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Grounded By Love

Page 9

by Lily Thomas

  “Truly though, thank you.” She said yet again. “I wouldn’t have enjoyed being burned alive.” A shiver ran through her spine, at the very thought.

  Seeming a little bothered by her appreciation, he shrugged. She almost missed the wince he gave right after, but her healer’s eye caught it.

  “Is the wound giving you any problems? Last time I looked at it I thought it might be well on its way to healing. Is it causing you discomfort right now?”

  He didn't answer, instead, giving her the silent treatment. He might be a warrior, but he was not indestructible. She wasn't to be ignored, when it came to the topic of his health. She didn't need him dying on her.

  “Kaeldar.” She used a tone she usually reserved for naughty children, who wouldn’t behave when she was taking care of them. “Kaeldar, I need to know if you’re having any pain. It may have become infected again.” Then she pressed even harder. “You could wind up dead, if you don't let me see to it.”

  When he glanced over at her, she gave him her sternest glare, or at least she tried her best to.

  Rolling his eyes, he gave in, and with a sigh, he halted his horse. He gripped the bottom of his shirt and slowly lifted it so she could get a glance at his wound. When her eyes landed on his laceration, a gasp slipped out from between her delicate lips.

  “Is it looking that repulsive?” Kaeldar asked of her, a little anxiety showing on his face. Clearly, the warrior in him didn’t want to die from a wound or fever. He should have told her about this! What was wrong with this rock giant? Did he just enjoy being in agony?

  “Can we stop for a while?” Claira asked. She didn’t want to worry him, so she did her best to school her facial features. But she was worried sick he was going to end up falling back into a fever, if she didn't take care of it.

  “I would rather keep moving. We haven't made much progress, since leaving the human village.” He pulled his shirt back down over his wound. “We will stop, when I find a spot to camp for the upcoming night.”

  “I would like to have a look at it right now.”

  He shook his head at her. “When I find a spot for camp.” He wasn’t about to give in.

  She huffed at him, as he kicked his horse into gear again, and she had no choice but to follow after him.

  How could he ignore her advice? She was the healer, not him. He should follow her counsel. Claira only hope he wasn't pushing himself too far. His wound was looking puffy and irritated again.

  When they found a spot to set up camp for the night, she found herself getting jumpy. She wanted to get her hands on his injury. Healing was her passion, her drive, and he was keeping her from it.

  The human village she lived in had been fairly close to rock giant territory, and Claira wondered if they had passed into rock giant territory yet. She wouldn’t be surprised, if they had, but it meant she had to keep her giant alive.

  He would be the only thing to stand between her and some rock giants who would probably kill her on sight.

  She felt a little on edge, as she thought about the unknown. Would she truly be safe? Even if she weren’t safe, where else would she go? She was probably no safer with her own people, but that didn't really help with her unease like she hoped it would.

  He set up the tent, as Claira tied the horses up and watched him from the corner of her eye. He might be putting on a brave face, but she could see his wound was causing him pain. Sometimes he’d put a hand to it, like he was willing it to just go away.

  Kaeldar came to stand beside her. “I will find us something to eat. Stay in the camp.”

  “I truly believe that would be an unwise decision. Your wound is making you flinch more often. Kaeldar, you should really let me tend to it.” Claira persisted.

  “It will be fine.”

  Claira wasn't keen on the idea of him hunting, but they needed food, and she didn’t have the hunter instinct. “Just be careful and don’t strain yourself. I’d rather go hungry, then let you make things worse.”

  But Kaeldar wasn’t about to let her stop him, he grabbed his sword and left the camp site. She was under no delusion she’d be able to control a rock giant.

  Instead, she collected wood and started a campfire. If he did find something for them to eat, then they were going to need a fire to cook with.

  It wasn't long until Kaeldar showed up with a couple rabbits. Claira shook her head in amazement. She had no idea how he was managing to catch these animals, but she was glad he was.

  She knew that without him she wouldn't be here. He was the one guiding them, providing them with food, and not to mention saving her when she needed it.

  After they ate their meal, she once again addressed him. “I think it best you get some sleep this night. Rest should help your wound.”

  “I will.” Kaeldar said, not even looking up from the flames of the fire.

  “Kaeldar, you said I could take care of you when we made camp. This is me taking care of you right now.”

  He finally looked up at her with his black eyes.

  Claira gulped. She still didn’t know him. Robert’s death had shown her that much, but she pressed on. “I really do believe some rest will help with your recovery. It needs time, and you aren’t giving it any. And don’t tell me we aren’t far enough, because we are. The villagers will never reach us here.”

  His cold eyes focused on her for another second, and then he rose. “Then I will get some sleep, as you have requested.” He took her by the arm and dragged her to the tent with him.

  Her heart spiked a bit, but when they entered the tent he let go of her arm and stripped his armor and clothing off.

  Claira’s eyes were glued to his chest, as he threw his armor and clothing into one of the tent’s corners. The sight before her made her tingle with excitement.

  “Will you stare at me, or take a look at my infected wound?” Kaeldar’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  Shaking her head, she felt a blush creep up her neck and face. He’d caught her staring! Claira rushed to grab some new cloth for a bandage.

  After wrapping his wound with a new piece of cloth with fresh leaf paste, they both settled in for the evening. Claira made sure there was some space between them, as they slept. She didn't want to touch him, after how intimate the previous night had felt to her, and after he caught her eyeing his chest again.

  Chapter 11

  Claira’s eyes popped open, and she laid still, while trying to figure out why she had woken up in the middle of night. Was she never to get any sleep?

  Turning over she checked on the rock giant. It was hard to see in the pitch-black dark, but her ears were able to pick up on his shallow breathing. Fear spiked through her, almost instantly.

  She reached out a gentle hand to touch his forehead. His skin was slick with sweat and burning to the touch. Her heart rate spiked, as she felt her healing instinct kick into gear.

  She ran out of the tent to collect some cool river water and returned to give it to him to drink. He sputtered, but she was insistent. She didn't want him to sweat so much that he became dehydrated.

  Claira kept a watchful eye on him, until the early morning. When the fever still persisted, she went to grab more water to wash his skin. She would try anything to cool him down.

  As the morning light spread through the forest, she whispered down to him. “I’ll be right back, but I need to find some herbs now that the sun has come up. I promise to be back as soon as possible.”

  With that said she strode out to search the surrounding forest. She was looking for something to reduce his fever. Maybe even a plant to help numb any pain he might still be feeling.

  Her luck was good. She soon found two of the three herbs she’d been searching for. But now she had to decide whether or not to search for the allusive third herb.

  Claira decided it would be worth it, if she could find the last one. She made her way over the terrain of the forest. Head down as she searched the area.

  Suddenly, a snort sounded through t
he brisk air. Claira’s head shot up, as she looked around with wide eyes. There in the distance were riders. She froze like a rabbit that spotted a hunter. It took her a few seconds to move her muscles again.

  In a flash, she ducked behind a thick tree trunk. Her breathing shallow, she prayed with all her heart that her moment of freezing hadn't given them time to see her.

  The sound of hooves approached, but they weren't galloping towards her so she hoped that meant they hadn't seen her.

  Her heart beat against her rib cage. From the glance she’d caught of the riders, she knew they were rock giants. She feared the rock giants would be able to hear the beating of her heart. How could they not? It seemed so very loud to her own ears and her blood was pumping through her so quickly.

  Claira peeked around the trunk, and then ducked back behind it. They were almost on top of her. Maybe they had seen her, and they were just toying with her.

  Different scenarios played through her head, and she looked around frantically. She wanted to see if there was anything she could use to defend herself. She wasn't about to go down without a fight, even if it might be a losing battle.

  She’d survived a burning, after all! Claira had a lot to live for.

  But there was nothing around. There were no large branches she could use as a weapon. Instead, she was only able to stand there and wait as she listened to the rock giants approach.

  On second thought, perhaps she shouldn't have gone looking for the third herb. She was now in a situation where she doubted Kaeldar would be able to help her, since he was currently laid up in their tent.

  Maybe if she tried to explain about Kaeldar, maybe then she might be spared. Kaeldar told her most of the rock giants spoke the human language.

  Then Claira rethought about that and decided she highly doubted any of them would care for her like Kaeldar had. They would just kill her and take Kaeldar back to their people. It wasn’t like Kaeldar was conscious anyways.

  It was then that she realized she’d been so absorbed in her thoughts she hadn't been paying attention to where the rock giants were. Her spine went rigid, as she listened for them.

  There was nothing. Only the birds and the insects could be heard. It was unfair how cheerful they sounded, while she was having a heart attack. Had the rock giants moved on and, if they had, in which direction had they gone?

  Claira took a deep breath and peaked out from behind her tree. She saw nothing, except the forest around her. Yet she was still nervous to fully come out from behind the tree just in case the rock giant riders were lurking around somewhere.

  Knowing there was nothing else for her to do, Claira stepped out from behind the tree and tensed. When no sounds of alarm rose up, she let out her breath. The rock giants had gone, but she had no idea where they’d disappeared. At least, she now knew they had definitely entered rock giant territory, and she’d be more careful about what she did, while Kaeldar wasn’t around.

  She made her way back to their camp, but her nerves were so on edge, she kept jumping out of her skin, at every sound. The snap of a twig almost made her faint in fright, but when she glanced in its direction she only saw a deer staring back at her.

  When she finally took the first step into camp, a breath of relief escaped her lungs. Hurriedly, she ground up her plants to make two different pastes for Kaeldar.

  As she entered the tent, her brows drew together. He didn't look any better.

  “I'm sorry.” She whispered. “I know I was gone longer than I intended, but I ran into some unexpected issues.”

  Claira knew he was unconscious and had no idea what she was talking about, but talking to him made her feel a little calmer. The rock giants had really shaken her up. She needed to get Kaeldar back up on his feet, before any rock giants stumbled upon their little camp.

  She bent down next to Kaeldar and pulled off his shirt, which was extremely difficult, since he wasn't able to assist her with his muscled weight. She was tempted to cut it off with a dagger, but then he wouldn’t have another shirt.

  Eventually, she got his shirt off and applied both of the pastes.

  She startled, when Kaeldar mumbled something to her in his delirium.

  “I'm sorry, what did you say?” But he was done with his mumbling, and she felt her heart sink. She wanted him to wake, so she could have his company again.

  She’d have to do her best to make him comfortable, until the pastes had time to soak in. Grabbing some strips of cloth, she rushed back to the river. She wet the cloths and took a moment to wash her face with some of the refreshing water. She was growing exhausted and the shock of icy water helped to wake her up a little.

  After Kaeldar recovered, she was going to sponge off all of the dirt and grime that was on her. She felt filthy, but she knew Kaeldar needed her to watch over him. She couldn’t spare any time to bath. She needed him alive, especially now that they were definitely in rock giant territory.

  She walked back into the tent and wiped him down. Taking off all his clothing she covered him with a fur blanket to keep him warm. She didn’t want the sweat on his skin to chill him and worsen his fever.

  She stayed up all day, and then all night to watch over Kaeldar. Every once in a while, she would make her way to the river to splash some icy water onto her face. She needed to be awake to pay attention to his every need. Claira wasn’t going to let Kaeldar take a turn for the worse.

  She kept him drinking water throughout the night and kept applying the salves she made. When the next morning approached, Kaeldar's fever finally broke, and she was able to relax.

  Claira drifted off to sleep, unable to keep her eyelids from closing, no matter how hard she tried. Now that he was out of danger, her body just wanted to rest.

  Kaeldar woke feeling fatigued. Turning onto his side he found the human female, Claira, sleeping soundly beside him. She must’ve taken care of him again, and he had no idea how many days he’d been out. She was faithful, like no other.

  Lightly, he used his thumb to caress her jaw line, and then pushed her fair hair away from her face. He took a lock of her golden hair between his thumb and forefinger and marveled at it. All rock giants had black hair. Every once in a while, a rock giant would be born with dark brown hair, but even that was rare.

  Never would one of them have blonde hair. He was amazed by the many colors of hair the humans had. They had a surprising variety with hair and eye color.

  He gently shook her shoulder, until she woke up. Rubbing her eyes, she smiled over at him.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” Claira asked him, sounding worn out.

  “I am doing well enough, thanks to you, I assume.” He gave her a smile. “How long was I out for?”

  “About a day or so.”

  “Am I well enough to get moving again?” He knew if he relapsed they would only be delayed longer, so if Claira demanded he stay and rest he was going to do it. It was about time he listened to her.

  Claira sat up and rolled the fur cover down to get a look at his wound. She nibbled her lip, as she pressed her fingers around the wound judging his reactions to different levels of pressure. When he didn't even wince once, she smiled a little.

  “It’s definitely looking a lot better than I hoped for. If you aren't having any pain, then I think you could travel without any major concerns. Just take things slowly, and this time, let me know when you have any discomfort.”

  As he stood to get dressed, he caught Claira blushing as her eyes landed on his nakedness. She turned her head to the side to avert her gaze.

  He was proud of his body. Kaeldar wouldn’t complain, if she wanted to eyeball him. He wouldn’t mind her appreciating the training he kept up on. The blush that crept up her cheeks was charming though.

  He threw on his clothing. He may not mind, but he didn’t want to bother Claira too much, and he was ready to get moving. He’d have time to make her blush, once they were to a safer area.

  He had them packed and ready to go in a matter of minut
es. As he turned to see if she was prepared to leave, he found her kneeling by the river washing herself with a wet cloth.

  He decided to let her take her time, since it was the least he could do. She probably hadn’t much time for herself, while taking care of him. If he’d let her take care of his wound earlier, he wouldn’t have put them both through this set back.

  When Claira finished up, she came over, a smile gracing her lips. He could tell she felt better about herself, but he had to admit either way she was attractive, for a human female.

  “Are you ready to go or is there anything else you need?”

  Claira puffed up a little. “I think I should be allowed some time to clean up, thank you.”

  He smiled, as she stood up to him. He didn't know if it was because she knew he wouldn't hurt her or because she just had a strong backbone, but he was surprised by how fierce she could be. “I wasn’t accusing you of taking too much time. I just want you to be comfortable, after what you did for me.”

  He was pleased to find she had a backbone, because she was going to need it when they got to his people.

  Claira nodded and changed the subject, as she mounted up. “While you were out, I had a scary encounter with some riders in the forest.”

  Kaeldar froze. He knew she was leaving out details to gain his curiosity, and she had it.

  “Riders?” He asked as he mounted up on the second horse, and they started on their way.

  “Yes. I believe there were three of them, and from what I could tell, they appeared to be rock giants.”

  His heart hit the ground, as his breath caught in his throat. She could’ve been killed, while he was in a fever. He should have let her tend to his wound sooner. He was going to get her killed with his stubbornness.


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