The Serpent's Kiss (The Hunter Chronicles Book 4)
Page 1
Table of Contents
Also by Claire Marta
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thank You
About the Author
The Serpent’s Kiss
The Hunter Chronicles Book 4
Claire Marta
Also by Claire Marta
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thank You
About the Author
Copyright © 2017 Claire Marta
Cover Design © 2017 by AmperSand Book Covers
Formatted by AB Formatting
Edited by Jen Burson
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be used, distributed or reproduced in any manner, including photocopying, recording or other methods electronic or mechanical, whatsoever without prior permission from the Author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
The book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Also by Claire Marta
FROSTBITE: The Hunter Chronicles Book 1
Dark Desires: The Hunter Chronicles Book 2
Claimed by Magic: The Hunter Chronicles Book 3
I would like to thank my Dad who had been so supportive of my series. His encouragement means more to me than I think he will ever know. I love you Dad.
I would like to thank my loyal readers. I enjoy your messages every time a new book comes out. I hope you will relish this book as much as the first three, and hopefully you won’t hate me by the end of it! I cannot wait to hear what you think! :P
As ever, I would like to thank Jen my editor for her support. Abrianna, Mary, Susan and Christine who have all become part of my life. You guys are my tribe and I love you to bits. Our daily chats are something I always look forward to.
Asier Serpico was in a brooding mood. As Master Vampire of London there was never a night that his work was complete. Tonight was no exception. He ruled the city with an iron fist. No one crossed him. Not if they wanted to continue to breathe. Yet there was always someone foolish enough to cross the line.
The muffled thud of music from the club above was filtering through the walls. It was busy as ever. Even before vampires had announced their existence to the world, his businesses had always thrived. For over a hundred years he had controlled the human vampires and maintained peaceful relations between the other supernaturals who called London home. It was a job he enjoyed. Asier had never been one to bow to someone else's rules. He was his own Master. Something he would insure would always be so.
Slowly, he made his way down the narrow winding stairs into the bowels of the building. It was cooler down here than the levels above. A permanent chill resided, but even bare chested and in a comfortable pair of harem trousers, Asier barely felt it. His natural body heat always prevented that from happening. A gift only his blood line was blessed with. One only he now possessed.
The artificial light was bright above him and the further he descended the less the sounds of the entertainment above could be heard. His bare feet were soundless on the hard metal steps. With an easy grace he swept the long length of his onyx hair up and tied it into a messy bun using the band on his wrist to secure it. Senses alert, he was aware of the male who awaited him. A familiar presence. One that was never far from his side.
Kane cracked his knuckles as Asier reached the bottom. The large vampire with the blonde goatee was his second in command and head of security. A mountain of muscles and tattoos, the Viking was just as merciless as Asier himself. His loyalty never came into question. After centuries of friendship they knew each other well. Their skills complimented each other. They were both Vampiria. A secret breed of immortal vampires which had never been human. Stronger and more powerful, it was only natural that they rule over the weaker human turned vampires. It was fate. Destiny. The two of them combined easily kept the turned vampires in line. If anyone was stupid enough to cross it, their immortality was quick to come to an end. Mercy was something neither of them had.
“Has he talked yet?” Asier asked impatiently. The source of his mood lay confined within the basement. Tonight he wanted answers.
“No. He’s scared, but I wanted to wait until you were ready to watch. I know you wouldn’t want to miss it.” Kane replied shifting one of his thick blonde braids. His sky blue eyes gave nothing away.
Asier had one ear to the heartbeat of crime within London. Here he was king.
There was not much that escaped him regarding the darker side of the city. Most illegal enterprises he either knew of, or had a hand in. That was until now.
A new drug had come onto the market he knew very little about. Named ‘The Serpent’s Kiss,’ it was supposed to give the user an extraordinary high. Some people even became overly aggressive on it. Others found it more of an aphrodisiac.
“I want to know all there is to know about this drug and why we are not involved.” Asier told Kane as they reached a security door. A keypad was one of the only ways to open it and only they had the pass-code. Asier didn’t trust anyone else. “I also don’t appreciate it being sold in my club. That will stop.”
It was an insult. A slap in the face. Something he would not forgive easily. They’d already had several incidents. One had resulted in the user’s death. It was something Asier did not find acceptable. This was a problem they had never had before. Drugs were forbidden within the building.
Kane nodded. “I’ll get on it now. Don’t worry, he will soon be spilling his guts to us.” The large vampire was already psyching himself up for what was to come. Kane always enjoyed this part. Loved to get his hands dirty. It was one of the reasons Asier liked his company so much. In a way they were birds of a feather.
“Bene, and try not to make such a mess this time.” Tapping in the code the door sprung open with a hiss. “I don’t need complaints about how long it takes the staff to clean it all up this time.” Asier did not bother to close the door behind him. His people would be showing business associates down soon. They would also need access to tidy up the coming disorder.
fuckers always moan when they have to work a little harder.” Kane grumbled back. “It’s just a little blood.”
They made their way down the stark cheerless corridor. Sobbing could be heard behind the door at the end. The smell of fear thickened as they drew closer. Blood. Its sweet smell teased Asier’s senses, along with the scent of urine and sweat. His fangs began to elongate. It was a normal predatory reaction. One he did not bother to stop. He was not about to hide what he was. In fact, it might help persuade their guest to talk.
Reaching the mental door, Kane unlocked it and pushed it open. Inside, the room was sparse and dank. The sole occupant flinched at the sudden flood of light. Shaking, the male whimpered where he was chained. His naked body was already littered with bruises and dried blood.
Barely looking at him, Asier settled himself on a wooden chair beside a wall ready to watch the show. Kane was a master at torture, almost as skilled as Asier himself. Tonight his second in command was going to use his talents to extract information. Something Asier badly wanted to know.
“P...please Asier.” The man stammered. “I don’t know what this is all about.” He sounded so pathetic. So helpless.
Asier stared back at him with disgust in his amethyst coloured eyes. “You’ve been selling drugs Timothy, and working with the Russian’s to smuggle demon spawn into London. Cazzo. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out you have been selling them women from my city as well? You have quite a little venture going, don’t you?”
“I’m so...sorry. I...won’t do it a...again.” The human whimpered.
Aiser could feel the subtle wisp of Kane’s powers. The other vampire had the ability to make others around him hallucinate. They were so vivid, so realistic, your senses were easily tricked into believing anything he showed you. Timothy’s eyes were wide and bulging. Whatever he was being shown was putting the fear of God into him. His shaking had increased. Panting in short panicked breaths, his eyes darted around in terror.
“Sorry? Non me ne frega un cazzo. I don’t give a shit whether you sell drugs or not.” Asier spat, his gaze blazing darker in rage. “What I want is my cut of this new product. The one you have been selling right under my nose for the last few weeks, and I want your suppliers’ names.”
“I...I don’t know.” Timothy snivelled as he urinated on himself in terror. The thump of his heart was beating so fast it was a surprise it did not burst from his chest.
“Not the answer I’m looking for.” Asier wrinkled his nose as the acidic smell of urine hit his nostrils.
Crossing the sparse room in long strides Kane moved to a table in a corner. An assortment of knives, pliers and other torture devices were laid out across the worn wooden surface. Several were of Asier’s own design. Taking his time, Kane chose an ebony handled knife. He lifted it up with reverence as he inspected it. The eight inch blade gleamed in the light. It was sharp enough to break skin and inflict damage with the lightest of contact. It was one from Asier’s personal collection.
Timothy knelt on the floor watching. His pupils were so wide they were practically pinpricks of horror almost swallowed by the white. Asier knew the other vampire was doing it for entertainment. Letting it sink in exactly what he faced. The pain that would be given would be very real, but fear started in the mind. Once it took root, anything Timothy would feel would be enhanced tenfold. Kane grunted with satisfaction before turning back to the centre of the dingy room.
Timothy began to blubber. Fat repentant tears flowing down his dirty bruised cheeks. “P..please...don’t hurt me.”
Another voice from Asier’s past repeated the words in his head. A female voice full of desperation. Someone he had not been able to save. The memory was harrowing. It twisted his insides with bitterness and a sorrow that ran so deep it had shaped who he was. The male he had grown to become. He felt his power ascending like a raging inferno with a torrid mix of loss and pain. Rage boiled through him heating the blood in his veins. The fire at the core of his being hungered for release. Revenge.
Keeping his expression cold, he kept his attention pinned on the pitiful human.
Asier did not feel even an ounce of remorse or pity. This scum kidnapped females, selling them for sex. He had probably raped them himself before moving them on. It was something that Asier could not tolerate. Not in his domain. Not anywhere.
Killing and death were something he was used to. His hands were drenched in the blood of his enemies and innocence alike. Yet this kind of violation he would not tolerate. It was a crime he saw punishable in only one way.
Kane took the tip of the knife and ran it with the gentlest of touches across the prisoner’s naked chest. He exerted only enough pressure to slice open the skin. Timothy screamed. Withering in the chains that bound him, he had no way to escape.
Blood trickled from the wounds that were left. The massive vampire continued his work. With patience and lack of any emotion he continued to carve up the human’s chest. Asier knew it was painful but no real damage was being done. Kane would be careful not to cut to deep or nick an artery. This was just foreplay.
“They send me text...messages about the p..pick ups. I never see any faces.” Timothy shrieked flinching away from the large vampire towering menacingly over him.
“Where’s his phone?” Asier asked, keeping his voice sounding cool and dispassionate.
“It’s with his stuff in the corner.” Kane responded, not taking his attention from the male he was torturing. Running his gaze over the flesh like an artist he efficiently found another area to abuse. This time the tip of the knife whittled a pattern into Timothy’s thigh. It spasmed beneath the touch but Kane’s hand ruthlessly held it still. All the while the male screamed.
Asier lounged back in his chair. “Bene. Get someone to look at it when we are done here.”
“I don’t know anything else.” Timothy whined. His muscles were twitching uncontrollably under his suffering. The chains around his wrists were clinking together as he shook with shock.
Kane was making sure every inch of him was becoming covered in crimson. He was completely absorbed in his work. It was almost a shame to stop him. But they did not have any time to waste tonight. Things had been set in motion. Things that would need to be dealt with this evening.
“I know you don’t Timothy, and that means your usefulness has come to an end.” Asier rose slowly. His beautiful features were as ruthless as an executioners. Deadly, remote, and as if carved from stone.
“Please don’t kill me...” Desperately the human grovelled on the floor. He was kneeling in his own filth. “I don’t want to die.”
“I haven’t forgotten the Russians.” Asier stepped closer. Every line in his body was taut with suppressed feelings. “You disrespect me by working for them behind my back. You brought Demon scum into my domain. Imperdonabile. Do they know about the drugs too?”
“No. They don’t know a thing. You can...have the girls…” Timothy offered as he tried to crawl towards Asier but his chains held him back. “I know where they’re being kept. You can sell them yourself. They’re all young and fresh. Some are even in their teens. I didn’t even fuck all of them.”
Asier stilled, a flicker of interest lightening his lavender gaze. “Where?”
Shoulders hunched, Timothy began to garble out an address. Both vampires were familiar with the warehouses in another part of the city. It was somewhere they used for other activities.
“Will you let me go now?” Hope softened their captive’s voice.
“No. I despise the slave trade now as much as I did back in ancient Rome.” The vampire Master’s voice was pure steel. “Motherfuckers who enjoy selling little girls and women deserve to burn in hell. Luckily for you I have better taste than to take a druggies blood.”
Asier could smell it. Mixed with his scent, it wafted from Timothy’s every pore. Another vampire might have missed it, but Asier was familiar with the foulness. Cocaine cut with something which smelt like caffeine. The blood he took was alwa
ys pure. It made the taste so much more enjoyable if it was not polluted.
Timothy began to relax.
“But Kane here on the other hand will be more than happy to send you there.” Asier continued, his tone becoming malevolent.
Clutching Timothy’s hair the other vampire jerked his head back before savagely sinking his fangs into his throat.
“NO!” The human managed to scream, but it was of little use. No amount of pleading would sway his fate. Kane fed hungrily. He didn’t care about the state of his victim. In fact, Asier knew he liked the buzz the drugs would give him. Timothy shrieked as he fought for his worthless life. The vampire’s pain bite flooding his veins with endorphins was another high.
Asier listened to the strained pounding of his heart. It did not take long for it to begin to stall. Then as death claimed him in her icy embrace, it stilled completely. Kane released a throaty sigh of satisfaction. His eyes rolling back in his head as he ripped his fangs from the corpse’s neck, leaving a gaping, bloodless wound. Whatever buzz he was feeling would not last long. Their physiology would burn through it too quickly for that.
“Fuck you don’t know what you’re missing Asier.” He muttered. Rolling his shoulders he opened glazed eyes. Relaxing his hold, he let the body drop to the floor with a lifeless thud.
“I find my enjoyment in other ways.” Asier turned towards the door. They were done here and it was time to move onto other business. “Send some of our people to collect the women and children. Make sure they are cared for.”
“We could fetch a good price for them.” Kane responded, wiping the blood from his goatee and mouth with his hand.
Asier whipped back around with such fury sparking in his gaze that it made Kane take a nervous step back. “NO! I do not sell females. I have never dealt in selling flesh and I will not now. Capisci?”
“Ok no need to get all pissy.” Kane grumbled as he began to clean the knife he had been using on the front of his grey t-shirt. It left dark stains soaked into the material. “It was just a fucking suggestion.”