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A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1)

Page 17

by C. A. Farlow

  Ffrwyn was the only one who didn’t take part in the swim party. “I see you have gotten that out of your systems.”

  “Horse, put a sock in it. Just because you didn’t join in doesn’t mean we can’t have our fun, though, you’d have drained the pool with your bulk,” Lauren stated from beneath the towel she was using to dry her hair.

  “Are you making crude remarks about my size, Lauren?”

  “Never, Ffrwyn, never. No one but you could have gotten us here. I wouldn’t tease you about your size.” Lauren moved over to the reclining horse and placed a warm kiss on the horse’s broad nose.

  “And tomorrow will be a long day if we want to be home before dark.”

  “Then I suggest you get some rest, since you are going to pull the sled. I myself will relax and just enjoy the ride.”

  A chorus of “Yes, Your Majesty” sounded.

  “Stop that, all of you. You know how much I hate that,” Alex growled at the others.

  Quiet snickers and whiffles were the only sounds in the cavern as the five snuggled down for a sleep. They all knew tomorrow would be a very long day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  THE FIVE COMPANIONS LEFT the cavern before dawn. The cold was still deep and brittle. Lauren leaned over the sled and pulled the balaclava lower on Alex’s face. “You’ll get frostbite if you don’t stay covered up.”

  Straining up against the bungee net, Alex rubbed noses with Lauren. “I will miss you today, Dearheart.”

  “And I you, but at least we can watch each other. I’m staying behind the sled and letting Ffrwyn pull us. We seem to make better time that way.”

  “Well, you watch for frostbite, too. Things freeze quickly in this cold, and I do not want you losing any parts as we travel.”

  Laughing, Lauren leaned down again but this time for a warming kiss. “I’ll remember that. No lost parts. I’m kinda fond of all my parts.”

  “As am I!”

  “Are you ready, or do we have to continue standing in the cold while you make puppy eyes at each other?”

  “Ice, we’re ready.” Lauren jumped up and promptly threw a snowball at the wolf.

  The sled pulls creaking in the cold and the crunch of snow broke the stillness of the day. They left the majestic Teton Mountains behind at midmorning. By noon, they had traversed more than twenty miles and were at the edge of the Yellowstone area. Lauren looked back and marveled that the three towering peaks looked even more majestic in this reality. It must be the clarity of the air.

  After another five miles Ffrwyn halted, and Lauren saw Alex struggle to get out of the sled. “Easy there, let me unfasten the bungees.” Lauren bent over the sled and helped Alex up, and then pulled the sheathed sword from the dees.

  “The shield protecting Fuar Ćala is more extensive and more deadly than those around the caches. We will need to be careful when entering, especially as your bio-signature will not be recognized. I will open the shield with the sword, and hold it open while the companions enter. Once they are through, I will pass under the shield and hold it open with my body; so you can pass. I am hoping that the strength of my bio-signature will allow you to enter.”

  Alex stood before the invisible barrier, sword outstretched in her left arm as if waiting for a sign to open the shield. She closed her eyes. Lauren stood back, not knowing what would happen. Her heart raced. The sword had begun to glow. The dragon writhed on the blade, seeking escape from the metal. Lauren’s palm itched as the tail-brand twitched. I’ll never get used to this.

  When a beam of pure, blue energy leapt from the sword tip, Alex raised the sword higher. But, as she swung the sword down, an explosion ripped open the earth beneath them. Lauren saw a flash and watched as Alex was propelled backwards. Then the shockwave hit her. The concussive blast tossed her through the air like a ragdoll.

  Lauren opened her eyes, blinking the snow away. Ffrwyn neighed and reared in the sled pulls. Snow and Ice dashed toward the trees. Pain radiated across Lauren’s chest and down her side. She rubbed her chest and looked down at her hand, expecting to see blood. But there wasn’t any. The pain deepened. Slowly, Lauren picked herself up, groaning. Then she saw Alex’s crumpled body several meters away.

  “Alex!” She stumbled toward her. “This is not happening. Alex, can you hear me?” Her shouts sounded muffled beneath the ringing in her ears.

  Alex didn’t answer. She lay on her right side, curled around the sword. A pool of blood expanded around her in the snow. Carefully rolling Alex onto her back, Lauren gasped at the gaping wound in her lover’s side.

  “No, oh please. Not again!” Lauren was paralyzed by the sight. She watched in horror as the flesh at the edges of the wound began to dissolve. What happened? What kind of weapon did this?

  Ffrwyn head butted her, knocking her face first into the snow. Lauren pushed herself up. “Listen to me.” The horse’s deep voice echoed. “That blast was from a long-distance Comin disruptor weapon. We have no time to waste. You must get Alex on the sled, and we must leave before the Comin arrive here.” Ffrwyn unceremoniously pushed Lauren closer to Alex.

  The Comin? Lauren’s hands shook. Fear exploded through her. She quickly removed her parka and used that to put pressure on the wound. Ffrwyn had pulled the sled close, and Lauren picked Alex up and placed her on the sled.

  Her mind was a fog of despair and she worked by rote. Lauren wound the bungee cords tight, securing her lover. How could this happen? They were so close. She pulled the sword out of the snow and looked at the bloodied blade. Using her left hand, she tried to wipe as much of Alex’s blood off the blade as she could. She tucked the blade beside Alex.

  “Lauren, get in the saddle. We must get away. Snow and Ice are trying to find the Comin, trying to corner them. We will only have one chance to get away from here.”

  Lauren slowly turned toward the horse, looking up but not really seeing her. “On the sled. Alex is on the sled. I can’t get on the sled…too heavy.”

  “I will need to move as fast as I can. Gallop to escape, and I cannot do that pulling you behind the sled. Get in the saddle.”

  Moving like an automaton, Lauren staggered to Ffrwyn’s left side. She reached up and grabbed the cantle and pommel of the saddle. She jumped trying to get herself into the saddle but couldn’t pull herself up that high.

  Jumping a second time, Lauren got most of her upper body across the saddle, but her legs still dangled off the left side. As Ffrwyn felt Lauren’s weight settle on the saddle, she bolted.

  Tossed about in the saddle, Lauren had nothing to hang onto. “Stop! I’m not in the saddle.”

  “I cannot stop. We must get away.”

  Grabbing the cinch and the stirrup leather, she did her best to find purchase. Lauren lost track of time and distance as Ffrwyn galloped madly across the snow. Sunset was approaching, and the long rays painted the snow red—blood red. What happened? Where are we going? What are we going to do now?

  Chapter Eighteen

  AS TWILIGHT TURNED TO darkness, Lauren realized that Ffrwyn was slowing her headlong dash. They were entering a stand of trees. They continued further into the grove. Stepping out of the trees into the open, Ffrwyn moved to a stone archway that sat in the middle of the clearing and stopped. Lauren felt her sides heaving, and saw steam rising from her sweat-covered flesh.

  “We…are…here.” Ffrwyn labored breathing tainted her mindvoice.

  Dazed not only from the ride but also from the explosion, Lauren slid to the ground. Her legs collapsed, and she fell, ending up in a heap beneath the horse. “Now is not the time to lie down. Snow and Ice will be here any minute. The Comin are following our trail, but they cannot track us easily in the dark.”

  Lauren rubbed her hands over her face. “Ffrwyn, what’re we going to do? Alex didn’t get the shield open, and she’s hurt. I don’t know what to do.” Tears fell and froze on Lauren’s cheeks. “She is going to die. Out here in the cold, within sight of Fuar Ćala, and I can’t do anything to stop it.” />
  The horse nudged Lauren’s side. “We are going to help her. We are going to get her into Fuar Ćala. But I cannot go forward without Snow and Ice. We will enter this archway. It connects to a tunnel. We can take her directly to the Postern Gate and into the Keep.”

  Ice and Snow burst into the clearing. “Quickly. They are close behind. Maybe fifteen minutes.”

  “What are you doing sitting down? Get up, Lauren!” Ice’s annoyance was obvious.

  “Please get up.” Snow nuzzled her cheek. “We will need your strength to open the archway and enter the tunnel.”

  Gathering the last of her strength, Lauren rose on shaking legs. “Tell me what I need to do.”

  “Use the sword to open the archway, and we will close it behind you.”

  Moving back to the sled, Lauren could hear Alex’s ragged breathing. She placed a hand on a cold cheek. “Hang on, Dearest. We’re going to get help.” Pulling out the sword, Lauren walked to the arch. Turning back to the companions, she said, “Now what?”

  “Raise the sword like Alex did to open the caches, and then move it down in a slicing motion across the arch.” Lauren did as instructed and sliced into the shield with a blaze of blue light. The shield parted and a dark opening appeared within the center of the arch. “Lauren, hold the sword steady while we get through, and then you step through.”

  Once the companions were through and the sled slid under the archway, Lauren stepped across the threshold. She pulled the sword out of the shield. It closed with a crash. “We’ve gotta hurry. Alex isn’t going to be able to hang on for long.” Lauren could feel a pull on her core. That must be my bond with Alex. It was a connection she hadn’t really felt until now. But it was rapidly draining her. Alex was pulling on her soul across their bond.

  “We feel it too, Lauren. Alex is drawing life energy from our bond with her, too. If she does not get help soon, she may drain all of us to death.” Looking down into Snow’s ice-blue eyes, she saw longing, exhaustion, fear, and anger, but also a spark of something else. Hope. She grabbed onto that spark. As the spark of hope settled in her chest, she felt her bond flair and energy course through her body.

  “We’ve got no time to lose.” Lauren knelt beside the sled and placed a hand on Alex’s forehead sending her strength through physical touch. “Hang in there, my love.”

  A dark tunnel stretched before the companions. Ice took the lead, followed by Ffrwyn, the sled, and Lauren, with Snow bringing up the rear. The space was too narrow for them to travel abreast, the roof of the tunnel too low for Lauren to ride Ffrwyn. As they made their way forward, dim lights popped on and illuminated their path, extinguishing as they passed.

  After a long walk, Ice stopped suddenly. Sniffing, she yelped and darted back. A flash of light shimmered across the tunnel. “Oh no, they have dropped the shield across the tunnel exit.” Ice’s anger filled the small tunnel. “When we did not return, they must have feared that Alex was captured. They closed the secret ways into the Keep.”

  Lauren stared down the tunnel. “If this is part of the large shield around the Keep, how are we going to open it? I thought only Alex can do that.”

  Snow paced the width of the tunnel. “Only she can. We are trapped here.”

  “Well, can’t you call out to the Keep and let them know that we’re here? Get them to open the shield?”

  “That would alert the Comin. No one would hear us without Alex in an active link with us,” Snow said.

  “What if Lauren opens the shield with the sword?” Ice asked.

  “Alex said she was the only one that could open the Keep’s shield,” Lauren interjected.

  “It would not recognize her, and it would kill her.”

  “She might be able to open it far enough for one of us to wiggle through. Then we could bring help back to save Alex.”

  “Do you think that I can open the shield? Guys? Can I do this?”

  “No, it is too dangerous. We will think of something else.” Snow shook her snout in frustration.

  “It is the only way. Lauren must try. Alex is dying. She is draining all of us, and we will all die here if we cannot get through.”

  “Do you think I can open the shield far enough for you to get through?” Lauren returned to Ice’s original suggestion.

  Ice nodded. “Yes, I think you can. But I also know the shield will kill anything or anyone it does not recognize.”

  Grabbing the sword out of the sled, Lauren stepped to the front. “Okay, if this is our only option, then let me through.” She pushed Ffrwyn aside.

  She faced the shield. But before she raised the sword, she turned back to the companions. Overcome with emotions, she knelt and placed the sheathed blade on the ground.

  She moved first to Ice and grasped her ruffed neck in her fists, burying her face in the fur as she said, “Ice, I know you don’t like me and think that I caused all this, but I tell you that I care about you very much. I respect you and your feelings. Please realize though that anger is a very negative emotion, one that will make you bitter and taint your heart. Try and put your anger aside Ice, and see all the love around you.” Nuzzling her fur again, Lauren looked down into those ice-blue eyes so like Alex’s. “I love you, Ice. Take care of your companions.”

  Stepping up to Ffrwyn, she placed her forehead against the broad nose. “You, Horse, are a tower of strength. Your heart is so large you can do anything. But you don’t always have to do for others. Let others do for you sometimes, too. Be well, my friend, and thank you for everything you did for me.” Lauren pulled back and lost herself in brown pools of sadness. “I love you, Ffrwyn. Thank you. Take care of your companions.”

  She knelt before Snow, tears falling. Pulling Snow into a hug, she said, “You, Snow, are the voice of reason and compassion. You love unconditionally, and see only good in others, and the world around you. Take care of your companions.”

  She turned to Alex last. “I don’t know who saved whom. You melted the ice around my heart and took away my aloneness. You made me whole. The short time we’ve known each other has been the best time of my life. Thank you, Dearest.” Lauren bowed her head and placed her hand over Alex’s heart. “I love you, Alex. You hold half of my soul. I freely give you the rest to make you whole. Don’t grieve. Let the companions care for you.”

  Lauren returned to the shield, she could see flickers of energy moving across its surface. The discharge made the hairs on her neck rise. Taking the sword in both hands, she raised it above her head. “Ice, get ready to move as quickly as you can.” She pulled the sword downward in a sweeping arc.

  Sparks flew as the sword sliced into the shield. The shield pushed back, but Lauren held the sword in place. Blue bolts leapt from the shield and enveloped Lauren in a sheath of energy. Pain tore through her body. Her mind screamed.

  A tear formed in the shield, ripping away from the blade’s point. When it was wide enough, Ice leapt through. Lauren felt the shield ripple as Ice crossed the boundary, and she released her grip on the sword. But she couldn’t let go, her hands were locked around the sword. Lauren’s muscles were frozen. Pain continued to lance through her body. Suddenly, the shield spat out the sword. Lauren collapsed to her knees. Head bowed to her chest. The sword still held in her hands. Her breathing was ragged. Her muscles twitched spastically.

  Snow nudged her and leapt back as static discharge stung her nose. “Lauren, can you hear me? Please speak to me.” She nodded at the wolf. “Lauren, you are alive.” Awe filled Snow’s mindvoice.

  Lauren reached out to the wolf with her mind. “I can hear you, Snow. Just give me a minute. That hurt like hell. I feel like I did when I was a kid and I tried to take an electrical outlet out of the wall to see how it worked.” Lauren couldn’t feel her hands. Her arms tingled with a million needle pricks. An epic headache pounded behind her eyes. But she was alive. How, she didn’t know, but she was alive. Suddenly, she realized that her life energy was still being drawn across her bond. Draining her faster now that she use
d so much to open the shield.

  Ffrwyn burst into their thoughts. “The shield is parted. I can get through with the sled.” The horse raced forward, the sled in tow.

  I hope we’re in time. Lauren could barely stand, but Snow helped her maintain her balance by pushing against her side. They moved through the torn shield, stepping out into a broad meadow. Lauren looked around. The meadow sloped down to broaden into a wide plain. In the center of the meadow sat a massive fortress. Even in her current state, she was awed by the sight.

  Moonlight danced off the slate roofs of four immense towers. The roofs were crenulated like the overlapping scales of a fish. Or a dragon. Each tower marked a corner of the fortress. Massive granite walls stretched between the towers, and formed the outer edges of the Keep. Even from her vantage point above the Keep, the walls were so high she couldn’t see inside.

  Ffrwyn rushed ahead, pulling the sled rapidly across the snow-covered meadow. But before Ffrwyn reached the granite wall, a party burst from a small opening Lauren hadn’t noticed.

  Clothed in the black-mesh armor similar to Alex’s, broad swords visible above their right shoulders, five black-clad individuals ran toward the galloping horse. They were accompanied by three figures dressed in long, flowing silver robes. Their robes glowed in the night reflecting energy. Ffrwyn skidded to a halt and the party surrounded the sled. One of the robed figures knelt in the snow. A yellow glow enveloped the sled.

  “She is determining what is wrong with Alex,” Snow said.

  Pain seared up Lauren’s arm. “My hand. My arm!” Lauren clutched her left arm to her chest. The dragon-tail brand on her hand glowed the same yellow color as the diagnostic glow surrounding Alex. She watched in horror as the color moved up her arm. The dragontail burned and writhed under the skin of her palm. Pain now followed the color as it moved up her arm. Lauren fell to her knees in agony. Pulling up the fleece sleeve, Lauren stared in horror as a complete dragon writhed beneath the skin of her arm. Alex’s dragon.


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