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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 17

by Brie Paisley

  She’s silent for a while and, damn it worries me. I hope she doesn’t judge me for my past because everyone has one. But I did tell her how I felt, and everything I’ve said is nothing but the truth. When she takes a deep breath, I fear the worst and hold mine as she says, “You’re just saying that because you just had a good lay.”

  Pushing out a breath, I know what she’s doing. I laid some relationship type words on her and now she’s trying to play the denial game. Moving my hand off her hip, I caress her face and stare into those blue-green eyes of hers. The hints of green in her eyes seem to flare at me and fuck she’s got to understand she’s it for me. “Just because you’re the best woman I’ve had doesn’t mean everythin’ I said wasn’t the truth.” She sucks in a breath as I continue and I hope this means she’s starting to understand. “There’s no one else I would rather be with, and there’s no fuckin’ way I can compare you to any woman of my past. You’re so different than anyone I’ve ever met, Savannah. I know you’re scared and you don’t want any labels, but I want you to know that what this is between us is way more than just sex.” God I want to confess how much I want to be with her, and how I’m falling for her. “Just so you know, there’s so much I want to say right now, but I won’t because I know you’re not ready to hear it.” I know I’m right by the way her eyes shine back at me. She’s still fighting her feelings for me, and that’s okay. “I’m a very patient man, Savannah. So whenever you’re ready, you let me know and I promise you I’ll be everythin’ you need and more.”

  Her eyes search mine, and her chest quickly rises and falls. I wonder if she’s thinking about denying what we have again, or if she’s going to try and give me the slip. But she surprises me when she softly says, “I’m not sure what to say to that.”

  Smirking, I rub my thumb across her cheek. “You don’t have to say anythin’. Just remember this conversation, okay?”

  Nodding, she lets out a small, “Okay.”

  Feeling better about my confessions, I place a tender kiss on her lips before laying back down on my back. Holding my arm out for her, my chest warms as she doesn’t hesitate to move closer to me. Having her in my arms is so surreal. I still half wonder if it was a mistake to make it known how I feel about her, but I have to take a risk. I can’t keep going on this path without her at least knowing some of how I feel. Yeah, I held back because it’s clear she’s not ready to hear it all. But soon she will. Soon there won’t be any reason to hold back, and she will know that there’s no running from this. Moving my hand up and down her shoulder, she lets out a sigh, and I grin knowing she’s so relaxed in my arms. Glancing up, I realize we both completely forgot about our Netflix and chill day. An episode of Supernatural is ending, and I feel around in the bed for the remote. Finding it under my pillow, I place a kiss on Savannah’s forehead. “Back to Netflix and chill?” She hums out her yes, and I figure she’ll be asleep soon which is okay with me. I’m perfectly content just holding her in my arms for the rest of the day. I’m totally fine with listening to her deep breaths letting me know she’s close to sleep. Continuing to rub her arm, I turn the TV down so not to disturb her and my chest constricts knowing this is the best day of my life. Well so far that is, and it’s all because of her.

  The next day rolls around and I have to admit, I’m proud of Savannah. After confessing how I felt about her, well technically not everything, she hasn’t tried to put distance between us or even hinted she was going to disappear on me. But that doesn’t mean I’m still not worried. Which is why I didn’t tell her we’re going to my parents today to attend Caleb’s welcome home party. Knowing how she reacted the last time I invited her to meet my family, I thought it was best to surprise her.

  In fact, we’re on our way there now. She looks gorgeous in her casual attire, but then again she could wear a paper sack, and I would still think she’s beautiful. Reaching over, I take her hand in mine. She turns to look at me with that smile I love seeing, and I swear my heart skips a beat. I’ve got it bad for her. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  Placing a kiss on the back of her hand, I smirk before I answer her. She narrows her eyes at me, and I’m sure she knows I’m up to something. “It’s a surprise.”

  “Don’t you remember me telling you that I don’t like surprises?”

  Of course I remember. It was our first date, and yeah, it might not have ended how I wanted, but I still consider it a great night. “I remember everythin’ you tell me, small fry.”

  “Then why are you trying to surprise me again?”

  Shaking my head, I’ve never met anyone that didn’t like being surprised. But Savannah is unlike anyone I’ve met before. “I promise it’ll be a good surprise.”

  She huffs out a breath and glances out the window. We’re only a few minutes from reaching my parent’s house when she turns back to me. “Can I at least get a hint?”

  Chuckling at her impatience, I state, “I don’t want to ruin it.”

  “Caden, come on. Just tell me.”

  “If you’ll just hold onto your britches for five more minutes, you’ll see.”

  “But I want to know now.”

  “You’re killin’ me, small fry.” Seeing her unbuckle her seatbelt out of the corner of my eye, she lifts the middle console and scoots by me. Wondering what she’s up to, I look at her. “You’re goin’ to get me in trouble.”

  “I somehow doubt that,” she says sweetly.

  “At least put the middle seatbelt on.”

  Glancing to the road then back to her, I feel relief she actually listens to me. “Happy now?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m only lookin’ out for your safety.”

  “But wearing seatbelts makes it hard to do this,” she whispers in my ear as she reaches over and grabs my cock. Hard I might add. Clenching my jaw, this little minx is going to be the death of me. Her hand starts to rub my cock and of course, my dick has to go and get hard for her. This isn’t going to work out so well since I’m literally about to pull up at my parents. “Tell me where we’re going, Caden.”

  Groaning as she caresses me, I wish I could skip out on this party and take her right here, right now. “We’re here,” I breathe out. Parking the truck in my parent’s driveway, I grab her wrist and take her mouth. Kissing her deeply and a bit rough, I want her to know how fucking turned on I am. And yeah, I kind of want her to want me as much as I want her knowing there’s nothing either of us can do about it until we get back to my place. Pulling away, I grin seeing her cheeks flushed and her lips are a bit swollen from my kiss. “Do you want me, Savannah?”

  Her eyes slowly open to meet my gaze, and my cock jumps as she licks her lips. “Yes,” she says in a raspy voice.

  “Good because that’s how I feel.” Leaning over, I whisper, “I want you wet, needy, and practically beggin’ me later to fuck you.”

  Sitting back in the seat, I watch as her eyes dilate and I know she’s thinking about me taking her again. “Why are we still parked? Let’s go now.”

  Chuckling at her eagerness, I take a deep breath. “I would love nothin’ more than to be inside you right now, small fry.” Glancing toward my parent’s house, I know if I miss this Mama will kill me. “The thing is we kind of have to go inside.”

  Savannah starts to say something, but we both turn when someone begins to knock on my window. Rolling my eyes as I see Clark, I wish he would’ve waited just a few more minutes before interrupting us. It seems to be an ongoing theme with Savannah and I. Adjusting myself before opening the door, I hop out as Clark asks, “Y’all coming in or y’all going to stay out here all day makin’ out?”

  Resisting the urge to punch him in the arm, I sarcastically claim, “Not like I could make out with my girl anyway. Between you and Cason, I’ll never get past first base without gettin’ rudely interrupted.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be tryin’ to get to first base in our parent’s driveway.”

  “We’re at your parents?” Savannah asks, and
I turn around to help her out of the truck. Once she’s on her feet, I shut the door and take her hand. “Caden?”

  Clark pretends to look away, but I see that stupid smirk. “Don’t freak out,” I begin because I’m worried she might freak the fuck out. “Today is Caleb’s welcome home party, and I wanted you to meet everyone.” Turning to Clark, I say, “This is my douche brother Clark.”

  Savannah’s eyes widen, and I hold my breath waiting for what she’s going to do. She takes a deep breath and looks away from me before turning to Clark. “It’s nice to meet you, and thank you for your service.”

  Pushing out a breath, I’m grateful she isn’t making a big deal out of this. Not yet at least. But Clark, on the other hand, must be in a shit mood. The smirk he had suddenly disappears, and it’s not hard to miss the ghosts of his past playing across his face. “Thanks,” he snaps, and I start to step in when he adds, “I’m goin’ inside.”

  What the fuck? Shaking my head at my brother’s rudeness, Savannah asks, “Was it something I said?”

  “Honestly there’s no tellin’. Just ignore him.” I know Clark has been through a lot recently, but he and I are going to have words later about this. “Ready, small fry?” I ask nodding toward my parent’s house.

  Savannah glances past me, and then back to me as she says, “I don’t know, Caden. I wish you would’ve told me so I could’ve been prepared.”

  Frowning, I pull her to me. “Why would you need preparin’?”

  She stares at my chest as she softly says, “I … I don’t know.” Taking my finger, I lift her chin to look at me. She sighs deeply as she rushes out, “What if they don’t like me? Clark clearly didn’t seem too impressed.”

  I see what’s going on here. She’s nervous, but she has no reason to be. “I know for a fact they’re goin’ to love you, and you can’t let Clark make you think any different. He’s an ass so he doesn’t count.”

  Those blue-green eyes stare into mine as she asks, “How do you know?”

  Using my free hand, I take a deep breath as I brush her hair out of her face. “Because, small fry. I lo— I mean … I like you, so I know they will.” My heart pounds in my chest knowing I almost slipped out the L-word. But it is true. I do love her, but I don’t think she’s ready to hear that just yet.

  Her eyebrows furrow and I think she did hear me for a second until she states, “Well if you’re so confident they will, then I guess we should go inside.”

  “That’s my girl,” I say with a grin. She rolls her eyes, but she comes willingly when I start to make my way toward the house.

  She holds onto my hand tightly as we walk up the steps of the front porch, and right as I’m about to open the door she pulls back, and I turn to her. “Are you sure about this?” With my frown, she says, “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  I’m not sure why she’s so nervous either, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact this is kind of a big deal for me. I’ve never once brought a woman home before. So yeah, maybe she knows how much this means for us. Deciding to keep that tidbit to myself, I grin widely as I claim, “Just be yourself, small fry.”

  One eyebrow raises as she sarcastically asks, “So what you’re saying is, I should be a smart ass?”

  Chuckling, I shake my head. “Come on, small fry.” She takes a deep breath, and I lean in to leave a sweet kiss on her lips. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.” When she nods, I squeeze her hand and turn back to the door. Once we’re inside, I smile hearing my family hanging out in the kitchen. Making my way there, I glance back to Savannah seeing she’s looking around the house. It does send a thrill through me knowing she’s here with me and about to meet my family. Reaching the kitchen, Cason and Mama are standing by the kitchen island, and I announce loudly, “The party can start now that we’re here.” Dad and Clark walk back inside as soon as the words leave my mouth, and they shake their heads. Cason doesn’t look the least bit amused by me, but Mama laughs. “What? No cheers of glee?”

  “The last time I checked,” Cason starts. “This party isn’t for you.”

  “That’s a shame. I’m the life of the party.”

  “Boys, I don’t want any fightin’, you hear me?” Mama scolds. Cason and I glare at each other, but we silently call a truce. It’s always like this with us, but I find it hilarious how I can get him so worked up over nothing. “Who do you have hidin’ behind you, Caden?”

  Ah small fry is hiding now. Pulling her from behind me, I watch Mama’s eyes and smile widen as she sees Savannah. “This is Savannah.” I want to say more, but seeing how red her cheeks are, I hold back.

  Placing my arm around her, she leans into me as Mama dries off her hands and walks over to us. Mama winks at me before she says, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Savannah.”

  Savannah’s head snaps to me and asks, “You talked about me?”

  “Only good things, I swear.”

  She’s quiet as she turns back to Mama, but I don’t miss the small smile on her face. “I was wonderin’ when Caden was goin’ to bring you over.” Mama gushes, and I shake my head. The way Mama is acting one would think Savannah was a rare jewel or something.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Harlow.”

  “Oh hush now. You can call me Linda.”

  Noticing everyone is staring at Savannah and the room suddenly is quiet, I ask, “Where’s Carter and Shelby?” Feeling Savannah’s shoulders sag, I know I made the right call.

  “They should be here any minute,” Dad answers.

  “Why are they always late?” I ask no one in particular.

  Mama shoots me a sideward glance, and I grin widely. “I don’t know why you’re always givin’ Carter and Shelby a hard time.”

  Not thinking before I speak, I claim proudly, “I just like bustin’ their balls.”

  “Caden,” Mama warns as Savannah snickers beside me. “Don’t make me get out my whoopin’ spoon.”

  Knowing she would in a heartbeat, I quickly say, “Don’t embarrass me, Mama.”

  “You do that all on your own,” Cason pipes back.

  Sighing loudly, I glance down to Savannah. “You’re seein’ this right? My whole family is against me.”

  She steps away from me as she states, “Don’t drag me into this. I’m Switzerland.”

  “Oh I like her,” Mama announces as she takes Savannah by the arm. Savannah winks at me as Mama leads her to the kitchen island, and I follow behind them feeling the warmth spreading through my chest. I take pride in knowing Savannah fits in perfectly already with my family. I can’t keep my eyes off Savannah as Mama literally takes her under her wing, but I don’t mind. Dad and Clark take a seat at the kitchen island, and I glance to Cason when everyone begins to talk amongst themselves. He nods his head to me, and I know he approves. I’m not even surprised when Cason joins in the conversation flowing. They all seem very interested in my small fry, but I expected it. No one would’ve guessed she was so nervous right before we walked inside the house. Now it seems she belongs here, and all those nerves have all but vanished. Which can only mean one thing. She does belong here with me, and I hope one day soon she realizes this too. My eyes lock with hers as she laughs at something Mama says, and her face blushes with my intense gaze. I’ve never seen her so open and free. Except like that that one time in my apartment when she was dancing around as we listened to her favorite song. I’m not sure how to explain it, but in my heart I know this is where she’s supposed to be.

  Seeing Savannah will be alright for a moment, I walk over to Cason. “Is Caleb in his room?” I’d forgotten to ask Mama, but I assume he’s hiding out until the party starts. I never really quite understood why Caleb was so shy.

  “Yeah. I think he’s gettin’ ready.”

  Wiggling my eyebrows, I playfully say, “Or he’s gettin’ off.”

  Cason glares at me, which isn’t anything new. “That’s disgustin’.”

  “I’m just sayin’. Never know. Plus you have to watc
h out for the quiet ones.” Cason shakes his head, but he knows I’m right. Catching Savannah’s gaze again, I motion for her to come stand by me. Her grin lets me know she’s enjoying herself and once she reaches me, I brush her hair behind her ear. “I’m goin’ to find Caleb. Will you be alright for a bit?” I’m not worried about leaving her alone with my family, but I want to make sure she’s alright with it. The last thing I want is to overwhelm her.

  “I’ll be fine, Caden. No need to worry that pretty little head of yours,” she sweetly says. “Plus I have Cason here to help me if I put my foot in my mouth.”

  Cason grunts in response then seems to think better of it. “You do realize there are some things even I can’t help.”

  “Don’t be a buzzkill, Cason,” Savannah pipes back.

  Covering my mouth, I try to hold back a laugh with Cason’s blank expression. “You’re startin’ to freak me out with how much you’re like this one,” he says as he points to me. “And the last thing we need is another Caden.”

  “Hey! That hurts me deep, man.” I snap as I smack his arm.


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