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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 5

by Brie Paisley

  Mama smirks as she glances at me from making something that smells divine. “I do not have any favorites. I treat all you boys the same.”

  Walking over to her, she leans into me as I give her a kiss on her cheek. “It’s okay, Mama. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Won’t tell anyone what?”

  Jumping away from Mama, I clutch my chest as I let out a breath. “Sweet baby Jesus, Shel. Where did you come from?”

  Shelby gives me a sideward glance as she says, “The bathroom. Why are you so jumpy?”

  “I’m not jumpy.” Dropping my hands, I walk over to the other side of the kitchen bar and pull out a stool. Taking a seat, I add, “I didn’t know you were here, and I’m guessin’ Mama has been teachin’ you some of her ninja moves.”

  Mama tries to hide her smile before saying, “Maybe I should be chargin’ for these ninja lessons.”

  Shelby snickers as I add, “You should. That’s where the money is nowadays.”

  “As much as I’m enjoyin’ this strange conversation, I know there’s a reason why you’re here, Caden.”

  Ah and here I thought Mama’s sixth sense was gone. “No reason,” I quickly respond. There is a reason why I’m here, but now that I realize Shelby is here, I’m not so sure I should delve out all my secrets. She would tell Carter, then Carter would tell everyone. He can’t keep a secret for shit. Deciding to switch the topic away from me, I turn to Shelby to ask, “Why are you here? Gettin’ tired of the old man already?”

  Shelby rolls her eyes because she knows I’m dicking around with her. Everyone knows how much Carter and Shelby love each other. “I’m learnin’ if you must know.” Turning to Mama, I notice she’s getting a whisk out of the drawer. Resting my chin on my hand, I take in a deep breath hoping I’m around long enough to taste test whatever they’re making. “I’m goin’ to surprise Carter later with a peanut butter cake.”

  “Homemade of course,” Mama adds.

  “I figured as much.” Mama nods proudly because since I was old enough to talk, Mama always said homemade is the best way to bake. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen her bake anything from ol’ Betty Crocker. “Where’s my cake then? I at least get to taste it to make sure there’s no poison in it.”

  “I would never poison Carter,” Shelby says loudly as if I’d really thought she would.

  “I’m still waitin’ for my cake.”

  Mama huffs out a long breath, then hands the whisk to Shelby. While Shelby works on the task at hand, Mama walks over to the oven. Angling my head around Shelby, I watch Mama closely because I’m hoping whatever is in the oven is for me. “Here,” Mama says as she brings over a batch of freshly made brownies. “Save some for your brother.”

  I don’t even bother waiting for a fork or a knife to cut them with. Diving in with just my fingers, I scoop out a handful of hot brownies and quickly stuff my mouth. “Oaf, ifs wike eaven in my outh,” I try to say but damn these brownies are delicious and hot.

  “What did you say? I couldn’t hear a word you said, and stop talkin’ with your mouth full,” Mama scolds.

  Taking another bite, Mama shakes her head and walks over to the fridge. Shelby is still whisking, but she’s laughing at me. Taking one last bite of the best brownie Mama has ever made, I moan loudly when Mama sets a glass of milk in front of me. Gulping the milk down, I swallow a few times before I say, “I was just sayin’ that brownie is like heaven in my mouth. Best. Brownie. Ever.”

  “Sounds like you enjoyed it way too much,” Shelby says sarcastically.

  “Oh, I enjoyed it. Almost better than se— I mean it was good.” Darting my eyes away from Mama, I begin to whistle hoping she didn’t catch my almost slip up.

  “I’m goin’ to pretend I didn’t hear what I thought I did,” Mama claims.

  “That’s probably a good idea, Linda,” Shelby tells her.

  “Now that y’all have made this visit awkward, I’m going to need three more brownies to make up for it.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” Right before my sticky fingers can grab more of the chocolate heaven, Mama quickly takes the pan away. “I said to save some for your brother.”

  “But … but … Mama, those are for me. Cason doesn’t even like sweets!” He does, especially brownies, but I want some more. One little white lie never hurt anyone. “This is no way to treat your favorite son.”

  Mama stares blankly at me because she knows I’m full of shit. “No more brownies for you until you tell me why you’re really here.”

  “Ooh, well played. Well played indeed.” Mama grins, and I have to hand it to her. I did play right into that one. “What makes you think I’m here for a reason? Can’t I just come chill with my awesome and lovin’ Mama?”

  “You forget,” Mama starts. “I know you. I raised you too so don’t be givin’ me any of that crap.”

  “You should just spill the beans, Caden.”

  “Thanks, Shel. You’re so helpful.”

  “I’m just sayin’. Whatever the reason, your mom and I will help.”

  “Yeah, then tell the whole family about it.” I deadpan.

  “I wouldn’t dare,” Shelby pipes back with a grin.

  “Boy, don’t make me get out my whoopin’ spoon.”

  Holding up my hands, I plead, “Please don’t. Anythin’ but that freakin’ spoon.” What can I say? That damn thing hurts. When I still don’t tell why I’m actually here, Mama moves to the counter by the stove to grab her wooden spoon. “Okay! Alright! I’ll tell y’all why I’m here.” Mama stops but doesn’t move from the counter. Shelby laughs again, and I narrow my eyes at her. “Geez y’all sure know how to get a secret out of me.”

  “Just spit it out already,” Shelby says with a heavy sigh.

  “Fine, but y’all have to swear this doesn’t leave the room. I do have a reputation to uphold.” Mama crosses her arms, and Shelby rolls her eyes as they wait for me to open up. This isn’t something I would normally have problems with, but I want everything to be perfect for Savannah. “So there’s this woman,” I begin.

  “Is this is the same girl you met a few weeks ago?”

  “Simmer down, Shel. I thought you wanted to know?” When she goes back to making her goodie for Carter, I lean on the counter and let out a sigh. “Anyway I got her to agree to a date.”

  “By doing what?”

  “Jesus H Christ, Shel.”

  She shrugs as she asks, “What? I’m just askin’.”

  “Are you done?” Damn, she’s very nosey today. “As I was sayin’, she agreed to a date, but I sort of promised it would be perfect. Now I’m doubtin’ myself.” And that’s the truth. I want everything to go smoothly and make Savannah want to go on many more dates with me. First dates aren’t really my thing because, well, I was a manwhore as my brothers would say. But I’ve changed in the past few months, and I knew when I met Savannah, she’s the only one I want to pursue. “Y’all can understand why I don’t want anyone to know. My street cred is solid, and somethin’ like this will ruin me.”

  “Your street cred?” Shelby asks.

  “Yeah, infamous ladies’ man remember?”

  “In your dreams maybe.”

  Before I can respond back, Mama cuts in. “What exactly is it you’re askin’, Caden?”

  I was beginning to wonder if Mama would ever say anything, and I know she’ll help me once I ask for help. Looking at her, I take a deep breath before saying, “I want tonight to be perfect. I want Savannah Owens to think it’s a perfect date.” Mama’s eyes widen as I continue. “She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever been around, and bein’ with her is so easy. She’s witty and hilarious. I’ve seen her twice, but when I think of her and her smile, I know I have to be the one to make her smile and laugh again. She’s stunnin’ and has a bangin’ body,” I stop when Shelby snorts, and I cut my eyes to her. “Well I’m just sayin’. She does.”

  “Everythin’ you said up until that was actually very sweet, Caden.”

  “I only speak the
truth, and I’m a very sweet guy. We’re getting’ off track here.”

  When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I glance to my right seeing Mama standing by me. She has a wide grin, and I swear her eyes have a twinkle or something in them. Is she about to cry? “You want to know what we think a perfect date is?”

  “Well yeah.” Mama pats my shoulder before giving me a squeeze. She slowly walks around the kitchen island and takes the bowl of cake batter away from Shelby. She doesn’t speak a word as she does so, and Shelby and I watch her closely. My heart begins to pound because when Mama gets this quiet, it could mean two things: One, she’s madder than hell, and it would be a good idea to run for cover. Or two, she’s about to say something epic and wise as shit.

  When she turns back to me, I hold my breath hoping I haven’t done something wrong. Because I’ve been known to put my own foot in my mouth not even realizing it. “Shelby, you might want to go get a pen and paper.” My eyes dart from Mama to Shel as she runs off to grab what Mama asked for. “I need you to listen very closely, Caden.” Glancing back to Mama, I sit up tall and give her my full attention. “I’m goin’ to tell you what to do, and you’ll have to follow everythin’ to the letter. Are you ready, Caden?”

  Shelby walks back into the kitchen as I say without hesitation, “Yes, ma’am. Tell me the ways to woo the woman of my dreams.”

  Shaking out my hands, I question myself yet again as to why I agreed to this date. I’m beyond nervous, and I don’t know if it’s because I’ll be alone with Caden, or if it’s because I have no idea what’s in store for tonight. I tried to get him to spill, but he wouldn’t budge. A part of me is excited, but the other part is freaking out. Of course I’ve been out on dates before, I’m not a prude by any means. There’s just something nerve racking about Caden.

  Caden Harlow.

  His name always makes me smile. It’s nice to finally have a name to the man that makes my stomach fill with butterflies and makes me want things I’ve never thought of before. He’s a distraction, but I have to be careful. If I don’t keep my guard up, he’s going to turn into something I really don’t need. Nodding my head, I tell myself this is just a friendly date, and nothing will come of it. It’s just getting my pounding heart and my fluttering stomach to agree. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, I only have five more minutes until he gets here. Yet another thing he wouldn’t budge on. I didn’t want him to pick me up because, well, I didn’t want him to know what room I’m staying in at the hotel. Caden was very persistent and, of course I caved. Even in a text message, he’s very hard to say no to. “Come on, Savvy. It’s just another guy, nothing more, nothing less.” Why am I so nervous when it comes to Caden Harlow? It can’t be because of his looks or smile. It’s definitely not his sarcastic charm. Who am I kidding here? It’s all the above really. He’s the type of guy that women flock to and would love to spend one night with him. He’s smooth, but yet I can sense he can be a bit demanding if he needed to be. That could be because he’s a cop, and cops have to be a little hard around the edges. Fuck he’s dangerous for me. I have a weakness for men that can make me laugh and make me think about them more than once.

  The guys I’ve dated in the past were nothing but a means to an end. I’ve never really wanted the whole married with two point five kids or the white picket fence. It’s not being tied down to someone for the rest of my life that scares me. I’m not exactly sure what it is that turns me away from marriage, but I’m not going to lie to myself and claim it doesn’t have anything to do with me being adopted. It seems my entire life revolves around it, and I’m not proud of it. But how am I supposed to be committed to one person when I have such a longing for someone who just gave me away? When my parents told me I was adopted, everything I’d known changed. The way I look at the future isn’t the same anymore, and until I can get the answers I need, there’s no room left for me to give my heart away to someone else.

  Which is why I’m very apprehensive about this date with Caden. He already has a hold on me, and while a part of me is attracted to that, I can’t fall down that rabbit hole. I fear I’ll never be the same if I do. I already have enough to handle, and I really don’t need a charming, drop dead gorgeous man to add to my problems. Huffing out a breath, I glance around my messy hotel room and wonder how different my life could’ve been if I hadn’t been adopted. I love my parents more than anything, and I’ll always be grateful to them for bringing me into their world of happiness. The thing is there could’ve been a totally different world for me if they hadn’t. I hate wondering about what could’ve been if my birth mother hadn’t given me away. I hate knowing there’s really no way to know for sure until I finally find her.

  The ringing of my phone pulls me out of my thoughts, and when I see it’s my mom calling, my nerves instantly settle. “Hey, Mom.”

  “There’s my sweet bird. How are you?” Smiling, I love hearing Mom call me by my nickname she gave me. “How is Columbus? Have you met any new friends?”

  Laughing while shaking my head, it’s just like Mom to ask me a million questions. “I’m fine, Mom. Columbus is a nice little town, and I wouldn’t say I met friends, but there is someone.”

  “Oh is it a guy? Is he cute? Tell me all about him.”

  Sitting on the bed, I clutch my phone tightly. It’s good to hear Mom’s voice, and I wish we had more time to chat. My stomach knots knowing I’ve been so absent from my parent’s life, but I’m glad she called. I’ve missed her terribly. “His name is Caden, and he’s very attractive.” Mom listens as I update her on how I met Caden, and I’m surprised she never interrupts.

  Once she’s caught up, she says, “He sounds like a very nice young man, sweet bird.”

  “So far he seems that way.” Before Mom can reply back, I hear knocking on the door. “Mom, I have to go. I think he’s here for our … date.”

  “Don’t forget to call me and tell me all about it,” she rushes out.

  I agree, and hang up the phone as I stand. My stomach clenches with nerves again when I hear more knocking at the door. Sucking in a deep breath, I know it’s him. I don’t know anyone else since coming to Columbus, and as I glance back to the clock, I see it’s seven on the dot. I can add punctual to his list of attractive traits. Holding back a grin, I swallow hard before making my way to the door. With each step bringing me closer, my heart drums in my chest, and it’s the only sound I can hear. As I reach for the door, I notice my hand begins to shake. “Get a fucking grip,” I say out loud but softly because the last thing I want is for him to hear me and think I’m some nut job. It’s just one date. But nothing could prepare me when I open the door.

  Shitfire. I’m in deep trouble with this one.

  “Sassy Savannah, we meet again.” His voice is like warm butter. It’s like velvet, silk, and other smooth fabrics I can’t seem to think of.

  “Uh … hey.” Clearing my throat, I shut the door behind me before he can get a look at the disaster my room is in. “Ready?”

  “Well hold on now.” I stop in my tracks hoping like hell he doesn’t want to come inside. Feeling my cheeks flush, I nervously tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “I have somethin’ for you.” For a moment, I hold my breath wondering what in the world he means. Watching him carefully, he pulls an arm from behind his back, and my eyes widen. “I wasn’t sure what type of flowers you liked, but these reminded me of you.”

  “You got me flowers?”

  “Umm, yeah,” he says quickly, and I wonder if he’s just as nervous as I am.

  “But getting women flowers is sort of pointless don’t you think? I mean don’t get me wrong,” I start as I gaze at the beautiful white lilies. “I appreciate the thought, but they’ll just die in a few days.”

  Caden grins widely as he says, “Which is why I got you this.” He pulls something out of his back pocket, and I can’t help but laugh when I see what it is. “My mama said this would keep them alive long enough until you can plant them.”

Grow?” Taking the packet and flowers out of his hand, I gaze into his deep blue eyes. “Thank you. I love them.” He starts to say something, but I beat him to it. “How did you know lilies were my favorite?”

  “I didn’t.” He simply states. Our gazes lock, and I swear my heart is fluttering around in my chest. I’d like to say the damn thing is about to beat right out of my chest, but surely that’s impossible. I mean that only happens in cartoons. But I can’t deny the way he’s staring at me like I’m the only woman he’s ever going to look at again. It makes me feel … things I don’t want to feel. Shaking my head, I tell him to wait for a second while I put the flowers in something. He tries to come in my room, but I shut the door before he can. “I’ll just wait here for you.”

  Giggling as I search for something to place the lilies in, I tell my stupid heart to calm down. “So what. He got me my favorite flower and found a way to keep them alive. It doesn’t mean anything.” I shake my head at myself because I must be crazy now that I’m having a full blown conversation with myself. Glancing around the room again, I wish I had a vase to put the flowers in, but the water pitcher will have to suffice for now. I’ll have to remember to buy a vase later. Satisfied the flowers are fine until I get back, I make my to the door once more feeling the same fluttering of my heart. It has to be the after effects of the joint I smoked a few hours ago. I’m not proud to admit that I did smoke a joint earlier to prepare for this date. I just needed something to calm my nerves, but now it’s clearly out of my system, I wonder if maybe it does have a longer after effect.

  Because really, it’s crazy to have these type of feelings toward a complete stranger.

  Even as I think these words, there’s a little voice in the back of my mind telling me there’s something more going on here than just attraction. Not to mention, when I open the door again and meet his blue eyes, I have to suck in a breath. “Ready to roll?” I can only nod, as I shut the door behind me and follow him down the hall. “So let me get this straight,” he says as we walk out of the hotel. “You like lilies, but you don’t like when a guy gives you flowers?”


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