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Mistress to the Mediterranean Male (Mills & Boon By Request)

Page 44

by Carole Mortimer

  Looking forward to seeing you,


  Charlie felt a dart of disappointment. She knew that they would only have a few short hours alone together before having to go to this dinner and she had hoped to spend every spare minute in his arms. It looked as though that wasn’t going to happen. She crumpled the note and tossed it into a waste bin. It couldn’t be helped, she told herself firmly, and at least it would give her a chance to freshen up and make herself more presentable before seeing him.

  The lift doors opened on the top floor and she walked down towards the suite. It was spectacularly elegant inside. There was a lounge area and then the biggest double bed Charlie had ever seen in her life. There was also a magnificent bouquet of flowers for her on the table, and next to it Marco had scribbled on a gift tag, I’ve missed you.

  Charlie smiled. Marco may not believe in romance but he was very thoughtful. She just wished he had put the word love somewhere on the card. Though as soon as the thought crossed her mind she dismissed it. She had told herself she wasn’t going to dwell on things like that. It was enough that Marco wanted her, and maybe one day his feelings would deepen.

  He had certainly phoned her enough times during the fortnight he’d been away. And, although a lot of the conversation had centred on business-related issues, a fair amount had also centred on the fact that she was going to move into his house. It had been exciting talking about it; Marco had given her free rein to arrange things and had told her to choose whatever room she wanted for Jack. She hadn’t moved any of her belongings in yet, though, it hadn’t seemed right with him not being there. But at least he had made it clear that he wanted her to treat his house as home, and just wanted her to be happy.

  That solicitous, caring manner was enough for now, she assured herself. Plus there was the fact that, sexually-speaking, their relationship was so hot it was on fire. She wished he would hurry and get back from this damn book-signing …

  The porter arrived with her luggage and she tipped him and then unpacked. She had bought a new dress for tonight and she hung it up in the en suite bathroom so that the steam from her shower would get rid of any creases.

  Then she stripped off and turned on the shower. She didn’t feel too bad after her journey because Marco had booked her a first-class air ticket and she had been pampered all the way. But it was lovely to stand under the hot, refreshing jet of water and get rid of the stale feeling of travel.

  She dried her hair and left it loose in soft waves around her face. Then she glanced at her watch. There was less than an hour now before they had to be at the dinner. So she started to put on her make-up and get ready.

  Charlie was sitting in the lounge, flicking through the TV stations, when she heard the front door open and Marco walked in.

  Her heart caught in her chest as she saw him. He looked so dynamically handsome that it was hard to believe he was her lover, or that this was for real. She felt suddenly shy, as she had gone to a lot of trouble with her appearance for tonight and she hoped he liked the way she looked.

  ‘Sorry, honey—that was more of a marathon than I could ever have imagined.’ He tossed the key card down on the side and walked towards her. ‘Did you have a good flight?’

  He stopped in his tracks as she stood up. ‘God, you look amazing!’ His eyes moved over her appraisingly.

  His wolf-whistle and the way he was almost undressing her with his dark eyes made her blush. ‘Thanks,’ she smiled at him. She knew the dress was fantastic. The material was pale blue silk and its cut flattered her figure to perfection, emphasising her slender waist and her curves before falling to the floor in straight, sophisticated lines.

  ‘You said to get something special to wear so I did. I hope it’s suitable.’

  ‘It’s more than suitable! The only problem is I don’t want to take you out now, I want to take you to bed,’ he said huskily as he came a little closer.

  ‘Well, unfortunately we don’t have time for that.’

  He trailed one finger down over the smooth, creamy perfection of her face, his eyes on the softness of her lips. ‘I’ve missed you …’

  ‘I missed you too.’ Her heart missed several beats as he took her into his arms and kissed her.

  At first the kiss was tenderly sensual but it quickly turned intensely possessive. She felt his hands on her body in a firm caress and sexual hunger tore through her like a searing, white-hot heat.

  The phone on the table rang and he pulled back from her with a smile of regret. ‘Do you mind if I get that? It might be important.’

  ‘No … of course not.’ She sat back down to wait for him. It didn’t matter, she told herself. They would have all night together after this dinner and then three whole days and nights before she had to fly home again.

  It was a call about a seminar in Seattle that Marco had said he would attend. Charlie tuned out after the first few minutes.

  He put the phone down and raked one hand through the darkness of his hair. ‘Sorry about that,’ he said distractedly.

  She shrugged. ‘You’d better hurry and get ready if we are to be on time for dinner.’

  ‘Yes.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘I’ll have a quick shower. I won’t be long. How’s Jack, by the way?’

  ‘He’s fine. He’s staying at Karen’s because Mum is away for a few days with some friends.’

  ‘Is he OK about moving?’

  ‘I haven’t told him yet.’

  She saw his eyebrows rise. ‘I’ll tell him when I get home,’ she added quickly.

  He nodded and moved through towards the bedroom. Marco was right to look surprised, she supposed. She probably should have told Jack about her plans last week. But something had stopped her.

  Charlie flicked through the TV channels and tried not to think too deeply about some of the doubts that had beset her last week. Every relationship was a risk. Even if Marco had declared undying love, moving in with him would still be a risk. The fact that he hadn’t shouldn’t really have mattered. Marco had said in his book that love would grow if you worked at it. And maybe that was what would happen between them.

  She suddenly noticed with a start of surprise that she was looking at Marco on the TV screen. He looked fantastic, like a movie star about to discuss his latest part.

  ‘You’re on TV,’ she called out.

  ‘It will be a re-run of the Ed Johnson chat show. They keep showing it,’ Marco called back as he disappeared through to the bathroom.

  Charlie listened to the interview with interest. Ed Johnson was good at what he did and the show was intelligent as well as light-hearted. They touched on Marco’s roots in Italy, his education and his past books, before dwelling more intently on his current book that was swiftly climbing the American charts. Marco was fantastic, entertaining, funny, very charismatic. He gave an account of his theories in a way that was serious yet very engaging. It was no wonder he was so much in demand and had achieved celebrity status.

  ‘So basically what you are telling us is that the old saying about love being blind is true?’ Ed Johnson asked.

  ‘That’s exactly right,’ Marco agreed smoothly. ‘You have to discount the feeling when looking for serious commitment. Of course, it’s great to be in love, we all know that, and if the passion is there between you that’s fantastic. But the feeling of love itself can be an illusion … you can think yourself in love or imagine that feeling is there because you really want it to be. And sometimes by the time you realise the mistake it’s too late and you are heading for the divorce courts. That’s why when you are looking for a long-term relationship you’ve got to look deeper than just emotional feelings. In fact, it’s preferable to be best friends rather than to be deeply in love …’

  ‘So where does your relationship fit with your theories?’ Ed asked suddenly. ‘Because I believe you have a new girlfriend in your life, and that the relationship is serious.’

  ‘That’s right. Charlie has been my PA for nearly six months now and we have bee
n steadily getting closer over that time.’

  She had heard Marco discussing his theories many times but it was really strange listening to him discussing their relationship. Even though she tried to tell herself that this was just a light TV programme, Charlie started to feel oddly vulnerable as she listened.

  ‘So how close are you planning to get?’ Ed asked.

  ‘We’re planning to move in together when I get back to England.’

  The audience applauded wildly.

  ‘And how does your relationship with Charlie compare to your theories?’ Ed asked suddenly. ‘Is this a love match or are you practising what you preach, so to speak?’

  Charlie found herself moving forward on the sofa, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for the answer.

  ‘Charlie and I work together well and we have a bond that is incredibly strong. In practical terms as a couple we tick all the right boxes.’

  ‘So is this a love match?’ Ed pressed for his answer.

  ‘This is a match where neither of us have unrealistic expectations, we are on the same wavelength. We are willing to compromise. We’re great friends and that’s better than any unrealistic love match.’

  Charlie felt suddenly sick. It was one thing telling herself that she could live without wild declarations of love, it was another thing entirely hearing the man she adored, the man she was about to move in with and dedicate her life to, describe her as merely his friend!

  The phone rang, distracting her. ‘Can you get that, Charlie?’ Marco shouted from the other room.

  She stood up and switched off the TV. She had heard enough.

  She couldn’t say that she was surprised by what she had heard, because she had always known that was the truth. As far as Marco was concerned, they worked well together and ‘they ticked all the right boxes’. They had passion, they had friendship but as for ‘love’—well, apparently that was something you worked at … and maybe it was even an unnecessary emotion.

  She hadn’t expected anything more. And yet … the ache of disappointment and hurt was incredibly intense.

  What if Marco never felt the same intensity of emotion for her as she did for him? She could wait and wait and it might never happen. The thought brought a chill deep inside.

  ‘Charlie, are you going to get that phone?’ Marco called again.

  She picked it up impatiently. It was the chauffeur, who was waiting for them in the lobby, ready to take them for dinner.

  ‘It’s our driver,’ she told Marco as he came through from the bedroom. He looked so handsome in his dark dinner suit and white shirt that she felt the lump in her throat grow.

  ‘Right.’ Marco looked at his watch. ‘I suppose we will have to leave now.’

  The last thing Charlie wanted was to go and have dinner with a room full of strangers, especially of people who had probably watched that interview. She was sure they would look at her and know the truth, know that her handsome lover didn’t love her at all and that it was just a relationship of convenience.

  With difficulty she forced herself to bury her smarting and crushed emotions. She had known the score when she had made her agreement with Marco. She couldn’t start backing out of their agreement at this stage. For one thing, Marco was depending on her for the positive PR spin on his book. And for another, what could she say? Marco had never lied to her … he had never promised her love … and he didn’t deserve for her to let him down now!

  But could she really carry on with this and move in with him? Did she really know what she was doing? The question pierced through her.

  The large ballroom was filled with hundreds of people. The glitter of chandeliers dazzled over the diamonds and finery that the women wore. Charlie was very glad that she had splashed out on her sophisticated new evening dress.

  She was horrified to find that Sarah Heart was attending the dinner. As soon as she and Marco stepped into the room Charlie saw her standing by the door, talking to a group of people. The woman looked stunning in a long red dress, her dark hair woven back from her face into a style that showed her classical bone structure and long neck to perfection.

  ‘You didn’t tell me that she was going to be here!’ Charlie said in a low tone.

  ‘Didn’t I?’ Marco shrugged. ‘Sarah also represents Karina Kaplinski, so she’s over here to do some promotional work for her as well.’

  Charlie swallowed down a feeling of distaste. She may have disliked Sarah Heart intensely but she had very high-profile clients. Karina Kaplinski was a high-flying actress who had just written a sizzling autobiography that had taken the media by storm.

  ‘That’s Karina over there.’ Marco nodded towards a beautiful, flame-haired woman in a long black dress.

  As if sensing Marco’s eyes on her, the woman turned and smiled at him and then blew him a kiss.

  ‘Another one of your fans, I see,’ Charlie remarked with a smile.

  Marco laughed. ‘We were on the same chat show last week. She’s very theatrical.’

  It wasn’t long before Sarah was winging her way across the room towards them. ‘Darling, how lovely to see you,’ she gushed as she reached to kiss him on each cheek. ‘And Charlie …’ She turned to look towards her and seemed to do a double take as she took in her appearance. ‘It’s great you could make it.’

  The welcome held a slight edge of insincerity, but then Charlie was surprised Sarah even acknowledged her. Usually she totally ignored her as if she didn’t exist.

  ‘Did you have a good journey?’ Sarah asked solicitously.

  This was even weirder, Charlie thought. Sarah rarely if ever tried to make any polite conversation with her. ‘Yes, thank you.’

  ‘Wonderful. Well, shall we take our seats for dinner?’ Sarah smiled at Marco. ‘As luck would have it we are sitting next to each other, Marco.’

  Some things never changed, Charlie thought wryly.

  They were seated at a table towards the front of the ballroom. Charlie found herself placed opposite Marco’s editor, Jeffery Green, a tall, rather distinguished-looking man in his late fifties who had a thick head of grey hair and a twinkle in his blue eyes.

  Karina Kaplinski was also at the table. She didn’t so much make conversation but hold court over the long table. In particular she kept trying to get Marco’s opinion on everything from the weather to the state of the nation and it didn’t seem to matter to her that Charlie was sitting next to him because she flirted outrageously with him.

  Marco took it all in his stride and just seemed lazily amused by her.

  Jeffery smiled over at Charlie as Karina paused to draw breath. ‘Great news about Marco’s book.’

  ‘What news is that?’ Charlie asked.

  ‘Oh, hasn’t he told you? It made number one in the American bestseller charts two days ago.’

  ‘Really? That’s wonderful.’ Charlie looked over at Marco and wondered why he hadn’t told her when they had spoken on the phone. ‘Congratulations.’

  He smiled at her. ‘Thanks.’

  ‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell Charlie that!’ She could hear Sarah’s low whisper to Marco as the lights in the room suddenly started to lower, signalling that the meal had come to a close and the speeches were ready to begin. ‘Don’t forget, she’s supposed to be your partner.’

  Supposed to be your partner. The mocking words echoed inside Charlie as the music from the stage area started to blare, drowning out whatever Marco’s reply had been. Then the compère for the evening walked out towards the podium.

  She saw Karina lean across the table towards Marco and say something. She was probably propositioning him, safe in the knowledge that his supposed partner was no real competition.

  Charlie didn’t think for one minute that Marco was sexually interested in Karina or, for that matter, in Sarah. But what would happen when a woman came along who did interest him?

  The question reverberated painfully through her mind.

  It was all very well having this practical relat
ionship based on friendship, but what happened when some woman really blew Marco and all his logical theories away? It was bound to happen one day because he was like a walking magnet for women. One day that special someone would come along and then where would their comfortable, practical relationship be?

  She suddenly found herself remembering the last painful stages of her marriage when Greg told her he was leaving her and that he loved someone else.

  She couldn’t bear to go through something like that again.

  Marco leaned closer and she could smell his cologne, which was tantalisingly provocative.

  ‘Are you OK?’ His voice was a whisper close against her ear.

  ‘Yes.’ She forced herself to smile. ‘It’s great news about your book.’

  ‘Yes; thanks for your help with the PR side of things.’ He kissed the side of her face. The casual kiss made her hurt inside as if someone had put a tight band around her heart and was squeezing it hard.

  She could put up with Sarah’s jibes … she could even put up with Marco speaking about their relationship in cool, businesslike terms, but what she couldn’t live with was the knowledge that one day Marco would leave her just the way Greg had, without so much as a backward glance.

  She should never have weakened and said she’d move in with him. It had been a terrible mistake. The realisation hit her like a physical blow.

  ‘And now a man who needs no introduction from me other than to say we have an eminent doctor in the house.’ The loud tones of the compère rang through the auditorium. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Dr Marco Delmari.’

  Charlie watched as Marco walked up towards the stage. She listened to the thunderous applause and saw the way he handled it with that relaxed charm of his.

  As he made a speech and then moved on towards handing out some award, Sarah moved into his empty seat and leaned across to speak to her. ‘He’s incredible, isn’t he?’ she said with a smile. ‘This tour is going so well.’

  ‘Yes, so it seems,’ Charlie answered, wishing Sarah would move away. The last thing she needed right now was snide comments from her.


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