistake could have been.

  Her distressed expression makes me feel sorry for her as anger bubbles up from inside. How can my own father forget that I'm allergic to shellfish? I suppose it's an easy thing to forget one of the things that can, I don’t know, kill your only fucking child.

  "What am I gonna eat now? I'm wasting away here." Chase exclaims in a whiny voice.

  Pams got a deer in headlights look on her face. My Dad comes rushing back in.

  "I am so sorry sweetie. I just.....I don’t even....."

  I put my hand up to hopefully put a stop to his rambling. Frankly I'm way too pissed at the moment to listen to his excuses and I'm also fucking starving.

  "Can we just like order pizza or something? I'm starving."

  "Oh yeah. Pizzaaaaa!" Noah bellows causing Pam to startle. The woman looks like she's ready to have a nervous breakdown and if it wasn’t so tragic it'd be funny as fuck.

  She'd obviously gone to a lot of effort to make tonight special with the banners and fancy table, maybe she's not so bad after all.

  An hour later and about twenty apologies from my Dad and Pam, the pizza has arrived and we're all sitting in the living room eating and watching The Expendables 2. Id had a quick look at their DVD collection before we picked one out and couldn’t help noticing they all had Sylvester Stallone in. On that thought a realization hits.

  "Is the cat named after Stallone?" I ask as I take another bite of my slice of Meat Lovers pizza.

  "Oh my gosh yes. Everybody always assumes its after the cat in that kids cartoon-" Pam's face lights up.

  "Sylvester and Tweety." Chase interjects.

  "Yes but I thought our little Sylvester should be named after somebody to look up to."

  Noah rolls his eyes, he's obviously heard this a million times before. Pam has a starry look in her eyes as she gazes into space while listing out Sylvester Stallones accomplishments. Her obvious admiration for him makes me think of Ada.

  "My friends Mom, Ada, went to some premiere for one of his movies a couple years ago. I can't remember which one."

  "Really?" Pam sits forward encaptured by whatever I'm about to say.

  "Yeah he took a picture with her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, the pictures in her bedroom which I find kinda strange. I'm pretty sure she threatened him into giving her a kiss."

  "What makes you say that?" Chase asks, probably thinking if the story involves threats of some kind its gotta be interesting.

  "The woman can be scary." My Dad jumps in, surprising me. I almost forgot that he knows Ada.

  I laugh at the look on his face and the shaking of his head as I drop the crust of my pizza back onto the box.

  "Women can't be scary." Chase says with a frown.

  "Uh huh, her neighbor had some bailiffs come round once for some car payment or something, they were huge. She kicked their asses all over the front yard, It was awesome. Hey, I'm pretty sure its on YouTube or something."

  Noah raises his eyebrows and gives a low whistle.

  "Are you looking forward to starting a new school Monday, Olivia?" Pam asks changing the subject from whether girls can beat guys to something a little less controversial. She's a sweet woman overall and not once have I felt left out since we moved from the imposing dining room into the living room, it feels less formal and stifling in here.

  "Sure and call me Liv." She smiles a bright smile as I look around the room to everyone conveying the same message for them to call me Liv as well.

  I've always hated the name Olivia. Only my parents call it me and since I don’t see my Dad as much as my Mom, I usually associate the name with some kind of insult.

  "Well Noah here is gonna show you around. He's the star quarterback on the football team." My Dad says looking towards Noah with pride.

  Of course hes the fucking quarterback. As Pam has apparently always wanted a girl, my Dad has always wanted a son. He's a real man's man and I know that most of the time growing up he was just winging it when trying to keep me entertained.

  Things are not so awkward as before but I'm still pissed at my Dad. Pam seems pretty nice, though a little irritating. Shes constantly fucking happy. I don’t think id ever seen a smile on The Bitches face so it’s a little unsettling.


  I'm comfortable on my new bed, the mattress is like a dream with big puffy pillows. I'm so tired after the long day I've had. I've changed into my white sleep shorts and yellow cami and I grab my new green toothbrush out of my bag, pulling the packaging off as I walk towards the bathroom. Obviously some fucker doesn’t want anyone to actually get to the toothbrush since they’ve made it almost impossible to and I'm ready to lose my temper and lob it at the wall.

  "Having some trouble there?" The deep smooth voice startles me, causing me to let out a small yelp.

  I look up and HOLY FUCK! Here I am, struck speechless by the sight of Noah with a towel wrapped around his slim waist. His hair is wet and slicked back with water droplets dripping from it onto his chest. I'm entranced watching the droplets run down his torso. He is perfection. I look down his stomach at his one, two , three, fuck he has an eight pack. He makes no attempt to run back into his room like I did earlier and just stands there as if he's modeling.

  "Like what you see?" He's got that same cocky smirk on his face, the one that usually makes me want to slap him. This one, however, makes me want to pull that towel and see what's underneath.

  "Cocky bastard arent we?" I say in a voice that is way too high to be my own.

  He walks towards me, the guys gotta be about six feet tall and he towers over my five foot six frame. He stops next to me, bending down and whispering in my ear.

  "Wanna help me dry of?"

  Aaaaand the spell is broken. I hate cock sure motherfuckers and this o
ne just makes me want to gouge my traitorous eyes out. The guy obviously thinks he's god's gift, hell he is but there's no way I'll let him win this. I flick my long blonde hair over my shoulder, biting my bottom lip before running my tongue over it, his eyes following the movement. I bring my face in close to his, looking into his deep green pools.

  "If I did that, you'd just get all dirty again." I say in a low seducing voice.

  His eyes visibly darken and his breathing becomes fast. I know I'm having an effect on him and fuck if that doesn’t make me feel good. His eyes flick between my lips and eyes as a smirk spreads across my face.

  "I eat guys like you for breakfast. If you want a girl to bow at your feet and suck your dick, you should call your redhead girlfriend. Have a nice night." I say as I move away towards the bathroom, ignoring the fact he's still standing there staring.

  "She's not my girlfriend." He yells to my retreating back, doesn’t make a difference to me either way.

  I just about stop myself roaring with laughter, I so love getting one up on egotistical dicks. I have a feeling, however, that I just drew the lines for war and fuck if I'm not gonna win.

  Chapter 3


  That girl is such a fucking cocktease, walking around the joint with her tight ass and full perky tits. I can't believe what she's just done. Damn, that shit's never happened before. I've been trying to work out since the minute I saw her how I'm going to get her into my bed. As soon as I saw her standing in my living room, her blonde hair tied on her head, bright blue eyes shimmering, something in me snapped. A few minutes before I'd been looking forward to getting a blowjob from Brandy but as soon as I saw Liv, Brandy didn’t even exist. I almost felt sick at the thought of what I was gonna do with her and that’s all kinds of fucked up.

  I don’t know what I'm gonna do with Liv, well I do but that girl's got some attitude that needs straightening out. With all the raging bitches in this town she's definitely gonna make more than a few enemies, especially with the way she looks. She's the hottest girl I've ever seen and that includes magazines, porn and TV. Hell, hot doesn’t even do her justice.

  I get more than my fair share of hot girls but they're always lacking somewhere. This girl is fucking perfect. Her lightly tanned skin looks smooth and I'm tempted to run my lips and tongue against it. Fuck, this girl is fucking my head up.

  School's gonna be hell now, as soon as the guys see her they're gonna be all over her. I'm gonna be throwing punches out left, right and center. I grab my phone from my bed and scroll through my contacts looking for the one person who I can count on to put me straight on this shit.

  Its ringing, ringing, fuck, where the fuck is he?

  "Yo buddy, Whatsup?"

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  "Im fucked dude." I say while covering my eyes with my hand.

  "Shit, did you knock someone up? Is she hot? Cause you don’t want no ugly baby Mama."

  I roll my eyes, guy obviously judges by his own standards.

  "No I did not knock anyone up, Phils daughter moved in."

  "Oh yeah, the stepsister. Is she hot?"

  I groan.

  "We're talking past hot."

  "Fuck dude, I'll be there in ten."

  "Don’t be an ass."

  I'm starting to wonder how I thought Brady could help me with this.

  "Is it illegal to fuck your stepsister?" I lie down on my bed, staring at the ceiling while dreading his answer.

  "Nah man. Is she really that hot? I've never heard you like this before." I let out a breath of relief that I'm not breaking any freaky incest laws.

  "My head's fucked."

  "Shit, listen get some sleep, put some frozen peas on your dick and I'll be round tomorrow. I gotta see this if she's got you all up in knots."

  "Dude, if you hit on her, I'm gonna kick your ass."

  "Yeah yeah bro, whatever. Listen I gotta go man, take a pic and send it me. Cindy totally blew me off. Apparently her Nana's sick or some shit so my dicks gotta suffer."

  "Real nice Brady."

  "Hey, I'm young. I got a life to lead and my dick needs attention. Maybe your girl can give me some ideas."

  "Fuck you asshole."

  Laughing at the other end of the phone causes me to hang up. Well that was a waste of fucking time. I don’t know what's wrong with me. The way she came up against me outside the bathroom though, and the soft pur of her voice, well that shit just makes me squeeze my eyes shut. I remember the way she looked in that towel earlier, clinging to her soft curves, her wet chest just daring me to lick the water droplets from her. Fuck I need some sleep, I probably need to get myself laid, maybe then I won't be attacked by the hot seductress that is my new step sister.


  I wake up way too fucking early with a raging hard on after being assaulted by dreams of bright blue eyes, long blonde hair and a tight ass you can bounce a nickel on. Man I need to get laid but even the thought of it with anyone other than Liv has my stomach turning. My Mom's already in the kitchen as I trudge my way in there.

  "Where is everyone?" I ask while taking a seat at the marble topped island.

  "Oh Liv is on a run and Phils in the shower. Chase is still in bed of course." My Mom is way too cheery for this time of the morning.

  I consider heading back up to bed but damn if I don’t wanna wait around to catch a glimpse of Liv in some tight ass workout gear. Just as I'm about to pour my cereal, she comes flouncing in and well, the cereal goes everywhere. This is just embarrassing. She's in some neon green sports bra that leaves her tight toned stomach bare and some black leggings that could have been painted on her.

  My Mom's fussing about me trying to clean the mess I've just made up.

  "Mom, seriously I've got it."

  She walks off in a huff, probably about to have a panic attack over the mess, I swear that woman's got OCD. Oh well, it gets me out of cleaning my room since she does it.

  Liv's sitting at the end and I note that she's on the furthest seat away from me. She's sipping some orange juice that’s just been placed in front of her. I'm pretty sure she knows she was the cause of my cereal spillage by the smile on her face. I can't help thinking about what she said last night, about her "eating guys like me for breakfast." I don’t know why but I have a feeling I have a serious player on my hands here. That just gets my adrenaline pumping thinking about a battle of wills between us.

  "Hey peeps, the Bradymeister is in the house." I roll my eyes at Brady's hollering as he comes strutting into the kitchen, guy just walks in like he owns the place. Of course my Mom loves him like he's her own, thinks the sun shines out of his ass.

  "Oh Brady you’re here early." My Mom says as that damn cat zigzags through his legs rubbing himself against him.

  Brady and my Mom are the only people that cat doesn’t go all Freddy Krueger on. I'm pretty sure that’s the reason my Mom likes Brady so much.

  "Sylvester my main man. Yeah Mama P, came to meet the new family member and introduce myself." Brady's cat ate the canary expression has my hackles rising.

  "Oh that’s so nice of you." My Mom smiles before giving him a motherly pat on the head and leaving the room.

  I can tell the exact moment he notices Liv as his eyes widen and a smile lights up his whole face. The ass saunters up to her and casually leans in next to her.

  "Well hello there beautiful. I'm Brady and it’s a pleasure to meet your fine self."

  What the fuck, has he got a fucking death wish? She looks up at him, cocking an eyebrow, that settles my anger. This girls got attitude and I'm suddenly eager to watch this show. Brady's ego is planet sized and I have a feeling that Liv doesn’t take shit from nobody.

  Chapter 4


  After spending all morning out running around the rinky dink neighborhood, all I want is a cold glass of OJ and a shower. I woke up this morning with my good mood from the previous night gone to hell. I had full intentions of getting the rest of my stuff from the car but
that would mean spending more time in my fucking Barbie nightmare. Seriously, there's no way that room is staying that color. It's rare that I go running but it's not like there is fuck all else to do. Usually I don’t wake up that early unless I'm running out on a guy or leaving a party. Yeah I leave parties at seven in the morning, I party hard and most guys can't even drink me under the table.

  Now I'm sitting in the ridiculously big kitchen with some asshole leaning all over my OJ. He's as bad as the other one, obviously thinking he's a Greek God. He's ok I suppose, with his dark blonde hair and chocolate colored eyes. Not as hot as Noah mind you, I doubt many are though. I'd rib him a bit then shoot him down but I'm already in a foul mood on account there isn't a motherfucking Starbucks in this town. I've already eyed that swill Pam calls coffee, I'd probably get more caffeine from fucking water.

  I cock an eyebrow at what'shis face, hoping to relay the message that I'm really not in the mood for bullshit.

  "Listen here-"


  What the fuck? My Dad comes rushing through the door heading for the pot and he gives it the same death glare I'm sure I did earlier.

  "PAM, WHAT'S THIS? THIS ISN'T COFFEE DEAR!" He shouts. "It's not even the right color."

  As my Dad is swaying the coffee pot in the air inspecting it, dickwad has thankfully moved away. He's lucky I didn’t get to finish my sentence because I was about to go thermo-nuclear on his ass.

  "I can't drink this, who wants to go for coffee at Annabelles?"

  "I need to shower and unpack the rest of stuff." I pray to the Gods above that he buys it and leaves me alone. I'm desperate for coffee but I'm not in the mood for company.

  "Ok well I'll give you half an hour. Boys you in?" I don’t even get a chance to refuse and I'm soon hauling my ass up the stairs for a shower. Hell, if I see dumb and dumber on the way out of the shower I'm gonna start throwing punches.


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