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League of Extraordinary Robots

Page 5

by Yolanda Jackson

I tried to save your friend, Jeronomo told Wisker. I really did, but the ocean water took him away. But youll see him again one day, I promise you.

  Wisker nodded. The lump in his throat kept him from speaking. After a moment he tried again. Thank you for trying to save him, he told Jeronomo.

  Jeronomo nodded. Now it was his turn for a lump in the throat

  Twang! sounded an almost musical noise and two little elves appeared, carrying between them a pillow, much like the wand pillow Wisker had seen at Douglaffs shop. Upon the pillow lay Wiskers wand. The wand sparkled and the tip glowed.

  It looks better than it has ever looked, exclaimed Wisker. It looks better than it did when it was brand new.

  Here is the wand sir, said one of the elves, handing the pillow to Jeronomo.

  Jeronomo held the cushion carefully. The wand rolled this way and that. Suddenly he captured Wiskers eyes and he floated off the cushion and into his hands. Good, exclaimed Jeronomo. Wands are loyal and loving creations. I would have hated to see you have to start all over again with a new wand. Your wand must love you very much.

  Secret magic codes ran up and down the wand, ones that only a wizard can read. Wisker read what the wand was saying to him. Yes he does, Wisker told him. He has forgiven me for all the wrong things that I have done to him. He says there is nothing I can ever do that will make him stop loving me.

  You must have the ability in you to become a very great wizard to inspire that kind of love and loyalty, Jeronomo told him.

  Thank you so much for what you have done in your part in restoring my wand to me, said Wisker. I would have felt as if I had killed it if not for you and Mr. Dougloff and the parts you paid in repairing him.

  You are welcome, answered Jeronomo. I am so glad it worked out so well for both you and the wand. Then he grinned. So it is still Mr. Dougloff is it? he asked. Its a wonder you arent calling me Mr. Jeronomo, Dougloff and I are about the same age.

  Why I probably should, said Wisker. You are quite old when I stop to think about it. Wisker suddenly realized what he had said and was horrified. The two elves clapped their hands over their mouths to keep from giggling.

  So you think thats funny? reproved Jeronimo. Such respect for an old man! He tried to look at them sternly and failed miserably. Oh go ahead and laugh, he told them. The way it came out, it is funny.

  Wisker gave a sigh of relief as he saw that Jeronomo really didnt feel insulted by what he had said. I guess that didnt come out quite the way I intended he said.

  Jeronomo grinned. Then he turned to the two elves. You have done your job very well, he praised them. You may go now. If there is anything you wish to do today as a reward for doing this task so well, please feel free to do it. The elves bowed respectfully and left the room. A moment later Jeronomo and Wisker heard one of them say joyfully, Oh boy, Im going fishing, how about you?

  Wisker felt his wand shudder at the mention of the word fishing and turned his head quickly so that he wouldnt see him grinning. Theres a part of me that still thinks that was sort of funny, he thought to himself. After all, I was just a very young boy. He glanced up to see that Jeronomo was trying not to grin also.

  Wisker flipped back the cover of the wand pocket on his robe. His wand floated out of his hand and into the pocket and wiggled around until he seemed to have found himself a very comfortable position. Soon Wisker heard the sound of very faint snores coming from the wand pocket.

  Jeronomo put his finger up to his lips. Come with me, he whispered. He slipped a ring off his finger and held it out in front of himself. Suddenly the ring began to grow, bigger and bigger until it was big enough for both Wisker and Jeronomo to step through, which they did and immediately found themselves in another room.

  This is my private room, Jeronomo told Wisker, slipping the ring back on his finger. Looking around, Wisker realized that he was in a very strange room. Books were flying across the desk, heading for the book shelves, while more books were coming from the bookshelves and stacking themselves on the desk. Papers with magical formulas gathered themselves in neat positions.

  Hello Wisker, good to see you, said a green, grey, yellow and orange Senegal parrot.

  Hello, errr, Wisker glanced towards Jeronomo for some help with the parrots name. He did want to be polite after all and return its greeting, but Jeronomo was busy looking at some of the papers that were piled neatly on his desk and didnt notice.

  Almo, said the parrot. My names Almo. Short for Alexander Moses.

  Well then hello Almo, said Wisker, giving the parrot a big smile.

  Almo good boy, said the parrot.

  Im sure you are, Wisker told him.

  Almo very good boy, insisted the parrot.

  Good, glad to hear it, said Wisker, beginning to feel a little confused.

  Suddenly, the parrot sprang out of his cage and turned into a large black cat. Wisker was startled and jumped back, then he smiled and reached down and patted the cat. Good boy, Almo, he told him. Very, very good boy. The cat purred happily and rubbed up against Wisker to show his appreciation. Im really beginning to miss my wizardery roots, Wisker told Jeronomo.

  Wisker, our land is under attack, said Jeronomo abruptly. I brought you back here to my private room because nothing said in here can be overheard. We have complete privacy.

  Wisker slowly sat down on the edge of the chair. But everything seems to be so peaceful, he said in surprise. I had no idea.

  The wizard world is under attack from a green slimy creature, said Jeronomo. A woman made out of green slime.

  I know who you mean, interrupted Wisker. I saw her in the woods on my way here. At least I saw someone who fits that description.

  What did she want? asked Jeronomo.

  I watched her from a distance and she is set on destroying Mayfair, Wisker told him.

  Jeronomo let out a deep sigh. Her name is Glendora of Kapistan, he said, She stole one of the most powerful wizard wands ever to be made. It is five billion years old

  Five billion!!! said Wisker. He hesitated for a moment, trying to choose his words carefully. Do you mean that the older a wand is the more powerful it is? he asked.

  It depends on the wand, answered Jeronomo. This particular wand has saved up the knowledge he has received through the years. There is probably nothing about being a magic wand that he does not know, from things he learned as a newly made wand to the very latest wand technology.

  And is he loyal to this Glendora of Kapistan? asked Wisker.

  Jeronomo hesitated. Either loyal or in bondage, he replied. For now it doesnt matter, the results are the same, but if, that is when, we are able to get him away from her, Im sure that Mr. Dougloff and I, he smiled slightly as e spoke, Can manage to help to free him from her.

  Jeronomos face took on a more serious expression. Glendora has gone around the realm of the universe, destroying lands and enslaving people. Although I have not heard her say so, her actions have led others and myself to believe that it is her goal to become the ruler of the universe. That is why I and other elders amongst the wizards have moved the entire Wizard World under the desert floor. We must fight, all of us. We must band together and fight. It is the only way we can win, by banding together as one. Our first loyalty as wizards must be to the Wizard World. If even one wizard fails to join in the defense of the Wizard World than all of the Wizard World will be in danger, each part is needed.

  Wisker nodded slowly, and a big tear rolled from his eye down over his cheek and fell to the floor. I know where my priorities must lay and I shall be loyal to them, he told Jeronomo. But it is so awful when I think of the many people waiting for me to come and free them from an evil ruler. And the people in the land of the Bots, they must be in danger too.

n Jeronomo saw the sadness in Wiskers eyes, he leaned d forward and gently placed his hand on his friends arm. When we have defeated Glendora, I will promise you that after that I will personally find a way to help you to free land of Mayfree and your family and your friends. The same shall hold true for the land of the Bots. But for now first things first.

  Wisker tried to smile. Yes, and the Wizard World comes first!

  Now we must practice, said Jeronomo, in a getting down to business tone. It wont do to wait until were actually at battle to try some of these

  It will be like being back in Wizard school again, said Wisker.

  Yes, answered Jeronomo. But you have been living amongst humans for so long and not using your magic that I will definitely be the upper classman.

  Should I take that as a challenge? asked Wisker.

  Yes, I think you definitely should, replied Jeronomo. Well have enough serious battling to do; we might as well enjoy getting in condition.

  Would you like to make it a little more interesting? asked Wisker.

  In what way? asked Jeronomo?

  How about a prize for the winner each day? Something like, oh a bag of Dougloffs very best candy?

  You mean Special Wheshill Wizard Candy? asked Jeronomo.

  Thats it, said Wisker. How about it? he leaned back in his chair. You know, I almost feel like a school boy again just thinking of this.

  Good, said Jeronomo. Having a good mental attitude during the practice times will help us when it comes to the real battles. But instead of Special Wheshill Wizard Candy, can we make it the winners choice each day? Id kind of like to get some of those Wizardry Fireballs occasionally and I do expect to be doing a lot of the winning.

  You actually like those things? Wisker asked. I can feel my mouth burning just at the thought.

  Well, I dont like to eat them myself, admitted Jeronomo. But I do so enjoy giving them out to the unsuspecting.

  Sir, you are getting more like a school boy every moment, teased Wisker.

  Jeronomo laughed. I shall take that as a compliment, he told him. Why dont we plan on meeting down on the oasis at one this afternoon for our first practice?

  That sounds like a good idea, said Wisker. In the meantime, Ill look around and visit some of my old stomping grounds. It seems good to be home again.

  Jeronomo took off his magic ring so that Wisker could leave the private room. Almo good boy, came a voice from the nearby bird cage. Almo very, very, very good boy.

  Oh dear, thought Jeronomo, sitting back down at his desk and giving a big sigh. I wonder what he did. I hope it isnt as bad as he seems to think it is, Ive got enough to do without that.

  Wisker and Jeronomo met as agreed on the oasis. A number of other wizards had gathered around to watch what they termed the fun. Dougloff had a perfect view from the front of his magic shop and he had conjured himself up a very comfortable looking easy chair from which to watch. He was holding two pennant type flags, a red one with blue letters that said Wisker and a blue one with red letters that said Jeronomo and was waving them both indiscriminately.

  Youre cheering for both of them? laughed Lanter, as he came along and saw what Dougloff was doing.

  I have to, answered Dougloff. Theyre buying their prizes from me, so I cant play favorites. Besides, I do want to see them both do well.

  Me too when I stop to think of it, admitted Lanter.

  I expect Jeronomo will be the clear winner, said Dougloff. Wisker has lived with the humans too long and hasnt used his magic that much.

  Yes, but he was in my class in school and he was one of the top students, replied Lanter. I have a feeling that once he gets back into it his magical abilities will grow rapidly. Besides, I heard that his wand has been restored to tip top shape, even better that it was when it was brand new, he glanced at Dougloff to see if this rumor was true. He knew if anyone knew about the restoration of the wand, it would be Dougloff.

  Thats true, admitted Dougloff. And look, theyre starting the competition. He leaned forward to watch. Then he enlarged his easy chair so that it was big enough for two. Sit down and watch with me, he invited. Soon the two were engrossed in what was happening on the oasis, the field of competition.

  Wisker flew into the air and used his want to turn into a large bat that came striking down after his friend. Oh come on old friend that is so kindergarten, Jeronomo shouted, forming a large shield around himself that Wisker crashed into.

  Wisker began to fly up into the air, then quickly turned and with his wand burrowed himself under the ground and up under the feet of Jeronomo. Now thats magic! shouted Jeronomo, as he makes the shield disappear and commandeed the trees to come after Wisker. The trees up rooted themselves from the ground, turned into large leaf like monsters and took off running after Wisker as if a chase was going on.

  Wisker was so overcome with admiration of the artistry and workings of his friends magical powers that he just stood and watched, completely forgetting to run or to retaliate with magic of his own. The trees began to howl like wolves and snort like bulls.

  Do something, Wisker, do something, screamed Dougloff and Lanter, almost falling off their chair in their excitement.

  You are so beautiful, Wisker told the tree that was standing in front of him, and stretched out his hands to pat it.

  On Jeronomos command, the growling stopped and the trees disappeared into thin air. Wisker, you could have been killed! shouted Jeronomo. What if that had been a real battle?

  Wisker began to shake as he realized what he had done and how much he had forgotten about being a wizard. I think Ive lost my magical abilities, he thought to himself. He hung his head low and walked over and took a seat on a large stone. Suddenly the stone turned into a frog and hopped off, sending Wisker toppling head over heels in surprise. Wisker was very disappointed in himself.

  Jeronomo came over and tapped his friend on the shoulder. You havent done magic in a long time, he told him. Now isnt the time for self pity, now is the time to renew your powers.

  But I have lost so much! said Wisker despondently. It will take ages for me to be able to use my magic to do battle. What magic I have left I mean.

  We have all lost so much, Jeronomo reminded him. We lost you to King Alfred.

  Wisker immediately stood up, remembering the reason why he was there. I must work as hard as I can to get my powers back, he said with determination.

  He pulled out his wand and began twirling it back and forth to the skies and reciting the magic spells he could remember, and beginning to remember more and more as he went. Suddenly it was evident to those looking on that Wisker was becoming more and more powerful. His weary face disappeared; his tattered clothing stitched itself up, his skin that was once a mess with dirt and debris shone with cleanliness.

  You look like a new man, exalted Jeronomo.

  Wisker smiled at his old friend. I am now willing to take on any challenges of Glendora and her allies, he said, his voice full of confidence.

  Jeronomo clapped him on the shoulder. I knew once you got started everything would come back to you, he told him. You just needed a jump start like the humans give their cars sometimes. For now, we have something important to do, he added. Since I am clearly the winner, I believe I have a large bag of Special Wheshill Wizard Candy coming to me and I believe that you are the one to be paying for it.

  Thats right, grinned Wisker, But dont forget Mr. Dougloffs special rule.

  Whats that? asked Jeronomo, looking rather puzzled.

  Dont forget to share, said Wisker.

  In that case, youd better buy me the super deluxe size, said Jeronomo. All that magic has made me work up a good appetite for Special Wheshill Wizard Candy and I have a real craving for that stuff. I have an idea that
you do too.

  Yes, and I have a feeling our support folks are going to want some too, said Wisker, indicating Dougloff and Lanter and a few other of the older wizards who had joined them.

  That easy chair started out big enough for one and now look at it, chuckled Jeronomo. It goes from one side of Mr. Dougloffs shop to the other and a little beyond. t looks like our fans come in all ages, he added, indicating a group of grade school age wizards who were hiding around the corner of the shop, so that the older wizards wouldnt see them and send them off to school where they were supposed to be.

  I wonder if they really think the older wizards dont know they are there skipping school, said Wisker.

  Of course thats what they think, said Jeronomo. We always did.

  Yes we did, grinned Wisker. You know what Im going to do? Im going to buy each of those kids a big bag of Special Wheshill Wizard Candy.

  Did you ever try using your magic to make Special Wheshill Wizard Candy? asked Jeronomo, with a big grin.

  I sure did, groaned Wisker. I was sick for three days.

  I was so sick I couldnt keep track of the days, said Jeronomo. The two friends laughed and went up to the shop to take care of Wiskers debt. He bought Jeronomo a super size bag. I want to make sure you have enough to share adequately, he told him. Then he bought a bag of candy for each of the children and two other big bags. He gave one bag to Lanter and the other bag to Dougloff.

  Why, why, sputtered Dougloff. This is the very first time in my life that anyone has ever bought me a bag of Special Wheshill Wizard Candy.

  Not even when you were a little boy? asked Wisker in astonishment.

  No, never, answered Dougloff. My father owned the shop before me and my grandfather before him, so I guess everyone just thought I could have it any time I wanted it. My grandfather and father did see to it that I had as much as the other children I guess, but having this bought for me makes it very special.

  Thank you, Wisker, thank you very much indeed.

  Youre very welcome, Mr. Dougloff, said Wisker.

  Dougloff reached into his bag and took out two big handfuls of Special Wheshill Wizard Candy and dropped them into one of the deep pockets on Wiskers wizard robe. I mustnt forget to share, he told him.

  Thank you, Mr. Dougloff, said Wisker.

  You are a very nice boy, Wisker, said Dougloff. A very nice boy indeed.

  Thank you Mr. Dougloff, said Wisker, turning his head so that Dougloff wouldnt see that he was trying not to grin. Its been a long time since Ive been a boy, said Wisker, as he and Jeronomo walked back to Jeronomos home. But I guess to anyone as old as Mr. Dougloff most everyone must seem like a child.

  I wont remind Wisker that Dougloff and I went to school together and are the same age, decided Jeronomo, as he overcame a sudden coughing attack. Hes had a hard enough day as it is.

  Jeronomo and Wisker sat visiting, catching up on old times and talking about new in Jeronomos private room.

  You look like a new man, Jeronomo told Wisker.

  Im now ready to take on any challenges that Glendora and her crew are ready to throw at me, answered Wisker. I dont just think Im ready, I know I m ready.

  Suddenly a metal hammer started pounding on the gong in the left hand corner of the further side of the room. Jeronomo yanked off his ring and held it out. The ring got bigger and bigger. Come in, Jeronomo called into it and two elves hopped through it into the room.

  Master! said Fredrikk the elf, his overly large ears trembling and shaking with fear. Glendora and her monster are above us. She is sending her hole burrowers to dig deep into the sands, they will soon find us!

  Dont worry, I will fix it, said Jeronomo. It will be ok, he told the elves, trying hard to exude confidence as he spoke. I have plans made for this very possibility. Go now, but stay here in the castle and I will keep you safe. Tell the other elves the same thing please. Go now, and hurry to give my message. He held out his ring and the elves jumped through and took off on a cloud of smoke.

  Jeronomo grabbed up his wand and sounded the alarm and immediately the city went dark. All of the wizards through Wizard World were quickly on alert, sending out secret codes to each other.

  Sh, listen, said Wisker suddenly.

  Jeronomo froze in his tracks and listened. Its the hole burrowers, he whispered as they heard the sound of loud scratching above the city. Quickly, follow me, I have an idea. Jeronomo sent out messages with his magic wand as he ran and all of the wizards from the youngest to the oldest gathered in the towns center and held up their wands, trying to use their combined powers to create the most powerful force field imaginable to keep Glendora and her forces out.

  With the wand shes acquired, Glendora just may be the most powerful wizard in the world, said one of the older wizards. In fact, she may be more powerful than all of us put together.

  Suddenly Glendora gave out an evil laugh, as her hole burrowers dug and dug, trying their best to break through the force field that covered Wizard World. The laugh echoed and reechoed all through the Wizard World, You are mine, mine, she screeched. I am the most powerful being in the entire universe and it is mine to rule.

  She whipped her hole burrowers into a frenzy. Her army of monsters ranged from large white apes with fangs to large flying bats. There were armies of toy soldiers and thousands of monsters of every description imaginable with weapons. Glendora slashed out with her whip indiscriminately. Dig faster, you fools, dig faster! she screamed.

  The hole burrowers burrowed deep into the sands, kicking dirt into the air in obedience to their mistress until suddenly they broke through the magic force field which surrounded Wizard World. Were there, were there, screamed Glendora in ecstasy. I am the greatest! I am t he most powerful wizard ever in existence. I knew this was the right place, I knew it!

  All of the hole burrowers slithered down like snakes into the land of the wizards. All of the wizards from the youngest to the very oldest were on the ground, sending magic spells into the air, zapping and catching the hole burrowers as they came down.

  There were thousands of them, multiples of thousands and they all began to invade the city at once.

  Dont give up, screamed Jeronomo. Were not going to be slaves of Glendora and her kingdom! He thrust his wand high into the air. Ibledy, ribbledy, kibbledy sleese,! Turn vines and trees into mighty beasts! Suddenly all of the trees and the vines in Wizard World turned into large vegetation lion beasts, whom Jeronomo immediately commanded to go after all of the hole burrowers. The lion beasts went chasing and biting after the hole burrowers like some sort of creatures in the worse nightmare imaginable and began to choke the life out of them.

  Whisker cast a pile more sand over the city to keep it covered, b but it did no good. Glendora was very well prepared. Se had brought her monsters on wagons that dig holes and ditches at the speed of light. She and Wisker fought one to one, every time a hole would be dug it would be covered by Wisker.

  The diggers were well prepared and they could not be stopped by the wizards. There are too many of them, they are everywhere! screamed Abarombi. He cast a spell to turn a bright light in the eyes of the monsters and was immediately joined in the spell by other wizards, but invaders blocked the light out with the scales from their eyes.

  What kind of beasts are they? asked Wisker to himself, but there was no time to think, only to fight, fight for their lives. Everyone had to move fast before their land as they knew it was destroyed.

  Suddenly Wisker stepped forward and rose up in the air, surrounded by a golden light. He stretched out his wand and recited a spell an ancient curse that had not been heard for more years than any of us could ever calculate. The power that came out of the wand as the words were spoken was so astounding that everyone was taken aback. No one had ever fel
t such magical power during the life time of even the oldest wizard there.

  Wiskers wand summoned an army of large rats that came running tthrough the city with a thunderous sound. They were racing towards their free meal and when Glendora saw the herd of them she let out a scream of horror so terrible that we cant even imagine what it must have sounded like. She ran back and climbed into the chariot in which she had ridden, but the rats followed her, clawing and biting on her skin. No, no! she screamed, trying to force the rats away but they kept coming, each with a veracious appetite.

  Glendora had had enough. She managed to summon in more warriors. Her men came flying through the air into the magical city. Some flew riding on the backs of bats, others had their own wings. There were thousands, millions, billions of them; too many to be stopped but the wizards never gave up. One by one they cast spells, sending large bats into the sky to eat the men as they emerged and one by one the large bats swallowed up monsters and men as they fell from the skies.

  Glendora, still fighting off the large rats, managed to reach to the back of her chariot and grab the ancient wand, the oldest one known to be in existence. She popped open the box in which it was kept and suddenly a gloomy light filled the sky.

  Oh no, she has the ancient wand! cried Jeronomo. Fearing the worst, Jeronomo started trying to usher some of the very youngest and the very oldest people of Wizard World out of the land to a safe haven. Through here, through here, he told them, holding up his magic ring. You can live to fight another day.

  But the people refused to go. We may not be able to do much, said one young wizard not quite six years old bravely. But we can all do something and all of us added together are a mighty power.

  Glendora and her men floated down into the city on a green mist, hovering just above the heads of the wizards. I am your god now, bow to me! she ordered them, holding the ancient wand skyward. When none of the wizards obeyed her, she sent out a green mist that swirled around the people of the city and then burst into a big ball of flames. Soon out of the flames came ten little elves. The elves were all dressed in white robes. Their eyes were slanted and each elf had a star above his or her head. The stars glowed and the wizards could feel the ground of the city trembling beneath their feet.

  Who dared to awaken us? asked the elves.

  I did! thundered Glendora. I am your ruler. Now attack this city and make these people fall to their knees to worship me,

  But it was not as easy as Glendora had assumed. The elves were more powerful than any magical creatures with whom Glendora had ever dealt and they were not about to take orders from Glendora.

  How did a weak creature like you ever get possession of that wand? roared one of the elves. He pointed his finger at the chariot belonging to Glendora and suddenly it was nothing more than a ball of flames. You dont know how to work the wand and furthermore you have no right to have it in your possession. That wand is supposed to be used only for good and you have attempted to use it for evil.

  Glendora became very upset. Sic them, get them, she ordered her attack dogs, but with one point of his finger, one of the elves turned the dogs into cute, fluffy little bunny rabbits.

  You are not one called to rule the universe, roared one of the elves. He pointed his finger towards Glendora and pinned her by the back of her robe to a nearby cloud.

  Then the elves turned their attention to the ball of fire. Come forth, commanded the elf who had clearly shown himself to be in charge. Suddenly the city began to shake and the buildings started to crack, some even discentigrated right before everyones eyes. The sky thundered and raindrops fell. Jeronomo and Wisker stood side by side to witness what was about to happen. Suddenly one big hand came out of the ball of fire, a monstrous hand, with spines protruding out of it. The hand had green scaly skin and yellow unmanicured nails. Next came feet and then the body and soon a humongous giant fell from the ball of fire. The beast began to roar and was on a rampage, swinging its large club all over the place, this way, that way and then back again. Its head and face had the same set of spines protruding as did the hand and every time the giant roared, the spines would shoot off into many directions. One spine even shot Glendora in the buttocks.

  Jeronomo heard a small giggle and glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small boy wizard, about six years old, whose wand was giving off some rainbow sparks which clearly showed that it had just been used. I think that spine had a little help with its aim, he thought to himself.

  Glendora let out a loud angry bellow and sent her men to stop the beast, but the ten elves just stood patiently and watched. You can take care of them Ibo, one of them told the beast calmly.

  The beast began to run through Glendoras crowd of imps, hitting them with his large club. Glendoras imps flew through the air and into the abyss, they had had enough. They knew when they were defeated and they were not about to stay there to be beat up any more. Besides, none of them had fought out of loyalty to Glendora, she had used her magic and her power to force them to fight for her and they were glad to see her getting what she deserved.

  You fools, come back here and fight harder, screamed Glendora, as she pulled out some sort of a firing device from a large pocket in her robe.

  When Jeronomo saw what she was about to do, he turned himself into a large bird and flew up to Glendora and began to throw magical beams of spells from his wand at her. The first few times, Jeronomo missed, Glendora was moving fast and zigging and zagging as she went, but the next few times Jeronomo zapped her with a magical spell, turning the oh so powerful Glendora into a large toad that came falling down from the sky.

  Jeronomo swooped down and caught her in his tall wizard hat before she hit the ground. Id like to let her fall to her demise, but I know it wouldnt be the right thing to do, he thought to himself.

  Rather than feeling any sort of gratitude to Jeronomo for saving her life, Glendora crawled out of his hat, conjured up a dagger, and stabbed him over and over again.

  The blood gushed out and fell to the ground. No!! screamed the other wizards as they looked on in horror as Glendora seemed to have taken the life of their leader. Quickly, ordered Dougloff. He held up his wand and began sending healing spells into Jeronomos body. Many of the others did the same thing, while others held up their wands and sent swarms of bees to attack Glendora, keeping her from interfering with the healing process.

  Since the wizards didnt do anything half way, the bees came by the thousands and began to attack Glendora.

  No, go away! screamed Glendora, Jeronomo completely forgotten for the moment. She distorted her toad face to scare the bees away, but it didnt work, they stung her millions of times, to the point where she had so many stings it would have been impossible to tell if her face were distorted or not.

  As this was going on, Wisker used his wand to catch his falling friend into a soft floating blanket. Once the blanket came to the ground, Wisker saw that it was saturated in blood and Jeronomo was hardly breathing. Blood flowed from Jeronomos lips as he struggled to whisper to Wisker. Get the ancient wand. Never let it fall into the wrong hands again.

  Well do our very best, promised Wisker. But you must do your best too. You must hold on, all of the wizards are gathering togather to cast a spell of awakening.

  Too late, murmered Jeronomo. Too late.

  You mustnt say that, Wisker told him. We can try, but you must do your part and try also.

  The wizards from the very youngest to the very oldest pointed their wands towards Jeronomo. In spite of the commotion and noise from the battle which was still going on, the wizards concentrated together to say a spell for Jeronomo. Their wands glowed and suddenly with all of the powerful force in the universe, a lady with butterfly wings emerged from the glow. A bright glow came from her body and the aura she brought with her was one of peacefulness.

  None of the wizards knew who the lady was, but there was something about her that commanded respect and they all bowed to her, yielding their allegiance. The lady approached Jeronomo and sprinkled magical dust over his body. The decision is now his, she told the wizards. If he truly wants to live, he will emerge from his deep sleep.

  Once again all of the wizards from the very youngest to the very oldest pointed their wands towards Jeronomo, sending their loving thoughts and caring into his brain, letting him know how much they loved him and wanted him to live. Come on, said Wisker to his old friend. Come on and fight to wake up. A tear fell from Wiskers eye and rolled down his cheek and fell on Jeronomo as Wisker spoke.

  As the powers of all the wizards came together once again, Jeronomo opened his eyes and gave a big smile. Wisker hugged his friend as he emerged from his state of sleep. Im so glad, he told him, his voice quivering with emotion. Im so very, very glad.

  The mystical lady pulled out a large spiny plant and placed it on the wound on Jeronomos back. Suddenly the plant crawled into the wound on Jeronomos back and wound began to heal and close up.

  Thank you so very much, said Jeronomo to the mystical lady. She smiled and with one blink of an eye she was gone and the light in which she had come slowly dimmed.

  Meanwhile, Glendora was getting stung by the bees. She had been stung terribly all over her face, indeed her whole toad body was stung all over. Even her stings had stings.

  Glendora was ready to give up. Leaving behind the magical wand and her army of imps, Glendora jumped into her elaborate chariot and took off. Right behind her was the army of bees. The wizards cheered as they watched the bees chase Glendora far away.

  When Glendoras men saw that they were abandoned by their mistress, they began to retreat, flying back up to the heavens, trying to get away.

  Not so fast, shouted Jeronomo. He called upon his powers to form a shield to block the imps and monsters from escaping. A few were able to get away, but only a very few, the rest remained trapped in the underground city.

  Jeronomo picked up the ancient wand and held it high over his head. Suddenly the wand flew out of Jeronomos hand and the monster and the imps and all that they had created were sucked back into the wand. with a display of fire works and colorful smoke that filled the air. Soon there was no monster or imp left to be seen. The wand flew back to Jeronomo. The wizards gasped as the wand began to melt itself to Jeronomos wand.

  Now the wand is even more powerful than before! shouted Dougloff.

  All of the wizards began to cheer as they saw that the one chosen to be the wizard above all wizards had been chosen.

  Jeronomo pointed his wand toward the floor of the city. Gribbledy, grombledy, ribbledy, rup! Floor of the city, open up! he shouted. A tiny hole cracked open in the city floor, then the hole got bigger and bigger. Bottomless ottomless, he continued. He shook his wand and pointed it toward the hole and all the monsters and imps shot out of the wand and into the hole, condemned to fall forever. Some of the monsters tried to hold onto the edge of the hole, but with one mash of their fingers from Jeronomos sandals, the monsters went falling back into the abyss.

  Loud cheers were heard all around the city. Once again Jeronomo has saved his land from all the evils of the universe, cheered the wizards.

  But there is so much damage done, said one young wizard. Weve lost our homes, our city is destroyed.

  Wisker smiled. He pulled out his wand and started casting spells to repair homes and structures. Ribbledy, robbledy, niggledy, nity, repair right now the wizard city! he shouted. The streets were badly damaged, but with one lift of his wand, Wisker called upon the earth and the winds to pick up the debris and take it away. From the west, the strong wind blew, and then a twirl of dust ensued, the dust cloud got bigger and bigger until it formed a whirlwind. The whirlwind began to twirl through the city, picking up and removing all of the evidence of the destruction that had taken place just a short time before. Large stones shot passed the heads of those watching, seeming to narrowly miss, yet always missing. Crumbling houses were washed away by the whirl wind, falling trees and uprooted plant life was picked up and carried away. Within hours the city was well on its way to being clean.

  Now we must make sure this can never happen again, shouted Dougloff.

  All of the wizards combined their powers, from the very youngest to the very oldest. They began to cast a barrier around their cit. Spell after spell the wizards cast layers upon layers of sand to protect their city from future attacks. Never again, commanded Dougloff, as the sand flew into place. Never again!

  After much fighting and much cleaning it was time for Wisker to move on. I must go back to Mayfair and free my friends now, he said.

  Be careful my friend, and if you ever need me, I am here, said Jeronomo. He tapped his wand against the tip of Wiskers wand and rose colored smoke came out of both of them, twirled around to make one band of smoke and then was pulled back into the wands. Your wand will call to mine if ever you need me, he told Wisker. They will always have a bond. Now I have one more gift for you. He held up his wand and was silent for a moment. With soft, strong feathers of every hue, I bring forth this bird, just for you. Suddenly right before their eyes, a bird appeared. It took off dancing through the air, twirling and circling, right back at Wisker. It grew and grew until it was the size of a mud home. It had a long lack beak, ivory claws and piercing black eyes. The bird was so tall that Wisker had to use his wand to create a set of magical steps so t hat he could climb up on the bird.

  The bird opened up his large wing span and gave them a few gentle flaps. What a beautiful creature, said Wisker to his friend. Thank you so very, very much.

  Jeronomo smiled, You are welcome and thank you for all that you have done, Jeronomo reached up and gave the bird a gentle pat then stepped back out of the way. Wisker gave the bird a pat on the neck with the straps and up the bird flew. Dust was being spread all over the city from the birds powerful wings. Up, up and into the air the two went, waving their goodbyes from high above.

  The other wizards on the ground began to clap and to send good thoughts Wiskers way but as Wisker left he could not concentrate on happiness. I have a feeling that I am just a little too late, he thought. All of my friends and family may be dead or imprisoned for life by the king Through the air Wisker flew, holding onto his wand. As he looked down from the sky, all Wisker could see was destruction that Glendora and her army of imps had left on the world above where the Wizard World was hidden far below the desert flower. Trees were knocked down, vegetation and plant life were all destroyed, green slime covered the grounds and the odor from Glendora scented the air.

  Wisker quickly covered his nose and held his breath as he passed over the destruction. Villages and towns were totally destroyed, lakes and streams were now infested, animals big and small would be destined to die from the lack of vegetation to eat and fresh water to drink. Wisker was in no way happy about what he was seeing. I cant leave things the way they are, he thought. He pulled out his wand and summoned his powers of nature. The skies began to turn gray and the wind began to blow a turbulent air. The trees swayed back and forth and with one aim at the ground with his magical wand, the trees began to g row, fresh water seeped out of the mountain rocks, animals that were once skeletons began to live and to breathe again, their flesh slowly covering their bodies. The creatures gave off loud roars as they awakened from death and with one flick of his wand, Wisker scooped up all of the green slime that was left and threw it into a nearby volcano.

  There, said Wisker with satisfaction. I am happy to get something done for the land. But now Im ready to go home and see what damage my land is in. Wisker let out a sigh. That will take awhile though, I had to travel many miles to see my friend, so there will be many miles back.

  Wisker was
very fortunate though. The bird which he had been given was one of the most powerful and fastest birds there ever was. Through the air it flew, carrying Wisker at the speed of light. But there is one thing that magic cannot beat and that is time and it was going to be a while before Wisker reached his old land.

  Over and under bridges, through and above magical forests they flew the powerful bird constantly moving. Wisker wanted to take good care of his new bird friend and do what was right for him. Why dont we stop and get some rest? he suggested.

  The bird obediently headed for a clear patch of ground. Wisker sat on a patch of grass under a tree and watched as his bird drank and ate the leaves off trees. Suddenly Wisker heard loud, creepy noises behind him. He kept his composure and stealthy slipped his wand out of its pocket and held it under a fold in his robe. He pretended not to hear, but he kept a close eye on what was creeping around in back of him.Well, he observed. I can see that whatever it is is human like. He watched as every once in a while the figure would dart behind a tree. He rubbed his thumb gently against his wand, receiving a gentle warm pressure in return which assured him that the wand too was aware of what was going on and was ready for any action which might need to be taken.

  Come out who ever you are, he called. My name is Wisker and I will not harm you. Wisker listened carefully for an answer, but heard nothing more than whimpering and then a strong groan. Wisker turned around slowly and got the surprise of his life. Porcupine! he ejected. Is that you? Is that really you? Wisker couldnt believe what he was seeing for indeed it was porcupine, whom the river had lost many days before. Both Porcupine and Wisker stared at each other in shock.

  Porcupine reached out and gently touched Wisker, as if to prove to himself that he really was seeing what he thought he was seeing. He dropped on the ground by Wiskers feet. Am I dreaming? he asked. I thought you were surely dead.

  No youre not, said Wisker. He used his magic wand to throw a splash of cold water in Porcupines face. Porcupine began to calm down but he couldnt take his eyes off from Wiskers face.

  Im so glad, so very glad, said Porcupine, He and Wisker hugged each other, Some things just cant be put into words, he told his friend.

  I can see that you have had a rough time and that you have a story to tell, said Wisker.

  Indeed I have, answered Porcupine. A chilling story. The river took me many miles away. I searched high and low for you, but no one seemed to know where you were or even to have ever heard of you, then I was enslaved by a woman named Glendora.

  That is a name that is horribly familiar to me, said Wisker. But Ill tell you more of that later.

  Finally I was able to escape from the slavery camp Glendora had set up, said Porcupine. A look of fright flashes in Porcupines eyes as he recalls the things he had gone through. It was horrible, all the lands that were destroyed by Glendora and her monsters.

  I know what shes like, what theyre like, but theyre defeated now, said Wisker. Look, he said, holding out his wand. My wand is now fixed, we will free our land.

  Porcupine looked at Wisker in horror. He doesnt know, he thought. How do I tell him? After all hes been through, how do I tell him? He reached over and put his hand on his friends arm compassionately. Wisker, two years have gone by, he said softly. There is no land!

  Wisker stared at Porcupine. That cant be, he said. That just cant be! He called upon his wand to give him the correct date.

  The time spent is many moons times two, said the wand.

  Wisker fell to his knees in disbelief. I am too late, he cried. Too late! All the time I wasted fighting on the sides of others while my friends and family suffered. It isnt fair, it just isnt fair. Why couldnt I have known? Why couldnt I have been given a choice?

  You did your best, Porcupine told him. There is nothing you can do now. You cant reverse time.

  Wisker stared at him, then jumped up and began to pace back and forth, faster and faster, deep in thought. Suddenly he stopped pacing and turned to Porcupine. But maybe you can, he told him. Maybe you really can.

  Huh? What do you mean? What are you talking about? asked Porcupine, not sure what Wisker was talking about.

  Maybe we can reverse time, answered Wisker. Im not sure if we can, but maybe we just can.

  Youre still a dreamer, said Porcupine, rubbing on his long beard, as he gave thought to what Wisker was suggesting.

  You look all worn and battered, Wisker told Porcupine. Let me see if I can help. He touched Porcupine with his magic wand, from head to toe. Sending small shocks up and down is friends body. Riberty, roberty, giberty, gend, with healing touches, touch my friend. Giberty goverty, friberty fru, make my friend as good as new.

  Wisker smiled as he saw that the bruises and cuts on Porcupines body were beginning to heal. He shook his wand and Porcupines beard disintegrated to the floor and withered away. His skin became clean and less wrinkled, the bags that sat like saddles under his eyes went away. His hair that slithered through his sharp spines was now black, instead of grey.

  Wow, said Porcupine as he looked at his hands which had been so wrinkled and bruised and cut just moments before and were now healed and smoothed. I feel so much better. I feel like I did years ago when I was much younger.

  You look like you did when you were younger too, Wisker assured him.

  We made your body go backwards to when it was younger and maybe we can do the same with time. In part of my journey, I had to go through a strange forest Maybe just like we made your body younger, we can go through the same forest and the hands of time will be reversed.

  I am so very grateful, said Porcupine. And so very thankful too.

  You are most welcome, said Wisker. Here, one more thing. He shook magic dust from his wand onto Porcupines tattered and disarrayed clothing and immediately it became like new. I owe you more than you will ever know, said Wisker, when Porcupine insisted on thanking him over and over. You are the one who freed me.

  Porcupine smiled. Together I think we are ready to tackle what lies ahead, he said.

  Wisker pointed his wand toward a hole into which he had just seen a large rabbit disappear. Kibbledy, dibbledy, though it sounds absurd. Turn that rabbit into a flying bird. Within seconds, the magic began to form. The rabbit came back out of the hole and slowly started growing wings that expanded to two to three feet.

  Porcupine reached out a hand tentatively towards the large flying rabbit and the rabbit rubbed its left ear over Porcupines hand in a friendly manner.

  Now were off to save our land, cried Wisker, hopping on his own flying friend.

  Now thats the Wisker Im used to, said Porcupine, as he climbed into the saddle of the flying rabbit. Now were ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.

  The two flew through the air, passing all of the destruction and pandemonium of Glendora. The further the men went towards home, the more destruction the saw. I wonder what my land and home will be like, thought Wisker. Will it all be destroyed or will we find a way, to reverse time, to be able to help our friends and families?

  Flying through the air faster and faster in a rush to get back home, the two men hardly said a word to each other. They were both nervous to see what awaited them. If they still and family and friends or if they even had a land.

  As Wisker and Porcupine passed back through the magical snowy, forest it was lifeless. There are no large tigers or lions, no beautiful snakes that his by, the land is freezing cold, everything is solid ice, thought Wisker. Wisker used his magic to make himself and Porcupine thick coats that kept them both from the cold air. Come, lets land, I have an idea, he called to Porcupine. Wisker immediately landed his bird and began to look around. Porcupine landed shortly behind him. I can well see that Glendora has been here once again, he said. The
smell and her green slime is very visible. All of the trees are down and coated with ice. There isnt an animal to be seen. Wisker stood deep in thought. Suddenly he pulled forth his magic wand and tapped it on the ground. I demand that the ice melt and the land come back to its original state, he cried. Wiskers wand sent out colors of magic flying through the air. Up and over the large chunks of ice they went, melting everything in their path. As the ice melted, it showed what really went on. There were hundreds of dead animals and even more dead elves who had died trying to stoop Glendora. Wisker was not pleased with what he was seeing but he wasnt through. Awaken the elves from their deep sleep, he commanded his wand and one by one the elves tiny bodies began to awaken. They shook the dust of show off of themselves and jumped to their feet. Looking around, they saw that their environment had returned to normal and that there was no sign of Glendora and her allies.

  They saw Wisker and Porcupine standing in their midst and realized that these were the ones who had returned their land to normal and restored them from their deep sleep. Totain, the chief of the elves stepped forward, his hand outstretched in friendship towards Wisker and Porcupine. Whenever you need help call on us, he told them.

  But no one ever sees elves in this forest, said Wisker.

  Well, just knock on any tree and the door will open, said Totan. He reached out and knocked on the trunks of two nearby trees and something magical happened. The trees split right down the middle and inside each tree was a host of elves, all waving to Wisker and Porcupine.

  Once again thanks, said Totan, as all of the other elves clapped in appreciation for Wisker and Porcupine. The elves who had magically appeared vanished back into their trees. We will always be available to you should you need us.

  Thank you, said Wisker. I feel proud that we were able to be used to help you. Now we must leave. I want to get home very badly. The two men jumped on their flying transport and away they went, From above they could see that the land didnt have the dead look anymore. It was not a ghost town; the animals were starting to return. The snow leopards came from their caves and gave out loud roars that Whisker and Porcupine could hear from miles away.

  There can be no more stopping, Wisker told Porcupine. If we want to return to our land while it still exists, there can be no more stopping no matter what comes our way. We must reach our land during a certain time frame or it will remain dead as will our family members and friends.

  The two flew in the skies at the speed of light. Out of the snow land they came and with a big bang suddenly they went back in time. But they found waiting for them nothing more than death and destruction.

  It is obvious that Glendora made her way through the magic path and it seems as if she destroyed every land that she came upon, said Wisker. He landed his bird at the place where he had lost Porcupine and with sadness in his eyes mumbled. There wasnt anything I could have done. Then he shouted it as loud as he could. There wasnt anything I could have done!

  Porcupine patted him on the shoulders. I dont hold anything against you, he told him. You did what you could for me and the best thing you ever did was to leave and go and find the wand fixer.

  The two walked along leading their animals. The land of Mayfair is all ruined, said Porcupine. There isnt any lush green forest; the magic pathway has been erased.

  This is my homeland, said Wisker. The land I adopted as my own. I lived here most of my life and I know this land like the back of my hand. The magic pathway is over here.

  Over the trash and residue of the burnt land the two friends walked. They entered into the woods.

  Nothing has changed here, said Wisker. The woods is still perfectly preserved with all of its creatures safe and sound. Wisker was a little surprised to see so much destruction just feet away but once into the woods the destruction seemed to stop. The prince must have made some sort of deal with Glendora and that is why Mayfair was saved, he said.

  The forest is the same as it was when we left it, said Porcupine. When we were running from the foot soldiers. Stepping into the woods brought up old memories to the two friends. Suddenly they heard loud horse trotting coming by. The dashed into a long patch of woods that made them virtually unnoticed as the horse and his rider galloped their way to the gates of Mayfair.

  Two large mystical dragons stood at the gates. They were red and orange in color with ivory horns growing down the spines of their backs. Their skin was thick and scaly like an alligators. You may enter, they roared in unison as the rider stopped at the gate. Large puffs of smoke and fire came from their noses as they spoke.

  How on earth are we ever going to get in? asked Porcupine.

  Sh, whispered Wisker, and he pointed Porcupine off in a secret direction. The two started off down the secret path but suddenly from a nearby tree, echoing off through out the woods a bird began to call, Intruders, intruders.

  The two dragons left their posts and began to circle around the woods. They ran in and out of caves and flew up and over trees, blowing their fiery breath to smoke the intruders out.

  Wisker and Porcupine ran faster and faster towards the secret entrance but right behind there were the two large dragons, sending flames of fire onto the buttocks of the two men.

  I didnt want to use my magic powers on the dragons, but if they cant be out run, Ill do what I have to do. He quickly reached for his wand and held it towards the sky. Suddenly a large net fell down and captured the dragons, who began to tussle with the net, fighting to get out. Finally one of the dragons blew a big ball of fire and burned the net to shreds, but by this time, Wisker and Porcupine were already inside the secret tunnel.

  As they walked along, Wisker and Porcupine could hear people moaning and crying.

  Stop, listen, commanded Wisker. The moaning got louder and louder. It seems to be coming from way above the tunnel. With a flick of his magic wand, Wisker mad his neck grow longer and longer until it burst out of the ground above. Wisker moved his head around above the dirt to look and see what was going on. Its a slavery camp! Wisker thought in horror.

  Chapter 6

  The way home

  Wisker couldnt believe what he was seeing. Its a nightmare, yet Im so very glad to see them alive, he thought. Whisker was about to call over someone he knew, when suddenly in came Glendora, riding in her golden chariot. , leaking green slime all over the place. He pulled his head back quickly so that she wouldnt see him and watched.

  Glendora hopped out of her chariot and walked through the crowds of people, spitefully hitting or tripping them as she walked.

  Rotter! thought Wisker angrily. He could see that his friends and family were very badly mistreated. He quickly lowered his head back down to the secret tunnel and quickly described to Porcupine what he had just seen.

  That makes me so disgusted! said Porcupine. He started forward, but Wisker quickly grabbed him and held him back.

  Theres no use in going to war if its a war we cant win, he told him. Lets give this some thought and make some plans so that well feel sure were going to win the war right from the beginning.

  Back and forth, forth and back Wisker paced, knocking his wand against the wall, sending off little sparks as he walked. Soon Wisker came up with a brilliant idea. Well kidnap the prince and take him to the Land of the Bots, he told Porcupine. That way not only will we finally prove to everyone that the Land of the Bots is very much real, but it is the only way that the king will let the people go. You know he wont want to do anything to put Prince Harry in danger.

  Thats a wonderful idea, said Porcupine. I know the castle inside and out. Wisker and Porcupine ran on their way to the castle, they were so anxious to get started on their plan and to free their fa
mily members and friends.

  Suddenly they heard footsteps coming faster and faster towards them. Wisker quickly used his wand to make Porcupine and himself disappear and they quickly stood back and used their invisibility to see who was running through the tunnels,

  Its a few of the Mayfair citizens, trying to escape, whispered Porcupine.

  I want to help them so badly, but we mustnt show our faces yet, it isnt time, whispered Wisker. Right on the heels of the citizens were royal guards. With a flick of his wand, Wisker made the guards fall into a puddle of mud. Then he summoned up great big lizards who appeared out of nowhere and began to attack the soldiers.

  Watch this, said Wisker to Porcupine. He gave a flick of his wand. The soldiers began to scream but no one could hear them because Wisker had used his magic to drown out their cries. Their mouths were moving but no sound escaped.

  The lizards were huge creatures, fifteen feet in length and they weighed thousands of pounds. They dragged the soldiers into a dark hole on the side of the tunnel and they were never seen again.

  Meantime, the citizens who had been trying to escape got away and Wisker and Porcupine quickly continued on their way through the tunnel unnoticed and into the secret area of the castle. They passed through the royal kitchen where the royal cooks were preparing the royal breakfasts.

  Dont forget to make sure we have plenty of maple syrup for the kings pancakes, cautioned the royal chef. You know his majesty is going to want plenty of pancakes and hell want plenty of maple sugar to put on them.

  And what his majesty wants, his majesty gets, said one of the royal cooks. King Alfred is as spoiled as his son.

  Shhh, cautioned a royal dishwasher. Dont be heard saying anything against a member of the royal family, she nodded significantly towards a nearby window from which they all had a very clear view of the royal guillotine. Everyone was very quiet for a moment.

  Why is it that Mayfair is still standing and in good shape while most of the land around it has been destroyed? asked the royal go-fur in a low voice. He was a very young boy whose job it was to go and fetch whatever happened to be needed in the royal kitchen or wherever he happened to be working for the day. This situation had puzzled him for a long time and he had finally decided to ask.

  The king had been in a deep sleep and he finally awakened from it and was well enough to form a partnership with Glendora, one of the small kitchen maids told him. They agreed to work together to take over many lands in the region and they are going to work together also to destroy the Land of the Bots.

  This was the last straw! Wisker signaled to Porcupine and they ran at the speed of light to the room of Prince Harry, who was just a little bit older than he was the last time they had seen him but still as much of a spoiled brat as ever, in fact probably even more so, if such a thing is possible.

  Someday you will be a ruthless leader just like your father, Queen Jasline promised him, as she smoothed back the lock of hair that had fallen down over his forehead.

  Prince Harry smiled. I very much like the idea of being a ruthless leader, Mother, he confided, stomping on some of his toy soldiers until they were completely flattened. Why cant I be a ruthless leader now instead of having to wait? I want to be a ruthless leader! his voice reached a very high pitch, one that it was known to reach when he was about to throw a temper tantrum to end all temper tantrums.

  I dont think your father is ready to give up that position for a little while yet, his mother told him fondly. But you may practice being a fearless leader by bullying the other children around, she told him.

  May I have their heads chopped off if they wont do as I say? asked Prince Harry hopefully.

  No, but you may have one of the royal guards lock them up in a cell until they change their minds,  answered his mother. She started to leave the room and then came back as if she sensed something was wrong. I have the strangest feeling that something is threatening the prince, she thought to herself, feeling very puzzled. I think Ill just sit here in his room for awhile. Queen Jasline was a mother, even though she wasnt a very good one and mothers usually know when something is threatening their child, even bad mothers. After awhile, Wisker put a sleeping spell on her that caused her to become very sleepy.

  I am so tired, I think I will go back to bed for a little while, she told Prince Harry and went off yawning to her own room.

  Well have to make this quick, whispered Wisker to Porcupine. With one tap of his wand, he made Prince Harrys mouth disappear so that he couldnt scream. Prince Harry had what his great grandparents would have called a conniption fit and demanded in a mumbling voice to have his mouth put back. Wisker didnt pay the spoiled prince any attention and went on with his plans, using his magic wand to fly himself, the prince and porcupine silently out of a nearby window and unnoticed to a piece of land far behind the castle.

  Wisker got a good look at the prince. Humm, he said to Porcupine. I can remember when I couldnt do any thing right to satisfy the prince and so I got treated like nothing more than a peasant instead of the royal wizard. Id like to give him a good tongue lashing.

  We dont have any time to waste, Porcupine reminded him.

  Prince Harry glared at the two of them. Without his mouth, he couldnt cry, talk or scream for help, all he could do was mumble and that fell upon deaf ears. Wisker and Porcupine were much too busy thinking about what they could best do to help the people and the Land of Mayfair to pay any attention to the spoiled prince, other than to be sure he stayed where they put him and Wiskers wand had done a good job of that by putting a barbed wire fence around him. Prince Harry had made one attempt already at getting over the barbed wire fence and had decided immediately that that wasnt a very good idea. Without a mouth, I cant even suck my thumb where I poked it on that barbed wire, he thought to himself. This is no way to treat a prince!

  Finally Wisker and Porcupine were almost ready to leave for the Land of Bots, there was just one more thing to do. Wisker used his wand to write a magical message which read, I Wisker have kidnapped your boy. I know about your deal with Glendora and it does not sit right with me. If you want to see your boy again, let the people of Mayfair go.

  Then Wisker took out his wand and said,  Bibbledy, boobledy, dibbledy drow, send to me a large black crow. Wisker had no more than finished saying the words than a large black crow flew in through the window and landed on Wiskers wand. Wisker smiled and patted the crow on the top of its head. I have a mission for you, Wisker told the crow. He folded up the letter carefully and attached to it a lock of hair from Prince Harrys own head, so that the king and queen would know that the letter was on the up and up. I want you to take this letter straight to King Alfred. The crow took the letter in its beak and without looking back flew straight to King Alfred.

  Wisker held up his wand and almost instantaneously he, Porcupine and the spoiled prince deep in the hidden tunnels and on their way to the Land of Bots. By the time the letter was delivered, they were walking through the magical doorway and into the Land of Bots. Wisker summoned up the power of flight, a large black hole appeared, swirling its way through the air. Wisker, Porcupine and Prince Harry flew through the hole which closed as soon as they were on the other side.

  Prince Harry was more than a little surprised to see this part of Whiskers magic. He had never seen anything quite like it before. His eyes grew big and his face had an expression of excitement. Wow!! he said, but of course since he had no mouth, it was a very mumbled and hard to understand wow.

  I guess its time to give you back your mouth, isnt it boy? laughed Wisker, reaching out his wand and putting the spoiled princes mouth back in place. But see to it that that you use it properly.

  What is THAT supposed to mean? asked Prince Harry. Imperiously.

  Wisker eyed him for a moment. 
That means that never again do you use that tone of voice to me or to anyone else when Im around to hear you, he answered. And when you speak to me, you say sir or Mr. Wisker, and you will speak respectfully, is that understood?

  Sir or Mr. Wisker??? screamed Prince Harry. Well I guess I will not!! I dont say sir or Mr. to anyone and as far as respect; I am a royal prince I dont speak to anyone with respect. This is my mouth and I will use it as I choose.

  Wisker reached out with his wand and took back Prince Harrys mouth. I guess I gave it back to you a little too soon, he remarked calmly.

  Porcupine grinned as he saw the spoiled princes face turn all different shades as he tried to scream and couldnt because he had no mouth with which to do so. Kind of hard to throw a temper tantrum when you can only mumble, he reflected.

  Wisker, Porcupine and the spoiled prince soon found them traveling in a large, black hole, flying over mountains and villages. Wisker reached his wand over and restored the spoiled princes mouth; then he waited for something rude to come out, but there was nothing. The prince glanced over at him. Thank you Mr. Wisker, encouraged Wisker but the spoiled prince said nothing. :Thank you Mr. Wisker, repeated Wisker firmly, a little louder.

  I am a prince, I dont say thank you, said the spoiled prince.

  Thank you is one of the most important things in the world to say, Wisker told him. If you dont say that, I guess theres no need for you to say anything. He reached towards Prince Harrys mouth with his wand and the spoiled prince jumped back hurriedly.

  Thank you, said the spoiled prince.

  Mr. Wisker, insisted Wisker. I am a good deal older than you are and you will address me respectfully, prince or not.

  The spoiled prince opened his mouth to take issue, then his eyes fell on Wiskers wand and he changed his mind. Mr. Wisker, he said but it was evident to both Wisker and Porcupine that this was not what he wished to say, in fact both men had an idea that if their roles were ever reversed and Prince Harry was in charge, Wisker would be on his way to the guillotine and Prince Harry would probably want to pull the lever himself.

  Youre welcome, said Wisker softly. Youre very, very welcome indeed.

  Meanwhile, back in the Land of Mayfair, the crow had delivered the message Wisker had given him to the king and queen.

  What is this? asked King Alfred, opening the message which the crow had given him. His face went white when he saw the lock of hair and read the message. Our son has been kidnapped, he said, turning to the queen. The queen fell over in a faint and the king read the letter out loud so that all would know what had happened. Call all of my foot soldiers and army and assemble them in the courtyard, he screamed. Do it now! The king began to take his anger out on his servants, kicking them and beating them as he moved through the castle. This man is slowly losing his mind, whispered the court jester to a nearby footman. We must be very careful in dealing with him.

  I want you all to go after Wisker and retrieve my son, King Alfred ordered his foot soldiers and army. And see to it that my orders reach those who are not yet here.

  But my lord, said one of the foot soldiers. Now that Wisker has his wand, he will be too powerful for us. The only way you can get your son back is to do what Wisker has said.

  King Alfreds face turned red with anger and his eyes glared. He stepped towards the man and pointed at him. Take him to the guillotine, he ordered. Off with his head!

  No, no, screamed the man. Please, your majesty&.

  But the king was showing no mercy. Take him away, he ordered. I, your king, said to go after Wisker and rescue my son. When your king says a thing is to be done it is to be done!

  Queen Jasline sobbed louder and louder as she thought about Prince Harry, kidnapped by Wisker. What if he kills him? she sobbed even louder. Oh what if he kills him?

  It wont happen, your majesty, soothed the queens ladys maid. The king has said that Prince Harry is to be rescued and that is what will happen. The king has proclaimed it so that is what will be done. It was very evident that that young lady knew which side her bread was buttered on.

  The little kitchen maid who had been listening to all this, ran quickly back into the castle. The prince has been kidnapped, she told all the kitchen workers. Hes been kidnapped by someone named Wisker.

  The kitchen workers spread the word to the rest of the household staff and some of them were able to get word to the slaves in the dungeons and in the slavery camps. Hurray, whispered the slaves to each other, being careful to not let the guards overhear them. Wiskers is alive and he has come back to save us.

  In the meantime, still out in the courtyard, the king had asked for a volunteer to lead the troups to save Prince Harry but no one had stepped forward. Actually, no one wanted the job and so no one had stepped forward, all hoping someone else would do it.

  One of the foot soldiers, Drummer by name, looked all around. Drummer was a big man, large in stature and tall in frame. He wore a silver breast plate and a silver helmet with red feathers on the top. Well, thought Drummer, The king will kill us all any way if none of us step forward so I might as well do it. Who knows, we might be able to save the prince or maybe well just find some place to live. Drummer stepped forward.

  Well, thought King Alfred. Hes so big maybe just seeing him will be enough to make Wisker return Prince Harry.

  Do you vow that you will bring the prince back or not come back at all? King Alfred asked, as Drummer knelt before him.

  I do so vow, Drummer answered. Drummer stood up. He turned his head so that the king couldnt see him and winked at the other soldiers. He raised his arms, sword in hand, high in the air and shouted, All right men, lets go and free the prince!

  Remember, King Alfred told them all, if you return to the Land of Mayfair without my son you and all your families will be sent to the guillotine. And I want the rest of you villagers to work day and night, building wagons and making weapons for these my mighty soldiers. Get busy, now!

  The villagers got busy, but they didnt want Wisker to get hurt, so they werent sure what to do. Finally, one of them, Greko by name, one of the older men, had an idea. Well only make a few weapons that work, he whispered, just in case the King wants to check them, the rest will all be faulty.

  That night while the king and queen and of course little Princess Cilla lay in their comfortable beds, the villagers on the left side of the Land of Mayfree worked away making chariots, boats and more, while on the right side of the village, villagers worked making weapons, most of which were made not to work.

  Sparks and flames were coming from all around the village, making it look like an industrial city.

  The queen was beside herself. The more she worried about Prince Harry, the nastier and meaner she got to other people. If I have to suffer, then they too can suffer, she said to herself. She rarely ate or slept, she just walked around the castle hitting and kicking the servants and putting anyone in jail who didnt do what she said the instant she said it if not before.

  The people hated the queen, which is a sad thing to have to say, and the only person who could truly be said to love her was her little spoiled daughter, Princess Cilla. Queen Jaslilne kept Princess Cilla right with her as much as she could. She was very much afraid that Princess Cilla would be kidnapped also, so she kept her under close watch.

  Late at night, the queen would come down to the workers site demand more work than ever from them. Sharpen those knives more, she would demand or Soak the tips of those arrows in more poison.

  Yes your majesty, was all that was heard coming from the people, no one wanted to upset her. One day one of the soldiers made a poor choice in the way he responded to the queen. Instead of just agreeing with her, whether he intended to obey or not, the soldier tried to explain that doing as she ordered would cause more harm than
good.. If we put more poison on the tip of the arrow it will kill the person using it, your majesty, he explained.

  The queen couldnt possibly have cared less. She picked up the poison arrow and stuck it into the soldiers hands and walked off. Dont any one touch him, she ordered as she left.

  The people were horribly afraid. They didnt have the power or the bravery to go up against the queen and so, not knowing what else to do , they stood by, helpless and hopeless while the young soldier died.

  Within seconds of having had the arrow thrust into his hands, the young soldier fell to the flower and began foaming at t he south. Soon his eyes rolled back into his head and he was dead.

  Many of the people prayed silently in their hearts, then took the young soldiers lifeless body away.

  , Now let that be a lesson to you, said Drummer to his men. But even drummer had to feel some sort of remorse, right? Well no. You see Drummer had become so happy and proud that the king had made him the ruler of so many men, that he had begun to become cold in the heart.

  Drummer has become just like the queen now, some of the people whispered to each other. Hes not only bossing people around, but hes making them work harder and harder as time goes by.

  As Drummer sucked up to the king and especially to the queen, his men were slowly and silently turning against him. Well wage a war against Drummer once we are out in the battlefield and take over our own troups, they told each other. Then well do what is best for ourselves and the people of the Land of Mayfair.

  Word was passed to the villagers to make more fake weapons when Drummers back was turned and when those soldiers who were loyal to him were taking their turns to sleep.

  Think how funny the King and Queen and the army of the Land of Mayfair will be fighting with fake weapons, like the dull knives, daggers and swords or the fake poisonous arrow tips that are supposed to be dipped in poison but have been dipped in red dye instead, whispered the Court Jester. And the large chariots that fall apart. Many of the carpenters have made wooden wheels that will come apart at the slightest turn.

  When Drummer and his men came by to check on them, the villagers pretended to be hard at work. They would wipe the sweat from t heir brows or tried their best to look tired and weary.

  Soon the king became suspicious. I dont know what is wrong, he told Queen Jasline. But something just isnt right.

  The king summoned his friend Glendora and told her that he wanted her to take her men and fight side by side with his own. Glendora was of two minds when it came to this. I am so busy trying to destroy worlds that I really dont want to get involved with the kings petty affairs, she said to herself. But on the other hand, I want to pay Wisker back for what he and Jeronomo did to me. She thought long and hard about this. There is one special bonus feature that the king offered me, she thought. He has promised to help me conquer and to turn over to me the World of the Bots. With the World of the Bots, I will be even more powerful than what I am right now.

  Well, why havent you taken over any worlds? Glendora asked the king.

  I dont have an army as powerful as yours and I am unskilled in dealing with other planets, said King Arthur.

  This compliment made Glendoras ego grow bigger and bigger and soon she was on a super ego trip. Yes, I am good, she told the king.

  When King Alfred didnt agree with her fast enough, Glendora gave him an evil and suspicious look. She reached over and grabbed the king by t he front of his royal robe and picked him right up in the air, something no one else in the whole universe, maybe not even the queen, would have dared to do. If anything goes wrong, I will destroy you, she hissed.

  Nothing will go wrong. You have my word. I will not betray you, quavered the king.

  Glendora let the king down slowly and cracked a wide grin. You are not a king, you are a coward, she told him as she walked off laughing. I will send my monsters by in the morning.

  As soon as Glendora had left, Queen Jaslinle who had been hiding at the top of the spiral stair case and listening to every word, came hurrying down. As soon as Wisker is captured and we have our son back I want Glendora killed, she demanded.

  King Alfred smiled. That is what I have been planning all along, my dear. He told her. Glendora came into our land and began ruling with an iron fist. He even began to rule over our royal family. At this point, I am in no way as powerful as Glendora and I need her to help to eliminate my enemies, but then, when they are eliminated, I will kill her. I want to get back at Glendora for making me look like a weak ruler and embarrassing me greatly.

  The king patted the queen on the arm. I like being a king and ruling over people, he confided. I dont want our people to leave the Land of Mayfair. I dont want them to see other worlds. They might decide to take up residence somewhere else and then I would no longer be a powerful ruler. Once Wisker and our son are back in the Land of Mayfair, I will destroy the Land of Bots and then I will destroy Wisker and Glendora once and for all. Then all the people of the Land of Mayfair will be afraid to leave and will think twice before they betray the king. The kings eyes took on a mean and avarice look. Soon I will not only rule over the Land of Mayfair but I will also take over where Glendora has left off. All the worlds that she has conquered will now belong to me.

  King Alfred grinned widely as he could see his plans coming together. As the following days went by, through the magical woods came many monsters from afar. The monsters were large and extremely tall. They were savages, knocking over trees and destroying the forest. The forest animals began to run and scatter, as they tried to get away from the horrific monsters.

  There were many hideous monsters, unlike anything we could imagine in our wildest dreams. There was the tall, dark skinned monster, who was seven feet tall and had golden rings t hat circled his entire body form head to toe. There was not one part of his body that was not covered with the rings and as the monster moved, his rings chimed, causing a loud sonic wave to pass through the woods, blowing everything and anything out of his way. The chiming of the rings blew away trees, plants, shrubs and even dirt debris and up in the air, the monsters arms and legs were so long that it could stretch out its arms for miles.

  Coming in behind the tall, dark skinned monster was a large group of hog like monsters. They began to snort and blow smoke out of their nostrils. They had large rings in their noses and ear lobes. Their bodies were covered with muscles and they had ivory horns that protruded from their heads. They were dressed as if they were already at war. Many of them had iron suits and armor, large silver and gold shields. The hog monsters marched on their bare feet through the woods with their large callused feet that stomped everything in their path.

  Behind the hog monsters were thousands of little elves. Now these werent your average elves, who are usually very friendly. These creatures were demon looking, with their red skins, black eyes and large red wings that spanned for many feet when they opened them. Their long fangs hung over their little slanted lips and their pointy ears made great listening devices. Even though these creatures were tiny, they were very powerful, with their wings and their tremendous speed.

  Behind the elves came the humans of Glendora, the ones she had modified. All the humans in Glendoras army were imbedded with some type of species. A few of the men had black stones burned into their skin and soon the skin had grown and stuck onto the black stones, leaving the men deformed and grotest looking, with stones protruding from all over their bodies. Many of the men seemed to be weighed down from the growing stones, but these men had a purpose; they were used to bolt t heir way through villages and forests, crushing anything and everything in sight.

  Next there were thousands of men with red ants covering t heir bodies. The ants had made nests inside and onto the mens skin. They multiplied by the thousands. There were so many on the men that the mens appearances could
not be seen. Their abilities were used to torture and poison their captives.

  Behind them were armies of foot soldiers, all carrying some type of especially made weapon, such as ultra sharp swords which are ten feet long, daggers, knives, bows and arrows and fighting chariots.

  These were followed by thousands upon thousands of mystical creatures from evil wizards and dragons to large apes with golden breast plates. They came through the woods like savages, letting the villagers and the king know they were there.

  The people of the Land of Mayfair were afraid and they began to hide as the monsters stormed their way through the land. The eyes of the villagers widened as they saw all the evil monsters that came out of the woods and entered their land. What is going to happen now? they asked each other. How in the world is Wisker ever going to be able to defeat and destroy all these monsters?

  The trumpets blew and the flags and banners of the Land of Mayfair went up in the air. The wind blew the flags and banners back and forth and the monster of all armies came moving in, roaring and screaming and showing off their skills to the king.

  King Alfred was very pleased and clapped as the large crowd of monsters came forth. All the people of the Land of Mayfair made way for the monsters to walk up to the front to greet the king. Many of the people were afraid, afraid beyond afraid by the looks on their faces, but not the king and queen; they were very pleased to see such an intimidating army.

  The king stretched forth his hands and welcomed the armies, giving a speech about how this would be the army that would save the young prince and one day king. The creatures in the army began to roar and they roared so very loudly that most of the glass windows on the castle began to crack. Many people held their ears as the wild beasts kept roaring. About an h our passed before the beasts and the celebration calmed down.

  After that the king, his headman Drummer and the leaders of each part of Glendoras army headed off to the kings secret meeting place. To those who knew Drummer well, it was evident by the expression in his eyes that he himself was very much afraid of Glendoras armies. Nevertheless, Drummer played it off and pretended not to be afraid. The king promised Drummer much wealth if he brought his son back safely to him.

  Drummer began to put a lot of pressure on himself. He was much sterner with his men, working them day and night and working the people of the Land of Mayfair to the bone and growing weary himself.

  Soon the day came when it was time to move on and to go rescue the prince. The people of the village waved goodbye to the men and the king gave his last speech. Personally, Im glad to see Drummer and his men leave, whispered Lungi, one of the iron workers, who had been forced to be here, there and everywhere, working first on weapons and then on chariots. They worked us so hard that we need a good rest.

  Down to the secret woods the army went, their maps in their hands and one man or creature behind the other marching forth. The kings army marched through the woods, singing and shouting, ready for battle. They passed villages that they had once destroyed, with Drummer out in front, as their leader.

  Drummer began to feel a special sense of pride and accomplishment, as men came running up from behind the line congratulating him on his leadership.

  Drummer loved all the attention and the praising from the men, but as in each betrayal, it is always the one closest to you, which Drummer was soon to find out.

  The monsters passed through the villages, and laughed as the people scattered, remembering what the monsters had done to them a long time before. The monsters snickered and laughed as they went, pointing out all the villages that they had destroyed and scaring the people once again.

  Many of King Alfreds men did not like Glendoras monsters. We should be the ones that the people are afraid of, grumbled Arthur as they marched along. The men knew that in order for them to win the war with Wisker and the Bots, they needed all the available help they could get, but this still did very little to make them like Glendoras leagues of monsters.

  The villagers were very glad to see the army finally going. Now we can finally get some rest! said one, but then the queen gave them a list of all the things that she wanted built for her son to have upon his return. There were lots of toys, his own miniature castle, bigger than most peoples houses, ponies and horses, the list went on and on. The people quickly accepted the list, just to get the queen out of their faces but they knew it would be a while yet before they got any real rest.

  Meanwhile, back to Wisker and Porcupine and young Prince Harry in the Land of the Bots. This was a very strange world in which they found themselves.

  This isnt the land that I remember, said Wisker, his voice breaking. There are no more speedways. There is nothing here but evidence of war and destruction. I fear that we are too late. Wisker put his head in his hands and let out a loud scream. It was such a loud scream that it echoed all the way out into the streets.

  Porcupine was amazed to see such a place, a place that the king had hidden from them for so long. You werent lying, said Porcupine to his friend.

  Of course not! said Wisker. You mean you didnt believe me either?

  Im sorry, truly sorry, said Porcupine. It was just for a minute, a part of a minute actually that I doubted that you were really telling the truth. Wisker turned and walked away grumbling, very disappointed in his friend.

  But there was one person who was really happy with all of this new adventure, and that was Prince Harry. He was excited. This was a big adventure and he was enjoying it to the utmost of all possibilities. He even forgot that he was being kidnapped and all the mean things that he had been saying to Wisker went out the window.

  Wisker looked upon the streets and saw smashed Bots, broken up into tiny pieces, buildings that had been burned and looted. The clean streets are now nothing more than a waste landfill, he cried. Wisker walked back and forth, pacing in the middle of the streets. Soon a flash of light came from ahead. Whatever it is, it is speeding towards me, said Wisker. He ran towards the prince and Porcupine and pushed them out of the way.

  I want one of those, said Prince Harry loudly, his eyes as big as saucers.

  Wisker quickly quieted the prince by putting his own hand over the boys mouth. As Prince Harry mumbled indignantly, the vehicle went on by once more and Wisker got a good look at the driver and without even thinking about it, gave a loud whistle. Why I know him, thought Wisker. His face looks so familiar. Wisker got the drivers attention and soon the vehicle was turning around and coming full force towards Wisker and the prince. With one wave of his magic wand, Wisker called upon a mighty spell to stop the speeding vehicle. The wand made the vehicle slow down to slow motion and Wisker got a better look at the person driving the speeding vehicle. It was none other than the man whom Wisker had first brought to the world of the Bots.

  William! shouted Porcupine, scrambling to get to the vehicle.

  William quickly turned around and was shocked to see that it was his friends from the Land of Mayfair. I cant believe it, I just cant believe it, said William, as he fell to his knees weeping. Wisker, please, please forgive me.

  William isnt the same as he was when he first came to the Land of the Bots, thought Wisker sadly. He has grown older of course and he has lost a lot of weight, but his whole aura has changed. William is now a man of greed and selfishness.

  What has happened to this place? asked Wisker.

  The humans revolted against the Bots after one human was found dead in an alley, answered William. The war has been going on for so long, so very long.

  Who killed that human? asked Wisker. I feel a suspicion that I already know, he thought. But I hope so very much that Im wrong.

  I dont know answered William, looking away.

  I dont believe you, said Wisker bluntly. I think you know very well who killed him. Wisker held his magic wand to Williams
head. I see sadness in the crystal ball, he said. I see that you did indeed kill the human in the alley. You did it out of fear; everything in the Land of Bots was so new to you that you completely lost it. You were running from the man, and when the man caught up with you, you pushed him into oncoming traffic. The vehicles were moving so fast that the driver never knew that he hit someone and being afraid, you ran away.

  Chapter 7

  The Land of the Robots

  You need to tell the truth, Wisker told William sternly. My wand has shown me what really happened, but you need to tell us. You are lying to us and my magic wand shows that. You need to tell the truth.

  Yes, said William. Youre right it was me. But it was an accident. I was frightened and I panicked.

  Thank you for telling us what really happened, said Wisker. But I am disappointed that you have not told the inhabitants of the World of Bots, now that the humans and the Bots are fighting with each other. You could have put an end to this ages ago by telling what had happened.

  William ignored the statement. I am still shocked to see that you have made it back into the Land of the Bots, he said instead. Suddenly he noticed that they had the kings son with them. What is HE doing here? he asked, pointing at Prince Harry.

  Mind your own business, said the prince and he folded his arms and punched out his lips.

  William was not too pleased with the spoiled prince and came after him, but was quickly stopped by Wisker.

  You spoiled brat! shouted William, glaring at Prince Harry.

  I think thats enough of that, said Wisker. Remember, you yourself have a lot of making up to do and now is not a good time to be fighting with each other. A war is coming and the humans and the Bots are going to have to put their differences aside and fight together. And you will tell them the truth about how that human died or I will send you back to the Land of Mayfair where the king has enslaved everyone.

  My family, my family, cried William, thinking of them for the first time since he had come to the Land of Bots.

  I have no sympathy for you, said William.

  Nor do I, said Porcupine. You weep for your family but think of all the families you have broken up, all the loved ones you have caused to be killed. What you have done to the inhabitants of the Land of Bots is both disgraceful and disrespectful.

  Suddenly William jumped up and began to run. Wisker immediately held up his wand and in a calm voice said, Fribbledee, brobbledee, fragildee frope, turn into a long, winding rope.

  The wand immediately turned into a rope and the end that was not in Wiskers hand went swirling through the air, twisting this way and that after William. Finally the rope caught William and dragged him back to Wisker. No matter how William struggled, the rope did not turn him loose.

  I see you have become more powerful, said William. Are you still the kings puppet?

  Wisker was furious. He yanked the rope, pulling William to the ground, where dust splashed in his face as he landed. Wisker grabbed William by the shirt collar and began to shake him, much as one might see a mother dog shake a disobedient puppy.

  Look at what you have done, you have destroyed an entire civilization, said Wisker to William.

  William dropped to his knees begging and pleading for forgiveness.

  It is not me that you need to ask for forgiveness, it is the people of the Land of Bots, Wisker told him. And the time for that is long overdue.

  Bang! a loud noise rang through the city, sirens went off and the land was soon swarming with Bots.

  We must go, they will kill us, cried William.

  No you will run no longer, you will stand up and tell the truth, said Porcupine to his old neighbor.

  Wisker and Porcupine looked around. They were all surrounded by Bots. This unknown species was new to both Prince Harry and Porcupine. Their eyes grew wider and wider to see such advanced and mechanical creatures.

  There must be thousands of Bots here, said Wisker.

  And the weapons theyve got, theyre way more advanced than anything Ive ever seen, said Porcupine.

  Wisker lifted his hands high into the air, then he bowed down to the Bots. There has been a mistake, a terrible one, he began. William was the true killer of the human and I would like to send a message all through the Land of Bots to stop the fighting between the humans and the Bots.

  Is this some kind of a trick? asked a Bot named Walle, holding his advanced weapon to the faces of the trespassers.

  No, it is no trick, said Wisker. He pushed William forward with his wand and soon William fell to his knees and asked for forgiveness for lying.

  I was the true cause of the war, sobbed William. He then began to tell what had happened and how the man had been killed. The message was sent faster than lightening all through the Land of the Bots. Humans and Bots that were fighting quickly stopped and focused on the message.

  The anger between the human residents of the Land of Bots and the Bot residents of the Land of Bots dissolved and all were relieved as they all saw that it had been a horrible mistake.

  Most of the people of the Land of Bots remembered Wisker and suddenly many of them remembered that it was he who had brought William to their land.

  I want William and Wisker both punished for all the terrible things they have brought upon our land, yelled Gretta, a Bot who had lost her husband and her two sons to the senseless, horrible war. Weve lost not only our loved ones; weve lost our beautiful land. Look around you, where is our civilization? Where are the once tall and massive structures, where are the sophisticated cathedrals, the art galleries, the massive technology factories? The large arena is nothing more than rubble. William and Wisker are responsible for this and they must be punished.

  The Bot police gathered up Wisker and his friends and placed them in holding cuffs. Here you go, said the Bot Police Sergeant. Now get in the back of our Police vehicle. Well decide what to do with you after some decisions have been made.

  Off with their heads, off with their heads, screamed some of the people who had gathered around the Police car. Wisker could have used his powers to free them, but he wanted a lesson to be taught, not only to William but to the prince as well.

  The prince however didnt have any sympathy for the Bots. You were right to let them take the blame, he told William.

  Wisker didnt like this conversation very much. You need to be still, he ordered the prince.

  Prince Harry looked at him and lifted his head a little higher in the air. I will not! he said haughtily, in a tone that reminded those that knew him very much of his father.

  Wisker reached over with his wand and quickly sewed the princes mouth together. Prince Harry began to squirm in the back seat of the vehicle as he tried unsuccessfully to get his lips undone.

  The policemen in the front seat suddenly hopped out of the vehicle and took off running, leaving Wisker and his companion to stay in the front seat.

  Alright now Wisker, said William in an authoritative tone. Use your power to make us get away.

  No, you were the cause of this and you need to fix it, Wisker told him.

  The Police bots came back with reinforcements. There were hundreds of Bots lining the streets and the air ways. They were waiting for Wisker to try to escape, but Wisker didnt try. Wisker did everything that the Bots asked him to do. The Police Bots guarded Wisker and his friends and placed them in the city jail.

  Shortly after that, the Bots went from door to do and through the streets, arresting humans one by one. Most of the humans went peacefully but there were a few that made maters worse and caused an uproar.

  The saddest thing was that even though there was war amongst the Bots and the humans, there were many Bots and humans that still co-e
xisted together and were friends. They were hidden under the city of the Bots in secret pockets of the town.

  Now that we know that we are no longer counted as the guilty ones, we must find all the humans and see to it that justice is done, cried one of the Bots. We must look everyplace, in abandoned buildings and through underground tunnels, in secret houses set up by the churches. Come, we have work to do.

  The Bots were like police dogs, sniffing out the humans far and wide and placing them in jail. They also arrested any Bots who dared to help any of the humans. Many of the humans tried to run as the Bots seized back their land but the Bots caught them and put them in jail.

  Many of the Bots took their anger just a little too far and began to beat the humans and take away their rights.

  Here, snapped a Police Bot, shoving some food which had been prepared for pigs into one of the jail ceils. This food is good enough for you.

  Some of the lady Bots were taken into homes instead of jails, to work as maids for the Bots.

  In the meantime, Wisker and his friends were taken before the high priest. The temple was filled with Bots who were pushing and shoving each other, just to get a glimpse of the one man who had ruined their world. The high priest was summoned and as she stepped into the room everyone stood to their feet and it was so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

  Out of the door of the chambers of the high priest came a very slender lady Bot. Her metallic hair came down to her shoulders. A large golden crown had been placed on her head. And she wore a large black robe which reached down to her feet.

  The priest stopped for just a moment before taking her seat in the judgment stand and looked around. Those who had seats in the front area of the courtroom could see the sadness in her eyes. After a moment, the judge gracefully climbed the steps and took her seat. Once seated she looked over the crowd slowly, one row at a time.

  Here you are, your honor, said one of the clerks of the court, laying files upon files of paper on the judges stand.

  Thank you, said the high priest. Within seconds the proceedings were underway. Wisker choose to represent himself and William while the Bots were represented by Jardin, one of their own who was considered very well learned in matters of law.

  The high priest asked Jardin to speak first and he began this way: This is a story that began many years ago, he said. The humans had come to the land of the Bots to live in peace until one day, Wisker, of the Land of May fair, brought with him an evil man by the name of William. While in the Land of Bots, William killed one of his own and blamed it on the Bots. From that day forth, the Bots and the humans began to go to war with one another, killing and enslaving each other, all over one lie that was told told by this Mr. William. Jar din stopped speaking for a moment, then turned and pointed at William so that everyone would know just whom he was speaking of.

  William hid for many y ears in secret tunnels, continued Jar din, Starting Wars and secret clubs against the Bots, many of which were discovered and broken up by the Bot Secret Police.. William looked over at Jardin as Jardin pointed at him. Jardin wanted the entire Land of Bots to s what William looked like.

  The Bots in the crowd began to whisper to each other and pointed, but as this was going on, Wisker was also looking at William. He was part of the blame for starting an uprising of the humans, he thought. But I have to free his name and get the people of the Land of Bots to realize that there is something more important to worry about. Glendora and her men are on their way, to take over, kill and destroy. But how can the Bots trust a human who has already earned their distrust?

  Wisker approached the high priest and addressed her and all the Bots who were listening. I am sorry for what has taken place, he told them, showing sympathy and respect. If I had it to do over, I would never bring William into the Land of the Bots.

  Boo, boo, yelled some of the Bots, raising their fists in the air to protest everything that came out of Wiskers mouth.

  The spoiled Prince sat in the back and laughed as Wisker and William faced death. With a silent swoosh of his wand, Wisker put a bridle on the mouth of the prince. The prince, in his rude ways, made a disruption in the temple. This was disrespectful to the Bots and to their justice system

  Do not continue with this sort of behavior, the high priest warned him sternly. I will not tolerate it.

  The spoiled prince managed to make a very rude noise, despite the fact that his mouth was bridled.

  The high priest looked at her sternly It was evident that she was giving very careful thought to how she should deal with this, even though he was a spoiled prince he was, after all, still a very little boy. Take that young man out and hold him in the temple cells, she ordered one of the guards. The prince went kick and screaming all the way to the cell.

  The Princes rude behavior made the Bots even Angier than they had been before and they began to demand the hanging of Wisker and his friends.

  Wisker became frustrated. He walked back and forth, thinking to himself. Should I use my magic to free us? he asked himself. Is there anything else I can do or say that will make all this right with the Bots? Finally Wisker decided to use his powers. With one spin of his wand, the temple began to tremble. The Bots took cover as large sparks burst from Wiskers wand. A rainbow colored light appeared, spiraling through the room, knocking over papers, benches and Bots.

  Stop that human, demanded the high priest, but Wisker was so much more powerful than the Bots and his wand was so much more powerful than any of the advanced weapons of the Bots that there was no comparison.

  The magic spiral lifted Wisker and his friends out of the temple, leaving the prince in the cell until it was safe to come and get him. Through the temple roof they went. The Bots looked on in astonishment as Wisker used his powers to free himself and his friends. After a moment the Bots began an uproar and began to leap from the highest level of the temple down to the secret area of the high priest. We must kill them or they will kill us, shouted one Bot, as he came crushing down to the ground and out of the temple window. The Bots were very angry. They were not the friendly Bots they had once been who brought Wisker into their land. They were out for blood and revenge. On the large monitors of the city the Bots displayed the event that had taken place in the temple. Everyone stood and watched as it was broadcast all over the land. The Bots also showed all the damages that the humans had caused. There were Bots whose mechanical bodies laid beside the streets, broken and bashed into pieces. There were single pieces of Bots thrown all over the place, an arm here and an arm there. The monitor showed as the Bots guards went street by street, retrieving their dead. This scene alone made the living Bots angry and they wanted revenge on the humans.

  We must be fair, said the high priest in a special broadcast to all the people of the Land of the Bots. If we do not give the humans a fair trial then we are acting no better than animals.

  The Bots wanted nothing to do with it. They wanted the humans to pay. Many of the humans were already captured by the Bots and even if they werent guilty of a crime, they were still being punished, just because they were humans.

  Many of the humans were now trying to escape, but the borders of the Land of the Bots were fully blocked off. There was no way in or out of the land. Only those who knew the secret way were allowed to come and go. There were only a very few amongst the Bots who knew the secret way in or out of the Land of the Bots because it was kept top secret by the high priest and her trusted guards.

  Wisker, Porcupine and William flew to a barren land that was said to be occupied by humans. If we are going to make it out of the land of the Bots, we will need a safe place to rest, said Wisker to the others.

  On the side of the land where the humans stayed, Wisker noticed a visible separation. No Bots allowed beyond this point, read the sign. Next to it, with an arrow pointing in the other direction was another sign wh
ich read,?No Humans Allowed Beyond This point.

  Have you learned anything? Wisker asked William.

  William began to mumble to himself. It was all an accident. I didnt know what to do; the world was so strange to me at the time.

  Accident or not, Wisker was not at all happy with the way William had betrayed him. You had times after the accident when you could have set things straight, he told William sternly. You could have stopped that war; you didnt have to let it go on

  If I had told, they would have killed me, whined William. You saw how they did today.

  It would have been different in the beginning, said Wisker, his voice showing no sympathy. If you had explained it in the beginning, they would have understood.

  Porcupine walked at Wiskers side, in awe of the land. I am shocked at how the king kept this land hidden from the people of the Land of Mayfair, he said. Now I understand why you wanted to bring the people of the Land of Mayfair here so that they could see it for themselves. But it is too late now. Humans are no longer welcome in the Land of Bots.

  Wisker walked along the side of the roadways, picking up pieces of a Bot, a limb here and there and then a head, a head of a lady Bot that had been ripped from its wire. All Wisker could do was cry as he held the head of the Bot in his arms.

  We must get off the streets, its not safe any longer for us, said William.

  Wisker looked at William with disgust and shook his head in pity. My friend you should pay for this, he said.

  Wisker and Porcupine quickly followed William off of the streets and into a little tunnel deep under the city. As they were entering the tunnels, Wisker could hear footsteps. He looked out the entrance of the tunnel and saw that hundreds o f Bots were being freed by their human slaves and many humans were running to escape capture by the Bots. It is a bitter sweet moment, said Wisker to the others. He watched as some of the Bots jumped for joy as they were freed while others dropped to their knees and cried. How could our species destroy something so beautiful? asked Wisker of himself. I am glad that the humans are releasing the Bots but it is sad that now the humans will soon become slaves of the Bots. It is the nature of Karma. Even though the humans deserve everything they are getting, it just doesnt seem right. The war will never be over.

  Wisker watched as the Bots went through the streets, picking up their dead, every little piece they could find, they held onto it tight.

  Soon the army of Bots came into the human side of town and began to break down their walls and humans, many humans, began to run and hide in secret passages in the ground. Wisker went into the tunnel and took out his wand from its special pocket. Riggledee, roggledee, rifferty, rightly, close this tunnel secure and tightly, he said. And the end of the tunnel was closed off immediately.

  Wisker and his companions walked, deep down they went, they walked thousands of feet below the city. Humans and Bots must have been digging for years, said Wisker. This tunnel has to be thousands of years old.

  The humans made the Bots dig for them and they destroyed them so that they will not disclose where the tunnels are, said William. But it is said that many Bots escaped and know how to get to the secret tunnels.

  If the Bots know of the secret tunnel, may lives will be in danger, said Porcupine.

  William led Wisker and Porcupine through the maze of underground tunnels. With each step, Wisker began to collect pieces of Bots body parts on the tunnel floor. Wisker began to weep to see so many Bots lives wasted and laid in ruins.

  What are you going to do with those pieces? asked William Wisker never paid William any attention. I cant, he thought to himself. I just feel so angry when I think what he has caused.

  The men walked on through the secret tunnels until they came to a dead end, an ancient brick wall. With one wave of his hands over a glowing orb, William opened the passage to even more miles, deeper within the tunnel. The men quickly went through and the brick wall closed up behind them. Down more steps they went.

  Look, said Porcupine in amazement. Everywhere they looked there were carved monuments and statues. The men kept on traveling. Twists here and turns there and suddenly the men reached the safe haven of the humans.

  There is another world going on here, said Porcupine. Look, there are cobble streets, brick and stone store fronts, churches and schools, children playing in the streets, what a place! Who would have imagined?

  There is advanced technology everywhere, said Wisker. From the air that they breathe to the artificial sun and moon

  The men walked on, looking this way and that, amazed with what they were seeing and to imagine that it was so many miles, so very many miles, below the surface of the earth. No one paid the men any attention until one of them spotted Wisker with the pieces of the Bots.

  Traitor in the midst, shouted one of the bystanders.

  Soon everyone gathered in the courtyard to see what Wisker and his companions would do. Please, please calm down, Wisker pleaded.

  Why have you brought a Bot here? asked one of the men angrily.

  There were angry murmurs amongst the people and they kept asking questions, but then they refused to give Wisker or any of the others an opportunity to answer.

  Soon the chief came to the courtyard with his many guards. They all held advanced weapons, pointing them directly at Wisker, Porcupine and William. Again Wisker pleaded with the people to listen.

  The chief quickly put up his hands so that the people would be quiet. The chief of the secret land was a rather large and round man. He had long, silky, black hair and a wild bird feather hat. His tan skin to the gills on his neck was visible. He was protected by a group of guards, all humans with different skin color and texture.

  I am familiar with this human species, whispered Porcupine to Wisker. With one puff of smoke, they can dispense poison from their skin.

  The guards held up machetes and large swords that could slice a mans head off with their diamond blades. Not once did Wisker show fear. Please, chief, could you grant us passage? he asked. My friend William is wanted for treason and starting a war. He had to run or he would not have gotten a fair trial.

  Now all the humans in this land are in danger because of you. We were once in peace and now we must hide because of this senseless war, shouted the king, as he came closer to Williams face in anger.

  William quickly bowed to his knees. Please forgive me, he begged the chief and the people.

  The chief looked at William in contempt and then sighed. I have no other choice but to forgive you, he said. There is a war right above us and they need to have all the man power they possibly can.

  Please, please dont fight, dont carry on a war, begged Wisker. A greater war is coming from the Mistress Glendora and if the Land of Bots and their human visitors dont join forces, the Land of Bots will be destroyed.

  All because of you bringing a trouble maker like William here, we are paying the price, answered the chief.

  Everyone in the crowd stared at the men.

  What do you plan to do with that Bot head which you are carrying? asked the chief.

  Let me show you, answered Wisker. With a quick tap of his wand onto the Bot head the Bots eyes began to blink and soon it came alive.

  The Bots eyes blinked and soon she began to talk. Hey, where is my body? shouted the Bot.

  The crowd was so amazed that many ran off to get others to come and see. Neighbors came from all around the secret tunnel to see the Bot which had come alive.

  What are you, the devil? asked the chief.

  No, answered Wisker quickly. I am nothing more than a wizard.

  A powerful wizard at that, said Porcupine.

  Wisker shied away from the praise and began to gather the parts of the Bot all into one.

  The Bot soon began to cry as she looked around
and saw all of the humans staring at her. You humans are evil, she cried, as Wisker continued to gather her body parts together.

  Its ok, said Wisker, in a kind and friendly voice, but the Bot still continued to sob as she waited on Wisker to repair the rest of her body parts.

  Wisker held out his wand and with one secret spell and the flicker of some magic dust, the Bot body parts began to pick themselves off the ground and to join together. Then the Bot began to move through the town square. The people quickly moved out of the way for fear of the Bot touching them.

  You wont catch a disease, said Wisker as he watched the people move hurriedly away.

  But they are Bots, they have killed many of us, shouted Barbie, one of the residents.

  It took two to start the war and it is going to take two to end it, explained Wisker.

  Soon the Bot body found its head assembled itself. Soon the Bot moved slowly away from the crowd of people, fearing for its life. Why did you save me? she asked Wisker.

  I had to do it, said Wisker. It is my fault that the war between the Bots and the humans is even taking place.

  The Bot sat down slowly on a nearby stone and began to touch her face and her body, picking at all the loose wires and bolts. Dont do that, youll hurt yourself, said Wisker quickly.

  The Bot began to cry. This is not my body and I am nothing more than a magpie piece of metal, she said.

  Wisker suddenly jumped to his feet, pulled out his wand and aimed it at the Bot.

  Kill it, kill it! screamed the onlookers.

  No, Im not going to kill her, said Wisker. Just make her body new again. With his magical wand, Wisker sent forth rainbows of fairy dust into the air. Twisting and turning all around the Bot from head to toe, the dust went up and down, displaying a rainbow of steel that covered up the Bots ravaged body. The spell began to spin the body, sending her twirling into the air and landing safely on the floor. The magical cloud of smoke was now gone and the dust cleared and settled and the Bot had a new, shinny body. All of the rust and holes was now gone and she looked new again.

  Your metallic white skin and big slanting eyes are a thing of beauty, said Wisker, who held a magical mirror in front of the Bot so that she could see herself.

  The Bot took her time about looking into the mirror. Im so afraid I wont look like I used to look, she thought to herself. I dont want to look like some sort of a patchwork person. Finally she got up the nerve to look. She rubbed her face in disbelief. Its me, its me, it really is. I look the way I remember looking, she said. She was so happy that she jumped for joy and took the mirror out of Wiskers hand and danced around the room with it.

  Some of the humans, those whose hearts beat and loved, began to feel her pain in what she had been through and her happiness in being herself again.

  I wouldnt want to be a patchwork person either, thought a lady human by the name of Dottsile. She and I are more alike than we a re different.

  Some of the people, just a few, booed, but when they did, Wisker quickly sewed up their mouths. Ill take the stitches out later, but Im not going to let them spoil her happiness right now, he thought.

  What is your name? asked Porcupine.

  I am Rozella 4292, answered the Bot. The people looked on, listening to every word that flowed from the lips of the Bot.

  Rozella, what a beautiful name, said Wisker, whipping his soft and gentle hands across her face. For the first time in a very long time, Bots and humans were in contact with each other. The crowd of humans began to whisper and point.

  I want nothing more than peace. Peace between humans and Bs, said Rozella. She looked at Wisker. Why have you brought me back to life? she asked him.

  I too want to see peace made between humans and Bots, answered Wisker. The humans and the Bots must make peace between themselves. There is an even greater war coming and they must work together in order to win.

  I also have tried to mend the relationship between the humans and the Bots, said Rozella. One day while I was trying to sneak back into the tunnel, I was greeted by an angry mob, who ripped me to shreds. Rozella began to cry as she remembered the horror that she had faced and how very frightened she had been.

  It might be a trick, said the chief, as she watched. We have had Bots who were up to no good sending in fake missionaries to mend relations but instead they attacked the humans and tried to find all their hiding places.

  I am here to try to help the relations between the Bots and the humans, said Rozella 4292 once again. If I am allowed to pass, I will show you deeper into the tunnels to a place where the Bots and humans live as one, where they co-exist together.

  I do not believe you, said the chief. You are a liar.

  Rozella 4292 stuck to her storry and managed to convince Wisker.

  Im not sure why, but I believe her, Wisker told the chief.

  You are just sabotaging the human race, said the chief.

  This was it for Wisker. He had been through a lot in the past days and had done all that he could to help and now to be accused of this. He quickly jumped up and pulled out his wand. If Im sabotaging the human race, Ill show you what sabotaging is, he roared. He held his wand up to the skies of the tunnel and made their world began to crumble. The bricks began to fall off buildings, the roads began to crack in half, steam burst out of the ground, and all their artificial lights flickered. The people began to run for cover.

  Im sorry, Im sorry, cried the chief. I can see now that if you really wanted to sabotage our people you would be able to do it easily. Your magic is so mighty that there would be no stopping you. Please forgive me.

  Wisker still felt very angry, but he managed to get himself under control. He tucked his wand back in the special pocket in his robe.

  We need a place to rest for awhile and tomorrow we will go and retrieve the prince, Wisker told the chief.

  Agreed, said the chief. You may rest here for a few hours, but then you must leave.

  Thank you, said Wisker. But still the humans and the Bots must make peace in order to stand together before this greater enemy. Separately, there is no way they can stand against this powerful army and things will just be worse in the future for all of them, but separately, they well may be able to do it. Wont you stand by my side and unite the humans and the bots together?

  No, that I can not do, answered the chief. The Bots have killed many of my kind and many are not accounted for. They have lied to us and that lie has torn a big gap in the hearts of the people and in the circuits of the Bots. There is no way that the Bots and the humans will ever be friends again.

  In my heart I know that with the right healing, the Bots and the humans can and must become friends again, said Wisker. What is headed their way, is bigger than the humans or the Bots, and only by being united together can they possibly win against this common enemy.

  Please forgive me for my part in this, William begged the chief.

  The chief looked at William in disgust. He raised his long cataninetails whip and struck William across the shoulders. William fell to the ground, holding his bleeding shoulders as the chief scorned him. Because of your lies we are doomed and we have so much blood on our hands, said the chief. I can understand your fright the night this all started but you have had years to tell, to stop what was happening and you kept still. I do not believe y you would have told yet had you not been forced to. Because of your lies the Bots and humans are now sworn enemies. So many human lives have been lost at the hands of the Bots, and so many Bots lives have also been lost. You would not even be allowed here now were it not for my respect for your companions, you disgust me.

  William stood up and walked away with his head hung low. No one felt sorry for him. He was the cause of all the war and fighting that was going on. Let him go, shouted a man in the crowd.
br />   I have no time to baby sit William, thought Wisker. I need to get deep within the tunnels to the city where the Bots and the humans are living together in peace in hopes that maybe they can help stop the war.

  As Wisker, Porcupine and their new friend Rozetta 4292 rested, Wisker cast a magic spell on a nearby rock, turning it into hound dog. Wisker patted the friendly pup for a second, scratching behind his ears. Youre a good boy, he told him. Now I want you to go and chase after William and bring him back to us, before he gets himself lost and makes even more trouble for us. The dog barked once, presumably to show that he understood, ran sniffing out Williams scent and then took off running in the direction in which William had headed.

  I have to go now, said the chief. I must help my kind avoid persecution from the Bots. You may stay here and rest, but I want you out of here before I get back.

  The three rested a bit longer, then Wisker let out a deep sigh and started to get up. Before we go any further on our journey, we must go and get the prince out of jail, he told the others. And getting him out is not going to be easy.

  If we are going to use the kings son as ransom, we must keep him alive, said Porcupine, as he also got up.

  Rozetta 4292, who by this time had heard some of their adventures, prepared to leave also.

  Wisker told the others of his plan, and off they went, leaving a little earlier than expected.

  I had hoped so much that the humans would accept Rozetta, remarked Wisker, as the three walked along. but they just didnt, even though they were aware of the fact that it was Williams lie that started all this.

  It is not your fault, said Rkozetta 4292. You tried, you tried very hard. Im afraid that this fighting could go on and on for awhile, even though the people are now aware of the truth.

  A little while later, something happened that made things a little easier to accept and showed them that there was hope for a friendship between Bots and humans in the future. A little human girl came running over to Rozetta and gave her a baby doll, one that obviously had seen a lot of love and attention. This is for you, the child told Rozetta.

  Rozetta smiled and gently patted the little girl on the head. Thank you, she told her.

  She is my favorite baby doll, said the little girl shyly. I wanted you to have the very best. Rozetta knelt down and soon the two new friends were hugging. The mother of the little girl saw what was happening and came running, quickly snatching her daughter from Rozettas arms. Hurt by this, Rozetta 4292 stepped into a nearby garden to cry.

  Porcupine was not pleased one bit by what had happened and confronted the woman. Its because of people like you that this war is still going on and in a nowhere spiral, he told her. The woman grabbed her daughter by the hand and ran off.

  You did well, Wisker commended his friend for his action.

  Thank you, said Porcupine. I couldnt just let that go, I just couldnt.

  Wisker nodded. Then he walked into the garden, knowing that there was also another heart that needed healing. Rozetta was sitting on a bench in the garden, crying her Bot heart out. Its ok, Rozetta, said Wisker. We will get through this together. He held out his hand to her in a gentlemanly way to help her to stand. Rozetta wiped her eyes, then took his hand and stood. It was at that moment that Wisker and Rozetta became the best of friends, as if she was his long lost daughter. One human, the other Bot, yet their friendship was a fast and secure one, almost as if they were family.

  The three went on, saying goodbye to the people of the tunnels. We will be passing through again soon, Wisker promised.

  Back up to the surface they went, Wisker and his friends, one behind the other as they tread through the same tunnels through which they had once passed. Rozetta was deeply hurt by all the Bot parts which she saw scattered along the floor of the tunnel. Se stopped and picked up pieces to see if she could identify anyone, but there didnt seem to be anyone there she knew. Poor woman, thought Wizard, compassionately as he watched her, well aware of the terrible pain she was suffering.

  They came to the end of the tunnels and Wisker and his companions looked carefully before emerging to the surface. When they were sure that the coast was clear, they all came running out.

  There was no joy. It is so awful to see how my homeland has been destroyed, thought Rozetta. But it is equally horrible to see that my people are now enslaving the humans. None of this is right, none of it! She could feel the many emotions running through her and suddenly she just stopped. You humans are evil, she told the others. You destroy anything you dont understand.

  Wisker, knowing that she didnt mean all humans, but was just overwhelmed with what she was seeing, put his arms around her and hugged her. I know, I know, he soothed. I am so very, very sorry. I feel the pain too, but we have work to do and this is no time for us to break down.


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