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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 2

by Brie Paisley

  “I wish you would’ve been there, Savvy. It was amazing.”

  Hearing the happiness in her voice makes me smile, and I know even if I worry a lot about my bestie, she’ll be fine. “When is your next one? Maybe I can come up and spend some time with you.” It’s not like things are going as well as I’d hoped here, but I don’t say that to her.

  “Are you serious? Savvy, I would love for you to come see me.”

  I begin to answer her, but I frown as I notice a cop car pulling up behind me. My heart drops when I see the flashing red and blue lights. It’s sort of ironic how the colors of our flag, the symbol of our freedom, is the same color as someone who could take that freedom away. Watching the police officer step out of his vehicle, I begin to panic. I haven’t had the best past with cops, and my mind begins to race. “Kel, I have to go.”

  “But wait Savvy. I didn’t ask you about your birth mother.”

  “I’ll call you later,” I snap and hang up the phone just as the officer reaches my window. Tossing my cell in the passenger seat, I swallow hard as I roll the car window down. “Is there a problem, Officer?” Trying to keep my voice steady, the last thing I want is for him to think I’m nervous. Which I am.

  He leans on the car, and I swallow again at his closeness. “License and registration, please.”

  I scramble to get him everything he needs, and I push my shades up on my head as I hand him my information. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong,” I say defensively. I can’t help myself. With my past, the police and I haven’t had the best relationship. As he glances over my license, I look him over. His all black uniform does fit him quite nicely, and it compliments his dark brown hair. It’s shaved on the sides but longer on the top. It reminds me of a military cut, but not as short. He’s certainly tall as I have to lean my head to the side to get a good look at him, and once I start back down, I notice his name tag reads C. Harlow. He moves back some, and I swear it looked as if he just flexed his arm for me. Did he know I was checking him out?

  Feeling my face redden, I turn away as he says, “Not from around here I see.” Instead of stating the obvious, I stay silent. I’ve gotten into trouble more than once with my smart ass comments, so it’s best to keep my mouth shut. “Well, Savannah Owens of Destin Florida, I’ve driven by this spot three times today, and you’ve been here. Planning some kind of heist on the courthouse?”

  “What?” Shaking my head, I try to explain. “No, I … I would never. I’m … I’m just …” He begins to laugh, and I frown. Is he making fun of me? “This isn’t funny.”

  He lifts his sunglasses on top of his head, handing back my information as he says, “You should’ve seen your face.”

  It takes me a second to get my bearings as I take notice of his smile and his bright blue eyes. For a split second, I forget where I am, why I’m here, and the fact he’s making fun of me. Shaking myself out of whatever the hell that was, I narrow my eyes at him. “Do you always prank innocent bystanders?”

  “Actually, I do. It’s part of my southern charm.”

  More like arrogance. “Am I free to go? Because I have lots to do.”

  “Are you sure you’re not planning anything illegal? Because I’ll have to take you downtown if you are.”

  “What makes you think I’d tell you if I were?”

  “Sassy. I like it.”

  I roll my eyes, but I can’t help but grin. “More of your charm?”

  “Why, yes. I’m so glad you noticed.” He leans his arm on the car, and I have to suck in a breath as his handsome face crowds me. Oh, he smells good too. Our eyes lock, only for a moment, and my stomach flutters with a million butterflies. What the hell is going on? I’ve seen my fair share of attractive men, but there’s something about this one … I can’t put my finger on what, but he’s different. “Are you sure you’re not from around here? I swear I know you from somewhere.”

  “Uh, no. I just got here three weeks ago.”

  His eyes never leave mine, but I look away first. It’s too intense with the way his blue eyes penetrate mine. “Newbie for sure then.” He starts to say something more, but his radio on his shoulder starts talking. It startles me, and I feel my face flush when I hear him laughing again. I don’t catch what I assume is the dispatcher says, but he answers back quickly then turns his attention back to me. “It was nice to meet you, Savannah Owens. I’ll see you around.”

  Watching him slowly back away in my rear view mirror, I stare as he gets inside his squad car. As he drives by, I stupidly watch him more knowing he’ll see me. Grinning when he waves at me, I let out a huff as he drives past. My heart is still beating a mile a minute, but I don’t understand why. Or why I felt as if he promised me something. Pushing C. Harlow out of my mind, I push my sunglasses down and start the rental. Deciding to chill in my hotel room before work, I make my way there. It’s normally a depressing trip back knowing I didn’t get any new information on my birth mother, but this time it’s different.

  The way Officer Harlow said my name whispers in the back of my mind. It’s like a caress with his deep and husky voice, and the way he said he’ll see me later makes me wonder if I really will.

  Or if I even want to.

  It’s been two days since meeting Savannah Owens, and I can’t seem to get her out of my mind. No matter what I do, she’s always there. There’s just something about her that seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on what it is. If I’m honest with myself, I don’t want to admit what I already know. Not to mention, her blue-green eyes seem to call to my very soul. It was weird as fuck, but I brushed it off not thinking much of it. I can’t deny she’s a mystery. She was evasive and seemed nervous when I approached her. It also put a damper on my ego knowing my charm didn’t really seem to faze her. Which I find very attractive. Not tootin’ my own horn, but I’m used to the women around here flocking to me. Kind of reminds me of the bug zapper Mama has on her back porch. They fly and attach themselves to me knowing I’ll zap them. Okay, maybe that’s a bad analogy, but it’s the only thing I got.

  “If you keep frowning like that, your face is going to get stuck that way.” I look up across the table and smile at Mama. She knows best, so she could be right.

  Just like every morning during the weekday, my brothers and I come over to have breakfast with our parents. It’s been this way since we all grew up and moved out, but I don’t mind coming here like we all do. It’s nice to spend time with my mom and dad. It’s also not bad to hassle my brothers. Carter is the oldest and followed in Dad’s footsteps with becoming a lawyer. Then it’s Cason and me, but I’m the older one. Cason is my identical twin, and he owns his own gym while I work at the police station. Clark is next and is the military because he wants to be a knockoff of Superman. Oh, and I can’t forget oops baby. Caleb is the youngest and was literally an oops baby, but he’s smarter than anyone I know, and as much as I like to pick on him, I’m ready for him to return home from college. Speaking of my brothers, I have no idea where any of them are. “Where is everyone?” It’s not like Carter, Shelby, his long-lost sweetheart, Cason, and Clark not to be here. Clark just got back from a deployment, but he’s always around since returning home in March. Caleb, the youngest, actually has a good reason for not being here since he’s finishing up his last few weeks at MIT. Mama’s face falls, and it makes my stomach churn knowing it upsets her that either my brothers forgot, or they’re just being assholes. “How about I call them?”

  “It’s fine, sweetheart. I’m sure they’re just busy.”

  Watching Dad place a hand on Mama’s, I shake my head and stand up. “I’ll get them here. It’s our tradition.” Winking at Mama, I bite my tongue instead of saying what I really want. If I do, Mama will get that stupid wooden spoon out and beat my ass with it. She’s done it so many times over the years for my potty mouth, as she likes to call it sometimes. Walking outside, I pull out my phone and decide to start with my twin, Cason.

  As the line begins to ring, I see Clark pull up
in the driveway. He quickly jumps out of his truck and runs toward the house. I glare at him as he walks past me and says, “Don’t start. I’m here, alright.”

  Shaking my head when I smell the alcohol on his breath, I wonder if he’s drinking all hours of the day. Clenching my jaw, I hold back my lecture about him drinking and driving. Deciding to wait and pick my battle with him another time, I stay silent. Something is up with him, and it’s beginning to piss me off how he’s shutting himself off from me, and the entire family. Hearing the door slam behind me, Cason finally decides to answer. “I’m coming.”

  “Well hello to you too, Mr. Cranky Pants.”

  Laughing as I hear him swear under his breath, Carter and Shelby arrive. “I swear, Caden. For once can you not act like an ass?”

  “That really hurts when you call me that.”

  “I’m beginning to think you like it. I’ll be there soon.” Letting out an annoying grunt, I stare at my phone realizing he hung up on me. My own twin hung up on me. What. A. Douche.

  “It’s about time y’all got here,” I yell at Carter and Shelby as they get out of Carter’s truck. Neither one of them seem to be in a hurry, so I yell out again. “Food is gettin’ cold.”

  “Caden, leave them alone and get back in the house.” Hearing Mama’s stern tone, I huff wondering why I’m always the one getting in trouble. Pocketing my phone, I do as I’m told like I’m a teenager again.

  Walking back to the kitchen table, I take my spot next to where Cason will sit, and across from Clark. Dad is asking Clark what he’s going to do about his decision to retire from the military, but Clark doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. Typical Clark. I love all my brothers, but for some reason Clark has shut down on all of us. It worries me that I don’t know what to do or how to help him. Just as I’m about to comment on something Clark says to Dad, I turn when I hear Mama, Carter, and Shelby walk to the table. Carter tells Mama a lame excuse as to why they were late, but I’m not sure I believe the whole flat tire story. Shelby sits by Mama, and of course Carter takes his usual spot by Shelby. I glance away from the two love birds as they show off some PDA, and my chest constricts knowing I want that. Not with Shelby, that’s just … ew, but I want the love they have. Carter and Shelby have the epic type of love everyone can see and craves to have. Even me. We all grew up around each other, and I knew once Shelby came into our lives that they would end up together. I’ve never seen Shelby as anything more than a sister, and we all knew her and Carter would never be apart. Granted it happened much later in life due to Shelby’s conniving mother, but it all worked out in the end. There was a time I worried a lot about Carter. It was after Shelby ran off to South Carolina once, Carter left for college. It was dark times back then, but once Shelby returned home, I knew they would reconnect. Now I’m just waiting for Carter to pop the question. I know it’s going to happen soon, and I couldn’t be happier for my oldest brother.

  I just want what he and Shelby have.

  Epic love.

  I’m not jealous by any means, but there comes a time in every man’s life that he craves something more, and I’m at that point. It happened back in March at Clark’s welcome home party. It seems like a lifetime ago, but I remember every detail, every word, and especially how Carter watched Shelby so intently. Seeing how enthralled Carter was and how happy he seemed, something inside of me sort of snapped. It was as if all the puzzle pieces finally fit together, and I just knew what I’d been missing out on. Then meeting Sassy Savannah Owens hasn’t helped.

  Feeling my twin walking up behind me, I push all these thoughts out of my mind. I always know when Cason is nearby, and sometimes it’s like we can read each other’s minds. It’s strange at times, but I shared a womb with him, so I don’t question it. Cason takes his spot by me as he says to everyone, “Sorry I’m late. Flat tire.”

  “Flat tire, huh? You mean like Carter and Shelby with their flat tire?” I say as I wiggle my eyebrows. Cason shakes his head as I turn and laugh as Shelby’s face turns bright red. Yeah, flat tire my ass. I knew Carter was telling a big fat lie with that one.

  “Caden, what have I told you about that kind of talk at the table?”

  “I’m just kiddin’, Mama. Geez can no one take a joke around here?”

  “Just keep that mouth of yours shut, Caden,” Carter scolds.

  “I’m definitely feeling all the love this mornin’,” I pipe back sarcastically. Mama gives me a look, and I know she’s threatening me silently about her whooping spoon, while Carter goes back to fixing his plate. Dad and Clark say nothing because this is normal for us. Shelby leans over to Carter as she whispers something, and I clench my teeth feeling that same damn pang in my chest. Sensing Cason again, I glance up to his bored stare. “What? Mr. Cranky Pants have something to say?” I can’t help but rile him up. He’s always so tense, and I know exactly how to push his buttons.

  His eyes narrow and fuck. That’s not a good sign. He’s trying to read me, and I know he’ll know I’m hiding something. That and I’ve confided in him about my feelings. Ugh. Men shouldn’t say that word. “Still hung up on that girl you pulled over two days ago?” Damn my twin and our stupid bond.

  I don’t get a chance to say a word before Mama says, “What girl?”

  Then Shelby adds, “When can we meet her?”

  Huffing out a breath, I grab a biscuit and toss it at Cason. “Don’t throw food at your brother,” Dad says sternly.

  Cason takes the biscuit and takes a bite before demanding, “Tell them, Caden. I’m sure they would love to know all about her.”

  “Well now I have to meet her,” Shelby says excitedly.

  Clenching my jaw and becoming annoyed with Cason, I wish he would’ve kept his mouth shut because this is why I haven’t said anything. I love my family dearly but damn. Is it so bad I don’t want to be picked apart? “It’s nothin’. Just some chick I met two days ago.” Carter starts to say something, but I beat him to it. “And no. I didn’t sleep with her.”

  “Caden,” Mama starts.

  “I know. I know. No trash talk at the table.”

  “Seriously, Caden. Who is she?” Carter asks, and as I glance up, it’s as if he and I share a twin bond. It feels eerie that I can see what he’s thinking just by the look in his eyes.

  “She’s just a girl,” I state hoping they’ll drop it.

  “She’s not just any girl,” Cason says to Carter, and I glare at my twin. I know exactly what he wanted to finish that sentence with. She’s the girl. I know it, but it’s still something I’m working through, and I don’t need the third degree about it. Plus who knows if I’ll ever see her again. Wait. That’s a lie. I will see her again once I get my head in the game.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” Carter says without thinking, and I see the mistake he made written all over his face.

  “Carter James Harlow.” I snort as Mama finally turns her wrath to the golden child. “I will not tolerate that language at the table.”

  “You boys are going to give your mother a heart attack.” Dad is half right. Mama either worries too much about us, or she’s always getting on to us.

  Carter mumbles his apology, and all is quickly forgiven. Thankfully nothing else is spoken about my current predicament, but Clark and Cason keep eye-balling me. Choosing to ignore them, we all finish eating and stay at a neutral conversation. Dad and Carter talk about going fishing this weekend as Shelby and Mama plan a shopping trip. Something is said about curtains, and I lose interest. There’s not one thing interesting about shopping for curtains. Everyone talks amongst themselves except Cason and I. The pang in my chest is back as I glance to the right, staring at the empty chair beside me. Normally it would be Caleb’s spot, but a part of me wishes someone else was here sitting beside me. That someone with shoulder length dark brown hair with natural caramel highlights that shine when the sun hits it just right. That someone with bright blue eyes with hints of green swirling around her pupils. The instant connection I felt for her se
ems unrealistic, but as the tightness in my chest grows, I know it means something. She wasn’t just another girl I was trying to charm. No, Savannah is different. It’s a feeling, or it’s instinct I guess you can call it. It was the way she checked me out because I noticed, and the way her eyes roamed over me like she knew me as well. I won’t lie and say my eyes didn’t devour her behind my sunglasses because I did. A part of me wishes I had asked her to get out of her vehicle just so I could steal more glimpses of her curvy figure. In the past, most of the women I’d been with have been in tip top shape without an ounce of fat on them, but Savannah has curves that a man craves. She’s not big by any means, but I wouldn’t say she was skinny. Bootylicious, voluptuous, and all woman describes her better. Either way, I loved what I was looking at.

  Feeling a bump against my shoulder, I turn to see my twin staring at me. He leans in close so no one else can hear, but I have a feeling I know what he’s about to say. “Day dreaming about the girl?” Raising an eyebrow, I kind of want to punch him in his face when he gives me a smirk. “You know, it’s funny to see you so lovesick already.”

  “Are you jealous?” With his frown, I add, “I know how territorial you can be when I’m not devotin’ all my attention to you.”

  Shaking his head, he sits right in his chair. “Don’t forget I know you.”


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