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The Star Cross: The Forever War

Page 13

by Raymond L. Weil

  This was the twenty-sixth world of this food species they would soon be harvesting. Only the capital world remained, and it would fall just as easily as all the rest. Prince Caluume was pleased with how this harvest had progressed. All three of his motherships were nearly full of food pellets. When this world and the food species capital world were added, the three ships would be fully loaded with food for the Queens and the rest of the Vorn race. It would be time to rendezvous with a Collector ship to unload and then move on to new targets. Soon Prince Brollen would be returning, and the harvest would resume in full force across this galaxy. The prince’s fleets should already be at the staging system. Once the harvest resumed in full, Prince Caluume intended to take his fleet deeper into the galaxy into richer harvesting grounds. However, until then he would have to be satisfied with the meager gleanings from the rim of this galaxy.


  The fleet moved in closer to the planet with four of the spindle-shaped cruisers peeling off and speeding toward the small shipyards. The crews inside watched helplessly as the Vorn ships approached. Over the last few weeks they had watched helplessly as their people were slaughtered on numerous worlds by these deadly ships. Every effort to resist had failed. On the capital planet an evacuation fleet was organizing so part of the Fralix race might survive. The young and some of the brightest of the race were being selected to establish a new colony far away from this region of space.

  The spindle-shaped cruisers entered weapons range and immediately launched their black spheres of antimatter. Around the edges of the spheres, small discharges of energy were evident. The spheres struck the energy shields of the shipyards and immediately drained them of power. It didn’t take long for their energy shields to fail, allowing the black spheres to reach the hulls. Very quickly lights went out as the power was steadily siphoned away.

  Inside the shipyards, the crews sat or stood in growing fear as the lights went out and the ventilation systems shut down. Life support was gone, and soon even the emergency lighting vanished. The stations were left in darkness, with their crews having no hope.

  From the four spindle-shaped cruisers, small antimatter missiles launched. The missiles struck the stations, and, in their places, miniature suns appeared. When the light faded, all that remained was twisted wreckage and a few clouds of glowing gas, which promptly faded away. The work of years had been wiped away in seconds.


  Shipyards eliminated, reported Military Leader Jattal. Fleet going into orbit above the planet. We can begin the harvest in ten minutes.

  Excellent, replied Prince Caluume. I will be in converter chamber two, waiting to test the first suitable food pellets. Even though he had tasted numerous pellets from this race, he made it a habit of sampling a pellet from every planet they harvested. He had his own private collection of food pellets stored in his quarters. It was small but steadily growing.


  The fleet went into orbit above the planet, and, from the three motherships, black rays darted toward the surface. Wherever the beams struck, all organic substances were turned into a black ash, then collected and transported to the motherships by an embedded tractor beam.

  Across the planet the beams moved. Frightened inhabitants stood paralyzed with nowhere to run to escape the deadly beams. They watched in terror as the beams swept toward them, seeing their neighbors and friends turned into ash.

  For three hours the beams swept across the planet, leaving no area untouched. When the beams finally stopped, the planet held no animal life; only the plants and a few small microorganisms survived. The world stood in silence, devoid of all sound except the wind.

  From the orbiting ships, white energy spheres fell, wiping out the cities and the infrastructure. The cities were leveled with a dark, heavy dust covering everything. Tens of thousands of fires filled the atmosphere with a lighter ash and pollutants. Soon the sky turned dark as the light from the sun diminished.


  Aboard the mothership, Prince Caluume watched as the world below became uninhabitable. In a few years the atmosphere would clear, and life could begin again. Sometime in the far future, the Vorn might return to this system to harvest the next food species which would come into being on this planet.

  Take us out of orbit and set a course for the last planet of this food species, ordered the prince. This had been a very successful harvest, and he was ready to move on. Once they unloaded their food pellets, he had another region on the edge of this galaxy he intended to harvest. Scout ships had located several more primitive worlds, ones which would still qualify as a food species.

  We are receiving an unidentified hyperspace message, reported the Vorn at Communications.

  Prince Caluume turned toward Communications. Messages from planets begging to be spared the harvest were quite common. Where does the message originate?

  Outside the system, reported the Vorn at Communications. The message is a set of spatial coordinates indicating the location of a densely populated food world.

  The message is being transmitted by a drone at the edge of the system. Farther out is a large ship that must have sent the drone, confirmed the Vorn at Sensors.

  Prince Caluume looked confused. Who would send such a message?

  Possibly the capital world of the food species we are currently harvesting, suggested Military Leader Jattal. They may hope, by offering us another world to harvest, we will spare their own.

  How far away is this world? Military Leader Jattal turned toward the Vorn at Navigation. Well?

  Some 6,247 light-years.

  That’s not the home world of this food species, sent Caluume.

  Jattal took a minute to call up the specified region of the galaxy on one of the viewscreens. That region of this galaxy has few food worlds. Yet this message speaks of a world with over eight billion inhabitants!

  A tempting offer, conceded Prince Caluume. Very few food worlds held that many of a food species. He spent a moment in thought. Send a few scout ships to investigate. If it is true, we may harvest that world after unloading our food pellets with the Collector ship. For now, we will finish the harvest of this food species.

  What about the mysterious ship? asked Military Leader Jattal. Should we destroy it?

  Ignore it. It is of no consequence, replied Prince Caluume. Destroying the ship would not add to their supply of food pellets, and one ship by itself was not a danger to the Vorn fleet.


  Aboard the Ascendant Fury High Profiteer Creed watched the ship’s long-range sensors as the Vorn fleet entered hyperspace and headed to the next world on its schedule to harvest. The Vorn ships were visible on Creed’s sensors as the Vorn were not using their sensor-masking technology. Why should they? Nothing threatened them in this region of the galaxy.

  “Did they receive our message?” asked Creed, his eyes alight with anticipation of what he may have just set in motion.

  “Yes,” confirmed the communications officer. “The drone sent it several times, and they should have received it.”

  Creed gazed at the tactical display, showing the receding Vorn fleet. With interest, he saw four ships break off from the Vorn formation and go on a different course. “Where are those four ships going?”

  The navigation officer spent a few minutes calculating the probable course of the Vorn ships using the Ascendant Fury’s navigation computer. “In the general direction of Earth.”

  Creed’s face broke out into a broad smile. “Yes! Once they see how heavily populated Earth is, I’m sure they will attack it. I will have my revenge yet on Fleet Admiral Vickers.” This had worked out just as Creed had planned. The Destroyers of Worlds would see Earth was heavily populated and then direct one of their harvesting fleets there. They would harvest Earth and most likely Newton as well.

  Second Profiteer Hurkler studied the course of the four Vorn ships and then, with a deep frown, turned toward High Profiteer Creed. “Those four ships will pass within two hundred light-years of the Gotha
n Empire. What if they stumble across our worlds?”

  Creed grew silent. He had never considered that possibility. He had been too interested in destroying Fleet Admiral Vickers. “Two hundred light-years,” he repeated a little nervously. “That’s still far enough away that they most likely won’t notice our worlds.”

  “I hope so,” Hurkler replied. “The ships of our empire are not capable of taking on a Vorn harvesting fleet.”

  “Set a course for the planet the Destroyers of Worlds just left,” ordered Creed, sensing a chance to pay for this long trip. “Scan the surface of that planet and the wreckage around it. Perhaps some of the larger Marsten Profiteer clans as well as the government of the Gothan Empire might be interested in paying for such information.”

  “What if the Vorn come back?”

  “They won’t,” replied Creed. “They’re finished here and are moving on to the next world. We’ll take scans of the planet they attacked and then return to Marsten.” He rubbed the stump of his left arm. “I need to get this arm taken care of.”

  The arm served as a constant reminder of everything Fleet Admiral Vickers had cost him. Creed would return to Marsten and have the arm fixed, and then the Destroyers of Worlds would finish enacting Creed’s revenge against the Human fleet admiral. There was another thing to consider. Even if the Vorn destroyed both Earth and Newton, all that gold would still be in the vaults on Earth. Just maybe he could return to Marsten sometime in the future as a very rich High Profiteer.


  The Ascendant Fury dropped from hyperspace near the target planet and was soon in orbit. The crew took scans and photographed the destruction.

  “Not a single city left standing,” muttered Hurkler, gazing at one of the viewscreens showing a city in ruins. Most of its buildings had been leveled with only a few walls still standing here and there. A dark dust covered the ground, and numerous fires were burning. “It’s the same across the entire planet. Every city and village has been destroyed. Only a few farmhouses are still standing. The growing ash in the planet’s atmosphere will soon cause a nuclear winter.”

  “Any signs of life?” Creed couldn’t believe everything had been wiped out. He had heard rumors of that being so, but he didn’t see how that could happen. A few living creatures must have survived. It was difficult to accept a planet could be gleaned so thoroughly of life.

  “No, nothing,” replied the sensor officer. “There may be some microbes or life in the deeper parts of the planet’s oceans, but there’s nothing on the landmasses. No animals, no birds, and not even any insects. Everything’s gone.”

  High Profiteer Creed gazed long and hard at the viewscreen. This was what the Destroyers of Worlds would do to Earth and, with a little luck, also to Newton. Fleet Admiral Vickers would either die defending his worlds or be left with nothing. Once Creed was certain the Vorn had done their work, the two worlds would be open to plunder. This time Creed would only use his ships. He would not include any other Profiteer clans.

  “Let’s go home. I’ve seen enough, and we’ve gotten what we came for.” After seeing the destruction wrought by the Destroyers of Worlds, Creed’s concerns grew about the four scout ships heading toward Earth and passing within a couple hundred light-years of the Gothan Empire. While the possibility of them discovering the star cluster that contained the empire was slight, the risk was still there. Of course no one in the empire knew what he had just done, and those of his crew who knew would keep their mouths shut.


  A few minutes later the Ascendant Fury entered hyperspace for the long journey home. Only time would tell if High Profiteer Creed’s message had the desired effect. If so, then Earth and Newton only had a few more months to exist.


  On Kubitz, Grantz was meeting with several of his old contacts about the attack on the embassy. He also wanted to find out where the Profiteer was who had shot him. That insult Grantz intended to address. After all, he had a reputation to uphold.

  “I see you’re still alive,” said Profiteer Lazzal, tipping back his glass and draining the amber-colored liquid. He coughed and rubbed the sleeve of his shirt across his mouth.

  “I’m not so easy to kill,” Grantz replied evenly. He glanced over a couple tables, where two of Avery Dolman’s security people sat. Grantz had paid a sizable sum of credits to have a couple bodyguards follow him everywhere. What Grantz liked about Dolman’s people was that they were very discreet and blended in well. They were also very good at their job.

  “So I’ve heard,” said the second Profiteer. “You’re fortunate to be alive.”

  Grantz leaned forward as if he didn’t want to be heard. The music was loud enough there was little chance of that. “I already know High Profiteer Creed paid for the hit on me. What I want is the name of the individual who shot me.”

  Lazzal leaned back as a server refilled his glass and stepped away. His gaze wandered up and down her scantily clad body. He grinned leeringly at her.

  Grantz noticed the look on Lazzal’s face. “Do you like her?” he asked. “I have some connections here in this pleasure house. I can make arrangements for you to meet her upstairs later.”

  Lazzal turned toward Grantz as he picked up his drink. “Ten thousand credits and the girl for the night, and we have a deal.”

  “Two thousand credits and the girl for one hour,” countered Grantz. He knew never to accept a Profiteer’s first offer.

  “Eight thousand credits and the girl for the entire night.”

  “Never will happen,” Grantz replied as he picked up his glass and drained it. With a deep satisfied smile, he gestured for the server who stood nearby to come fill it.

  Grantz watched as Lazzal gazed hungrily at the girl as she refilled his glass. “Stay for a moment,” said Grantz, gesturing for her to sit next to Lazzal. Grantz knew this server very well and had paid her a gold coin to ensure she was available for Lazzal’s enjoyment. He watched as she sat next to Lazzal, close enough to touch him. Lazzal’s face flushed, and his breathing sounded heavier.

  “Five thousand credits and the girl,” spoke Lazzal determinedly.

  “Thirty-five hundred credits and the girl for half the night,” Grantz countered. He grinned as the girl ran her fingers gently across Lazzal’s chest.

  Lazzal looked at the girl, who blinked at him and smiled suggestively.

  “Yes,” Lazzal said. “You have a deal.”

  “The name first,” Grantz said as he took a thick sheaf of credit notes from his pocket.

  “Fourth Profiteer Tierman,” Lazzal said. “He’s with the Jalon Profiteer Clan.”

  “The Jalon Clan,” said Grantz softly. The clan that had helped the Dacroni mercenaries in their attack on the embassy. Taking his time, Grantz counted out the 3,500 credits and then handed them to Lazzal. “There’s your money, and the girl is yours for the next six hours. Enjoy.”

  Grantz stood and walked toward the exit, followed a few moments later by Dolman’s two people. Stepping outside, Grantz waited for them to catch up. “We’re looking for Forth Profiteer Tierman of the Jalon Profiteer Clan. I want him brought to me alive.”

  “I’ll pass the word,” one of the two security people replied. “We’ll find him if he’s still on Kubitz.”

  “Fine. Let’s get back to the embassy. It feels chilly standing out here in the open.”

  Grantz was satisfied with how the night had gone. He had the name, and, with the help of Avery Dolman’s people, he would shortly have Tierman. Grantz wanted the Profiteer alive as he had a few questions he wanted answered. If things worked out as Grantz hoped, sometime in the future he would be the recipient of a ten-million-credit reward. He planned on delivering High Profiteer Creed’s head to Fleet Admiral Vickers.


  Fleet Commodore Dreen watched as another Lakiam battlecruiser join his fleet formation. His fleet was home in the Lakiam System, and they were putting the final touches on the new fleet deployments. His gaze shifted to another viewscreen
, showing one of the two hundred new defensive platforms that had been put into orbit around Lakiam. He felt better about the defense of the home system, knowing these platforms could destroy a black ship.

  “I’m growing nervous,” said Alborg from Tactical. “It’s been too quiet as of late. The Vorn must be up to something.”

  “I fear you’re right,” Dreen answered. He was thankful for the time the Vorn had given them to prepare for the next attack. A lot of work had been done in a relatively short time, more than he had thought possible.

  “Captains Callast, Veen, and Swiffe are ready to begin their patrols,” reported Sheera from Communications.

  “They have my permission to depart,” replied Dreen.

  Dreen was sending the three fleets out to the edge of Lakiam-controlled space. From there they could respond to any attack in the territories controlled by the nearest Protector Worlds. Dreen was aware Fleet Leader Moor of the Andocks was deploying three similar fleets as well as building up a massive home fleet. Moor had reported only the day before that the entire Andock fleet had been updated.

  “I’m afraid the Vorn are planning something big,” said Laylem from his sensor console. “They must be building up their forces for an attack. It’s the only explanation for their continued absence.”

  “We need several more months to allow more of the newer Alliance worlds to finish updating their fleets and put into orbit sufficient numbers of the new defensive platforms around their systems,” added Alborg. “And I agree with Laylem. After their defeat here, the Vorn must be updating their ships and preparing their fleet to return and finish their harvest.”

  Dreen let out a deep and troubled sigh. “I don’t believe we’ll get that extra time. In recent days we’ve received reports of Vorn ships spotted all over the galaxy. Not entire fleets, just one or two vessels. I fear whatever they were doing in their home system is finished.”

  “They’re scouting us,” said Alborg knowingly. “It’s what I would do. They want to know where the fleets with the Glaymon vessels are located. From a strategical standpoint, the Vorn will do one of two things. Either attack us and the Glaymons in massive force, trying to eliminate both of us, or stay away and launch harvesting attacks against worlds more lightly defended.”


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