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Grounded By Love

Page 22

by Lily Thomas

  "Claira, are you alright? I realize that was..." He searched for the right word, "unpleasant, but you must believe it would not have appealed to me whether or not you had been here." He picked the females he wanted to be with, not his parents.

  He lifted a hand to her cheek rubbing a thumb across her high cheekbone.

  Claira lifted her head to look at him. "Perhaps bed would be the best thing right now." One of her hands lifted to her brow, and she gave it a vigorous rub.

  Tired from shock and embarrassment, he assumed. Bed would indeed be best for them both. They needed to have a fresh mind in the morning.

  "Come I will undress you."

  "I don't want to... sleep in that bed." She looked at it and gave a grimace. "Not after those two women have been laying on it naked."

  Kaeldar frowned. "What would you like me to do then?"

  "Do you have any spare blankets and pillows you could get your hands on?"

  "Yes. I can always get my hands on extra bedding."

  "Then we can change the sheets, so we don’t have to be on those.”

  "Give me a few minutes then, and I will be right back." Kaeldar said, before he left the room. He wanted her to be comfortable, and if changing the sheets did that, then he would get them changed.

  Claira woke to find Kaeldar's warm arms surrounding her. Before a smile could break out over her lips, she smothered it. She needed to get her heart back, there was no future for them, there was just now, and she didn’t need her heart to be torn apart when it all ended.

  "Good morning. How are you feeling, Claira?" His rich voice whispered into her ear.

  "Wishing I could sleep some more, but I see you’re wide awake and probably wanting to get going on your day. I’m sure you have things already planned."

  His lips widened into a smile, and she sucked in a breath for a whole different reason. He was breathtakingly handsome, but when he smiled, he transformed into a god, a scarred god of war.

  She couldn't help but marvel at what he’d been blessed with. He would make any other man envious and every woman drool with hunger, when he walked by.

  But for now, at least, he was all hers. She felt a sense of pure joy at the thought of it. Every moment needed to be treasured with him. Claira knew she might not have long to enjoy his company.

  "I have to head out of the castle today."

  She frowned. "Leave the castle?" She prayed she’d heard him wrong, and he hadn't just said he was going to leave her alone.

  One of his hands came up to stroke her blonde hair. "Yes. I will have to be leaving the castle." As if he knew her thoughts, he reassured her. "It shouldn't take too long, a few hours at most."

  "I knew you would have duties. I was just hoping they would be around the castle."

  "I will post a guard at the door, and if you leave I will have them accompany you." Again he tried to reassure her of her safety.

  She just kept thinking of his parents. They seemed inclined to get rid of her and to make her feel uncomfortable, and they were succeeding with the latter.

  Claira disliked letting them win, but she was one against many. For her whole life she had been craving the feeling of love and of feeling like someone wanted her to be around.

  If there could be something between them, she wanted the chance to discover it, but she didn’t want to get killed for it. Maybe it would be best if she stopped their lovemaking. After all, she still needed to get her heart back under control. Every time he was with her, she found her mind leaving her and her senses heightened.

  "I think I will stay in the room, while you’re gone. There’s no need for me to flaunt my existence."

  He shrugged unconcerned. "I understand, and I won't pressure you to explore the castle, while I’m gone." He grimaced. "I hate to say this, but I am glad you will remain in my chambers. With the way my mother and father are behaving, I’m afraid you might not be safe out in the open."

  Slightly displeased he had shared that tidbit with her, she sighed and rolled onto her back. "I feel as though I’m causing trouble by being here."

  Lightly, his rough padded fingers glided over her belly. She let out a giggle. Amazing how gentle a rock giant warrior could be with all the hardened battle muscle he had. She’d seen him wield a sword with staggering power.

  “What business will be taking you away then?”

  “Just some war business. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Will you be rejoining the war effort?”

  Kaeldar shrugged. “Depends, but I’ll do my best to stay near, if not at the castle.”

  Claira couldn’t bring herself to inquire about anymore information. At some point, she would have to though. She couldn’t remain with a warrior. It was one thing if other rock giants killed humans, but it was another for him to do it.

  Claira stayed in his chambers the whole time Kaeldar was gone from the castle. She truly had nothing to do, but that had been her fault. Kaeldar had offered to retrieve either books or some needle work for her, but she had insisted she was fine.

  So she found herself either sitting in the chair, exploring everything in his room, or looking down at the bustling castle grounds below her. She found Kaeldar’s balcony a great draw for her curiousity and a relief for her boredom.

  As of right now, she found herself curled up under the covers enjoying the waking moments after a nap.

  The door burst open, and she jumped up in the bed pulling the covers over her chest, even though she was fully clothed.

  A loud exhale came out, as she saw it was Kaeldar who’d entered the room.

  He looked frazzled, as he glanced about the room. When his eyes landed on her, he motioned her forward. "Come here, Claira."

  She did, as she looked him up and down. He had obviously come straight from the stables. Something unpleasant had to be going on for him to have such a wildly unstable look in his onyx eyes.

  "I need you." His breathing came out heavily, as if he just ran a few miles.

  Needed her? Then why was he leading her away from the bed and towards the door of his chambers?

  "Kaeldar where are you taking me?"

  "I don't have time to explain right now, Claira. Just please come with me." Kaeldar dragged her behind him, as they walked through the castle.

  There was something in his voice that made her heart beat increase in speed. Something was wrong, she just knew it, but she also wished he would just tell her what was wrong. Right at the moment, her mind was working a mile a minute, as she thought of what he could be pulling her towards.

  After making their way through a few of the castle corridors, Kaeldar finally caught his breath. "When I arrived at a camp, they told me about a wounded soldier. He is a noble among our elite, and his wound isn't good, Claira. I’m hoping you might be able to help him survive." Kaeldar explained, as he led them through more of the castle corridors.

  A knot twisted in her stomach. "Why me?"

  They had to have healers here at the castle, so why was he asking her to take care of one of their wounded men? He really wasn't letting her ask much of anything, he was in such a rush.

  They stopped before a door, and he faced her. Now, she was going to be getting some answers.

  "I’m hoping you can save his life or else he has no hope of surviving."

  As he started to turn away from her, she placed one of her hands on his arm gently. "Kaeldar? Why don't you just have one of your own healers take care of him? They would have better knowledge of healing a giant than I."

  "We do have healers, but at the moment most are at the front lines with the soldiers." He took a deep breath. "And all of them have said there is nothing to help him. Even the healer here at the castle has said there is no hope."

  Claira frowned. Why was he expecting her to save this man's life, when their own doctors said there was no hope? Kaeldar was the first and only rock giant she’d ever tended to. She wasn't sure she had enough knowledge to save another in what could only be a very grave situati

  Taking a deep breath she followed Kaeldar through the wooden door. The smell of blood tainted the air so thickly, she thought she might choke.

  Claira had never thought she would want to flee from a wounded person, but here she was fighting the urge to flee in the opposite direction. She knew she would have to brace herself. Whatever she was about to see was going to terrify her.

  Kaeldar stepped aside, and she got a look at the rock giant laying on the bed. Dread filled her heart, as she looked down at him.

  Those healers were right in saying they didn't think he’d make it, and that was being kind. This man was surely past any rescue, but if she could pull him out of the jaws of death, then maybe there would be some hope the rock giants might finally accept her. At this point, she could use anything she could get.

  Then again she might just be dreaming, but it was better than nothing. She could see why their healers thought it was a lost cause, because she also thought it was a lost cause.

  He was as white as a sheet and the crimson blanket laying by his side showed her the amount of bloodloss he’d suffered. It looked like he had been drained of blood.

  "Any thoughts yet?" Kealdar asked.

  Smiling bleakly up at him she remarked, "Even just seeing him gives me absolutely no hope, but," she added on, "I will, of course, give it my best."

  He heaved a sigh. "I realize he might be far too gone, but I really do think that if anyone can help him it would be you."

  Claira felt proud he would think she had the skill to assist this rock giant warrior. She only hoped she didn’t let him down.

  "Anything you need, you may have. I want you to have everything you need at your disposal." He looked over at the rock giant warrior who was breathing deeply. There was sorrow in those deep depths.

  She felt horrible for him, for having to watch a fellow warrior suffer, because suffer this man was going to.

  Exhaling, she slowly walked over to the warrior, bent down next to the bed he was laying on, and then flipped back the blanket that was covering him.

  The wound was horrendous. It was almost exactly like the one Kaeldar had been delt, yet it was so much worse. Looking over her shoulder at Kaeldar she shook her head. This was worse than her imagination could’ve ever dreamed up.

  "How bad is it?"

  She shook her head. "I will tell you in the corridor."

  "Claira." He waited for Claira to look up at him. "He isn't conscious. He hasn't been in a few hours now. You don't need to worry about him hearing what you say."

  "I don't like to talk about my patients, while I’m still in front of them."

  "Then I will leave you to tend his wound. If there is anything you need, anything at all, there will always be someone outside this door to assist you."

  With that said, she was left alone with the rock giant warrior, so she could concentrate on attempting to save his life.

  Claira rubbed her eyes and looked over at the rock giant laying on the bed. It had been a few days since she’d been given the task of saving his life. Thankfully, things had gone well for her. He’d regained his color, and his wound, though still nasty, was looking much better.

  But it had definitely been a few hard days. She barely had time to get any rest of her own. Last night had been the first time she’d been able to get a few hours of peaceful sleep.

  There was some hope for him though. Before, she would’ve thought he would die, now she knew there was a chance, but she wondered if it was truly what she had done that helped him. The rock giant had fought to stay alive, not quite ready to leave this world.

  Although he hadn't yet woken, she got the sense he wasn't willing to just fade away and die, and she was glad of his determination to live. It made her job so much easier.

  This could be the way to get her foot in the door with all the other rock giants in this castle.

  Giving a stretch Claira sat up from where she had been slumped in a chair. She took a fire poker and stirred up the coals sending a new flush of heat soaring through the room.

  Getting up she thought about how she hadn't seen Kaeldar in these last few days. She’d been sleeping in the same room as her patient, since she wanted to remain close, in case he took a turn for the worse.

  Grabbing a pot of water she put it over the heat of the flames, and then went over to the bed to sit down next to the rock giant.

  Claira frowned, as she noticed how flushed the giant warrior looked and the beads of sweat forming on his brow.

  "No, no, please don't have a fever." She begged him, as she put the back of her hand up against his forehead.

  The rock giant was burning up, and here she’d been hoping to get him through this all without any fever. It was a set back for her, but one she was determined to conquer, even if it was the last thing she did.

  For her sake, she had to keep him alive.

  Kaeldar was impressed by her determination to save the warrior's life. She hadn't even left the room once, since receiving the task. He hadn't the time to go up and tell her how astonished all the other rock giants were with how intent she was to save the life of a giant.

  The only people not yet impressed were his parents. If anything, they despised her even more for what she was doing. They had to fear her winning hearts with her healer’s abilities.

  When he was finally able to check on her, he stood in the doorway of the room. He loved the way her eyes lit up when she had a task to perform. The poor wounded man didn't realize how lucky he was to have such a dedicated healer tending to his every need. How lucky he was to have such gentle hands touching him all over.

  He paused. Was he jealous of a man who might not live because of a battle wound? If he was forced to admit it, he would have to say yes. Yes, indeed, he was a little jealous. Kaeldar hadn't seen her in a few days and this wounded soldier was the reason.

  The rumor mills had started talking about how amazing she was at healing, which was a good change. It was a complete turn around. Well, not complete, they still didn't like the idea of a human female around, but she was gaining points in her favor.

  She was a natural with healing, it was a true gift. There was a sneaking suspicion in him that she liked having something to keep her thoughts occupied.

  A smile spread over his face. If she was able to save this warrior, he was sure he’d be able to find her more patients. She would’ve performed a miracle, and anyone who was unwell would want to have her help them. He was almost positive about it.

  Maybe he wouldn’t have to become king to keep her safe, maybe she could keep herself safe with the peoples’ favor.

  Perhaps, he could even help her to set up her own healing practice. As of right now, all their healers were out on or near the battlefield helping the wounded soldiers. She could create a large following which might help her sway the minds of the rock giants without having to gain his parents’ love.

  Kaeldar knew she would be willing to give it a chance. She wanted to get along with all the rock giants, if it was possible.

  Kaeldar grinned like a little boy, when he saw Claira enter the great hall for the evening meal.

  She looked beautiful, exhausted, but beautiful. Her jade eyes had a glow that only appeared when she was healing someone. He would hate to say she enjoyed healing, because he was sure she would give it up, if she could keep everyone from getting ill in the first place.

  A hush fell on the hall, as she made her way over to the table. All eyes were on her, but from what he was able to hear they were mainly whispering about how she was a miracle worker.

  Sitting down next to him she gave him an update. "The fever broke, which is the main reason I’m down here tonight or else I’d still be sitting beside him."

  "The probability of him living is much better now?" Kaeldar asked, as he pushed a plate of food towards her.

  She popped a piece of cheese into her sweet little mouth, as she nodded her head to his question.

  "His family will be glad to hear that. Any hope o
f him living will be a relief to them." He thought for a quick second, and then asked, "Has he ever regained consciousness?"

  "A couple times, after the fever. He spoke, but it was in your language. Though I don't know your language, I would assume he isn't actually aware of his surroundings, since his eyes seemed a little too hazy to me. I tried talking to him, but again there was no response I understood."

  "I wouldn't mind if you would let me know the moment he does understand where he is and what he is talking about—."

  "How would I know?" She cut him off, before he could continue talking.

  "He knows a bit of your language, and if he sees a human female I’m sure... actually forget that. I’m going to assign a guard to stay in the room with you, in case he decides to attack you."

  A look of alarm crossed over her face. Clearly, that idea had never come across her mind.

  "I’m sure he won't, but he might worry he’s been captured by humans." He rushed to reassure her. “He isn’t the kind of man to act and ask questions later. He is even tempered and kind.”

  Claira didn't look relieved, but he hoped she knew he would never let her be in the same room with a rock giant who might hurt her without him by her side. He just wanted the reassurance.

  "I had an idea earlier." He prompted, as he took a bite of meat.

  "What’s the idea?"

  "I was thinking, if you save his life, you might be interested in having your own healer's profession here at the castle. I’m sure, once he’s healed, other rock giants will be inclined to ask you for assistance."

  A twinkle appeared in her eyes, as she beamed. "My own healing practice would hold a lot of interest with me, but we should wait and see if I am actually able to save his life before we start making any plans."

  "You are right, we should wait, but I wanted to give you time to think about it."

  Chapter 19

  It would be the first night in a few days where she would be sleeping next to him again. Her stomach wouldn't stop flipping. Amazing how nervous she was, and it was probably because she was excited to have a full night’s sleep next to a warm man.


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