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Hope Falls_Sparks Fly

Page 3

by Jennifer Miller

  “Yes, but-”

  “Can you change and then bring along your dress in case you want to change later? Or we can always come back to change – whatever we feel like.”

  “Okay,” I say slowly. “Why? What will we be doing?”

  “You’ll see,” he smiles.

  I nod and take some things from my suitcase and go to the bathroom to change. Brady already left for work with a quick wave and a kiss on my cheek earlier. As I change I feel apprehensive about what I’m getting into today, but do my best to shake it off. I’m here to relax, have a good time, and to be social for god sakes. I need it. So, I promise myself to let go, and have fun.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I turn to Landon. “Okay,” I gesture my jeans, sneakers and blue shirt I’m sporting, “this work?”

  “Yep. That’ll do,” he says with a large smile.

  “Then let’s go,” I tell him.

  “Do you like coffee?” he asks.

  “Do I ever,” I nod and he laughs at the look he sees on my face.

  “Alright, first stop is Brewed Awakenings. Let’s go!”

  With a smile, he walks to the door, opens it and gestures for me to proceed . Taking a deep breath, I return his smile and walk out of the apartment to start our day.

  Chapter Six


  No one should look that good in simple jeans and a t-shirt, but she wears them well. I keep having to make myself look away from her, to act natural and seem uninterested, but I’d like nothing more than to kick it up a notch and charm her. I know it’s smarter to follow her lead. The last thing I want is to overstep, have her get upset and complain to Brady. That would suck.

  Pulling up to Brewed Awakenings, I park and we walk inside. Britt smiles behind the two women behind the counter when we walk into the place.

  “Hi Vivien and Audrey,” I greet the sisters that run the place.

  “Hey there, Landon. Do you want your regular today?”

  “You know it,” I tell Vivien.

  “And what about you, doll?” Audrey asks Britt kindly.

  “I’ll take a medium café mocha, please. No whip cream.”

  “You got it.”

  We aren’t waiting long before they hand us our drinks. Curiously, both of them look between the two of us and I know they are wondering who Britt is. Clearing my throat I announce, “This is Britt Larson, Brady’s sister. She’s here visiting.”

  “Nice to meet you,” they both say kindly, and I pay for our coffees.

  “Enjoy your visit, now,” Audrey says with a smile as we take our coffees and leave. “See you soon,” Vivien says to me and I smile and nod.

  “Thanks for the coffee,” Britt says as soon as we’re outside again. “You come here often, huh?”

  “Yeah, every morning usually,” I admit.

  “What’s the regular?” she asks gesturing to my coffee.

  “Oh, nothing special. A regular coffee with a splash of cream, sugar and a shot of espresso.”

  “Ah,” she says taking a sip of her own drink. “Mm, good,” she says and I watch intently as she licks her lips. She notices and looks away but not before I see her lips curve into a smile. Maybe today will be more fun than I was hoping.

  When we get back into my truck, we begin the quick drive to our destination. I called a friend of mine that owes me a favor. I worked on his car a while back and gave him a good deal. He said whenever I wanted to use their place to give them a call, they’d give me a deal. So I did. I hope she won’t mind what I’ve got planned. I just figured it would be something different.

  “You didn’t have to spend time with me today because you felt sorry for me. I would have been fine on my own. It sucks Brady has to work, but it is what it is,” she shrugs.

  At a stoplight I look at her and wait for her eyes to connect with mine, “I’m not spending time with you because I feel sorry for you. I’m spending time with you because I want to. I meant what I said, I haven’t taken time for myself in a long time. And I rather enjoy the fact that I’ll be spending today with company, so I should be thanking you. Okay?”

  She holds my stare for a moment as if she’s waiting for something to tell her that I’m not being truthful, but I wait it out and she nods and simply says, “Okay.”

  When we arrive to our destination, she reads the sign as we pull in, “Mountain Ridge Outdoor Adventures?”

  “Yep,” I respond but offer nothing else.

  “What will we be doing here?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Once we park, I remove a backpack from the backseat and sling it over my shoulder before we walk into the main office. I smile immediately when I see my friend, Justin Barnes, behind the counter. “Justin, hi,” I shake his hand and he smiles widely.

  “Good to see you, Landon. How’s the car fixin’ business going?”

  “It’s been good. Busy. That’s why I’m enjoying a much needed day off.”

  “I have to admit I didn’t think you’d ever take me up on my offer,” he says with a laugh. A door behind the counter swings open and Amanda, Justin’s significant other joins us.

  “Landon, hi. Good to see you,” she says kindly.

  “Thanks, Amanda. You too. Let me introduce you both to Brady Larson’s sister, Britt. She’s in town visiting him, but he has to work today so I stepped in. Although the benefit is mine because I get the pleasure of her company.”

  I laugh when she rolls her eyes, “He’s just being kind. Hi, it’s nice to meet you both,” Britt says kindly.

  “You as well. Amanda is going to take you two out to the barn, we’ve got everything ready to go for you,” Justin says kindly.

  “Great. We’re ready,” I say and follow Amanda out of the building.

  “To the barn?” Britt whispers to me, eyes wide with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity. “Are we going to milk cows or slop hogs?” I just laugh, and follow Amanda knowing as soon as we step inside, it’s going to be very obvious what we’re doing.

  “You ready?” I ask her before we walk inside.

  “How can I even answer that question honestly?” she says with a laugh.

  “Good point,” I respond and walk inside, knowing she’ll follow.

  Chapter Seven


  When we step inside the barn, tied to a post and clearly waiting for us are two beautiful Quarter Horses. One is chestnut, the other black, and they stand tall and majestic. “They’re gorgeous,” I breathe taking in their stature and beauty. The chestnut horse bobs its head as if it’s agreeing with my sentiment.

  “Thank you,” Amanda says with a smile as she strokes the nose of the black horse. “This is Disco, and the other is Hip Hop.” When I laugh she rolls her eyes and says, “Justin thinks he’s funny.”

  Approaching Disco, I stoke her nose as well and look at Landon excitedly, “We’re going to ride?”

  “We sure are,” he says and shows me the pack attached to Hip Hop, “and we’ll have a picnic too.”

  “Sounds wonderful. It’s been a while since I’ve ridden.”

  “You’ve ridden before?” he inquires but answers his own question with a nod and says, “That’s good.”

  “Yes, I love it.”

  “Good,” he says. “Normally we would have a guide, but Justin and Amanda are letting us follow the trail on our own. Only stipulation is that we need to be back in a few hours. Sound good?”

  “That sounds great. Thank you so much,” I tell Amanda unable to take my eyes from Disco.

  “You’re welcome. Landon knows the path and how to reach us if there’s a problem, he’s done this plenty of times.”

  “It’s true. It’s just been a while.”

  “Have a great ride, and I’ll see you when you return,” Amanda says and with a smile, she leaves.

  “I’m surprised she’s letting us take them on our own.”

  “I’ve known Justin and Amanda for a long time. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to be best friends with a local cop,�
�� he smiles widely. “Alright, enough chit chat, let’s get going. You need help getting up?”

  “No!” I state indignantly and after I unclasped Disco’s lead and grasped the reins from the post, I move to her side, pat her and murmur, “Alright girl, I’m going to get on up, okay?” I lift my foot high and place it in the stirrup, hold onto the saddle horn and lift. And come right back down on my foot. “Well crap,” I say. I hear Landon’s chuckle. “Alright, I may need some help getting up,” I admit reluctantly. I grab the saddle horn again and lift, but this time, I feel a hand on my butt that keeps me steady while I swing my other leg over the saddle. When I’m seated, I turn to Landon and lift my brows, “Thanks.” He’s sporting a wide smile.

  “My pleasure,” he says.

  “Yeah, you’re welcome,” I say saucily.

  He laughs and moves to Hip Hop and I admire the way he swings himself neatly into the saddle. Taking Hip Hop’s reins, he turns to me, “Alright, let’s go!”

  He starts us off on a walk out of the barn, through the farm area and toward the wooded area. There are signs posted telling us exactly where the entrance is. As we pass through the entrance it’s as if we enter a new world. Lush, green, trees and foliage surround us and the view is breathtaking. Our horses follow each other along the narrow trail easily and it’s apparent they’ve walked this trail many times. Conversation is difficult since we aren’t side by side, so I use the time to enjoy the sun on my skin and the smell of nature in my nose. I’m wearing a big smile, and I can’t help but pat Disco from time to time telling her what a good girl she is.

  We walk for an hour before we enter a large clearing. There are trees all around the clearing encircling us, and flowers blooming throughout. A post and large trough of water is here as well, and when Landon walks his horse up to it, I follow. We dismount and tie the horses in place and watch for a moment while they begin to drink. Landon gets in his pack and pulls some things out. “Come on,” he says and I make my way to him very aware of how funny I’m walking.

  “I have to look ridiculous,” I tell him knowing full well I’m waddling a bit.

  “I wasn’t going to say a word.”

  “Such a gentleman.”

  I’m surprised when Landon unfolds a blanket and lays it on the ground and from his backpack removes a small cooler. Inside he pulls out crackers, cheese, a fruit spread, grapes, nuts, and some bottles of water.

  “Wow,” I tell him checking out the spread. He’s even got small plates and napkins and a small knife to spread the Brie and fruit spread onto our cracker. “You thought of everything.”

  “I tried,” he says.

  “I’ll admit it, I’m impressed. How do you not have a girlfriend? I mean, I guess I’m assuming you don’t… because you’re spending time with me… but I guess I don’t really know…” I’m rambling. Like an idiot.

  “Why? You interested?”

  “Ha. Ha.”

  He laughs, “I don’t have a girlfriend, and you’re right. It’s a shocker, cuz I’m a catch.”

  I laugh again and it feels good. We eat the breakfast he’s packed for us and for a while are quiet, just enjoying our surroundings and the peace that comes with it.

  “So, why don’t you have a girlfriend, Landon Miracle?” I ask nosily.

  “I did, but since we broke up I’ve decided to enjoy the single life for a bit.”

  “Ah, gotcha.”

  “And you? Are you single Brittney Larson?” he copies me and uses my first and last name.

  “Oh you know… it depends on the day of the week. I too am a hot commodity,” he smiles and I do too. “Really, I date around from time to time but nothing serious,” I shrug. “Haven’t found anyone worth being serious with.”

  He nods and asks, “Do you like being a hair stylist?”

  “I do,” I admit. “Although I know it’s not what my parents preferred me to do with my life.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was in college for a little while. I wanted to be a marine biologist.”

  “Wow, that’s a big difference from a hair stylist.”

  “That it is. I enjoyed science and figured majoring in science in college would be no big deal. Once I started though, I realized my heart wasn’t in it at all. I wasn’t passionate about it, it didn’t make me feel good about myself. I’ve always enjoyed hair, makeup, nails and that kind of thing which I know is as completely opposite a direction as one can go. I dropped out of college and went to beauty school. I love it, I really do.”

  “What do you love about it?”

  “I love the fact that I make other women feel beautiful. A lot of times women come in and confess that they don’t love the way they look. Sometimes it’s because they have the wrong cut for their face shape, or just need a boost to their self-confidence. They put their trust in my hands, and the look on their faces when they see themselves in the mirror for the first time…that’s my passion. That’s what I love.”

  “You love helping people feel good about themselves.”

  I shrug, “Yeah, I do.”

  “Why do you think your parents wouldn’t be proud of that?”

  “Because their disappointment in my dropping out has outweighed their happiness in my success thus far. A child knows when their parent is disappointed in them or wishes something better for them, you know?”

  “I do,” Landon says softly.

  “So I hide behind Brady. I let him be the superstar. He soaks it up,” I laugh but it sounds hollow. I’ve never really spoken these thoughts aloud before and I’m not really sure why I am now.

  “Well…you do have really great hair,” Landon says making me laugh. “And you are a really great cook if last night’s dinner was any indication.”

  “Why thank you,” I tell him and pop a grape in my mouth. He smiles at me and I find that it makes me tremble somewhere deep inside. His brown hair with natural golden highlights shines in the sun, his lashes are making shadows on his cheeks, the freckles across his nose and cheeks are boyishly charming and his hazel eyes with flecks of brown and gold sparkle. He’s incredibly attractive, and my eyes keep bouncing from his face to his strong arms and tight chest under his shirt. Feeling myself grow warm, I clear my throat. “And what about you? Is fixing cars your passion?”

  He’s quiet for a moment and looks down at his plate. When he looks back up at me he surprises me by shaking his head and telling me, “No.”

  Chapter Eight


  “No?” she repeats and I shake my head.

  “My dad owned the business before I took over, his father before him. I’m the only son – it’s my sister and I. It’s always been assumed that I would take over, and even though it wasn’t what I really wanted, I never said a word to anyone.”

  “Not anyone?”

  “Nope. What would it serve? All it would have done is disappoint my dad, upset my mother… I just did what was expected. Got my business degree in college, then took over the business. My dad stops in now and again, but mostly it’s just me and my crew.”

  “What would you do with your life if you could choose anything?”


  “Yes, anything,” she smiles as she looks at me.

  “You know, I have to be honest and tell you that I don’t know. I’ve never really allowed myself to think about it except for rare moments.”

  “Do you have a good relationship with your father?”

  “I do, yes. I mean, I guess I did kind of give them hell when I was in high school, but that was long ago.”

  “Gave them hell, how?”

  “Oh, sneaking out, going cow tipping with friends, getting in trouble, drinking at parties, that kind of thing.”

  “Cow tipping?” she asks curiously.

  “You don’t know what that is?” I ask her laughing at the look on her face.

  “Oh, no, I do. I just didn’t think people actually did it. Or certainly not in the last half century.”

  I laugh and she smiles, and I find that I like the sight. She looks beautiful. The field at her back creates a pretty backdrop with the sun shining in her blonde hair, her eyes alight with mirth, her smile lights up her whole face and her laugh makes my heart pound faster. “Oh people do it alright, and I did it plenty.”

  “The poor cows,” she says and her bottom lip sticks out in a pout.

  “Yeah it is kind of mean,” I agree with a laugh.

  “Kind of?”

  “Okay, really mean. Sorry.”

  “I just don’t think that’s good enough. I mean, who wants to be friends with an animal abuser?”

  I open my mouth then close it, then when she laughs, I laugh too relieved that she’s kidding. “From this day forward any time I see a cow I shall personally apologize to it and the whole cow race for the disrespect I showed them all.”

  She puts her finger on her chin like she’s thinking, “Hmm, well, I think that sounds good enough I suppose,” she agrees.

  “Thank goodness.” I begin packing up our trash and the food containers into my backpack once more. “Ready?” I ask her.

  “Ready,” she says and stands, and then helps me fold the blanket. We get back on our horses and head back the way we came. This time, she goes first, knowing that as long as she leads her horse to the path that it will know the rest of the way. I must confess, I don’t mind the view. Her hair bounces with each move the horse makes, her body doing a slow rock forward and back on her saddle. When the horse trots her ass hits the saddle in a rhythm that makes my insides tighten and…other parts stiffen as well.

  I need to stop these thoughts in their tracks. Forget the fact that she doesn’t even live here, she’s also my best friend and roommate’s sister. If there was ever a ‘Do Not Enter’ sign on anyone, it’s on her, that’s for damn sure. Brady would probably kill me. The only reason he let her come out with me today is because he trusts me, and I don’t want to betray that.


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