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A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1)

Page 30

by C. A. Farlow

  Chapter Eighteen

  DURING THE FIRST MONTHS of spring, Lauren designed a new nano-system for gene resequencing. It would analyze and identify the genes, remove the Comin viral-sequence, and deliver the new genomic materials. She and Newkirk reprogrammed the nanites to use on humans safely. The nanites were sub-microscopic machines, run by micro-computers. They contained minuscule holding tanks for the four different genetic molecules they would use to rebuild the genome. Once they had a functioning prototype, they were ready to test the nanites on one of the children. The McLaran clan volunteered their great grandchild. But before the treatment could be carried out, Oswein again served a challenge on the Seneschal against Alexandra’s right-to-rule.

  The night before the challenge was to take place, Lauren sat with Alex in her solar. “Alex, I’m scared. What’s going to happen? How can anyone say you are unfit to rule?”

  Turning Lauren in her arms, Alex gazed into her eyes. “It will all be well. This has happened many times in our history, and is easily settled.”

  “But not without bloodshed, injury, and death.” Lauren felt her heart begin to race. She was afraid. Afraid for Alex. Afraid for them all. “I’ve read your history and know what your Foremothers had to endure to maintain their positions.”

  “True. But in all cases, justice prevailed, and the rule continued on uninterrupted.”

  Lauren tried to pull away. “You’ll have to fight the challenger. You’ll have the right to choose the weapons to be used, but there’s not much comfort there. MacDonald said that he doesn’t trust the Hebrideans.” Lauren felt her anxiety building. The worry about the challenge caused her babbling to be rapid-fire. “Said they might interfere with a mind invasion. What then? How will you fight them on two planes at once? Physical and psychic?”

  Alex pulled her back and kissed her forehead. “Be easy, Dearheart, I will choose swords. No one can defeat the Ruler’s weapon, especially not Oswein. And that is who they will sacrifice in their challenge. If they attack me using mind techniques, my companions will rally and reinforce my shields. Let us relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  Looking into Alex’s eyes, the mirror image of her own, Lauren smiled at the depth of love she saw. What she saw reinforced what she felt in her soul. Alex would prevail. Tomorrow would see one of the challenges Alex was wrestling with removed. Maybe sharing the new treatment plan with the Council would sideline the challenge. She gave in to Alex’s request. “Sounds great.”

  Alex leaned forward and delivered another soul-searching kiss. Lost in the bliss, Lauren realized Alex had moved them off the sofa and on to her bed. Pushing her into clouds of down, Alex moved away from Lauren’s mouth to explore the line of her neck, exposed as she tilted her head back.

  Hands traced the contours of strong shoulders and across the curve of small breasts. Alex paused and looked deeply into Lauren’s eyes. “Your clothes must go, Dearheart. Too many barriers for my explorations.” Lauren realized that clothing wasn’t the only barrier that would be removed this night. Soon naked skin slid gently along her body as Alex returned to her quest.

  Lauren lifted her lower body in offering to Alex, opening to her exploration. “Yes, Dearheart. I have you.” Leaning forward, Alex took one of Lauren’s pink nipples into her mouth and began to slowly caress it with her tongue while her fingers followed suit on the other breast. Lauren gasped. It felt wonderful. Incredible. Otherworldly.

  “Ah, Lauren, you are so beautiful. May I…may I have you?”

  Lauren nodded, loving the feel of Alex’s hands sliding across her skin. Floating over her soul. “Take me please…I am yours…make me yours…please, Alex.” Fragments of Lauren’s plea tumbled across their linked minds. Desperation coated her thoughts. She was lost in a sea of feelings, physical and mental. Nothing existed except the hands stroking down her legs to her ankles and back up to circle her knees. “Please don’t tease me!” Lauren shuddered as she felt her emotions begin to spiral out of control.

  Lauren’s desperate cry for release caused Alex to move her hands to the inside of her legs. She stroked upward pushing Lauren’s trembling thighs apart. Alex placed her hands on the top of Lauren's trembling thighs. Her thumbs pointed inward toward the soft tangle of auburn curls. Curls that glistened in the low light. “Yes, Alex, for you!”

  Alex bent down to kiss the curls and take her first taste of Lauren’s essence. “Sweet, so sweet.” Alex’s mind opened fully to Lauren, and they shared thought and emotion. Her tongue swirled and dipped inside Lauren’s fragile opening, gathering more. It felt like she was trying to sate her thirst. Her thumbs stretched delicate folds open, allowing her tongue better access to Lauren’s core.

  Lauren’s focus narrowed to the physical touch of Alex’s tongue and Alex’s mind in hers. Her back arched. Her hands sank into the ebony mane. All that existed in her reality was the exquisite feelings Alex generated. Electrified with pleasure, Lauren arched and trembled, then Alex’s fingers stilled. Lauren was paralyzed, paralyzed with softness, tenderness, and love. A cascade of emotions and feelings tumbled over and over through her being. Her hips rose to meet Alex’s questing tongue as she slowly circled Lauren’s clitoris. Lauren climbed to her release. Alex pulled back, and again rained soft kisses on the damp curls.

  “No,” Lauren keened.

  “Easy, Dearheart, I will get us there. We will go together.” As Alex sent this promise to Lauren along their bond, she entered her with two long fingers. Fingers that slowly filled her and began a languid stroking.

  Lauren was lost in the slow push-pull rhythm Alex created. It was as though Alex was seeking to touch everything inside of her, as she reached deeper with each stroke. Lauren relaxed into the touch allowing her greater access. Alex was reaching in, touching her soul.

  “That is it. Higher, Lauren, climb higher. Do not fear. You will not fall. I will catch us.”

  Lauren screamed Alex’s name as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over her. The boundaries around her soul shattered.

  Alex was pulled into the maelstrom of passion they had created. Waves of orgasm washed over her, as well. She struggled to hold on to her own consciousness. Struggled to gather the pieces of her shattered soul torn asunder by the strength of their mutual release. She rebuilt herself piece by piece. Once completed, she realized there were more pieces of herself missing. More pieces that Lauren held. She realized that she had new pieces that fit just as seamlessly with her own, pieces from Lauren. Her soul sought those new pieces—searching. “Lauren can you hear me? Come back, Dearheart.”

  A light flared in the darkness, and Alex saw that it was Lauren who lit the way. She turned toward the brightness. “There you are. Come this way.” A hand reached out from the light and grasped hers. Gently pulling her toward the light and toward Lauren. With that ethereal touch she came again, but this time it was a release of merging not of shattering.

  Together they rose from the depths of their passion toward the light. “Yes always together.” Their souls sang. They woke tangled together in the middle of Alex’s bed. Lauren on her back with Alex’s head resting on her stomach, fingers still buried deep within her. “Alex, wake up, Dearest.” Lauren reached out and stroked her fingers through Alex’s hair, massaging her scalp. “I am awake. I just do not want to move.”

  “I understand, but you will not be able to draw a sword if we stay like this.” Chuckling Alex rolled up. And oh so slowly withdrew her fingers, as she stared into the eyes of her love. Lauren winced.

  “Did I hurt you?” Alex’s fear ripped along their connection.

  Lauren giggled. “Easy. No, I’m fine. Just missing you already.”

  Alex settled her head back on Lauren’s stomach and continued to gently caress her sweat-sheened skin. “I miss you, too.”

  Dawn crept over the horizon, as the soulmates succumbed to slumber.

  Merilyn’s voice woke Lauren. “All right up you two. Breakfast is on the way, and we have just a few hours before the Council is to

  “Five more minutes,” Lauren slurred from within their nest of covers. She curled closer around Alex, enjoying the warmth of her lover’s body.

  “Up you two or I shall call Ice to come and use her tongue.”

  “No, Merilyn. Not Ice. We are up,” Alex replied, draping her arm over Lauren’s belly. “We will join you for breakfast.”

  “Five minutes, and then Ice will arrive. Five minutes.” Merilyn left.

  “Dearheart, we have got to get up. We do not have much time.”

  “Don’t wanna.”

  “I do not want to either, but we must. Breakfast is downstairs, and then I must get ready.” Reluctantly both of them got up and prepared for the challenge ahead.

  The meal passed in tense silence. Once the three finished eating, they moved upstairs to help Alex prepare for the Council meeting. Alex dressed as she had for the last meeting of the Council, with one difference, prior to donning her formal uniform she covered her body in a thin suit of energy-armor.

  Lauren tilted her head, worry piercing her heart. “Hang on a second. Why do you need body armor if this is an empty challenge, and Oswein can’t hurt you?” Rising from her seat beside Ice, Lauren’s chest tightened. Fear began to overwhelm her.

  Alex hugged her. “Easy. This is just a precaution. Just because I do not think this is a real challenge, does not mean I will not be prepared. I will take all precautions to protect myself, protect us, protect Terra from everything.”

  “I know. I just don't want to have to patch you up again,” Lauren quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

  “But that is another of my advantages, I have you. I have your love, your strength, and your intelligence. So do not worry, Dearheart. Send good thoughts along our bond, and feel free to listen in on the meeting.” Lauren felt her panic abate somewhat. Yes, through their bond she would be as close to Alex as she would be if she was physically in the room with her.

  “Alexandra is correct Lauren. You will know what is happening. And feel free to ask me questions as needed, or ask McLaran or any of the boys. We will all protect Alexandra. I also have something for you.” Alex and Lauren followed Merilyn to the outer sitting room. Here more clothing was laid out: a kilt of multicolored tartan that matched the one over her bed, an off-white shirt, a sage green waistcoat, a sporran covered in off white rabbit fur, and a pair of knee high boots of soft brown leather. “These are for you, Lauren.”

  “Merilyn, they’re wonderful, but I’m not a member of Alex’s clan. I know enough about your heritage and governing rules to know that I can’t wear a kilt not of my clan.” Lauren ran a light hand over the boots, eyeing the brown, green, gray, and white tartan.

  “You are correct. You cannot wear the tartan of another’s clan. But there is no reason you cannot wear the tartan of your clan.”

  “But, I don’t have a clan.”

  Merilyn smiled softly. “Oh, but you do. You have the Clan Fraser. I am adopting you into my clan, our clan.”

  “No! I haven't earned an honor like this.” Lauren shook her head. “I can’t accept.”

  Alex turned to Lauren. “You must understand what Merilyn is saying. She is the one accepting you. Clan Fraser has been without direct representatives since we departed our home solar system.” Tears ran freely down Alex’s cheeks. “It is an honor that has not been bestowed since we established our new home here. Oh, Lauren, I am so proud of you.” She kissed Lauren on the forehead.

  Merilyn cleared her throat. “Before we proceed, I must share a story with you. Remember when we were discussing the depth and strength of your bond?” Lauren nodded. “I must finish my telling of the bond between the Doouglas and the Fraser for you to understand fully what you share. Alex knows of their love, and how that carried them through the Age of Tribulations. She knows that our entire governing process was created by them. They formed The Council and began the ruling line of Alex’s foremothers. They expanded interstellar travel and opened our borders to others.”

  Lauren was held captive by the magnitude of work these women—Alex’s Foremothers—accomplished.

  “Those accomplishments are only a small part of what they did. The Fraser held the Homeworld and the early Council together, while the Doouglas traveled the stars expanding our knowledge through exploration. The Fraser was a great healer, and she set in place the foundations of our longevity and good health. She discovered and developed the Ruler’s Rite healing. She bore your many-times Great Grand’Mere children and raised them to be the leaders of the future. Each woman did their part, but together they established a world of possibilities for future generations. It is said that they could both wield the Doouglas blade when need arose and that either could call the blade and direct its use. Much as you two can with Alexandra’s blade. I am telling you this because your bond is just as strong, if not stronger. I was the one chosen in my generation to hold the bond information in case it was needed. And now I am discharging that obligation. The bond has reappeared, and it exists between you two.”

  Lauren swiped tears from Alex’s cheeks and turned to Merilyn. “I’m only just coming to grips with my bond to Alex and what that means for us.” Lauren felt strength and love surge through her bond with Alex. Encouragement poured through as well. “Know I will never dishonor my adoption or clan Fraser. I accept the adoption. I accept you.” She smiled and reached for Merilyn. Taking Merilyn’s hands, she knelt and bent her head. “From this moment on, I will be one of your clan. Know that you are doing more than adopting me. You are filling a void that has existed in my life from the time of my birth. A void I forced away and would not look at, a void that I now look full in the face.” She raised her gaze to Merilyn. “It is the love of a mother that you are so freely giving.”

  Merilyn took Lauren’s face in her hands, bowing her head until their foreheads touched. “I cannot replace your birth mother, but from this moment on I will always be your adopted mother. Rise, daughter, and stand beside me as a stellar example of Clan Fraser.”

  Alex encircled the two women in a hug.

  “Enough, enough already. Lauren please get properly dressed, and Alex you still are not ready,” Merilyn said, a smile gracing her face. Lauren watched Merilyn wipe a tear away. “I know, Your Grace. I feel it too.” Lauren had never felt more whole in her life. She fully accepted whatever role the future would bring.

  Alex pulled the tapestry aside and keyed in the code to open her weapons vault. Stepping inside, Alex called, “Lauren, come in here. Let me show you my heritage.”

  Lauren walked inside the vault. Alex stared at her. Before her stood a Highland Princess. Lauren in Fraser tartan took her breath away.

  Clearing her throat, Alex introduced Lauren to the contents of her weapons vault. “These are the swords of my thirteen Foremothers, and my own.” Alex swept her arm over the anorthosite table. “When one assumes the Ruler’s position, a sword is forged and tuned to her life-force. As you know, my weapon also contains some of your life-force now, too. You impressed this into the weapon when you bonded with it and the dragon transferred to you. Some say the weapons are sentient due to the life-force they contain.”

  Lauren nodded and rubbed the dragon on her arm. “Merilyn shared that with me when we first met. Can you sense the swords? I feel them trying to communicate with me.”

  Alex glanced at Merilyn where she stood in the door.

  “That is an interesting question. There are times that I do sense their presence. When I used the Doouglas blade in the first challenge, I sensed a presence with me in the Council room. Perhaps I do sense them, but what do you feel? Only the Seneschal and the Ruler have been in the presence of all the weapons at once.”

  “It’s as if they are reaching out to my mind. I feel a warm comforting calm covering my soul, like I do when I am in your arms.” Alex smiled as Lauren tried to explain something so foreign to her. “I feel like they are accepting of me. Accepting me.”

  A low humming rose from the table as the boxes
began to glow. Merilyn spoke up, “Alexandra, step away from the table and allow Lauren in your place.”

  Alex stepped away, and Lauren slowly approached the table. Alex watched as she reached out. The box she placed her hand on contained Alex’s sword. The glow increased and engulfed her hand, slowly spreading up her arm. Lauren laughed. “It always tickles when she does that. When the dragon wakes up and rolls under my skin.”

  A smile broke across Alex’s face, as a feeling of love surrounded her. “I feel it, too, Lauren. That is my sword.”

  “I know.”

  Lauren moved to the next box. Alex beamed. “That is my mother’s sword.”

  The yellow glow swelled again as Lauren reached out and spoke, “Thank you for giving me the gift of your daughter. I’m privileged to be her soulmate. I will hold her soul and protect it from all harm.” The box hummed and vibrated on the table, and then fell silent.

  Alex introduced Lauren to each of her Foremothers’ swords in turn, stopping finally at the last box. A soft silver glow emanated from the box. “This contains the blade of my first Foremother—the Doouglas.”

  As Lauren reached out to touch the box, Alex held her back. “No, Lauren, you must not touch this one. It may only be used by the rightful Ruler of the Terrans. It will kill anyone else.”

  Lauren glanced at her. “It won’t kill me. I feel the most love and respect from this box. It’s almost like I can feel your grandmother trying to talk to me. She wouldn't hurt me.”

  Alex pulled her away. “That may be what you feel, but you are neither a Terran nor our Ruler. I will not risk you for anything even to appease her. Besides, I do not share. She was known to be quite the ladies’ lady in her day.

  “Ladies’ lady, really.”

  Merilyn’s chuckle broke into their discussion. “Lauren, I would not risk the loss of my daughter any more than Alex would risk her soulmate. Let Alex retrieve her blade. We need to get this Council meeting done with.” Merilyn exited back into the bedroom, leaving Alex and Lauren alone.


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