Flirting With Danger

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Flirting With Danger Page 22

by Jade Winters

  Astrid’s heart stopped. She was right, Roxy was responsible for Lexi’s death. ‘What did you say?’

  ‘Nothing. I didn’t say anything and I’m not going to stand around here talking nonsense with you anymore.’

  ‘You said Lexi didn’t touch you. I don’t get it. Why would you want to harm her? You said you loved her. That she was like a daughter to you.’

  Roxy smiled. ‘A daughter, don’t make me laugh. Would a daughter stab you in the back?’

  ‘By getting pregnant?’

  ‘What she did was so much worse than that, she …’

  ‘What did she do?’

  Roxy’s face took on a malicious expression. ‘She hated me. Hated me being with Robert. She wanted him all to herself.’

  ‘Isn’t that normal for a teenager?’ Astrid said coolly. ‘She grew up without her mum.’

  ‘And what about me? What about Robert? Didn’t we deserve some happiness?’

  Astrid saw a crack open up in Roxy’s armour and she tried to widen it. ‘Are you saying you killed her because you want Robert to yourself?’

  Roxy snorted. ‘I’m not that pathetic. You know what the little bitch did? She was the cause of my husband killing himself.’

  ‘What? Are you serious? You’re blaming her—’

  ‘Shut the fuck up and listen! That conniving little bitch found out about my affair with Robert and stalked us. We didn’t even know. When my husband killed himself she was all remorseful pretending she understood the grief I was going through. Last week she told me what she did.’

  ‘Which was?’

  ‘After her fight with Robert she came to me and told me she’d had enough of us both. That she’d sent an email to my husband before he’d died with photographs of Robert and I in, what shall we say, compromising positions. It was more than Jonathan could take. He was ill. He had MS. I was all he had left and he thought I was going to leave him. That he would be alone.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Astrid said genuinely. She was sorry for Roxy’s deceased husband finding out about her affair in such a cruel manner. It was a needless, horrible act. One that she herself couldn’t understand. It was pretty unforgiving. But she was sure Lexi never meant for the man to kill himself. Astrid reasoned the teenager most probably thought Roxy would end her affair with Robert and leave them alone.

  Roxy looked downcast. ‘Sorry isn’t going to bring him back.’

  ‘But why did you have to hurt her?’ Astrid knew the words were futile as soon as they left her mouth. Countless crimes were committed in a split second of anger. Now Lexi was another casualty to add to the growing list.

  ‘I’d had enough of her. The constant drama, the malicious way she treated both Robert and Jonathan. Later that afternoon, she came to me to apologise. More acting as far as I was concerned.’ Roxy waved her hand in the air dismissively. ‘But anyway, she suggested we went for a walk to discuss everything and I saw my opportunity.’

  ‘And you stabbed her? Just like that?’

  Roxy nodded. ‘When we got up here she showed her true colours again. She was angry with Robert for slapping her. She said it was my fault he’d changed. Then she started to goad me. Telling me I wasn’t the only one that could change the course of a person’s life. I saw red, I wanted to hurt her. I had just planned to push her originally, but found myself pulling my knife out of my pocket.’

  Astrid shook her head. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. ‘And you deliberately sent Search and Rescue to the wrong area?’

  ‘Obviously, I was hoping she wouldn’t be found.’

  ‘But what about her bag? It was found at the youth centre.’

  ‘She never took her bag on the walk, I told her to leave it behind. I dumped it at the youth centre when I drove past and saw you talking to that Darren kid. Another perfect opportunity there.’

  Astrid gasped. ‘So you were trying to set him up? How many lives do you want to destroy?’

  Roxy’s demeanour changed suddenly, a darkness apparent in her eyes. ‘As many as is necessary.’

  ‘What are you doing?’ Astrid could hear the panic in her own voice.

  ‘You made a silly mistake coming up here.’

  Astrid turned away for a split second to pull the knife from her pocket. The tip of it had been pressing hard against her side. She heard footsteps rushing towards her. Then the sound of Callie’s voice screaming for her to move to her left. Without thinking she did as she was told and stepped aside. In an instant, Roxy was beside her, but she didn’t stop. She kept going. Right until the moment she went flying over the edge.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Astrid stared down in a daze as Roxy’s flailing body fell, slamming into bushes as she did. She didn’t hear the thump at the bottom like you did in the movies. It was silent, bar the wind. Astrid remained rooted to the spot even when she felt Callie’s arms encircle her waist. Heard her tears. Felt her kisses. She was too stunned to move.

  ‘Let’s get you down to the bottom, Astrid. Come on. I’d better call an ambulance in case she survived the fall.’

  Callie made the call and explained what had taken place.

  ‘It’s my fault,’ Astrid mumbled. Guilt tore through her. ‘I should never have come up here. She admitted everything, Callie.’

  Callie took Astrid’s face in her hands. ‘Astrid, listen to me. You didn’t know she would do that to you. You thought it was Robert all along. God knows what she would have done to me seeing as I witnessed it. Don’t you dare blame yourself.’

  Astrid’s teary eyes shifted to the side.

  ‘Stop looking down there, come on.’ Callie took Astrid by the arm and led her back to the car park.

  ‘What did she tell you?’

  ‘That she argued with Lexi because she told Jonathan about her affair with Robert.’ Astrid was in no state to go into the full details of Roxy’s confession.

  ‘Maybe if she would have stuck to her wedding vows all of this could have been avoided,’ Callie said. ‘I can’t believe it was her all this time. I knew she was a great tennis player but I never took her for an actress as well.’

  ‘It’s so sad that things had to end this way. For any of them. Now Robert has lost a daughter and a wife,’ Astrid said.

  ‘Don’t worry. Robert will get all the support he needs.’

  Though it had to have been longer than eight minutes, it felt like seconds before Astrid heard sirens wailing in the air. By the time they’d reached the car park, ambulances were already there, surrounded by police cars.

  Callie guided Astrid to a low wall and gestured for her to sit. Still numb with shock, Astrid lowered herself on the wall and buried her face in her hands. Would she ever be able to erase this memory from her head?

  Astrid heard Callie gasp. Instinctively she glanced up. The paramedics rushed towards the ambulance with Roxy’s body laid out on a stretcher.

  Astrid’s eyes widened. ‘Oh my God.’

  Roxy wasn’t in a body bag as she expected. Instead her mouth was covered with an oxygen mask.

  ‘I don’t know how that lady survived the fall. But she’s still alive,’ A police officer said as he stopped in front of them.

  ‘She survived?’ Astrid said in disbelief.

  The officer gave a small nod of his head. ‘It’s unbelievable. Seems her fall was broken when she hit a few shrubs on the way down. She’s barely conscious, but the ambulance guys said she can move her arms and legs. If there’s any damage they won’t know the extent until they get her to the hospital. I’m going to need you both to come down to the station and make a statement if that’s okay.’

  ‘Of course,’ Callie said.

  The officer gave a curt nod and walked in the direction of his police car.

  ‘There really is a God,’ Astrid said, combing her fingers through her hair. ‘I don’t think I would have been able to cope if she’d died.’

  ‘I’ve got an idea. In future, if you want to out someone do it in public, do it somewhere r
eally boring like a library. The most that could happen is a few books might be thrown at you.’

  Astrid laughed.

  ‘So, are you going to report this?’ Callie asked.

  ‘No. I can’t. I want nothing more to do with this. Plus, I’ve been fired.’


  ‘It’s a long story.’

  ‘Has this got something to do with Keri knowing the reason why my mum’s in prison?’

  Astrid nodded. ‘She threatened to write a story about your family’s past if I didn’t drop an exposé I’d written about her father.’ She refrained from telling Callie about her late father. If Callie ever found out about that part, it wouldn’t be from her lips.

  ‘You really are soft, aren’t you?’ Callie pulled her into an embrace. ‘You want to miss a golden opportunity just to save me.’

  Astrid kissed her gently on the lips. ‘Well you just saved me. So we’re even.’

  ‘That’s right.’ Callie dug her phone out of her pocket and held it out to Astrid. ‘So get on the phone to your editor and tell him to expect your article about Keri’s father and about what just happened with Roxy. I don’t care what Keri tells the world.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘You can and you will. I know you’re in shock. We both are. But you have to get your story out there. Luke’s name needs to be cleared.’ She pressed the phone into Astrid’s hand. ‘Now here, call him. I’m sure you’ll get your job back when he hears what you are offering.’

  ‘You’re very bossy, do you know that?’

  ‘Yep. And you’d better get used to it.’

  Astrid called Ross. ‘Before you say anything, hear me out—’

  ‘Williams, you little beauty, are the toast of the media. I love you. Did you know that? No, I don’t suppose you did. But I’m telling you now. I love you and I will never doubt you again!’

  Astrid removed the phone a little way from her ear. ‘Have you been drinking?’

  ‘Hell yes. Your story has exploded like a bomb.’

  Astrid frowned. ‘Ross, I haven’t written it yet. That’s why I’m calling. To tell you I figured out who killed Lexi Palmer. It was Roxy.’

  ‘What? Oh shit. I’m going to piss my pants. Two exclusives in one day. Fuck. An editor only dreams of this.’

  ‘Ross, what the hell are you talking about?’

  ‘Keri Butler’s exclusive on her dad. It was fucking dynamite. I’m proud of you. Now listen, get that copy to me yesterday! Then get your arse back here as soon as you can. We’ve got some serious partying to do.’

  The line went dead.

  Astrid stood mute. What the hell was he on about? Keri had given an interview? An exclusive?

  ‘Can I use your phone a minute?’ she said to Callie. Astrid brought up the internet browser and typed in The Daily News’ web address.

  Almost gasping when she saw the headline, her hand flew to her mouth. ‘I don’t believe it.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Callie’s eyes were full of concern.

  ‘It’s Keri.’

  Callie’s expression turned to one of disgust. ‘What’s she done now? sold her own mother down the river.’

  ‘No. Her father.’ Keri had published Astrid’s findings under Astrid’s name. It was unbelievable. Even the photos she had of Lloyd Jenkins had been published. At Callie’s questioning look, Astrid said, ‘I’ll explain it on the way back to the B&B. Ross wants my copy ASAP.’

  ‘What you hanging around for?’ Callie started towards her Jeep. ‘Come on, I’ll race you, slow coach.’

  ‘You’re not going to win this time,’ Astrid said running after her.

  ‘I’ve won your heart. That’s all I need.’

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  The story about Roxy had broken and was the main news on TV. Shocked commentators gave their version of the woman they thought they knew.

  ‘I can’t believe Roxy would harm her stepdaughter, just goes to show, you never really know anyone,’ Roxy’s shocked neighbour told the news reporter.

  ‘Roxy was such a lovely woman. A star. I can’t believe she actually killed someone. There’s got to be more to the story. Maybe she’s covering for her husband,’ a fan of Roxy said tearfully into the camera.

  On and on it went. The community was split into two parts. The believers and non-believers. Astrid pressed the off button on the remote control. She was happy it was all over, not because she had an exclusive, but because the whole incident had brought her much closer to Callie than she’d thought imaginable. Even their love making felt different. More intense. A connection had been made that would never be broken. The funeral would be taking place the following week, which would be hard for Callie, but it would be an opportunity for her to say goodbye properly. If Lexi’s body hadn’t been found there wouldn’t have been any closure. For either Callie or Robert.

  Astrid was mortified when Robert made a public statement insisting he would stand by Roxy. That he loved her and he believed what had happened was a tragic accident. He obviously took his wedding vows seriously—to love one another through thick and thin, Astrid could understand, but murdering your child? That was pushing it. Whatever the case, it was none of her business. He had surprised her. The same way Keri had. Not only had Keri spilt the beans on her own father, she had proposed to Helen and they were to marry on Christmas Eve. How did Astrid know? The news was on Keri’s Twitter page. Plus, Callie and herself would be acting as her witnesses.

  As the sky outside darkened, and light rain fell, Astrid lay naked on Callie’s bed, propped up on her elbow. The bedroom door opened and Astrid looked up from the computer screen. Callie walked in wearing only a white night shirt. In her hands she carried a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  ‘I go out the room for two minutes and you jump on your computer straight away,’ Callie said, feigning disappointment. ‘I thought you’d have better things to think about while I was gone.’

  ‘I did. I’m just looking something up?’

  Callie climbed onto the bed and handed Astrid a glass. ‘Like?’

  Astrid took a few seconds to assemble her thoughts. ‘Answer me a question first. How do you feel about commuting?’

  ‘Huh?’ Callie said filling the glasses midway before taking a sip of her own.

  ‘You know, commuting to work, say an hour away?’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Callie leant forward to catch a glimpse of what was on the computer screen. ‘Why are you looking at rentals? You planning on moving?’

  Astrid’s heart was racing. This could go either way. Her pride would take a serious whipping if Callie turned her proposition down. But if asking her meant them being together it was worth taking the risk. ‘Yep. With you.’

  Astrid waited hopefully for her answer.

  Callie inclined her head to the side and let out a soft laugh. ‘You want us to move in together? But we hardly know each other.’

  Astrid put her glass on the floor and pushed herself into a sitting position, letting the sheet slip around her waist. ‘Yes I do. I love you. And I want to be with you. I want to get to know everything about you. What makes you tick. Your likes and dislikes. The good the bad and the ugly. Can you think of a better way to learn all those things than living together? ’Cause I can’t.’

  Callie pulled Astrid closer, her eyes betraying the same emotions Astrid felt. ‘Well, when you put it like that,’ she murmured. ‘Neither can I.’

  So many emotions sped through Astrid—happiness, excitement, anticipation, and love. So much love for the woman she held in her arms.

  Astrid gave a huge sigh of relief, before finding Callie’s mouth.

  After travelling through darkness for most of her life, Astrid had finally found the light.


  Standalone Lesbian Romance Novels


  Caught By Love

  Guilty Hearts

  Say Something

  Faking It

  Second Thoughts

  In It Together

  Love Interrupted

  The Song, The Heart

  Accidentally Together

  The Ashley McCoy Detective Series

  A Walk Into Darkness

  Everything To Lose


  Talk Me Down From The Edge

  Free Short Stories

  The Makeover

  The Love Letter

  Love On The Cards

  A Story Of You

  About The Author

  Based in Dorset, UK, Jade Winters is a passionate author with a particular focus on lesbian romance. When not busy creating stories and lives, Jade loves spending time with her partner exploring the Dorset coastline in their boat.

  Jade always enjoys discussing her books with readers. You can visit her website or get in touch with her via Facebook or Twitter. Her books are available on Amazon.




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