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The Star Cross: The Forever War

Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil

“Daddy, be careful,” said Alexis, her eyes wide with fear. “I wish you weren’t an officer in the fleet.”

  Andrew reached out and put his arm around his daughter’s shoulder, hugging her. “I know you do, sweetheart, but it’s what I do. Maybe someday the Vorn threat will be gone.”

  “I hope so,” Alexis replied. “Some of my friends’ moms and dads are in the fleet, and it really scares them every time the fleet leaves Newton.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Andrew assured Alexis as he stepped back. “After all, I’m on the Star Cross, and it’s the flagship. Kurt would never let anything happen to me. I promise you. When I get home, we can invite Derek over for a cookout, so I can meet him. I want to talk to the boy anyway.”

  “Dad!” exclaimed Alexis, her eyes growing wide. “Don’t you dare scare him away.”

  Emily laughed with a twinkle in her eyes. “He’s only teasing. He won’t embarrass either of you.” Her eyes shifted to Andrew with a more threatening look.

  Andrew was about to say something else when the comm unit he always carried with him went off. Looking at Emily, he saw her face suddenly turn pale. “This is Captain Randson.” He listened for a moment and then put the comm unit away. “A Glaymon disk ship has detected the Vorn. They’ll be at Earth in fourteen hours.”

  “Oh, no!” said Emily, her face turning pale. “I was hoping everyone was wrong about that.”

  Andrew looked lovingly at his wife and daughter. “I have to go.”

  Emily nodded. “Just be careful and come back safe.”

  Alexis stepped up and hugged her father with tears in her eyes. “You better come back!”

  Andrew grinned. “Of course I will. I have to check out this new boyfriend of yours.”

  Emily walked Andrew to the car. “I know you’re always careful, but these are the Vorn, the Destroyers of Worlds. They’re not used to losing.”

  “Well, they better get used to it. Kurt will see to that.” He paused and gave Emily a long and lingering kiss. He held her close and then released her. “See you in a few days.” Andrew got into the car, started it, and drove off down the street toward the spaceport, where he would catch a shuttle to Newton Station and then board the Star Cross. He knew that, all across the planet, crewmembers were being summoned to return to their ships.


  Fleet Admiral Kurt Vickers stepped into the Command Center, seeing most of the command crew already at their stations. It wouldn’t take more than an hour or two for everyone to be on board. Other crews were also reporting to their ships. The Vorn were several days ahead of schedule. Kurt was just glad the Glaymons had detected them when they did.

  “All ship systems are fully operational,” reported Aleea from her pedestal.

  “I have Colonel Simms on the comm,” reported Lieutenant Pierce.

  “Put him on my console,” ordered Kurt as he sat down in his command chair.

  “Fleet Admiral, we have a message from a Glaymon picket ship. The Vorn are 380 light-years away and on a direct course for the solar system.”

  Kurt sucked in a deep breath. That confirmed it. The Vorn were going to attempt to harvest Earth. “What else did the Glaymon ship report?” Kurt hadn’t been aware the Glaymons were deploying picket ships. He was glad they did. “Any report on numbers and ship types?”

  “It’s not good,” answered Simms. “The Vorn fleet consists of 970 of their spindle-shaped cruisers and six motherships.”

  Kurt blinked his eyes. This was nearly double what he believed they would be facing. “No battleships?”

  “No, Admiral. There are no battleships.”

  At least that was good news. “Very well, I’ll be taking the fleet immediately to Proxima Centauri where we’ll wait for the arrival of the Vorn.” Kurt planned on keeping his ships hidden by using their sensor-dampening fields. Once the Vorn arrived, he would jump in behind their fleet.

  “We did receive a message from the Glaymons immediately after they reported the detection of the Vorn fleet. Tasid said they would be dispatching ships immediately to aid in the defense of the solar system.”

  “Did he say how many?”

  “No, just that a fleet was being readied.”

  “Send out the warning to Fleet Admirals White and Wilson, then contact Fleet Admiral Colmes and inform him the Vorn fleet has been detected. Give him the numbers and tell him we’re on our way.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Simms replied.

  Kurt turned toward the hatch, sensing someone else had come in. Lieutenant Mays. She was breathless; she had probably run all the way from the docking port.

  “How soon?” she asked as she hurried to her station.

  “A little less than twelve hours,” replied Kurt. He then told her the size of the Vorn fleet they would be facing.

  “The Glaymons?”

  “Sending a fleet. They already have a small one outside the solar system, and we’ll have a few Glaymon ships in our fleet as well.”

  Lieutenant Mays nodded and, sitting in front of her console, began running some battle scenarios based on the size of the Vorn fleet and its makeup.

  “Fleet ready to depart in eighty minutes,” Andrew reported as he listened to the crew updates from the various ships in the fleet heading to Earth.

  “That will be fine. We have plenty of time, thanks to the Glaymons detecting the Vorn so soon.” Kurt would have to remember to thank Tasid the next time Kurt saw him. Kurt just hoped Tasid was sending a large Glaymon fleet. The Vorn were coming to harvest Earth, and somehow Kurt had to stop them. He had the firepower to destroy Vorn ships; the question was how much damage they could cause to Earth before he could force them to withdraw.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Prince Caluume watched expectantly as his fleet neared its target. All of his ships were using their sensor-masking fields to remain undetected. However, Military Leader Renwarld had indicated his ships had been located even with the use of the masking fields. Prince Caluume had discussed this with Military Leader Jattal and decided, in all probability, Renwarld’s ships had been detected by orbital telescopes in the system or were seen by a research satellite. Jattal seriously doubted that a system so far away from the more inhabited parts of this galaxy would have the technology to produce a sensor that could penetrate the masking fields. Renwarld had disagreed, but he was only the military leader of a small squadron of scout ships.

  As they neared the system, and the long-range sensors began collecting information on the target food world, Prince Caluume grew alarmed. More defensive platforms were in orbit than Renwarld had reported. The same seemed to be true of the small defensive satellites.

  It seems they’ve strengthen the defensive grid around their planet, sent Military Leader Jattal.

  Doubtlessly due to detecting Renwarld’s ships, sent Prince Caluume.

  Jattal studied the tactical display as the sensors added more information. Warship count is the same.

  It takes time to build new ships, replied Prince Caluume as he gazed at the tactical display. Inform Prince Lakat we will exit hyperspace near the large moon that orbits the planet. We will move instantly to destroy the orbital defense grid and any warships that oppose us. Once that has been done, the motherships will go into orbit and begin the harvest.

  Caluume was curious what a food pellet from this particular food species would taste like. Being isolated as they were, it was highly likely there had been little contact with the more technologically advanced races in the more densely populated regions of this galaxy. It was also highly possible the cruiser Renwarld had lost had been due more to a mechanical failure of the ship’s energy screen than the attack by the system’s warships.

  Very soon another world would fall to the Vorn, its inhabitants becoming food. Caluume felt no guilt at destroying an entire world or even species. It was the right of the Vorn as it always had been.


  Fleet Admiral Colmes watched the tactical display with growing apprehension. The Vorn were less than an hour away
and were probably already scanning the system. As soon as word of the approaching Vorn fleet had been received, alarms had sounded on Earth, urging the population to take cover. Those who could go to underground shelters would do so while everyone else was told to stay in their homes. Martial Law had been declared across the planet, and soldiers were everywhere, ensuring people got to safety and off the streets. Many people had built small shelters after the attacks of the Profiteers. The various Earth governments had encouraged this as well as helped in providing a two-week stock of emergency food and water supplies.

  “Status of the fleet?”

  “All ships will be here within the next twelve minutes,” Captain Scott replied. An emergency recall had been sent to all fleet units out on patrol across the system. All were en route to Earth.

  “The defensive grid?”

  “Colonel McMasters has activated it and has taken command of all platforms and defensive satellites. Major Jensen in the Class Two Command and Control Center will take over if Colonel McMaster’s command is knocked out.

  “The shipyard?”

  “Major Collins reports they are at Condition One, and they’re preparing to deploy all their fighters and bombers to the defense grid.”

  “The Dante and the Wasp?”

  “They’ll be jumping shortly for Earth and will take defensive positions just beneath the grid. They’ll launch their fighters as soon as they’re in position.”

  “Earth defenses?”

  “Fighters will take off as soon as the Vorn arrive. Missile interceptors are on standby.”

  “Send out the order for all ships with hyperdrives to jump to Proxima Centauri. There are two of Newton’s battlecruisers there. All other ships are to move away from Earth, Mars, and the other colonies and go dark. Minimal power and no communication until we announce the all clear.”

  Captain Scott went over to Communications and made sure the necessary messages were sent out. Then she returned to her station. “Messages sent and acknowledged.”

  Fleet Admiral Colmes looked at his command crew. “This is it, people. We’ve trained for this day, and we’ll do everything in our power to protect Earth. Do your jobs, and we’ll get through this.” Aaron hoped he was right. Fleet Admiral Vickers and the Glaymons were on their way. Now he would just have to wait for the arrival of the Vorn, the Destroyers of Worlds.


  Enemy warships are combining into one fleet, Military Leader Jattal reported. It may indicate they have detected our fleet.

  Caluume’s multifaceted eyes widened. Is that possible?

  It is, confirmed Jattal. Prince Brollen’s fleets were detected before they entered food species 236’s home system. He also had three smaller fleets in the system under sensor-dampening fields, and they too were detected.

  Sensors indicate a large number of vessels are entering hyperspace and leaving the system, added the Vorn at Sensors. These are most likely civilian cargo ships and passenger liners.

  Caluume felt a strange unfamiliar feeling in his intestines. Is it possible this food species has had contact with food species 236 or the ancient race we’ve heard rumors about?

  Doubtful, Jattal replied. More than likely this is nothing more than a technological development of this particular food species.

  Caluume gazed at the tactical display growing even more concerned about this food species. Their technology seemed too advanced for a world so isolated. The fact that ships were fleeing the system seemed to indicate they had detected the incoming Vorn fleet.

  Hyperspace dropout in twenty-three minutes, the Vorn at Sensors reported.

  Caluume stood, thinking for a few moments. I’m going to send a message to Prince Lakat. We’re going to make a slight change in our harvesting plans for this system.

  Jattal turned toward the prince. What kind of change?


  Fleet Admiral Colmes watched the tactical display, wondering what the Vorn were up to. Two hundred of the Vorn ships and one mothership had slowed down in hyperspace and would be arriving a good ten minutes after the rest.

  “Perhaps the first fleet is meant to test our defenses, and the second fleet is a reserve,” suggested Captain Scott.

  “Maybe,” Colmes said as he eyed the tactical display. “It’ll make everything a little more complicated.”


  The minutes passed slowly by. Colmes’ five battleships were screened by fourteen battlecruisers. A year from now the fleet would have been twice this size.

  Alarms suddenly sounded, and red lights flashed.

  “We have hyperspace emergence of the first Vorn fleet,” reported Lieutenant Vardes from his sensor console. “Confirming 770 cruisers and 5 motherships. Distance is 112,000 kilometers. Vorn fleet forming up and moving toward Earth. They will be in engagement range in three minutes.”

  Colmes activated his ship-to-ship comm, which was also tied in to the two command and control stations. “All commands, the Vorn are here and are moving to engage us. Particle beams and force beams can penetrate their shields. Follow up with dark matter missiles.”

  Newton had furnished the new dark matter missiles to the Earth fleet. Colmes had never asked Fleet Admiral Vickers where the powerful missiles came from. He strongly suspected the Glaymons were involved.

  “Weapons ready to fire,” reported the tactical officer.

  Fleet Admiral Colmes looked at one of the viewscreens, showing a magnified view of a Vorn spindle-shaped cruiser. The ship was covered with weapon turrets and small hatches, which doubtlessly hid missile tubes.

  “Communication from Fleet Admiral Vickers,” the communications officer reported. “They’re preparing to jump in directly behind the Vorn fleet.”

  Colmes nodded. Time to see if they could turn the Vorn away from Earth or if the home planet was doomed.


  Fleet Admiral Vickers looked at Andrew, intently watching the tactical screen. “I’m still not sure why they split their fleet.”

  “Well, we can’t worry about it now. We have to jump in and take out the fleet that’s ready to engage Fleet Admiral Colmes. Once we’ve dealt with it, we’ll worry about the second fleet.”

  “Captain Randson is correct,” Aleea said. “Without our help, the Vorn will quickly smash through Earth’s defenses and start harvesting the planet.”

  Kurt activated his ship-to-ship comm system. “All commands, prepare to enter hyperspace. We’ll drop out just behind the Vorn fleet. Priority targets are the motherships, but we may have to take out a large number of their cruisers to reach them.” The motherships would be at the center of the Vorn formation.

  Andrew nodded as he prepared to address the fleet, before making the jump into hyperspace. “All hands, set Condition One throughout the fleet. Stand by to fire weapons upon emergence! Jump coordinates are being transmitted.”

  Andrew looked at Lieutenant Styles. “Take us to Earth.”

  Kurt felt the sudden wrenching sensation as the Star Cross entered hyperspace. He had thirty Glaymon ships, his own fleet, as well as the fleet of Rear Admiral White. Seventy-six warships against a Vorn fleet numbering nearly a thousand. If he could take out the Vorn motherships, the battle would be over. He just didn’t know if he could do that before the Vorn reached Earth.


  The Vorn fleet moved steadily toward the small defensive fleet barring its path to the food world. Weapons were readied, and targets locked.

  One minute to optimum firing range, reported Military Leader Jattal.

  Alarms on the sensor console suddenly sounded. Ships exiting hyperspace directly behind the fleet, reported the sensor operator.

  Ship types and numbers, demanded Jattal, turning his attention to the tactical display, showing red threat icons behind the Vorn fleet.

  Seventy-six ships, replied the Vorn at the sensors. Detecting nine battleships, thirty-six battlecruisers, and thirty unknown disk-shaped vessels, as well as one large ship of an unknown class.

  Disk-shaped? sent
Caluume, his multifaceted eyes growing wide and his twin antennae standing straight up. Put one of the disk ships on a viewscreen. He felt an intense concern upon hearing some of the ships were disk-shaped. He knew of only one race that possessed such vessels.

  Instantly a one-thousand-meter disk ship appeared. Caluume’s antennas seemed to twitch as he recognized the vessel. Those are the ships of the ancient race we have heard Prince Brollen mention. He had sent out orders that any detection of these strange ships were to be reported directly to him.

  Here? replied Military Leader Jattal, looking confused. Impossible! They can’t be here.

  Engagement range on enemy fleet in front of us, sent the Vorn at Sensors.

  Fire! ordered Military Leader Jattal, sending the command telepathically to all the Vorn ships.

  Enemy fleet to our rear is opening fire, warned the Vorn at Sensors.

  Suddenly more alarms sounded as hundreds of new red threat icons appeared in the tactical display around the Vorn fleet.

  Prince Caluume felt at a loss as hundreds more of the disk ships of the ancient race appeared. None had appeared on the fleet’s sensors before arriving. His mind slowed as he realized the danger his fleet was now in. Prince Brollen had been forced to withdraw from a battle with these ships, after suffering heavy ship losses. Caluume’s fleet was nowhere near as powerful as Prince Brollen’s had been.


  Fleet Admiral Colmes felt the Atlas shake violently as its energy screen was struck by several black antimatter energy beams. The shield held but just barely.

  “Firing,” reported the tactical officer. “Particle beams, force beams, and a full spread of dark matter missiles.”

  “We have additional Glaymon ships jumping in around the Vorn fleet,” reported Captain Scott excitedly. “Over three hundred of them!”

  A sense of relief flooded Fleet Admiral Colmes. They might just protect Earth after all as well as give the Vorn a bloody nose.


  Particle beam fire from the Atlas slammed into the bow of a Vorn cruiser, setting off massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space. A dark matter missile arrived, and where the Vorn cruiser was a miniature nova appeared. When the glow died away, the Vorn cruiser was gone.


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