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A World Apart (The Hands of Time: Book 3)

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by Irina Shapiro

  Finn had to admit that he found Minnie very attractive, but he didn’t want to hurt her in any way or ruin her chances of a good marriage. He’d be more than happy to take a walk together or steal a kiss, but he thought himself too much a gentleman to take her maidenhead. She’d been through enough and deserved better than to be used and callously discarded.

  Finn finished his roll and cider and rose from the log, ready to continue his walk.

  Chapter 3

  The house was strangely silent as Valerie came down the stairs. Normally at this time, everyone was coming down for breakfast and discussing their plans for the day, but today there was hardly anyone about. Alec was still shaving upstairs; Finn had gone, and little Louisa had asked to spend a few days with Charles and Annabel in Jamestown. She enjoyed playing with their son Harry, who was just starting to walk, and toddled everywhere on his chubby legs, grabbing anything he could reach. Valerie peeked into the dining room, but found it empty and went down the hall toward the kitchen. She found Mrs. Dolly kneading dough while making silly faces at baby Evie, who was lying happily in the crook of Kit’s arm as he tried to eat breakfast single-handedly.

  “Good morning, Valerie,” Kit said through a mouthful of bread, taking a gulp of ale to wash it down. “Louisa was up half the night with Evie, so I thought I’d let her sleep awhile. She seems to like the kitchen.” He looked proudly at his daughter, whose coal-black eyes were taking in her surroundings with considerable interest.

  “Let me take her, so you can breakfast in peace.” Valerie scooped up her niece, planting a kiss on the tip of her nose. The baby resembled Kit so much that it was impossible to find any traces of Louisa in her little face. Kit looked up with gratitude, resuming his breakfast with both hands.

  “I have some business at the docks this morning. Will Alec be joining me? I would be happy to fetch little Louisa home from Charles’ house. The house seems awfully quiet without her.”

  “No one is throwing a temper tantrum if that’s what you mean.” Valerie had found Louisa incredibly difficult to deal with these past few months. She was sullen one minute, giddy the next, but tears never seemed to be too far away. Valerie couldn’t recall being so volatile at fourteen, but her sister assured her that she was an absolute monster and should have patience with her temperamental daughter, who didn’t have the outlets Valerie and Louisa had during their own teenage years. It had to be difficult for her to be stuck at home most of the time with no girls her own age for company. Thank God there was Minnie. Valerie liked the girl immensely and hoped that she would be a good influence on Louisa. They came from different backgrounds and social classes, but they were teenage girls, and Valerie often caught them giggling together or taking a walk around the lake after Minnie had finished her chores for the day.

  “Where’s Finn?” Kit interrupted Valerie’s thoughts as he rose from the table, kissing the top of Evie’s head. She was wearing a bonnet that had belonged to little Louisa when she was a baby, but strands of jet-black hair escaped, framing her face in angelic curls.

  “Finn left early this morning, no doubt to avoid another lecture from me. Any idea where he went?” Valerie didn’t actually expect an answer. Even if Kit knew anything of Finn’s activities, he’d never snitch on him. Kit had genuinely taken to Finn when he came to live at Rosewood Manor, and would never betray him willingly. She supposed that was admirable, but wished that the men would stop treating her like a worrywart.

  “Don’t fret, Valerie. I know he tries your patience sorely, but he is safe. That’s all that matters.” Kit took a last sip of his ale just as Alec came down the stairs. “Are you coming to the docks with me, Alec?”

  “Why don’t you saddle the horses while I break my fast? I will be out shortly.” Alec was already reaching for a roll and pouring himself a cup of ale. Valerie hoisted the baby on her shoulder, wishing she had a modern carriage.

  “Let’s go for a walk Evie, and let your mom sleep. She’s earned it, poor thing. Now, what were you fussing about last night, you naughty girl?” Valerie asked affectionately as she headed out the door into the glorious October morning.

  It was so pleasant out that Evie didn’t even need a blanket to keep her warm. They would take a walk by the lake, and then Valerie would join Lou for breakfast once she was up, and Evie was fed yet again. Valerie had forgotten how much work a newborn was. Come to think of it, where was Bridget this morning? Normally, she was up at dawn, but she hadn’t come down yet. She was probably enjoying the peace and quiet and getting some much-needed rest.


  Valerie was just coming back to the house, having worked up an appetite, when she spotted something in the distance. Alec and Kit had left not half an hour ago, so it couldn’t be them, unless they’d forgotten something. Valerie shielded her eyes from the sun and focused on the road. It was a solitary rider, his mule ambling down the road at glacial speed. The road led directly to Rosewood Manor, so the visitor must be for them, which was unusual. Valerie went into the house and handed over Evie to Louisa, who was in the dining room, looking tired and worn from her sleepless night.

  “Someone is coming, and it looks like a stranger,” Valerie announced. “I’ll go see who it is. Where is Bridget this morning?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her, and even if I had, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I’m still half asleep. The little princess kept me up half the night, and look at her now – sleeping like she doesn’t have a care in the world.”

  “She doesn’t,” laughed Valerie. “Mom always said you were a cranky baby. Payback is a bitch.” She giggled at the sour expression on her sister’s face and went back outside to greet their visitor, who was now within a short distance from the house.

  Valerie watched as the old man got closer, his mule in no rush to reach its destination. The man’s breeches and coat were dusty from the ride, his curly wig making his head look disproportionally large under his wide-brimmed hat. There was something vaguely familiar about him, but Valerie couldn’t place him. Maybe she’d seen him with Alec or Kit. At any rate, he seemed harmless enough. The man got off the mule with some difficulty and bowed to Valerie, lifting his hat off his dusty curls.

  “Mrs. Whitfield, I presume. May I come in?” The man clutched a leather satchel in his right hand, but he didn’t seem to be armed or dangerous. He looked around, uncertain of what to do with his mule before tying him to a nearby post and turning his attention back to Valerie.

  “Who do I have the honor of addressing, sir?” Valerie asked, stepping aside to allow the man to walk up the steps. There were only four, but his breathing was labored by the time he reached the top, and he needed a moment to catch his breath before replying.

  “Frederick Taylor at your service.” The man searched her face for signs of recognition as Valerie felt her extremities grow cold. She wouldn’t have recognized him on her own since she’d seen him for only a few moments years ago, but she knew the name well. What was he doing here now, after all these years?

  “Come in, Mr. Taylor. I must say, this is an unexpected pleasure,” added Valerie with a hint of sarcasm. “My sister will be happy to see you.”

  “Ah, so she is here. I am glad. She was so determined to find you. I tried to talk her out of it for fear that she would be stranded in the past, but she wouldn’t be deterred.” Mr. Taylor stopped next to Valerie, searching her face for signs of hostility, but Valerie kept her expression bland.

  “Yes. She told me all about it. Do come in. You must be parched from your long ride. A cup of ale?” Valerie tried to focus on the mundane to slow her racing heart. Why was he here and what would induce him to come at this stage? She led the old man into the dining room, watching Louisa’s mouth open and close in shock as she recognized the man under the wig. Louisa tried to say something, but only a croak came out, prompting her to grab her cup of cider and drain it before attempting again.

  “Mr. Taylor, what are you doing here?” Louisa whispered as she took it his sat
chel. “Did you bring the clock with you?”

  Frederick Taylor set down the satchel next to a chair and sat down. Close up, he looked exhausted and old; his face lined with wrinkles, his eyes squinting at the sleeping baby. Valerie remembered that the man wore glasses, but he didn’t have them on now. She poured him a cup of ale and moved the plate of rolls toward him, inviting him to help himself. She’d been angry with him for a long time right after she found herself in the past, but all she felt now was pity. She glanced over at Louisa who was white as a sheet, clutching Evie to her breast.

  The old man took a long pull of ale, savoring its cool bitterness, before setting the cup down and turning to the sisters. “As one gets older, one takes inventory of one’s life, searching for answers and trying to rationalize one’s mistakes. I’ve been doing that for a few years now, but the mistakes I couldn’t rationalize had to do with you two.

  I must admit that I didn’t feel as guilty about Erzebet as I did about you, Valerie. I’d warned Erzebet before she turned the hands of the clock. She knew what would happen, but chose not to believe me. You were just an innocent victim of my carelessness. I knew at the time I should have gone after you, but I’d been a coward. I was afraid of what you’d tell the police, so I left you to fend for yourself, hoping that you’d survive.”

  Mr. Taylor looked at Valerie for a response, but she just watched him in silence, eyes narrowed. Her heartbeat was beginning to return to normal, and she was curious to hear what the man had to say. He obviously had a reason for coming all that way, and it couldn’t be just to apologize.

  “I did try to talk Louisa out of going back in time, but she was adamant, and in some small way I felt as if I were atoning for what I’d done. If you two were reunited, then I had done you a kindness. But then, I saw the clock. Louisa’s hand had shaken so badly that she turned the clock to the wrong time. I had no idea if she would find you, Valerie, and I couldn’t rest not knowing what happened to you both.” The old man took another sip of ale, his eyes never leaving Valerie’s face. She knew he wanted her forgiveness, but she wasn’t ready to give it.

  “So, why now, Mr. Taylor? Louisa had been here for over two years. Surely, if you were so worried, you would have come sooner.”

  “You’re right. I should have, but I knew that Louisa would have to make the journey to America to search for you, and I thought I’d give her time before following. I see that she overcame the odds and that you are both well and happy.”

  “So, this journey was just to put your mind at rest that you’re not responsible for ruining our lives? If that’s the case, then thanks for stopping by.” Valerie turned to Louisa, waiting for her to say something, but Louisa remained silent, watching the old man.

  “Actually, there was something else, Valerie. I have a digital device that I’ve used to come here. It’s not as cumbersome as the old clock, and much more precise.” Mr. Taylor pulled up his sleeve, exposing the digital watch on his left wrist. It looked like any modern watch, with a small screen and numbered buttons. “I wanted to offer you the opportunity to return to the future, should you wish to. I know that you’ve built a life for yourself here, but maybe you still long for the twenty-first century.”

  Valerie gaped at the man in disbelief. Was he serious? He was watching her with an expression of undisguised expectation, as if she should fall at his feet overcome with gratitude.

  “Mr. Taylor, had you come after me the day I wound up in the past, I would have happily returned with you, and thanked you for the rest of my life, but it’s too little too late now. I’ve been here for seventeen years. I have a husband and children. Do you propose that I simply inform them that we’re going to be transported nearly four hundred years into the future? My husband knows the truth, but he’s the only one. Even Louisa’s husband doesn’t know where she came from. We thought it wise to keep that to ourselves. I’m sorry your journey was in vain.” Valerie sank into a chair, suddenly feeling worn out despite the early hour. That was certainly one decision she hadn’t expected to be making today.

  “Valerie, may I have a word in private?” Louisa rose from her seat, baby Evie asleep on her shoulder, and walked out of the room, expecting Valerie to follow. She didn’t stop until she was outside on the porch, away from anyone who might overhear. Valerie reluctantly followed, terrified of what Louisa might say. Maybe she wanted to go back, and Valerie was presuming too much by rejecting Mr. Taylor’s offer.

  “Val, I understand your anger, and you have every right to feel as you do. I would be furious with the man in your place, but don’t throw him out just yet. I’m not saying I want to go back to the future, but this is our only chance to make that decision. Once he’s gone, we are here for the rest of our lives. Maybe we should discuss it with the men. I know Alec longs for the future, and maybe it’s time I told Kit,” Louisa whispered. “What do you say we let him spend the night?”

  Valerie wiped beads of perspiration off her forehead, suddenly feeling an overwhelming need to pull of her cap. She ran her hands through her hair, turning her face to catch the gentle breeze before feeling composed enough to answer her sister.

  “Lou, would you seriously consider it after all this time? Say Alec and Kit were willing to leave, what would they do in the future? Can you honestly imagine them sitting in front of the TV, drinking beer and watching sports? They sword-fight for fun, for God’s sake. Here they know exactly who they are and where they stand. They are men of property and wealth, as well as high social standing. Who would they be in the twenty-first century? And what about everyone else? What would we tell Charles and Kit’s sister, and all the people who depend on us for their livelihood, like the household staff and the indentured field workers? And what about the children?”

  Valerie pressed her point as she saw Louisa waver in her resolve to let Mr. Taylor stay. The more she thought about the possibility of going back to the future, the more impossible it seemed. There would be countless obstacles to overcome, if they even managed to get that far.

  “Lou, how would we establish identities for people for whom there’s no record of being born? You need social security numbers and picture ID’s to get a job or a driver’s license. How would we be able to ease Alec and Kit into modern society at their age without any kind of proof of existence?” Valerie twisted her hands in agitation. Was it possible? Would the men even consider it?

  Louisa sat down slowly, transferring Evie from her shoulder onto her lap as she considered Valerie’s argument. She closed her eyes for a moment, her expression one of fatigue and uncertainty. Not even the gentle sunshine could erase the deep shadows under her eyes. Valerie knew that Louisa dreaded telling Kit the truth. At first, she’d been afraid of his reaction, but as time went by, she feared that he would feel betrayed by her lack of faith in him. It was wiser not to bring it up. After all, there’d been no point until today. Louisa finally opened her eyes and met Valerie’s searching gaze.

  “I haven’t actually thought about any of that. There’s so much to consider. I can’t even begin to imagine how Kit would react to the truth. He’s never asked me too many questions. I think he’s afraid of the answers. Would you want to go back if Alec agreed?”

  “Honestly, I haven’t thought of going back since I married Finlay. I knew it was impossible, so I put it out of my mind. I’d kill for a pair of jeans and some Chinese food, but that’s not reason enough to uproot everyone. We have a good life here, despite some issues. Every age has its problems though. Alec’s place is here. Finding himself in a world he doesn’t understand might crush his spirit. Of course, it would open up a world of opportunity for the children. Oh, Lou, this is such a difficult thing to contemplate. I didn’t think I’d ever have to make this choice.” Valerie paced the porch in her agitation. Her earlier concerns about Finn seemed almost trivial compared to the question at hand.

  “Val, let’s not say anything to the men yet. Let’s think about it. We can just tell them that Mr. Taylor is someone I knew in the past
, which is true. He can stay for a day or two while we consider all the angles. Surely, there’s no harm in that?”

  Valerie gazed at her sister, unable to refuse. She could understand Louisa’s feelings. Lou had only been in the past for two years, so her memories of modern life were still vivid. She seemed genuinely happy with Kit and besotted with her new baby, but the memories of modern conveniences and especially medicine were often on her mind. Now that she had a baby, she fretted about the lack of vaccinations and antibiotics, and had a panic attack every time Evie so much as sneezed. Valerie remembered only too well how she felt for the first few years, comparing everything to the life she left behind and making a conscious choice every day to accept her situation and move forward. There had been no choice. It was either sink or swim, and she’d never been one to give up without a fight. Now, suddenly, there was a choice, and she had no right to take it away from Louisa without giving her ample time to consider and consult her husband. Valerie couldn’t begin to imagine Kit’s reaction to the news, but if Louisa was willing to take the chance, Valerie had to stand by her.


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