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Forever Love

Page 15

by Jade Whitfield

  "Noah." I whisper. "Please."

  "What do you need?" There's a look of satisfaction on his face, satisfaction at being able to bring me to the edge.

  Everything feels more intense with Noah, more personal.

  "I need you inside me."

  He takes his hands away and I almost cry from the loss of his expert fingers before I notice him taking hold of his erection. I cover his hand with my much smaller one and direct him to where I need him. He stops just at the entrance, his eyes widening.

  "Shit, don’t ask me to wear a condom, I need to feel you completely. I've never not used one before and I'm completely clean."

  His words touch me strangely. It warms me that he wants to do something he's never done before, with me. Though I'm a little nervous since I've never not used one before.

  "Im clean too." I nod my head and a bright smiles breaks out across his face.

  He slowly enters me.

  "Aaaah, fuck Liv, you're so tight." I breathe out what I'm sure is a sigh of relief.

  I can feel him slowly pushing deeper inside me and it's nothing like I've felt before. This isn't having sex, this isnt fucking or banging. This is making love, pure and beautiful love. I feel his hands come to my back as he sits up bringing me with him, I wrap my legs around his body and he slowly lifts me up and drops me down.

  "Fuck, I'm never fucking leaving here babe, you feel so good. "

  He pulls my head up with his one hand from the crook of his neck.

  "You're mine. I'm never letting you go, not ever."

  I can only nod.

  "Say it." He says, still lifting me up and down penetrating me deep inside.

  "I'm yours." I say in a breathy gasp.

  The room is filled with our moans and heavy breathing. The pleasure continues to grow and I grip onto his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin. He quickens his pace as stars flash in my eyes and I unravel on a broken cry of his name.

  I feel his fingers digging into my hips, he's close and I squeeze and tense my inner walls, massaging him.

  "Fuuuuuccckkkk." I can feel him pulsating inside me, his warmness filling me up as I struggle to catch my breath.

  We're both breathing heavily, a light sheen of sweat covering our naked bodies. I lightly kiss his lips and he gently lowers me back onto my back and lies over me, careful to keep his weight from crushing me. He nuzzles into my neck and drops to my side, wrapping his strong arms around me.

  "I love you Liv. You're mine, I'm never letting you go"

  I don’t reply, just grab his face and crush my lips against his in a hot and desperate kiss that I hope relays the message back. There's no denying I'm his, I just hope that when he learns the whole truth, he won't take back the promise of never letting me go because I don’t think I could survive losing Noah and that scares the hell out of me.

  Chapter 18


  She didn't say it back, the look in her eyes though told me all I need to know. Liv may not be ready to admit that she loves me but I know that she does. If I'm wrong and she doesn’t, well that’s just too fucking bad because it makes no difference to me, she's mine and that ain't ever gonna change. Sure, I was a little disappointed but the high I was on from just finally being inside of her was too strong. Fuck, she felt amazing, looked amazing. I didn’t plan on any of it but the sight of her in her lacy underwear made me hard as a rock and I don’t know what I would have done if she denied me. As soon as I slipped under the covers and felt her close to me, warm skin and lace, fuck I could barely control myself.

  Since it seems that I had to share a room and one of those fancy ass beds with my knucklehead brother, Chase was more than happy to have the bed to himself. Damn kid didn’t even ask where I was gonna sleep. Liv had to practically throw me out of her room this morning after having her twice more, parents be damned. She'd get all sleepy and cute and Id get hard as a rock all over again.

  Ok, it was definitely a bad idea thinking about that shit while sitting at the breakfast table with our parents. Think of something totally not sexy Noah. At least Livs not down yet, it'd be impossible to make my boy go down then.

  "So what are you guys gonna be up to today while we're at the hospital." Phil says while spearing a rasher of bacon into his mouth.

  "I thought Liv wasn’t going to the hospital." I say.

  He shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

  "Oh she's going, no way am I going there by myself. Better buckle up because World War three is about to break out when I tell her."

  At that moment, Liv comes flouncing into the dining room. The tight ass ripped skinny jeans and white off the shoulder top ruining any chance of my boner going down. Just knowing what's underneath, the soft skin, damn I'm nearly drooling.

  "Morning." She says, giving me a coy smile.

  All kinds of thoughts are going through my head, like how we could sneak away so I could have her again.

  "Morning sweetie. Sleep well?" Phil asks, nearly causing me to splutter up my coffee.

  "Oh yeah. The rooms amazing and that bed, its dreamy."

  The bed. Oh shit, all the things we did on that bed, her under me on that bed, her on top of me on that bed. Fuck, I need to stop thinking about it before I jizz in my pants.

  "What's the plan today then?" Liv says, picking up a piece of toast from the pile in the middle of the table.

  "Well, we're going to the hospital, Pam and the boys are going exploring, right dear?"

  "Yes, the boys have never been here so I'm gonna get a a bunch of tourist pamphlets out of reception and see what takes our fancy."

  "I'm not going to the hospital, I thought we already agreed on this. You wanna go see her, go by yourself."

  "Liv, you're going and that’s that."

  "Dad, No. I'm. Not."

  "If I have to wrestle you into the car to get you there, I will. We don’t have to stay long, just check in and make our presence known and then you can go see your friends."

  "Good luck with that whole wrestling idea."

  "Listen." Phil reaches into his back pocket and pulls his wallet out. "What's it gonna cost me to get you to the hospital without a fuss."

  Liv smiles a cat ate the canary smile.

  "The new Diane Von Furstenberg purse aaaannnddd some new shoes to replace the ones the rat defecatied in."


  "Hey, I'll come to the hospital if I get a new Turtle Beach headset for my Xbox." Chase pipes in.

  "Yeah, Dad, can't go leaving anyone out. Noah, anything you want?"

  "Some Nike Air Jordan threes should do it." I say, smiling at Phil as my Mom tries to stifle her laughter.

  "How is it that I'm down nearly a thousand bucks just to get you to a damn hospital to see your Mother?" Phil says, putting his wallet away.

  "Its called negotiation, Dad."

  "Is that what they're teaching you kids in school these days? No wonder the world's going to hell." He shakes his head.

  It's good to see Liv get on so well with her Dad, even if it causes that same familiar pang my chest because it reminds me of my own father. No one could ever replace my Dad, not for me and Chase and not for my Mom either. Phil seems to have fitted in though, he doesn’t try to be replacement, he just knows. I suppose that comes from having his own kid, he wouldn’t want someone trying to muscle in and become her new Dad so he's never tried that shit with us. He makes my Mom happy and that’s all that matters. Hell, when my Dad first died I never thought id see her smile again. She kept going of course, tried to hide the breakdowns she was having behind closed doors but I knew. Back then I spent most of my time scared shitless for my Mom, worrying that we were about to lose another parent and trying to shield Chase from what was going on around us. Then one day, she just started smiling again, not a full beam, everything's hunky dory smile, just a little one. Every day she started getting better and better, moving on and instead of feeling resentful like most kids do, I was just happy to have my Mom back. She sat us down one
day, about two years after my Dad had passed and told us that she'd met someone. She didn’t try to force him on us or anything, just told us that he made her happy, asked if we'd be ok with it and that whenever we felt we were ready we could meet him.

  Now here we are, one big happy fucking family. Yeah, except I'm fucking my stepsister behind closed doors. It's like something out of a movie or some shit. A couple of months ago I was Noah Travers, quarterback, resident player, the perfect catch. Now, I'm Noah Travers, the other half of Liv Preston, I love it. There's no competition, I don’t miss my old life whatsoever, and it is my old life. I'm not the same since meeting her, my whole world revolves around her, my every thought is of her. I see the difference in her as well. Granted I didn’t really know Liv well before we got together but she seems completely different to the girl I saw standing in my living room all those weeks ago.

  A beeping noise distracts me from my thoughts and I look around the room to see where its come from. Liv reaches into the satchel she walked in with and looks at her phone for two seconds before looking up. She gives me a sweet smile on seeing me staring at her, fuck I've really gotta stop doing that.

  "Trina just text, her Mom wants to know if you'd like to go round for dinner tomorrow night."

  Phil looks to my Mom with his eyebrows quirked.

  "What do you think Pam?"

  "I think it's very nice of her to offer and if it's no trouble then yes. I'd love to meet the woman who's actually met Sylvester in person. Oh, do you think she'd show me the picture she took with him, Liv?"

  "Erm sure, I don’t see why not. She pretty much gets it out and shows it to everyone that comes to the house anyway."

  My Mom gives an excited clap of her hands that causes me to roll my eyes. Damn Sylvester Stallone, fucking bane of my life.


  "Right we'll meet up after going to the hospital, do you need dropping off anywhere?" Phil asks.

  "No sweetie, we're taking Noah's car, you go ahead before Liv bolts."

  My Mom definitely has a point, Liv looks as if she's itching to do a runner. I walk over to where she's leaning against the outside wall of the hotel. She's far enough away from everyone else that we can have a conversation without fear of being overheard. Her heads leaning back and her eyes are closed and I take a moment to take her all in. Fuck, I'm one lucky son of a bitch.

  "You ok? You want me to come with you? I can come up with some excuse." I ask, completely willing to do just that.

  She opens her gorgeous blue eyes to me and smiles, she looks tired, I shouldn’t have kept her up all night. Who am I kidding? I loved keeping her up all night.

  "I'll be fine, just a quick in and out. It'll be over before I know it. Hey, at least if she causes me to go postal on her ass, shes already in the hospital."

  There's my girl.

  "God, I wanna kiss you right now. I don’t think the parental unit would be too jazzed about me grabbing you in the street though."

  "Or anywhere for that matter."

  "That too." I shrug

  "Well, you'll just have to control yourself then, won't you? If you must know, id love nothing more than for you to kiss right now too."

  She starts biting her damn lip, which in turn gets me hard. I'm gonna have to write her a list or something of the things she shouldn’t do in public. One of these days someone's eyes are gonna stray and they're gonna get the shock of their fucking lives.

  "Noah, about last night. It was-"

  "Amazing," I interrupt, I don’t like where this could be going and I don’t wanna lose my shit with our parents just a couple of feet away.

  She lets out a breath of air and looks relieved. Is she worried? I don’t know what the hell goes through girls heads concerning this shit.

  "I don’t regret it, Liv. It was hads down the best night of my life."

  A smile breaks out, lighting up her whole face. She's got the most beautiful smile and its even more beautiful because I'm the one that put it there.

  "It was. Just making sure."

  "Hey, you’re the skittish one in this relationship, not me. Don’t ever doubt me babe, never doubt us. I've told you how I feel and I understand that your hesitant to be so open but this is it for me."

  "Damn you for saying that when I can't kiss you. You really are perfect Noah Travers."

  "As are you Liv Preston, now get going. Sooner you go, sooner you can get back and I can get you vertical, preferably in a bed but anywhere'll do."

  "You sweet talker." She clutches at her heart and pretends to swoon, smartass.

  I watch her walk over to the others, her hips swaying in those damn jeans. I need to invest in some sweatpants for her, some that are like three sizes too big, cant have every asshole having a view of my girls ass, and what an ass it is. She gives me a quick look over her shoulders, sending a wink my way.

  Fuck, shes gonna be the death of me, better go and take another shower, preferably a very cold one.

  Chapter 19


  I hate hospitals. I hate the smell of them, like antiseptic mixed with death. Ok, its probably not death but there ain't nobody that can walk into hospital and be like "Oh I love the smell of this place."

  I hate the look of it, all white walls, white floors, white fucking beds, everything white. It makes me want to gouge my eyes out. And the sound, all that damn beeping, how does anyone even sleep in here?

  I bet the Bitch loves it here, I can just imagine her reining supreme over the nursing staff, treating them like her damn servants. I don’t even know what's wrong with her, all the Doctor told my Dad over the phone was that she'd been in a car accident. Car? I always thought witches traveled on broomsticks.

  I'll wager the nurse leading us to the Bitches room agrees with me, the look on her face when we said who we were here to see said it all really. The look of pity that we have the bad luck of even knowing her, yeah she doesn’t know the half it.

  We're led to a private room with a large window. It's pretty nice, for a hospital. The Bitch lies In the bed at the center of the room, her arm in a cast, a bandage wrapped around her head. Her blonde hair is still perfectly coiffed, face full of makeup. It lights up on seeing my Dad walking through the door first, the first real smile I've seen on her face in years. Of course, none of her smiles have ever been directed to me, only my Dad. I see a coldness seep into her eyes when she notices me behind my Dad and I repress the urge to roll my eyes. Trust me, I don’t wanna be here any more than you want me here Bitch. I remind myself to think of the shoes and the purse I'm getting for this trip, they are what's important.

  I know I sound cold and bitter, I know most people would tell me that she's my Mother, that I only have one and I should treasure her. Those people can fuck themselves, they don’t know what she's done, what she's said. They don’t know how far this relationship has gone down the drain, its irreparable and that suits me just fine.

  "Phil, how did you know I was here?" She says, primping her hair.

  "They still had me as your emergency contact Dana, how're you feeling?"

  "Oh not too bad under the circumstances. I only broke my arm and hit my head, a few scrapes here and there."

  I don’t comment on the fact she still hasn’t so much as given me a fucking wave, the daughter she hasn’t seen or spoken to in weeks. Part of me wishes I had siblings to share the burden of her, the other part is thankful nobody else has to suffer her brand of mothering.

  I drop into the sage green leather chair at the side of the bed, it’s a little too near for my liking but I think it's best to not be too obvious what with my Dad here. I've had enough lectures for one day already. Her attention is solely on my Dad, she's turned the charm on to full beam. It's amazing the things you notice when you get older. I never noticed how she acted around my Dad when I was a kid, I always thought she just treated me different when he was around because she was sly. I see it clearly now, the woman does have a heart, there's just never been a place for me in it. There's
no sadness or grief at the realization that she just didn’t love me, that ship sailed long ago.

  I pay no attention to their conversation, instead focusing on the pictures on the wall. Two paintings by some unknown artist to me, of poppy fields. They remind me of the Phlox field back in Franklin, mine and Noah's place. I think back to last night in the hotel, the love and attention he paid me. Sex has never been like that for me before, last night truly felt like me and Noah were becoming one.

  "Liv!" My Dad mentioning my name brings me out of my thoughts.

  I was hoping I could just fade into the background and they'd forget I was here, instead their full attention is on me now.

  "Sorry, what?"

  "You were in your own head then. I was telling your Mother how well you've settled in, I'm sure you’ve already told her all about it though."

  I see her purse her lips, he doesn’t know that I haven't had so much as a fucking text from her since leaving her house all those weeks ago. That suits me perfectly fine through, hell I'd be happy never to acknowledge her existence again.

  "Mmmmmm." I roll my eyes.

  "Well, I'll go and speak to the nurse, see when they're going to let you out of here. Is anyone else coming to see you, Dana?"

  "Yes, Julia's already been, she actually left not too long ago to get me some things. You remember Julia, don’t you Phil?"

  "Yes, yes, I'll be right back." He says as he leaves the room.

  I'm now left alone with the Eleanor Iselin wannabe, just fucking perfect.

  "Olivia, you’ve gained weight." Cheeky bitch!

  "Well Dads wife Pam is an excellent cook, she really is the perfect wife." I say with a sickly sweet smile. There, stick that in your fucking pipe and smoke it.

  She gives her usual hoity toity look, sticking her nose in the air as if acknowledging me is beneath her.

  "I'm sure you’ve already humiliated them with your extracurricular activities." She says, giving me the dirtiest look imaginable.

  "Oh yeah." I nod. "I'm slowly working my way through the town. I'm aiming for a teenage pregnancy and hopefully an STD by the time I'm eighteen. Don’t worry though, I'll make sure to give a fake name at the clinic, Dana Preston sounds a good name to use."


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