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Healing Divides

Page 1

by Stella Moore

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  EBook Offer

  Healing Divides

  Smokey Mountain Series, Book Two

  Stella Moore

  Blushing Books

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Stella Moore

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

  a subsidiary of

  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Stella Moore

  Healing Divides

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-418-8

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  What’s Inside

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Stella Moore

  EBook Offer

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  Blushing Books

  What’s Inside

  Jack caught her chin in one strong hand and turned her head towards him. “You agreed to let me spank you. Correct?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her stomach was doing somersaults and she wished he'd just get on with it.

  “So if I'm spanking you, who's in charge?”

  She hesitated. She knew the correct answer, of course, but her mouth suddenly felt as though it were full of sawdust.

  His grip tightened, not enough to be painful but enough to remind her that he was waiting for an answer. “You are,” she finally squeaked out.

  “Good. I did forget one thing a little while ago. You need a safeword. I do at least know that much.” The joking tone helped her relax a bit.

  “Fluffy,” she responded almost immediately. “It was the name of my favorite cat growing up,” she explained at his confused look.

  “Fluffy it is, then. Ready to give this another try?”

  This time when she nodded, he released her and gently guided her over his lap.

  “Tell my why you're getting this spanking,” he said in the no-nonsense tone she'd quickly grown to appreciate.

  “Um, I was rude. To you. For no reason.”

  He squeezed each of her bottom cheeks in turn. “Exactly. Since this is the first time for both of us, I'm just going to use my hand. But I think you'll discover that I can accomplish quite a bit with my hand alone.” With that, he began spanking her in earnest. He began by alternating cheeks, back and forth, keeping a steady, painful rhythm.

  Melissa found herself gritting her teeth and squirming over his lap as the burn built in her cheeks. When he switched things up and laid into the same spot a half dozen times in a row, she began to break. “Ow! Stop!” she cried, attempting to push herself off of his lap. But Jack just tightened his grip and gave the same attention to the opposite cheek.

  “I think it's time for these to come down,” he commented, pulling at the lace currently covering her backside.

  “No! It hurts!” she moaned, then wondered who was whining. She was mortified to realize it was her. He'd reduced her, an accomplished psychiatrist with an Ivy League education, to a whining, pouting little girl.

  “It's supposed to. Maybe the next time you want to throw a tantrum, you'll remember this and think twice.”

  With an ease she couldn't help but admire, he lifted her hips and slid her panties down to her knees. Without another word, he began the spanking with renewed vigor. So many emotions and thoughts were racing through her mind. At times, she couldn't believe how much it hurt. Then she’d feel a rush of excitement at the fact that she was actually being punished by this large, sexy man. And then embarrassment at the fact that she was being punished by anyone. That she wanted to be punished. For several long minutes, the only sounds in the room were the crack of his hand connecting with her bare bottom and her gasps and squeals of pain.

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  Chapter 1

  Summer in Tennessee wasn't leaving without a fight. During the day, August drowned the Smokey Mountains with humidity and baked them with its searing sun. Nights were only marginally better, and as Dr. Melissa French knew all too well, the unrelenting heat sometimes made people a little crazy.

  Not that the seasoned psychiatrist would ever use a term like ‘crazy’ when dealing with her patients. At least, not when anyone could hear her. She was tempted, however, to use some less than professional language with the couple currently bickering in her office.

  “That’s enough for today.” The words were spoken with a quiet authority that she had found to be more effective than raising her voice. The couple immediately quit arguing and looked over at her.

  “But Dr. French, we haven't gotten anywhere,” the woman whined. The high pitched, nasally voice grated on every nerve the good doctor possessed. Inside, she wanted to wring the woman's neck. But she forced her lips up into her bland, professional smile and responded to the woman's complaint in a calm, measured voice.

  “I know it seems that way, Mara. But we are making some progress.” They weren't, at least not as much as Melissa had hoped, but she wasn't ready to give up on the couple just yet. “I'll see you both next week, at the same time.”

  “This is ridiculous. What are we even paying you for?” Mara demanded sulkily.

  Refusing to be baited, Melissa looked over at the man who was studying his wife with a thoughtful frown. Hope sparked through the fatigue that was dragging at her and she decided to give them a few extra minutes. They were her last appointment, after all, so she wouldn't be intruding on anyone else's time.

  “William, is there something you'd like to address?” Melissa asked.

  William Hanson, still stunningly handsome at nearly fifty-three, never took his eyes off his younger, curvaceous wife. They really did make a stunning pair, just on looks alone. But Melissa had also seen something between them the first time they'd come to her that had caused her to dig in her heels. Where most people just saw a young gold digger and a wealthy man going through a bit of a mid-life crisis, she saw genuine affection and a love she hoped would deepen with time.

  “Apologize to Dr. French,” William said after an extended pause. His tone sent a shiver down Melissa's spine that she ruthlessly suppressed.

  Mara, however, had none of the good doctor’s training or willpower. She turned and gaped at her husband. “Why?” she asked, crossing her arms across her chest in a defiant gesture that had Melissa inwardly cringing.

  “Because you were rude. She's been nothing but kind and helpful. Now apologize. I won’t repeat myself again.”

  Mara’s expression turned mutinous, but Melissa could see the gleam of lust in the gorgeous woman's eyes. “And if I don’t apologize?” The taunting tone nearly brought a smile to Melissa's face, but she kept her features carefully passive.

  “Dr. French, might we have a bit of privacy?” William asked, his eyes still trained on his wife's now shocked face.

  “Of course. I'll be just outside.” Melissa stood and smoothed her skirt before walking to the door that led to the reception area. “Oh, and William,” at the door she turned, and offered a bright smile, “just so you know, this room has been thoroughly soundproofed.” She shut the door on William’s deep laughter and Mara’s startled gasp.

  Melissa kept herself busy making notes and checking her appointments for the following week, grateful as always for the almost militant organization of her receptionist. Several minutes later, the couple emerged from her office. Mara’s eyes were lined with red, and the same color rode high on her cheeks. Gone was the antagonistic, whiny brat Melissa had gotten to know over the past several weeks, and in her place was a contrite, yet glowing woman.

  “Dr. French, I'm very sorry for my rudeness. Will you forgive me?” Sympathy stirred in Melissa's heart at the tears filling the woman's eyes.

  “Of course,” she assured Mara with the first genuine smile of her day. “Same time next week?” she asked, hopeful they would keep their weekly appointments for the time being. The obviously healthy discipline session in her office was a good start, but it wasn't going to magically fix the underlying issues in their relationship.

  William inclined his head as he slipped a supportive arm around his wife's waist. A surprising surge of jealousy rose up in her as Melissa watched Mara lean into his embrace. The couple said their goodbyes and Melissa locked up behind them. She returned to her office, but it wasn’t long before she realized she was too restless to concentrate on her notes.

  Restless was a good description of how she'd felt in general lately. Her practice kept her busy and fulfilled. She loved her career. Helping people sort through the mess in their heads so that they could pursue healthy relationships was one of the main reasons she'd become a psychiatrist.

  The fact that she was gaining quite the reputation in certain circles for her understanding and skill with relationships containing a dominant and submissive dynamic only added another layer of satisfaction.

  But lately, she found herself wishing for more. Being the authority figure in her tiny office was natural and necessary, but she longed for a space where she could hand over that authority and let someone else be in control. She craved it like some women craved chocolate.

  Unfortunately for her, she would be going home to her empty house, and there would only be more responsibilities waiting for her there. Bills to be paid, chores to be done.

  The idea of going home alone was suddenly unbearable. Before she could talk herself out of it, she shut down her laptop, packed up everything she would need to work on that weekend and bolted from the office.

  Chapter 2

  “So, do you like being a police officer?”

  Detective Jack Meyers forced himself to pay attention to the woman smiling at him from across the table. It shouldn't have been hard, since she was any man’s wet dream. Her expertly styled blonde hair framed a face that could stop a man in his tracks, and the dress she'd poured her impressive curves into left little to the imagination.

  And still, he was finding it hard to concentrate on anything she said. To the blonde bombshell’s credit, she was doing an admirable job of carrying the conversation with little help from him. The problem, he supposed, was him. When had he gotten bored with spending the night with a gorgeous woman?

  He forced himself to focus on the conversation. Maybe once they got past the initial small talk he'd find her more intriguing. He was doubtful of it, but since he'd been the one to ask her out, he at least owed it to her to try.

  “Detective, and yeah, it's got its ups and downs like any other job, I suppose.” It was the most truthful answer he could think of without getting too personal.

  “Is it dangerous?” The glint in her eyes told him she'd probably seen one too many episodes of Law and Order.

  Jack shrugged. “Rarely. It's more phone calls and paperwork than anything.”

  “Oh. I guess it's not like on TV, huh?” She grinned at him.

  He relaxed, thinking maybe the night wouldn't be so bad after all. After dinner, she invited him back to her place. He wasn't sure which of them was more surprised when he left her at her front door with nothing more than a polite peck on the cheek. Feeling significantly on edge after the uneventful evening, he decided to explore downtown Knoxville a bit. As he was walking past an upscale bar, something inside caught his attention.

  Correction. Someone caught his attention. Intrigued, he ducked inside and casually sauntered up to the bar.

  “Come here often?” he asked in a low voice that only she could hear.

  Dr. Melissa French turned and studied him with slightly blurry eyes that went wide with what he could only describe as delight.

  “Detective Meyers! Fancy meeting you here. Wait,” she na
rrowed those stunning blue eyes at him. “What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here,” she said with an adorable pout.

  He barely resisted the urge to yank her to him so he could sink his teeth into that full, sexy bottom lip. Somehow, he doubted the prim and proper doctor would appreciate such rough treatment.

  “I was on a date,” he said, sliding onto the stool next to her. He flagged down the bartender and held up two fingers. “Whiskey. On the rocks.” He turned back to the doctor. “What are you doing out this way?” The whole situation had his antennae quivering and he wasn't leaving the bar until his curiosity was satisfied.

  She lifted one delicate shoulder in a gesture of practiced nonchalance that he admired. “Just wanted to get away for a bit. Where is your date?”

  He grinned at her. She was doing a pretty decent job of pretending not to be completely soused. The slight slur of her words gave her away, but he found it oddly endearing.

  “At home, probably unloading on a girlfriend about what an unbearable oaf I am,” he replied. He took a sip of his whiskey and nearly moaned at the smooth flavor. “Now, Dr. French, what’s a woman like you doing all alone in a bar?”

  Her nose crinkled in a gesture that was so at odds with the cool, sophisticated image he had of her, he nearly laughed out loud. “Melissa. My name is Melissa. Surely we know each other well enough to forgo such formal titles, yes?”


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