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An Early Spring

Page 7

by Ann Lister

  “You’re so wet for me,” he whispered.

  He gently lifted Colby’s thigh and penetrated her; inch by inch, until his lower belly was flush to the small of her back, then his fingers returned to her moist folds. He rocked behind her, holding on tightly, bringing her to orgasm and succumbing to his own release.

  “I hope you don’t mind I woke you,” he said. “But I needed to feel you again.”

  “I may have to take you back to Los Angeles with me, Nick, then you could wake me like this every morning.”

  “Hmmm, sounds nice,” he said. He kissed the nape of her neck; his fingers toying with her nipples.

  “What’s that noise I hear?” she asked.

  “I started the generator to run the well pump for showers.”

  Colby exhaled loudly. “Boy, I could really use a shower and a cup of coffee.”

  Nick rolled from the bed and pulled on his pants. “Why don’t you shower first and I’ll go make us some coffee?” he said, and zipped his pants. “Slide your leg to me and I’ll unwrap your ankle.” He lifted the bed sheets and saw her naked form. “You are extremely erotic, Colby. I could touch you for hours.”

  Colby lifted her injured leg toward his chest; her toes tickling his breast bone. “Isn’t that what you did all last night?”

  Nick settled her calf muscle into his palm. “Yes, I did,” he said, making eye contact with her. “And, I loved every minute of it.”

  He carried Colby into the bathroom and ran the shower for her; adjusted the temperature, then went to the kitchen. He started the coffeemaker and toasted two bagels for their breakfast. Before she finished with her shower, Nick brought the crutches into the bathroom for her.

  “Colby, your crutches are leaning up against the wall, right outside the shower,” he said, stopping briefly beside the shower curtain.

  “Care to join me?” she asked.

  Nick smiled and slid open the curtain a bit, exposing her and causing Colby to flinch from the sudden burst of cool air. “Although I’m certain it’d be pleasurable for both of us, I think your suggestion would be dangerous. I think we’d be wise to stick to flat surfaces - at least until your leg heals.”

  “No pain, no glory,” Colby said, rubbing soap over her breasts provocatively.

  Nick stuck his hand into the shower spray and ran his fingers across her slippery skin; tweaked a nipple, and palmed her breast. His cock started stretching the front of his ski pants. “Having you fall in the shower isn’t my idea of a good time.”

  Behind him, Nick heard the ring of his cell phone and shut the shower curtain. “I’ll be right back,” he said, and stepped from the room.

  “Gaffney,” Nick said into his phone.

  “Nicky-boy! How you doing?” Glen asked him.

  Nick rolled his eyes and grinned. “Why are you asking? Is there a vehicle coming up the mountain for us?”

  “No, my friend. You obviously haven’t looked outside yet this morning. It’s still snowing.”

  “I would if I could,” Nick said. “The windows are covered with snow and the wind is howling.”

  “Weather reports are saying we’ve got another twenty-four hours of this before it begins to clear. With any luck we should be able to get you sometime tomorrow.”

  “Good,” Nick said, a hint of sadness in his voice. Although he liked the idea of wearing his own clothing and not the few things he managed to find in the closet, he wasn’t looking forward to saying good-bye to Colby. He knew once they went back to the lodge, and she got the okay from the medical staff to travel, she’d be flying back to Los Angeles and out of his life.

  “How’s your patient?” Glen asked.

  “Healing nicely.”

  “It must be due to your outstanding bedside manner.”

  Nick laughed. “Is that what you think?”

  “Call it an educated guess.”

  “You can call it whatever you want,” Nick said. “But, it doesn’t mean I’ll be revealing my methods of healing to you or anyone else.”

  “You’re an ass,” Glen laughed.

  “I’m comfortable with that.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow with a possible ETA on the recovery vehicle.”

  “Have a nice day,” Nick said.

  “I’m guessing it won’t be as nice as yours.”

  Nick ended the call and returned to the kitchen, pouring fresh black coffee into two ceramic mugs, then made his way to the bedroom where Colby was dressing. When he stepped into the doorway, he nearly dropped the cups.

  “Jesus! You look good in yellow,” he said, commenting on her matching bra and panty set. “Seeing that makes me want to peel it right back off.”

  Colby glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “If we remain here much longer, I’m going to run out of clean undergarments to wear.”

  “Don’t feel you have to dress for me,” he said. “I like you naked.”

  An endless smile crossed Colby’s face. “If I stayed naked, I’d be cold.”

  He set the mugs of coffee onto the end table beside the bed and took two steps closer, sliding an arm around her narrow waist. “I think I could keep you hot,” he said beside her ear.

  Colby bent against him, her body responding to his closeness. “I’m certain you’d have no problem doing that.”

  Nick kissed her neck; his hands traversed her stomach and breasts, finally settling between her thighs.

  “Shouldn’t you be in the shower?” she asked, feeling his erection pressing against her bottom.

  His fingers slipped into the front of her panties. “I need to re-wrap your ankle and check the bandages on your leg before I shower.”

  Colby melted from his touch. He knew the exact amount of pressure to apply to her clit to bring on the most intense sensations. She tipped her head back against his shoulder and sighed. His arms held her in place against him, as he gently rocked his fingers inside her wetness. Colby flushed with heat and her inner muscles begin to clench around his fingers. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her neck and heard him whispering the most intimate things beside her ear. It was so deeply moving, tears began to pool in her eyes.

  He held onto her, as her body vibrated through another orgasm, then he turned her head and kissed her.

  “Are you crying?” he asked, feeling the dampness on her cheek.

  Colby pulled away and hopped to the edge of the bed to sit. She wiped the tears from her face and forced herself to smile. “I guess I am,” she shrugged.

  He knelt before her legs and rubbed at the side of her thighs. “Are you in pain?”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  He studied her expression, wondering what had brought on her sudden emotion. “Are you having regrets about last night?” he finally asked. It was a question he didn’t want to ask, but seeing her tears left him thinking the worst.

  “I don’t regret sleeping with you, Nick - quite the contrary. I’m crying because you are the first man that has ever moved me like this and, after the storm is over, I’m probably never going to see you again and that makes me sad.”

  Nick moved forward on his knees and slid his arms around her waist. He pressed his cheek to hers and closed his eyes. “If it means anything, Colby, I feel the same way.”

  Her fingers went to his hair, combing through the thickness of it, then her lips touched his. “Really?” she asked, and squeezed out fresh tears.

  “Very much,” he said.

  The moment was extremely powerful. Colby folded her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She felt his fingers carefully move down her injured leg.

  “Let me take a look at your leg,” he said, lifting it in his hand.

  “It’s awfully bruised,” she said.

  Nick gently turned her leg. “Believe it or not, that is normal for a sprain and it will look worse before it starts to fade.”

  “Worse than this?”

  Nick nodded, his eyes meeting hers. “I’m afraid so, but it will eventually fade.”
r />   He began to delicately wrap her ankle with the Ace bandage, then secure the end. His fingers then went to the bandages on her shin, carefully removing the damp gauze covering the cuts and replacing it with clean, dry gauze. “Everything looks good, Colby,” he said and smiled.

  Again, tears brimmed in her eyes. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said, knowing the meaning of her two words ran much deeper than implied. “I guess I’ll go shower now.”

  Colby nodded and glanced down at her leg, trying to hide the new tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She waited until he left the room before laying flat against the mattress and covered her eyes with her hands. What was supposed to be nothing more than a distraction while being snowed-in, had turned into something completely different, affecting Colby on a level she hadn’t expected or necessarily wanted.

  Every glance, every touch from him was intimate, even him applying fresh bandages to her leg had become a deeply moving experience. The connection she felt building between them was overwhelming.

  “Give me strength,” she said to herself.

  She sat upright on the bed, pulled the quilt off the mattress and reached for her crutches. After wrapping the quilt around her shoulders like a cape, she hobbled into the living room and sat down on the couch beside the fire. Lost in thought, she closed her eyes. If there was a way for her to stay at the resort, she would. The thought of seeing Nick on a daily basis more than intrigued her, but her entire life was in California - not Colorado.

  A few minutes later, Nick appeared from the bathroom, dripping with water and holding a towel closed at his hip. “I forgot to bring clean clothes with me,” he said, stepping beside the couch and grabbing another new thermal shirt from the pile he had found in the closet.

  Colby reached for the hem of Nick’s towel and playfully tugged it from his hand, revealing his naked backside to her. “Nice butt!” she teased.

  He spun around to try and take the towel from her hand.

  “Wow! Your front is even more appealing than the back,” Colby cheered, her eyes quickly burning across the length of him.

  He stepped toward her slowly. Her eyes were glued to his cock. Knowing she was staring with such intent caused him to harden. As arousal began to stiffen him, he watched the smile on Colby’s face turn serious. She licked her lips and her eyes masked with lust. He took another step closer and, as he had hoped, her hands slid around his hips, eliminating the remaining space between them.

  Her lips pressed against the warmth of his stomach, then drifted lower. The heat and scent of his freshly washed skin was a mixture of herbal soap and male musk and it was intoxicating. She slid her hands around the back of his thighs and pulled his hips forward, taking him into her mouth. She felt him sway and heard him groan loudly.

  “You may want to lay down for this,” she said. Her eyes lifted to his.

  Nick smiled at her and reclined against the pillows at the end of the couch.

  Colby carefully climbed up his body and teased his mouth first before kissing him all the way down to his groin. She moved slowly, taking time to taste every spot she touched.

  Nick tipped his head back into the pillows and sighed approvingly. The pleasure Colby was giving to him was intense. His entire body was vibrating with electricity. He lifted his head and watched her lips moving across the skin just above his hairline, then saw her tongue swirl around the tip of his organ, then take him all the way to the back of her throat. Again, he moaned, his fingers slipped into her long hair and cupped the back of her head, holding her in place.

  “Jesus!” he exhaled, wondering how much more he could possibly take.

  Colby smiled and continued to bring Nick to the brink, only to slow her progression every time she knew he was close to losing it. If this was the only time she could be with Nick, she wanted to make sure he remembered it - long after she had returned to Los Angeles.

  “Colby,” he sighed. “You’re killing me.”

  She raised her eyes to his and saw the look of total exasperation on his flushed face. The state of bliss was evident in his eyes. She could feel every muscle tensing in his body, screaming for relief and begging for her to deliver it. When she knew he had reached the absolute limit of his restraint, she happily pushed him over the edge, watching as the euphoria crashed through him.

  “Jesus!” he finally said, crossing a forearm over his face.

  Colby moved up beside him. She lifted his arm to reveal his eyes. “I take it, you enjoyed that?” she asked.

  Nick rolled his eyes and smiled brilliantly. “Immensely.”

  “I’m glad,” she said, resting her head against his shoulder.

  He rubbed at her back, waiting for his breathing to slow and felt overwhelmed by her closeness. It was a perfect moment, with her cradled against his body. A piece of time he knew he’d never forget. He was falling for her, in every sense, and instead of feeling profound happiness that he had finally found a woman so completely suited for him, he felt broken. He pulled her tighter against his chest and kissed her forehead.

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave,” he finally said.

  “Me too, but even if I stayed, I doubt it would work.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “Well, for starters, I hate the snow.”

  Nick laughed. “You hate the snow because no one has taken the time to show you how to have fun in it.”

  “Is it possible to have fun in snow?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said, and kissed her. “Maybe before you head back to L.A., I'll take you for a ride up to the summit on my snowmobile. The view from up there is beyond description. After all this new snow, it will be amazing.”

  Colby propped herself up on his chest. “You really like it here?”

  “I love it. Can you say the same about L.A.?”

  “I love the weather in L.A.”

  “Did you grow up in California?” he asked.

  “In a small town east of San Diego. How about you? Where’d you grow up?”

  “Connecticut, about twenty miles from the New York border.”

  “Do you really think you could show me how to have fun in the snow?” she asked.


  Colby touched his face, drawing imaginary lines across his forehead and down onto his lips. “I’ve never been with anyone like you, Nick.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve always been attracted to the executive-types,” she explained. “But, none of them made me happy. Once you remove their shirts and ties, they loose their identities and their sense of purpose. You, on the other hand, make me very happy and you seem as comfortable dressed, as you do when your clothing is scattered all over the floor.”

  She kissed him; her fingers skimming across his whiskered face. “You’re my first ‘mountain-man’.”

  Nick laughed. “Mountain-man? Is that what I look like to you - unshaven?”

  Colby rubbed her nose against his. “You’re gorgeous, either way - with or without the five o’clock shadow, dressed or undressed. I’ll take you any way I can have you,” she said. Her hand went between his legs. “You’re still hard?”

  “That’s because you’re laying against me,” he said.

  “That’s all it takes?”

  “It takes less than that for you to make me hard.”

  “Is that so?” she asked.

  Nick flashed her a sly grin. “Do you remember the piggy-back ride I gave you?”

  “How could I forget that?”

  “Let’s just say, I won’t forget it either,” he said. “The way the back of your thighs fit in my hands and the friction of your body against me…I was hard the entire trip. Frankly, I’m surprised I was able to walk in a straight line!”

  “Well, you did a good job of disguising it, because I couldn’t tell, and I was looking, too.”


  “Of course!”

  Nick slid his fingers around her neck and pull
ed her mouth to his. His kiss started out slow, but ended like he may never get the chance to taste her again. In a way, that’s exactly how he felt.

  “Do you think you’d be able to straddle my lap here without hurting your leg?” he asked, then pushed himself into an upright position on the couch.

  Colby flashed a wicked smile at him. “I managed in bed,” she said. “Why not the couch?” She stood up from the couch and removed her panties, tossing them at his face. She undid her bra and threw it in the same direction. “I’ll go get another condom,” she said. “Stay right where you are.”

  She returned to the couch and carefully slid her leg across his lap. His arms slid around her waist, maneuvering her exactly where he wanted. This time, Colby rolled the condom onto him all by herself; her fingers working over his foreskin in the process. Soon as she finished, he lifted her up and penetrated her. He used long, fluid strokes, shifting her in a circular pattern over his cock, quickly getting the reaction he wanted from her.

  She bent back in his arms looking down at the point their bodies joined together. She slowed their pace and watched her lips spread for him when he pushed inside, connecting them on more than a physical level.

  “I can’t believe you fit,” she said.

  He looked at her; his eyes heavy with arousal. His hips paused and his cock pulsed inside, expanding another inch and stretching her wider. The ache in her womb turned to warm liquid.

  “Touch yourself,” he said.

  Her pupils flared; the blue irises turning into a deep sapphire. Her fingers slipped between their bodies and separated her lips; swirling through the thick wetness. Nick’s eyes were glued to the movements of her hand. He held her still in his lap, the head of his cock tapping against her most inner recesses. She continued to rub herself, drawing tight circles over her clit, her insides tightening round him. He slowly began to rock beneath her and she became unhinged in his arms. She cried out, brilliant flashes of light exploding in her head and sparking through-out her body. Nick came with her, then fell back against the cushion.


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