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Page 8

by L. A. Banks

  It was the most amazing transition he’d ever witnessed. Her clothes were in his lap; she stood almost three feet at the shoulders…a gorgeous chestnut silvery brown, with wide, seeking eyes as she slowly backed away from the vehicle unsure and snarling. His wolf couldn’t stand it, the SUV was too confining as he watched her. Soon his clothes pooled on the SUV floor, and he met her on the leaf strewn ground, threw back his head and howled.

  When her voice joined his and she eased closer to him sniffing, and then nuzzled him, that was all she wrote. He was done. Whatever she wanted, whomever she wanted. Fresh deer meat was in his nose, wafting from the cabin. They both looked up as two human fools came out on the deck with Chardonnay in hand.

  “They have wolves out here?” Douglass said, looking out toward the nearby mountains.

  “Guess so, but in all my years hunting up here, I’d never seen them. They sound beautiful though.”

  Before Brick could stop her, Sidney had rushed low along the side of the house and in one bound was over the deck rail snarling. He loped over and watched as a glass of Chardonnay slid from Douglass’s hand with a crash. Sheldon slowly backed up. Brick couldn’t take his eyes off Sidney. She was gorgeous…canine’s saliva slicked and glistening under the moon, a sure kill in her sights, primal fury in her eyes. Sheldon was a fool to try to back up to get a rifle. Brick’s mind calculated the lunge distance—twitch, motherfucker, and you’re mine.

  Sheldon twitched. Brick pinned him, but waited, only knocking him out from the fall. This was his woman’s night, she had first kill rights. Brick looked at her as Douglass screamed. The sound of his voice made Sidney’s coat bristle along her spine. It didn’t take her three seconds after that. The man’s throat was gone before he’d blinked. There was nothing to do but join the lady for dinner. Venison could work as an entrée; it was still strapped to the top of their appetizer’s Jeep. Then again, she didn’t seem to be interested in eating either rat bastard, just ripping them into tiny shreds…fine by him. Damn, women could be so cold when done wrong.

  Several full moons later…

  Her attorney sat back and spread an array of papers across his desk. “Well, Mrs. West, it seems as though your husband’s plan to take you for everything backfired. You were still his legal wife when he and your boss met an untimely death while hunting in the Poconos. Who knew they had beasts out there like that?”

  “Well, what can I say?” Sidney offered coolly with a shrug. “Shit happens. Douglass had bad karma. So did Sheldon. Funny how that worked, that they both left me richer when the money was always their driving force, not mine. My issue was always a matter of not submitting to having someone just take what I’d worked for. Ironic.” She sat back in the sumptuous leather chair and stopped talking before she went too far, feeling a primal surge waft through her.

  Her attorney sighed and nodded. “Ironic indeed, but I sure hope the authorities catch that bear or cougar, whatever the hell it was that ripped them to shreds. But maybe this was just their bad karma, like you said. I always thought it was very inappropriate for Douglass to be on such familiar terms with your employer, especially given the circumstances. Then the pictures.” He shook his head. “We didn’t even need them. Lucky, too, that we didn’t use them to force a quick resolution…because this way you get it all.”

  She fought not to smile and kept it widow-appropriate. “Well, Wallace, you know what they say…payback is definitely a bitch.”

  L. A. Banks, the author of The Vampire Huntress Legends series, has written over 17 novels and contributed to 7 novellas, thus far, in multiple genres under various pseudonyms. She mysteriously shape-shifts between the genres of romance, women’s fiction, crime/suspense thrillers, and of course, dark vampire huntress lore. A graduate of The University of Pennsylvania Wharton undergraduate program with a Master’s in Fine Arts from Temple University, one never knows how or when this enigma will appear…her forms are many, her secrets of crossing genres vast, and she does this with a husband, four children, and a dog from some remote, undisclosed lair in Philadelphia. Leslie lives in Philadelphia.

  Find out more about L. A. Banks and her upcoming works at


  by Donna Hill

  Chapter One

  * * *

  Agggg, God…yesssss…yessss! Noooo! Ooooohweee! Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh…

  The four-poster bed banged up and down, literally leaping off the floor each time that thing pounded into me. The head of it was the size of a fist and the length and breadth of it like a forearm. I craved every inch it. If my thighs were stretched any wider I’d split right in half. I didn’t care. I had to have it, needed it. Each time it rammed up inside my throbbing pussy, lights exploded in my head. My body heaved and trembled violently while scorching tears streamed down my cheeks, the steam from them rising to surround the tainted bed.

  I thought I heard myself screaming but the sound was only in my head. The cock was—and no pun intended—out of this world, but it was killing me night after night, day after day. Still, I never wanted it to stop. Never.

  In the distance I heard a ringing. The darkness in the room slowly began to clear. The veil that had clouded my vision drifted away like morning mist. The ringing continued. I felt it slipping out of me, the pressure lifting off my body. I sucked in a deep breath, my first one for what seemed like hours. Whatever held my arms and legs in place released me.

  A sudden sickening emptiness pushed up inside my now hollow tunnel and filled my insides with a wretchedness that I could not explain. I wept. Not tears of joy but of a deep sorrow.

  I reached across the nightstand and turned off the alarm. Slowly I glanced around my room. Everything looked the same. The off-white curtains still blew gently in the breeze of the early dawn. The pictures still hung on the wall. My clothes for work were where I left them, laid out on the chaise lounge. My jewelry box, a gift from my grandmother, still sat on my dresser.

  On the surface things looked so very ordinary. I pushed myself into a sitting position in my bed. I glanced downward. My gown was in shreds, slashed from top to bottom. Through the holes in my nightgown I saw long red welts beginning to form on my skin.

  I shook my head. Covered my face with my hands. What had happened?

  I knew the answer, at least I thought I did, but I could never admit it. Not even to myself. It was simply too bizarre. The only explanation was that I was losing my mind. That possibility was more palpable than the unthinkable.

  With great effort I pulled myself from bed. My legs felt like spaghetti and I had to grab hold of the nightstand to keep from falling.

  Through sheer force of will I slid one foot in front of the other until I finally made it to the bathroom. Exhaustion gripped me by the throat, cut off my air. I sucked in oxygen through my nose and plopped down on the commode, the exertion of the short walk taking its toll.

  A hot shower always made me feel better after one of these incidents. Incidents. That’s what I called them for lack of a better term. These things that kept happening to me, night after night for the past few months—incidents. I’d heard somewhere that’s how crazy people get started being crazy, with little incidents. Guess I was a little crazy and getting crazier by the day.

  I leaned forward, pushed the shower curtain aside and turned on the faucets full blast. When I was finally able to pull myself together I stood up to take off what was left of my gown that hung in tatters from my shoulders like some alien flag.

  Then out of the blue I started to laugh—laugh hysterically. I laughed until I was doubled over and my gut hurt. Who would believe this shit? I didn’t even believe it most days. But then my pussy would start humming and my nipples would stand up straight, my muscles burned and a hazy kind of feeling took over. And all I’d want is that crazy, big-ass crooked dick pounding inside of me to put me out of the mad misery.

  Christ! What was happening to me? I don’t even like dick to be truthful. At least I didn’t thin
k I did. The men I’d been with were few and far between, and they left much to be desired.

  I’d heard women talking about the Big O and how great it was. And some G-spot. Ha. It was like listening to a foreign language. But I’d play along like I’d had plenty of Big O’s with some to spare. All lies. I didn’t have a clue. Until recently. Now I had the whole alphabet on lock!

  I ripped the rest of my gown off and tossed it on the growing pile with the others. Yeah, maybe some hot water and soap would do the trick.

  By the time I arrived at work I was feeling much better. Almost like myself.

  “Hey Christine,” Melody, my best friend, said when I walked into the office.

  Me and Mel had been friends since high school—tenth grade. For a long time I had a real thing for Mel, right from the first moment I saw her naked in the girls’ locker room when she came out of the shower. Her body was like that of a goddess, perfectly sculpted. Even back then her breasts made my mouth water. They were full and round with dark brown nipples against cinnamon brown skin. To this day she still has that tiny waist that you can put your hands around and that nice high ass that…well…you get the picture.

  Simply put, Mel was gorgeous and sweet. Sometimes when I was around her my heart would race so fast I could hardly breathe. And my clit would swell and harden like a little…well, you know. But I knew Mel was strictly straight. She had more men in her life than the line for free cheese. So, I comforted myself with just being her best friend.

  Then this thing started happening to me and all thoughts of one day kicking and licking it with Mel evaporated. I was consumed by dick. Shit!

  “Damn girl, are those suitcases under your eyes or what?” She looked at me askew.

  “I haven’t been sleeping too well lately.”

  “I can tell. Have you tried chamomile tea? That usually helps me. I can get you some if you don’t have any. I have tons.”


  I took my seat in the cubicle next to hers, powered up my computer and checked my To Do list.

  We worked at a small but growing casting agency on the lower east side of Manhattan. I really liked my job. It was great to be able to find that perfect actor for a role and see them rise to stardom. It didn’t happen very often but at least we got a lot of potential stars in front of the decision makers.

  “So what did you do last night?” she called out over the partition that separated us.

  My mind went blank for a minute.

  “I called you a couple of times but I kept getting your voicemail.”

  What the hell was I doing last night? Oooh, yeah…the incident. The thing is when it starts happening, I seem to lose all sense of time and place.

  “Huh, what time did you call?”

  “Around eight, then again about ten.”

  Shit, twelve hours screwing! “Not sure how I missed those calls. Sorry. Answering machine has been acting kinda funky lately.”

  “I know how that can be. Maybe I’ll get you one for your birthday next month.” She laughed.

  “Want to catch a movie after work?”

  “Girl, I really need to get some rest. I’m just so tired lately.”

  “You’re right. I can bring over dinner from that restaurant we like if you don’t feel up to cooking.”

  I’d love to have Mel over. But, to be truthful, I was terrified that whatever it was that was happening to me would happen in front of her. No matter how much Mel may have liked a good stiff cock, I don’t think she was ready to see her best friend with her legs gapped open, being humped by something she couldn’t see and begging for more.

  “That’s so thoughtful, Mel, but I’m good. I have plenty of stuff in the fridge that I can heat up.” I looked up and she was standing over me.

  Her arms were folded beneath her breasts which gave them even more lift. I averted my gaze from those luscious tits to her dreamy brown eyes.

  “What’s up?”

  “That’s what I want to know. You’ve been acting really weird lately. You hardly ever answer your phone, you look like shit and you never want to hang out anymore. Is Lucas back and you didn’t tell me?”

  My throat was suddenly dry and the room got really warm. Something was squeezing me between my legs, not hard but just enough to get me instantly wet. A moan escaped my lips. I felt lightheaded. And it took all I had to keep my eyes from rolling to the back of my head in delight. I gripped the edge of my desk. Not here. God. Not in front of Mel.

  I pushed up from my desk and darted down the hall to the ladies room. Thankfully I worked in an older building with one toilet. I locked the door behind me and took deep, quick breaths.

  I can beat this, I chanted over and over. It’s all in my head. I can beat this. But even as I wished it away, hot, steaming breath burned along my neck. Hands or something like hands pushed me against the wall—hard. I banged my head and saw stars.

  It was clawing at my clothes, trying to get them off. With what little ounce of sense I had left, I had the presence of mind to pull my sweater over my head and take off my pants. If we were going to do this I’d be damned if I was going to walk back to my desk with my clothes turned to rags.

  No sooner than I got out of my pants I felt my panties rip and something long and slick lapped at my cunt. My legs wobbled. I held onto the sink to keep from collapsing from the pleasure. That tongue or whatever it was, licked and lapped and sucked until I came with such force I fell to the floor.

  Before I could recover I was hoisted up by my waist and I felt something like claws dig into the soft flesh of my belly. I was turned around and forced to bend over. My feet didn’t even touch the floor as that magnificent thing rammed inside me, over and over and over…

  Everything went dark.

  When I came to, I heard banging on the door. Maybe it was the banging that brought me back.

  “Chris! Chris! Are you okay? Open the door.”

  Damn, it was Mel. I pulled myself up off the floor and came face to face with my reflection in the mirror. My hair was standing up on my head, my eyes were glassy and I was naked as the day I was born. My bra was hanging on by one raggedy strap, didn’t see my panties and ugly purple bruises dotted my body like a freak rash. I gripped the edge of the sink and pulled in huge lungfuls of air to try to clear my head.

  “I’ll, uh be out in a minute. Not feeling too good.”

  “You need help?”

  Yeah, but not the kind you think. “I’m okay. Really. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “All right. If you’re sure. Maybe you should go home. You’ve been in there for a half hour.”

  Shit. A half hour? “Yeah, um maybe I will.”

  I turned on the faucet full blast to discourage any further conversation then splashed cold water over my face.

  This had never happened before. The incidents always took place in my bedroom and only at night. Had my wild hallucinations broken free from the mental chains that held them in place to run rampant night and day? The thought terrified me.

  Being ravaged or imagining that I was being ravaged in the privacy of my home was one thing. But here…at work? My mind began running around in circles like a frightened mouse in one of those stupid mazes. I didn’t see any end in sight either.

  I stared at myself in the mirror. What was happening to me? Oh, no, not again. In the mirror I could see what it was doing to me. What my mind was doing to me. My nipples were rock hard as I watched them being sucked by something I could not see. I saw the skin get pulled, the tender flesh massaged and kneaded right in front of my eyes.

  But heaven help me there was nothing else in that little ass room but me.

  I tried to move, swipe the unseen mouth and hands away but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but submit. Something grabbed the mounds of my ass, squeezed then lifted me off the floor as if I weighed no more than an infant. Then it was inside me again, not as forceful this time, almost gentle in comparison to what I’d just been through. That thick, knobby thin
g moved in and out, growing fat and slender, long or short at will. It moved slow and the things that stroked my flesh didn’t scratch or tear but rather they caressed—caressed so tenderly that it brought tears to my eyes.

  Then just as suddenly as it began, it was over. I felt myself sliding down the cold tiled walls until my butt was on the floor.

  My pussy throbbed, gripping and dripping madly, needing desperately to have something stiff and big to wrap itself around. I shoved two fingers inside, three, four. In and out, faster and faster. It didn’t help. It wasn’t enough. I couldn’t cum. I couldn’t. A delirious need overtook me. I felt a scream building from deep down in my toes. I shoved my sweater into my mouth to keep the words that I thought I’d never say spewing from my lips: Come back! Don’t leave me. I need you! Please.

  That’s when I knew for sure that I had gone over the edge.

  Chapter Two

  * * *

  Needless to say, I had every reason to leave work early that day. I was a wreck, physically and mentally. Mel did all but carry me out to the cab that was waiting for me and promised to call later that evening.

  By the time the cab pulled up in front of my house, I was beginning to feel a little better, not as lightheaded and woozy. My pussy was hollering like a banshee, opening and closing like a barn door. And the welts and bruises on my breasts and stomach were beginning to sting. I needed a hot soak for sure.

  I was so incredibly tired as if all the life was being drained out of me. Melody was right, I looked like crap. My skin was dry as leather, my hair was breaking off and I bore a close resemblance to a raccoon.

  Trust me, I have to make light of this. If I don’t I’m sure I will go out of my mind. If I haven’t already…


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