Book Read Free


Page 6

by Kerry Heavens

  “I believe I will. Is there anything I should prepare myself for on Monday?”

  John shakes his head. “No, your first day will be introducing you to everyone. After that we can sit down and talk about our game plan and a high-level review of the finance department.” He stands up, walks around the boardroom table and holds a hand out to me. Taking it, I let him help me stand.

  “Sounds perfect to me, I’ll see you on Monday.” He walks me back to the front lobby and I pause, turning to him and smiling. “Thank you again.”

  “I’m glad we were able to get to you first, Charlotte. Now I hope we can do the same with Edward.”

  My eyes go wide. “You know Edward?”

  “Edward is my cousin. He never told you?”

  “That little stinker! No, he never mentioned it. No wonder he knew when I was interviewing.”

  “Perhaps he thought you’d prefer to know you were being headhunted for your own merits.”

  “Well, he was right about that,” I confirm with a nod. “Are you trying to bring him over too?”

  “Yes. My hope is that now that you’re here, he will soon follow.” He glances at his watch. “I hate to cut you short, but with Mr. McAllister out I have double appointments. I will see you on Monday.”

  “Have a good weekend, John.”

  “You too.”

  He goes back inside without another word. I leave the office elated and head back the same way I came. I’m sure I have a stupid grin on my face but I’m too happy to care.

  When I return to Louise’s flat, I find Louise at the kitchen counter making tea. She looks up and immediately I know I’m not going to like the next words out of her mouth. We have this innate ability to read each other, even when we have been apart for months.

  “What is it, Louise? You have that look.”

  She rolls her eyes, annoyed that I can read her as well as she reads me.

  “Don’t get mad,” she begins.

  “That is never a good start to a sentence.” I scowl.

  “She means well…”

  My eyes widen. “Cami? What did she do?”

  “There’s this guy she knows from work. He’s really nice apparently.”

  I fold my arms. “Good for him, why do I need to know this information, Louise?”

  She sighs. “She kind of offered to set the two of you up on a blind date.”

  “She—” I open my mouth and close it again. “I—but—” I pull my raging thoughts together and tell her the clearest one in my head. “Nope! No. Never going to happen. Nuh-uh. Nope.” Vigorously shaking my head, I turn and head for my room, Louise hot on my heels.

  “Come on, Char, you might like him. You said you wanted to start living a little.”

  I stop at my door. “Louise, I know what I said, but I have been in London for mere hours. I have barely unpacked my luggage. I had a job interview today - which I got by the way.” I shoot her a pointed look.

  “Wow, congratulations. I was just going to ask—”

  “Uh huh.” I cut her off by holding up my hand. “If I’m going to start living a little, I would like to do it in my own time, preferably after I have caught up on some sleep. I certainly don’t need to be set up with a stranger before I’ve even had a chance to unpack!”

  Louise bites her lip as the need to laugh at my outburst overcomes her.

  Her battle causes my scowl to falter and I too have to fight a reluctant smile.

  “I’ll tell Cami to hold off for a while on the matchmaking,” she giggles.

  “You tell her what you like, I’m not going on a blind date. Period.”

  “Yeah, yeah. So how did it go today?”

  “Really well,” I tell her. “I took the job. I start Monday.”

  She squeals and throws her arms around me. “So this is it? You’re really staying?”

  I peel her off me, not especially minding the hug, but nipping it in the bud anyway. “Of course I’m staying. I told you that already.”

  “I know you did, but this makes it really real!”

  I shake my head. “Yes, it’s really, really real. I’m here for good. My new life has officially begun. And you’d better tell that girlfriend of yours I really, really won’t be going on any damn blind dates. Clear?”

  Louise smirks, then flings her arms around me again. “Crystal.”


  The commute, even in the heat of rush hour, wasn’t bad. The train was packed but I can deal with it. It’s cleaner than New York, less humid, and the people are also so much more polite. Heck even a bloody hell sounds more polite than a New Yorker’s hello.

  There is a Costa coffee house right on my way in, so of course that is my first stop. The excitement of a new job has adrenaline buzzing through my veins, but a girl still needs her coffee. I should be a little afraid to start a new job but I’m just thrilled for the challenge. I felt so naked, so empty-handed without my work around me. Today that ends.

  “Almond milk latte, please,” I say to the barista as soon as he turns his attention on me. I’m ordering differently than I did stateside. Not getting the two extra shots is a change, right? I don't feel like I need them. I’m rested, refreshed, and ready to take on the world. I pay and wait in line eagerly for my drink. Once I get the paper cup in my greedy hands I can’t wait. I gingerly take that first sip, careful not to burn myself, and sigh.

  “That must be a good cuppa, kitten,” says a now familiar and damn sexy Scottish voice beside me.

  “Rhys.” His name comes out as a breathy sigh. Damnit. What was that?

  “You remembered my name, that’s a good sign.” He gives me a cocky smirk, showing his perfect white teeth and effectively snapping me out of whatever that was.

  “I’m very good with names,” I tell him with a knowing smile, not needing to feed his ego more than it probably is daily. I raise my free hand and count off on my fingers. “Rhys…Lisa…am I forgetting anyone?”

  A full-blown belly laugh bursts out of him. “Oh, kitten has claws.”

  I give him a flat look. “I have to get going. Have a nice day and tell Lisa I said hello.” The parting shot was totally unnecessary and all it did was make the big oaf smile wider.

  He ignores my dismissal and turns to follow me out the door. “Late for an appointment?”

  “Actually, it’s my first day at work.” Ugh! Stop telling this man your business. He’s a complication I do not need in my life right now. The complication is not all him, he has baggage too. I shouldn’t forget that. Why does someone as nice as him have to be attached to a nasty bint of a woman? I almost let a laugh out, catching myself using Cami’s slang. If Louise heard me using that word she would never let me live it down.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” he asks as he follows me out of the coffee shop.

  “I bet you don’t even remember my name,” I blurt accusingly. If it wouldn’t add to my humiliation, I would clap my hand over my mouth. Sometimes my lips move faster than my brain and now I’ve handed him the satisfaction of knowing that I hoped he would remember it. Awesome. I stop walking outside the coffee shop. I have to shake him off before I continue so that he won’t know which way I’m going when we part. It’s freaky that I keep running into him everywhere and I really need to start this work day focused solely on work.

  “How can one forget a name like yours?” he asks, ignoring the tone of my outburst. “It could be right out of a sonnet.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, noting with some satisfaction that he didn’t actually use my name so he’s probably just blowing hot air. “Aren’t you a little word slinger.”

  “You’re a funny woman, Charlotte Rose.”

  That shuts me up. He did know it, damnit. I’d assumed he was calling me kitten because he didn’t remember. I imagined he had many kittens, maybe a few darlings, or sweethearts. I would have called him out on it sooner, but I’ve never had anyone call me a pet name before and some sappy part of me sort of likes it. God, I hate myself sometimes.
r />   Squaring my shoulders, I decide to draw this pointless conversation to an end. “It was nice bumping into you again, Rhys, but I must get going.”

  “It was indeed a pleasure,” he agrees then he cocks his head to the side. “Although I am starting to think you’re following me. First the airport, then the bar and now twice near where I live.”

  This guy is so full of himself. “I was thinking the same thing about you,” I retort.

  “I wouldn’t need to follow you around if I had your number, kitten.” His confidence kills me. We both know these meetings have been purely coincidental, but he’s so relaxed with himself he’s happy to wear the role of would be stalker, whereas I had to deflect to save face. Ugh.

  “I think that maybe we should just call this chance and go on our way. I don’t think Lisa is ready for you to be friends with another woman,” I tell him, attempting to get some control over the situation. I glance at my watch briefly to check that I am still as early as I planned to be. It’s fine, I have plenty of time, but Rhys catches the action and takes it as a hint.

  “Lisa doesn’t govern who I’m friends with, but I will let you get on with your day.” With a hint of reluctance, he steps back. “Until we meet again, kitten.”

  I stand there for a few seconds watching his retreating back, feeling like I just missed out on an opportunity. I could kick myself. I’ve never been afraid of what anyone thinks of me. Much less a coked-up burn-out of a woman. This has not been a great start to my day. I need to focus on what matters. I’m Charlotte Rose, successful businesswoman, winner of the Lloyds Bank National Business Award and now, CFO for Liberty. Right now, that is all that matters. I have to head in the same direction Rhys went but I’m relieved to find that he has been swallowed by the crowd ahead. I think I’ve had all the Rhys based excitement I can take for one morning.

  When I arrive, I try to soak up the feeling of being an employee for the first time in years. It’s strange, without as much responsibility, I can concentrate on my specific job and not have to worry too much about all the risk assessments and red tape. Not my responsibility anymore. I can suggest what’s best for the company and how to action my suggestions. The politics are up to someone else. It’s very liberating. Ironic that Liberty is the company to give me freedom, I chuckle to myself as I approach the reception desk. I don’t have a security pass yet, so I need to sign in first and find out where to go. The young woman at the desk looks up with a smile. “Ms. Rose?”

  “Yes, that’s me.” I’m impressed. They must have one awesome communication system for her to know me by sight already.

  “Welcome to Liberty! I have a packet for you,” she says warmly, coming around the desk to greet me. She picks up a sleek looking black leather folio and hands it over to me. I’m surprised by its weight as I take it. “The pack includes a copy of your contract, the company policies booklet, our personal brochure and your laptop and mobile phone.” She remembers another item and leans over her desk to reach it. “And here is your security pass for the building.”

  “Goodness, thank you.” I take it all from her slightly overwhelmed to be greeted with a welcome package at the door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry, Ms. Rose, my name is Lily.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lily. And thank you for all of this.”

  “Oh, no.” Lily waves me off. “Mr. McAllister gets all of the new hire packets together himself. He usually likes to deliver them personally and settle you in to your office, but he had something unexpected pop up so he left it here for you, so that you weren’t kept waiting.”

  “Charlotte, good morning.” John enters the reception with a paper cup that matches mine.

  “Mr. Tesi, good morning, I’m very excited to start the day,” I jabber, noticing a distinctly nervy quality to my voice. First days are as bad as first dates, and I swore I’d seen the last of both. But here I am anyway, and I am nervous, but only because it’s all so new. I know myself and my ability to more than do this job.

  John smiles warmly, recognizing the plethora of emotions crossing my face and offering me reassurance. He trusts in my capabilities too, he really does remind me of Edward now that I know they are related. This reminds me I need to touch base with Edward to see what he’s doing now and heck, if I can get him here that would be wonderful.

  “Please call me John. Lily, is Mr. McAllister in his office?”

  “No, I was just explaining to Ms. Rose. He popped in early and left her packet with me. He said he would try to come back later, but said if you have any problems to text him.”

  I’ve become good at reading people so I see the slight surprise register on John’s face before he clears the faint expression and turns to me with a smile.

  “There will be plenty of time for you to meet Mr. McAllister. Come, I’ll show you around the office.”

  Thanking Lily again, I follow John through security, showing my brand-new pass and to the elevators, now laden down with my own bag, my coffee and the weighty folio. John presses the call button and once inside, he presses the button for the tenth floor. He looks up at me and notices me eyeing the panel, taking in the number of floors in the building and where we are headed within them.

  “Executive offices are on the tenth floor,” he informs me. “The ground floor is conference space and meeting rooms, eleven is our wellness center.”

  My brows raise.

  John chuckles at my reaction. “It’s okay, Charlotte, it’s not for everyone. But Mr. McAllister takes the whole mind body and soul thing seriously, so Seersha is available to all employees.”

  “Seersha?” I ask, unsure what he means.

  “That’s the name of the wellness center.” He continues to smile, enjoying my baffled expression. “There is a fully kitted out gym, running track, pool and sauna/steam rooms. There is a yoga studio where you can attend weekly classes or book one-on-one sessions, and there are quiet rooms if you need to decompress.”

  My eyes must be wide as saucers by now and John’s amusement confirms it.

  “Mr. McAllister wants all his employees to have the facilities to improve their overall wellness if they wish to. He believes that a happy team makes a healthy business.”

  My mind goes right to Henry. This is what I was always telling him, but he saw anything that didn’t directly benefit him as not his problem. It was always a battle with him to provide our staff with even the basics for a positive work environment.

  “It’s not mandatory,” he assures me. “Think of it as a perk.”

  “No, I think it’s fabulous. I’m just a little surprised is all.”

  “Mr. McAllister is a surprising man on many fronts.” John smiles fondly.

  “Interesting,” I muse.

  “You’ll see when you meet him.”

  I glance back at the display panel and watch the floors count off as we pass them.

  “What about twelve through fifteen?”

  “Mr. McAllister owns the entire building. The upper floors are apartments.”

  The elevator arrives on our floor and the doors open. “Who lives there?” I ask as we step off into a reception area.

  “One or two of the executives, some are rented and Mr. McAllister has the penthouse. If you decide to start looking for a permanent place to live, we do have a vacancy. I kept it available since you said you are staying with a friend until you get settled,” John tells me as we pass through the reception and into the office space.

  This isn’t the typical work environment I’m used to with the rows of cubicles. It’s sleek and modern with low standing walls set up like a hive. Little pods with tables in-between, plenty of communal space for interaction and collaboration. I like it already.

  “I might be interested,” I tell him as I take it all in. “I would have to think about it. Do you live here?”

  “I used to. We moved out of the city a couple of years ago to be near our grandkids.”

  I gasp. “You can
’t have grandkids, John. You’re too young!”

  John laughs. “Charlotte, you say all the right things. We have two, but they are both under five, so I guess you could call me a beginner grandad.”

  “You wear it well, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Tesi,” a soft spoken voice interrupts our laughter.

  “Oh, Jo, I’m glad you’re here. Charlotte, this is Jo Silver, she will be your executive assistant. Jo, this is Ms. Rose.”

  I want to reach a hand out and give Jo a firm handshake, but my hands are full. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Would you like me to take Ms. Rose around and show her where everything is?” Jo asks him.

  “Thank you, Jo, but I am going to spend a little time with Charlotte this morning and I can show her around a little bit.”

  “Perfect.” She smiles and reaches out her hands. “Let me take your welcome pack and put it in your office for you. Then everything will be ready for you when you’re done with Mr. Tesi.”

  “Thank you.” I hand over the folio and she takes my bag, leaving me with just my coffee which I sip as I follow John for my tour.

  After a complete walkthrough of all the areas that concern me, including but not limited to the locations of the bathrooms, I find myself sitting in my spacious office, at my new desk with a huge smile on my face. I think I’m going to be happy here. I’m fully aware that today is likely to be the most relaxed day I get to experience, but I am ready for the hard work to begin.

  It feels like a positive environment. The staff seem content and productive. If only Henry could see the evidence of what caring for your staff can reap for you, but I realize too late that Henry has no place in my thoughts, today or any other day for that matter. He is in the past, along with Cole Financial. My focus now is myself and Liberty.

  What I did learn today is how efficient they are in the set-up of a new coworker. When I opened my folio, I found a brand-new MacBook Pro, all set up ready for me, my new iPhone, fully charged, an information pack on the company, all my logins ready to use, and access to the reporting tools to pull financial numbers. I haven’t had to ask for or wait for a thing.


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