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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 19

by Brie Paisley

  “Caden, lay off. Don’t ruin the day alright?”

  “Oh come on, Carter. I was just jokin’. We all know it’s CarShel for life.”

  “Car what?” Shelby asks.

  “CarShel. Carter and Shelby put together.”

  Shelby turns up her nose as Carter says, “It’s kind of catchy.”

  “Well of course, it is,” I start. “I made it up, so it has to be awesome.”

  Shelby lightly hits my arm claiming, “You’re so full of shit.”

  Laughing, I glance past her seeing Savannah talking to Caleb. My stomach clenches for a second hoping he remembers not to tell her what he and I talked about earlier. I just have to trust he’ll keep our little secret. “You know I get that a lot. Y’all would think by now, everyone would be used to the random shit that leaves my mouth.”

  “I doubt any of us will get used to that,” Shelby says with a laugh. Shrugging my shoulder, I start to respond when Mama calls for her.

  Carter watches her leave, and when he turns back to me, I claim, “You’ve got it bad, bro.”

  His eyebrow raises as he lays a hand on my shoulder. “I’m apparently not the only one.”

  “You would not be wrong with that assumption.”

  Carter and I walk to the porch railing before he asks, “Does she know yet?”

  My eyes scan around the porch until I find her again. She’s still talking with Caleb, but now Clark and Cason have joined them. Hoping Clark isn’t an ass again to her, I take a deep breath and glance back to Carter. “I haven’t told her, but I think she knows. Kind of hard to keep my emotions in check when you’re proposin’ and makin’ me look bad.”

  “My bad. It wasn’t my intention to make you look like anythin’. Just tryin’ to keep the woman I tend to love for the rest of my life by my side.”

  “I know.” Looking out in the distance, it does warm my heart knowing my big brother is finally getting his happily ever after. “Hell it’s about time right?”

  Carter chuckles saying, “Yeah. Didn’t think this day would ever come.”

  My tone turns serious as I ask, “You know what we have to do now right?”

  “What’s that?”

  “We’ll have to make sure she walks down the aisle and doesn’t turn into a runaway bride.”

  Carter shakes his head because apparently I’m funny. “That’s a good one.”

  “I wasn’t jokin’, man. Aren’t you worried she’ll put on her runnin’ shoes?”

  “No,” he says and damn. I can’t help but believe him. “She’s mine, and she knows it. And if she ever did run again, I think by now we all know I’d go chasin’ right after her.”

  “I hope you know that we’ll be right behind you makin’ her ass come back too.”

  “Now that,” he says with a loud chuckle. “Couldn’t be further from the truth.” We’re both silent for a beat, and I glance back to Savannah. I can’t seem to keep my eyes off her, and I know why. It’s because when she’s not by my side, I have to search for her to make sure she’s real and still here. There have been days when I think I’ve convinced myself that all this is just a fucking dream, and if it is, then I never want to wake up. Life without her would be fucking awful, and there’s no way in hell I can ever go back to the way life was before her. “If I were you,” Carter says pulling me out my thoughts. “I would tell her how you feel. She’s goin’ to keep givin’ you the slip if she doesn’t know how you feel.”

  Knowing he’s right, I nod. “Trust me, I’m workin’ on it.”

  Saying our goodbyes, Savannah and I walk toward my truck. She’s quiet the whole way there, and even when we get inside. Before starting the truck, I turn to her. She’s looking straight ahead, and I’m worried something is wrong. Placing my hand over hers, I ask, “Are you okay?”

  She turns to gaze at me, and my breath hitches seeing the look in her eyes. They’re shining back at me with happiness and dare I say, a bit of love? “I’m perfect.”

  “You’re awfully quiet, small fry.”

  “I’m fine, I promise.” She scoots closer to me and caresses my face. Her loving touch is unexpected, but very much wanted. “Thank you for bringing me here to meet your family.”

  Taking her hand back in mine, I rub circles on the back of her hand. “You’re not upset I didn’t warn you beforehand?”

  “No. At first, I was a little surprised, but I’m not mad. Your family is amazing.”

  Chuckling, I say, “Yeah, they’re pretty great. But then again you haven’t seen their crazy side yet.”

  “So there’s more to them than what I saw today? Because I’ve got to be honest here, I don’t see them being anything but awesome.”

  “Well yeah. That’s because they have me.” At her confused expression, I claim, “Before me, they were pretty dull.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. I mean not tryin’ to toot my own horn or anythin’, but I make them the best.”

  She laughs, and I’m glad she gets my joke. I’m not that cocky. “Life would be pretty boring without your smart ass comments.”

  Grinning, I kiss the back of her hand before saying, “You make life pretty great too, small fry.” Taking my other hand, I brush her hair behind her ear and caress her cheek. She sighs deeply, and my heart warms as she leans into my touch. Not wanting this moment to end, I know it has to. We’re sitting in my parent’s driveway still, and the last thing I want is to be interrupted again just in case anything were to happen between us. Giving her one last rub on the cheek with my thumb, I drop my hand and start the truck. “Ready to roll?” She nods and quickly puts on the middle seatbelt. Satisfied she’s safe, I start to back out of the driveway. I don’t get ten feet away from my parent’s house before she leans over and starts kissing my neck. Trying to keep my eyes on the road, I huskily ask, “What are you doin’, small fry?”

  “Kissing you. What does it look like?” Sucking in a breath as she bites my earlobe, I remind myself to stay focused on the road. That would be a really fucked up story to tell people if I crashed because she was making me crazy. Savannah continues to kiss and suck on my neck, and when she grabs onto my hardening cock, I almost pull over. “You want to go somewhere?”

  “Fuck yes I do. But I don’t think we’re goin’ to make it back to the apartment.” She’s driving me mad with the need to be inside of her, and there’s no way in hell I can drive back into town. I want her right this very minute.

  “Well then. Let’s go,” she says softly in my ear.

  She gives me a nice squeeze on my cock, and I let out a groan. “Hold on,” I warn before taking a sharp U-turn. She giggles beside me, and I’m sure she knows how crazy she makes me. Speeding toward the destination in mind, Savannah is all over me like a cat in heat. I’m not sure what’s gotten into her, but fuck if I’m complaining about it. However she’s making it so hard not to make it to a secluded area before I take her. “Savannah,” I breathe out heavily. “You’re goin’ to have to ease up a bit.”

  “Why?” she asks sweetly then nips my earlobe again. “Don’t you like this?”

  “That’s the problem, small fry. I like it too much.”

  “Well.” She starts then caresses my cock. “You better hurry up and get where we’re going.” Thankfully we’re almost there. Taking a sharp left, I turn down a gravel road. Savannah doesn’t ask where we are and I know it’s because she’s so focused on making my dick feel like it’s going to explode. Damn this need she’s making me feel is almost consuming. It’s hard to think of anything but her hand on me, and that hot mouth of hers on my neck. Now more than ever, I’m glad my parents bought more land when I was a kid. It’s the only way I know Savannah and I won’t be interrupted or get caught by my fellow cop buddies.

  Quickly parking, turning off the truck, and unbuckling our seatbelts, I grab Savannah by the hips and pull her to my lap. Her butt hits the horn, and she giggles as I let out a chuckle. Her hands rest on my shoulder, and I brush her hair out of her fa
ce. “God you’re so beautiful.” She glances away, but I see that smile I love so much. Grateful the moon is out, I gaze at her for a few moments before caressing her face. Using my thumb to rub her bottom lip, she sucks in a breath as she glances back to me. Leaning in, she meets me halfway, and I take her mouth. The first taste of her goes straight to my cock, and I move my hand to her neck. Bringing her closer, I devour her and take everything she’s giving me. I’m like a man dying of thirst, and she’s the only one that can quench it. Her hips grind on me as she moans in my mouth, and I deepen our kiss.

  She kisses me back with a fervor I hadn’t expected, but at the same time, it shows me just how much she wants me. Nipping at her bottom lip, I run my other hand to her exquisite breasts and take one in the palm of my hand. Kissing her neck, she pushes her chest into my hand and lets out a heavy sigh. Those hips of hers never stop grinding, which is about to drive me insane. My desire for her spikes with each of her thrusts, and I pull away from her completely to take off her shirt. Since I’m in such a rush, when I get her shirt to her head, she falls back against the horn again. She giggles as I grin, but I manage to get rid of the shirt. Tossing it to the side, I bring her back to me and run my hands up her back. She arches to my touch, and I lean forward to leave hot and wet kisses on her chest. “Caden,” she calls out, and it’s like music to my ears. “Not that I’m complaining,” she starts, and I halt all movement. Please for the love of that’s holy, don’t let her say she’s changed her mind. “This seatbelt buckle thingy is really starting to hurt my knee.”

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry.”

  Trying to help her, I guide her back, but she ends up hitting her head on the ‘oh shit handle’. “Okay this isn’t working out so well,” she says with a laugh.

  Laughing along with her, I think about it for a second before I ask, “Backseat?”

  “It’s worth a shot.” Hoping not to hurt her again, I help her climb off me, and I smack her ass when she crawls into the back. “Hey. No booty smacking.”

  Chuckling, I jokingly say, “You know you liked it.”

  “Maybe just a little. Now get your ass back here with me. I’m getting lonely.”

  “Well shit,” I say and start moving to the back. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” I add. The thing about having sex in a vehicle is, it’s very limited on space, and a man of my size just makes moving to the back with her more difficult. I almost make it unscathed until I hit my head on the dome light and of course, my foot gets caught on the middle console making me fall face first into the backseat. “Fuck,” I muffle.

  My face is pressed against it so hard, it’s making it hard to breathe. Savannah laughs loudly as she asks, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I groan out as I get my foot unstuck from the middle console. “What’s a little car sex without some bumps right?”

  It’s my attempt to make light of this embarrassing situation. Lord knows I get myself into these messes all the time, but shit. This crap is ruining the mojo. “Come here,” Savannah huskily says, and maybe I was wrong. She moves up against the door as I hover over her, and I hope she’s comfortable. The position she’s in doesn’t look like it is, but she doesn’t complain about it. “Kiss me again,” she says sweetly and how am I supposed to deny this woman anything?

  Taking her lips once more, I start slow, savoring the intimate kiss, but when her hand grips my neck and the other one runs up my shirt, I get ravenous. Savannah drives me fucking crazy with her taste, her warmth, and how much she seems to want me. She urges me on with her hips hitting just where she wants, and it’s taking everything in me to not ravish her until she’s begging me to stop. Our tongues intertwine, and our teeth hit a few times, but that doesn’t stop me or her from continuing to kiss each other with abandon. It’s never been like this with any other woman before, but I already know why. Savannah isn’t like them. Fuck she doesn’t even compare to a single one, and my feelings for her trump all the mistakes of my past. My love for her makes everything heightened, intense as hell, and most of all the passion coming off her in waves tells me all I need to know.

  These powerful feelings I have goes both ways. She’s feeling what I am, and she’s showing me with every caress, thrust, and how she kisses me.

  It’s as if she needs me, and this goes way beyond just lust.

  Breaking away when she pulls up my shirt, I help her take it off. Letting it drop on the floorboard, I gaze down at my gorgeous girl, and I hope she knows just how beautiful she is to me. Using my hand, I caress her cheek as her eyes pull me into a trance. If I’m not careful, I could get lost in those eyes. She smiles back at me, and it’s almost my undoing. Clenching my jaw, I force the words I want to tell her down. My heart pounds in my chest knowing how badly I want to utter those three words. Those three words mean everything, but they also have the power to destroy everything at the same time. Kissing her again, I focus on her lips, her taste, and push all thoughts of love out of my mind. She’s not ready to hear them just yet, but one day she will be.

  One day, she’ll welcome me and all the love I can give her with open arms and an open heart.

  Breaking away from her lips, I move to her neck, and my cock jumps hearing her throaty moans. Slowly making my way down, kissing trails down in between her breasts and to her stomach. Running my hands up her sides, she arches her back giving me the perfect opportunity to unclasp her bra. Grinning as she quickly takes it off and drops it, I kiss my way back up. Reaching her right breast, I suck and nip at her hardened nipple while caressing the left. Savannah’s hips grind into mine, and I push forward giving her the needed friction she’s searching for. Switching my mouth to her left breast, she calls out my name with a raspy voice. Loving the sounds she’s making for me, I trace my hand down her stomach then beneath her shorts. Dipping my fingers under her panties, I jerk away from her breast and claim her mouth feeling how wet she is for me. Her hands grab me, and her nails leave a sting as she runs them up my back. Using my middle finger, I rub slow circles on her clit as I add a bit of pressure. “Caden, please.” She calls out as she breaks our kiss.

  A part of me loves to hear her begging for more, but the other part wants to see that look of total bliss on her face. There’s nothing quite like my small fry coming apart for me. “What do you want, Savannah?” Stealing another kiss, I easily slide my middle finger inside her. “Do you want my fingers to fuck you?” She moans as I push my finger inside her deeper, and I swallow hard feeling her walls clenching around me when I add another. “Or,” I huskily say and add, “Do you want my tongue?” I won’t lie, knowing I was the first to taste her sweet essence was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Being her first at something so intimate made me want to claim her like a fucking cave man, and warn anyone else away. She’s mine. “What’s it goin’ to be, Savannah?”

  Thrusting my fingers deep inside her, she lets a loud moan escape before she finally answers me. “I want … both. Give me both.”

  With her answer, something inside me snaps. Taking my fingers out of her and out of her panties, I bend to my knees and quickly take off her shorts. Her skimpy panties soon follow, and I place one of her legs on the front passenger seat. Leaning down, I slide my left hand under her thigh to hold her in place. It’s a little cramped with the both of us in the back, but I don’t care if I can barely move. I want to make her feel good and give her every single orgasm I can. Pride rushes through me when she doesn’t try to pull away like last time, and she rotates her hips up waiting for me to make my move. “Ready, small fry?”

  “God yes,” she cries out, and I chuckle hearing the desperation in her voice.

  Hovering over her, she grabs onto my hair, and I take it as my cue. Using my tongue, I lick her from top to bottom. “Damn, Savannah. You taste divine.” I’ve never been the kind of guy that particularly liked going down a chick before, but with Savannah, I’ll stay down here feasting on her pussy all night long if I could. It’s just knowing how crazy it makes her that drives
me, and knowing it’s bringing her pleasure pleases me unlike anything I can explain. Alternating from dipping my tongue inside her then sucking her clit, Savannah’s cries grow louder, and her grip on my hair tightens. It’s almost painful, but I’m not about to say a word. Glancing up at her, the moon is giving off just enough light for me to see her. While one of her hands never leave my hair, the other is above her head. Her eyes are closed, and with each lick I give her, her breath rushes out with a moan. Groaning against her when her hips move against my face, I grip her thigh tighter with my left hand. “I wish you could see how fuckin’ gorgeous you are like this,” I say with a raspy voice.

  Taking her swollen clit in my mouth and sucking hard, she calls out my name again before she rushes out, “Less talking. More of that.”

  Knowing how much she loves what I’m doing, I continue my sucking on her sensitive clit and bring my fingers right at her entrance. Slowly pushing my fingers inside her, I watch the pleasure I’m bringing across her face. Her loud cries make me eager to be inside her, and feeling how tight and wet she is for me, makes my cock harden even more. It’s becoming painful being so confined in this tight space and still having my shorts on. Pushing my uncomfortableness aside, I focus on her, her cries of ecstasy, and helping her get to the point of no return. Curling my fingers inside her, I thrust and wiggle them back and forth all the while of continuing to suck her clit. Savannah’s back bows as her hand above her head hits the back glass, and I can’t help but grin. “Do you like this, small fry?”

  “Yes. Yes, God yes,” she breathes out in between moans. Feeling her walls begin to clench around my fingers, I sense she’s getting close. Placing my mouth back on her hot pussy, I make my thrusts deep and quicken my pace.

  And of course, my phone starts to ring.

  “Don’t you answer that,” Savannah demands.

  Knowing who it is, I say, “It’s Cason’s ring tone. Just let me make sure he’s okay.”

  Savannah groans out her frustration as she claims, “I’m so close though.”


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