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New Beginnings: Hollow Crest Wolf Pack Book 1

Page 14

by C. C. Masters

  Wyatt shrugged and headed for the bathroom. “But this is who he is now.”

  Kannon and I were left alone in the room so I walked over to sit on the edge of his bed. He looked adorable with sleepy eyes and his hair all mussed. “We should stay in bed a little longer,” he suggested as his arm snaked around my waist, tugging me closer.

  “I don’t know…” I squirmed in indecision. I liked Kannon, and his warm bed was definitely tempting. But to actually climb into bed with a guy? I was crazy to even consider it, right?

  Kannon stilled when he felt how tense I was. “I’m just suggesting snuggling,” he said hesitantly. “Nothing else. I wouldn’t…”

  “I know,” I murmured. I let out my breath. Why not snuggle with Kannon? I trusted him and I shouldn’t let my fear or inexperience get in the way of things I wanted. I relaxed my body and scooted closer to him as I laid down. It was a little awkward until we got in the right position but then I was glad I had taken the leap of faith.

  Kannon was still under the blanket and I was on top, so we had another barrier in addition to our pajamas. But I could feel his warm body pressed along my back and his arm draped around my waist made me feel safe. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the way that Kannon’s warmth and scent completely enveloped me.

  I ignored the distant sound of Corey and Wyatt arguing in the other room and completely relaxed my entire body. Little by little I felt every muscle in my body release tension I hadn’t realized I was holding until I was limp like a spaghetti noodle. The feel of Kannon’s steady breathing lulled me back into sleep and I was out before I even knew what had happened.

  Chapter 17


  I gave Kannon a smile as we made our way down the sunny sidewalk. It was warm today, but not as stifling hot as it had been. I was hoping that this was an indication that fall weather was on its way. I was ready for this summer to be over.

  We were walking close enough that our hands brushed. I took a deep breath and reached for his hand. I had been the one to tell Kannon to back off, but after this morning I was regretting my words. He’d woken up early and gone to the grocery store just so that he could make me smiley face pancakes with chocolate chips and strawberries. All because I had confessed last night that it was something I had always wanted to try. He even got me whipped cream to put on top.

  My heart pounded with nerves as I reached for him, but he caught my hand in his with a happy smile. I blushed and tried not to trip because I was staring at him.

  I’d been settling into a routine with the guys this past week. We ate all of our meals together and when I wasn’t at work I was helping them get the garage ready. Kannon and I stuck to the easy tasks like painting and organizing supplies while the other guys built the heavy car lifts. Once we were all too exhausted to keep working, everyone went to their own corners to relax. Kannon and I had been snuggling up together to watch movies and TV shows. He had been shocked to find out that my previous pack hadn’t allowed much in the way of electronic entertainment and was determined to get me caught up on the best of pop culture.

  Every night that I had spent close to Kannon made me more sure that I was meant to be here. He was so sweet and considerate that he made me forget why I had decided that we couldn’t be more than friends. And my body had started to crave his touch for more than just comfort. When we laid in the bed together with our bodies pressed together, I finally understood what it was like to feel lust. When we whispered our secret hopes and dreams to each other I wondered if I was starting to understand what it was like to fall in love.

  Kannon had respected my request that we just stay friends and hadn’t done anything to indicate that he wanted more. But sometimes I thought I caught a glimpse of longing in his eyes and I hoped that it meant he felt the same way about me as I did about him. But Kannon and I would separate as soon as we heard footsteps on the metal stairs that meant someone else was coming to the room. None of the other guys had seen us in bed together, but they had to suspect because our scents were all over each other.

  But my body wasn’t waking up for just Kannon. My eyes strayed over to Grayson when he took his shirt off to sleep and I’d caught him looking in my direction more than once. There were a few times that I thought there might be something there…

  Tonight was the night that I was going to go back to the college and sign the paperwork that would give me a fresh start on life. I hadn’t quit my job yet because I didn’t trust Dr. Green to follow through on his promises until I saw it in writing. Once I had the contract in my hands, I would put in my notice with Mr. Reaven. Not that the guys really needed my meager earnings, but I was prideful enough that I wanted to contribute to the pack. I wanted to be treated as an equal by them.

  We slowed our pace as we got closer to the ice cream shop, hoping to make this moment last a little longer. I started to let go of Kannon’s hand, but he pulled me closer and brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face. My heart started to beat faster as he gazed down at me and I wondered if this was the moment that would lead to my first kiss. I tilted my head up expectantly, both hoping for and fearing the moment when our lips would first touch. Would I know what to do automatically? Or would I embarrass myself with my inexperience?

  I shouldn’t have worried because when Kannon leaned down it was to place a kiss on my forehead, not my lips. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. I needed to figure out what I wanted before I could tell Kannon. I already knew that Kannon wasn’t the type of wolf to casually date, he wanted a mate. But was I ready to commit to him for a lifetime? Plus, I still wasn’t sure about my feelings for Grayson.

  Kannon and I said our goodbyes and I sighed before opening the door to the shop. Taylor waved me in and I could hear raised voices from the storeroom. “Mrs. Reaven is back there,” she said quietly.

  “I’ve never met her,” I whispered.

  “Your lucky streak just ran out,” she answered with an eye roll. “She comes in here every so often to make a point that she’s in charge. Then they’ll go in the back and argue until she leaves.”

  “Is she?” I asked with a frown. “In charge?”

  “She inherited the shop from her father when he died. So technically, yeah. She treats him like he’s a hired manager a lot.” Taylor shrugged. “I just try to avoid her as much as I can.”

  I sighed. “I guess it was too much to hope that today would be an easy day?”

  Taylor grinned at me. “Yup. This day just got shitty.”

  My luck actually did hold, because Mrs. Reaven barely spared me a glance when she angrily swept through the shop and out the front door. I breathed a sigh of relief until I saw the thunderous expression on Mr. Reaven’s face as he stopped in front of Taylor and me. “I need this place scrubbed from top to bottom,” he demanded. “I’ve been letting you girls off easy with the light cleaning that you usually do. But today that ends. I want to see blood, sweat, and tears.”

  Taylor and I exchanged glances once he turned his back. She made a face and I held in my giggle. Today was definitely not the day to antagonize him. Mr. Reaven called in the other two girls that worked here, Willow and Amy, to help us clean. He hadn’t been kidding about working us hard, because I was sweating and close to tears the fifteenth time he yelled at me about missing a spot.

  “Uncle,” Taylor interrupted. “Lori is doing the best she can but the floor is older, it’s going to have marks we can’t get up.”

  Mr. Reaven huffed and looked skyward, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Take a break, girls. I’ll go up to the diner to get us some lunch.”

  The four of us were completely silent until we were sure he was gone. “What the fuck?” Willow asked. “I didn’t sign up for this shit.”

  Taylor shrugged uncomfortably. “I don’t know what’s going on with him.”

  “I do,” Amy said. “It’s been too long since he’s gotten laid.”

  “Eww, gross!” Taylor yelled as the rest of us giggled.

at do you think he would do if he came back and we were all gone?” Willow asked. “I mean, I like having extra spending money and everything, but at this point I’m really questioning my life choices.”

  “I can’t leave,” Taylor said. “My dad would send me right back here.”

  Amy moved to stand next to Willow. “He’s going to let us all go once school starts up again anyway. And I won’t be here next year. I’m getting out of this shitty little town.”

  The three girls looked at me. “Um…” I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d put up with worse verbal abuse from the males in my pack, so this wasn’t unusual for me. But I had left my pack because of this sort of treatment. Should I have to endure this? Especially from a human male that didn’t have any real authority over me? But Wyatt had explained how important it was that we all stay in the good graces of the town. I didn’t want to be labeled as a trouble maker that abandoned her job. I’d rather give my two weeks notice and leave gracefully without drama.

  “I should stay with Taylor,” I said reluctantly. “We can say that Willow got sick and Amy had to bring her home.” That would probably go over better than Mr. Reaven’s entire staff walking out on him in the middle of the workday.

  “I am actually feeling sick from the fumes of these cleaning supplies,” Willow said thoughtfully. “Thanks, Lori.”

  “Take the back door,” Taylor warned them. “And go down the side street so he doesn’t run into you when he’s coming back from the diner.”

  The two girls nodded and didn’t waste any time getting out of there.

  I leaned on my mop when the bell rang at one of the front windows. “I’ll get that,” Taylor offered. “I need a break from this.”

  I needed a break too, but there wasn’t anywhere to hid in the small shop. I went to the sink to dump out my bucket of dirty mop water and gathered all the used towels that needed to be washed. Then I decided to pick up the cleaning supplies that Willow and Amy had abandoned and brought them back into the storeroom.

  “Lori?” I groaned when I heard Mr. Reaven’s voice. It was just me and Taylor here, there weren’t any other girls for him to spread his ire over.

  “In here, Mr. Reaven,” I called. “I’m just tidying up.”

  “Oh good,” Mr. Reaven said as he walked in and shut the door behind him. “I was hoping to speak with you alone.”

  I was already uncomfortable. Things had gotten weird the last time he locked us in this small room together, and I wasn’t looking forward to a repeat.

  “Taylor told me what happened,” he said quietly. “I was out of line and I need to apologize.”

  “It’s okay,” I said in surprise.

  Mr. Reaven sighed. “It’s not. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you girls. I had the opportunity to clear my head on the walk over to the diner and I realized what an idiot I was being.”

  I nodded along to what he was saying, but I wasn’t sure what I should say. Agreeing that your boss was an idiot didn’t seem like the best idea. But he had been treating us pretty badly so he did owe us an apology.

  Mr. Reaven took a step even closer to me and I looked at him suspiciously. “Lori, I want to thank you for always working so hard for me.”

  “Well, I appreciate you taking a chance on me and giving me a job,” I said honestly. I had gotten very lucky that he was willing to hire me for cash with the flimsy ID that I had. But the way that he was looking at me was making me uneasy. Where was he going with this?

  Mr. Reaven inched forward again so that he was uncomfortably close. What was it with this guy and personal space?

  “Of course,” he murmured. “It’s my pleasure to take care of you.”

  Alarm bells started going off in my head. Things had just gone from weird and uncomfortable to dangerous. Something was not right with him. My stomach dropped when I saw his demeanor change. The look on his face had gone from repentant boss to hungry predator. This was the way that some of my former pack mates would look at me with that strange mixture of lust and threat.

  “Um, we should probably get back out there,” I suggested nervously. “Taylor’s on her own. And I wouldn’t want our lunch to get cold.”

  I tried to step away from him but he followed me closely. “Why don’t we talk more about your raise?” he offered. “Of course, it will come with some extra duties.” He put his hand on my waist and my eyes widened in surprise. I wasn’t an expert on humans, but I was pretty sure that bosses weren’t allowed to touch their workers or make suggestions like this.

  I smacked his arm away and started to get angry. How dare he? Did he think that I was just some helpless female that would do whatever he said for a little bit of money? He needed to realize that I wasn’t weak. I wasn’t a victim. I was a wolf. Maybe I had been a little too accommodating to all of his requests in an attempt to be a good employee, because this was going too far.

  “Just what are you suggesting?” I asked angrily. I wanted to make him say it aloud. Confess to being a pervert.

  “Don’t play innocent with me,” he said darkly. “I heard you’ve been gallivanting around town with more than one man. I’ll make it worth your while.” He squeezed my ass and I saw red. I snarled and pushed him away but he grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head into the metal shelf.

  My head was ringing so I didn’t hear the door to the supply closet open until I heard Taylor’s voice. “Uncle!”

  I used the opportunity to get in a crotch shot. He let go of my hair to grab his injured balls. “You’ll regret this,” he snarled.

  “Not as much as you.” I put my chin up and marched out of that stupid ice cream shop with my head held high.

  “Don’t come back,” he yelled after me. “And you can forget about getting paid.”

  I spun back around in the doorway to see that he had limped after me. “I don’t want anything from you,” I hissed. “Just stay away from me or the whole town is going to hear about this.”

  “Hear about what?” he mocked me. “How you threw yourself at me, desperate for a little affection because your parents don’t love you?”

  I looked over at Taylor but she looked down at the floor and wouldn’t meet my eyes. “That’s how it’s going to be?” I asked in disbelief. What about female solidarity? What about the camaraderie we had just an hour ago?

  “My family has a reputation…” she started weakly. “If word got around town, we could lose everything.”

  “Save it,” I growled as I stomped out the door and onto the street. It was a good thing that I had bargained with the college for a fake job that paid real money. What would have happened if I didn’t have the guys? If I didn’t have another job lined up?

  The more I thought about what had just happened, the more furious I grew. Looking back in hindsight, I think he had been grooming me from the beginning. He had recognized that I was a lost young girl with nothing when I had first come in. He had intentionally targeted and attempted to manipulate me. I should have known that there was an ulterior motive to his kindness.

  Had he done this before? He had been so smooth that I doubt this was his first attempt to take advantage of someone. He obviously thought that he could get away with this. Was that because he had in the past? I felt sick at the thought of another girl in that position, helpless to say no to him.

  He had definitely picked the wrong girl this time. I don’t know how I was going to do it, but I was going to make sure that he never hurt another girl again.

  Chapter 18


  My anger had faded into a slow burn by the time I had made it back to the firehouse. What I really needed was to shift and run as a wolf to let all my emotions out. But Grayson had already warned me that shifting close to town was off limits. He promised to take us all further out into the country to shift once we were done putting the garage together, but we waited too long already. I was ready to shift now.

  I snuck in the back door and crept up the stairs so the guys wouldn’t hear me come in.
I wanted to shower off the slimy feeling that Mr. Reaven had left on my skin. I knew it wasn’t my fault, but I still felt dirty.

  I stepped under the hot water of the shower and scrubbed at my skin. Anger drained out of my body as the water washed it away and I was left with sadness. Was I really so pathetic that a weak human male saw me as prey? He had looked at me and had seen a potential target. A victim who would take his abuse.

  But wasn’t that what I was? I had lived my entire life as a victim. I’d kept my head down and ignored all of the injustices going on around me because I was too afraid to stand up to the men who perpetrated them. The rest of the pack had seen me as a child, so I had escaped from rape and most of the physical violence. Deep down I had known it was wrong, but I’d accepted it as the norm. I had believed that it was my fate to become one of those abused women, even while hoping for a miracle escape.

  I had escaped from my pack. But could I ever escape the person that they made me into? Could I become a strong woman that could stand up to men like Mr. Reaven and wolves like Robert and Baracus? Would I ever get to the point that men like that would look at me and see an adversary and not a victim?

  When the water started to run cold, I shut off the shower and grabbed a towel. I needed to work on myself just as much as I needed to work on a plan to shut Mr. Reaven down. I couldn’t change the past, but I could help shape the future.

  To my surprise, Wyatt was sitting on his bed when I walked out of the bathroom. I held the towel a little tighter as his eyes flicked over my mostly exposed flesh. “I heard the shower running. Did you get sent home early from work?” he asked as he forced his eyes away and then carefully avoided looking at me.

  I shifted uncomfortably. How much should I tell the guys about what happened? I was pack, so I didn’t want them to feel obligated to act on my behalf. I didn’t want to be responsible for ruining their business before it even opened. “Something like that,” I murmured.


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