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The Star Cross: The Forever War

Page 28

by Raymond L. Weil

  “The Glaymons!” cried out Caatler. “They’ve activated their sublight drives.”

  “That’s suicide,” Abblon said from the sensor console.

  “Perhaps not,” Vormalt said as he watched the ship’s viewscreens and the tactical display intently. He groaned as a number of Glaymon disk ships collided with Vorn warships. At the speed they were traveling, it was nearly impossible to make course corrections quickly enough. Then suddenly the surviving Glaymon ships were in the center of the Vorn formation, and Vorn motherships began to die.

  “They made it!” said Caatler in disbelief.

  Several moments passed, and, in that time, over thirty massive explosions occurred in the center of the Vorn fleet. Each explosion marked the death of a Vorn mothership.

  “Vorn ships are entering hyperspace,” reported Abblon excitedly. “They’re pulling out!”

  “All ships continue to fire!” ordered Vormalt. “Same with the defensive platforms.” Vormalt wanted to inflict as much damage on the Vorn as possible in the hope that they wouldn’t return.

  It didn’t take long, and suddenly the Vorn were gone as quickly as they had arrived. Vormalt leaned back, unable to believe he was still alive and that the attack was over.

  “They did it,” said Caatler, gazing at the viewscreen. “Captain Callast was right.”

  Vormalt felt a great sadness. The Lakiam captain had sacrificed his life so the Glaymons could reach the Vorn motherships. He had done this so Zumwald might survive. “We will always remember his sacrifice.” Vormalt sat in his command chair, looking at the area of space where Captain Callast and his ships had died. He wondered, if the situation were reversed, if he could have made the same sacrifice.


  Two days later, High Protector Vormalt met with Captain Latimeer of the Glaymons and Captain Jons of the Lakiams.

  “I don’t know how my world can ever repay you for the sacrifice Captain Callast made.”

  “He is an example of why my people decided to become involved in this war,” Captain Latimeer replied in a soft voice.

  “I am sorry you lost so many of your ships.” Four more Glaymon ships had been destroyed while attacking the Vorn motherships. However, they had destroyed forty-nine of the massive dumbbell-shaped vessels.

  “This is war,” Latimeer replied. “Losses are to be expected.”

  “We have sent out some scout ships, and the Vorn seem to have withdrawn from this sector of space,” Jons said. “We will stay for two more weeks, and then we need to return to Lakiam Alliance space.”

  “Your extended presence will be appreciated. If any of your vessels need repairs done in the meantime, our shipyards are yours.” Vormalt knew the Alliance fleet had suffered heavy losses. They had originally brought 1,500 Lakiam warships and 1,200 more from other Alliance worlds. Only 600 Lakiam battlecruisers had survived and 372 Alliance ships. The battle, while brief, had been brutal. High Protector Vormalt knew that his own fleet had suffered greatly, with over 2,000 ships destroyed.

  “We will leave you the plans for the updated antimatter chambers as well as for the devices to improve your energy shields. In addition, we still have a large number of dark matter missiles in our cargo ships that accompanied us. Before we leave, we’ll make sure your remaining ships have a full supply of the missiles,” Captain Jons said.

  “I thank you,” High Protector Vormalt replied. “I would also like to formally request that Zumwald become a member of your Lakiam Alliance.”

  Captain Jons smiled. “I think Captain Callast would have liked that. In the name of Lakiam and the Alliance, we accept your offer to join. Once I return to Lakiam, we will have Alliance representatives return to Zumwald for a formal ceremony.”

  Vormalt nodded. “We will be expecting their arrival.” Vormalt knew the battle for Zumwald was over, at least for now. However, there would be many more battles in the future with the Vorn, and Vormalt expected Zumwald would now be taking an active part. Particularly after their fleet was updated. While the Vorn had been defeated this time, Zumwald knew the Vorn were still out there and were a grave threat to the galaxy. He also owed it to Captain Callast, who would always be remembered on Zumwald for his valiant sacrifice.

  Chapter Twenty

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Vickers was back from the solar system. He was still having nightmares over what had happened on Mars. Four million one hundred and seventy-six thousand people were missing. The large habitation domes, which protected the Martian cities, had holes drilled through the roofs in multiple places so the Vorn harvesting beams could do their cruel work. Kurt shuddered thinking about the city he had visited and what had happened to the people who had called it home.


  Fleet Admiral Kurt Vickers looked around, seeing the tall buildings, the green parks, and even a few restaurants. This city looked like many of the ones on Newton, except this was Mars, and its cities were beneath massive domes that protected them from the harsh Martian atmosphere. In a few more years, the terraformers would make the surface of Mars less hostile, and eventually the planet would become very similar to Earth and Newton. Kurt knew a special field generated Earth-normal gravity for the entire city. The field even extended out a few kilometers from the city’s dome.

  “It’s so quiet,” muttered Corporal Edison, glancing around at the empty city.

  “The people are all gone,” Lieutenant Jones said as he stared at the silent city streets. No vehicles moved, and no sounds of life were heard.

  “Why is the air still normal?” asked Edison, confused. “Didn’t the Vorn blow holes in the dome?”

  “The domes are protected by atmosphere-retention fields in case of a meteor strike,” Jones explained. “If not, we would be wearing spacesuits, and all the vegetation would be dead.”

  “They’re going to eat these people,” said Edison, disgusted. “How can they live like that?”

  “They’re from another universe,” Kurt replied. “They don’t share our values. To them, we’re nothing more than a food source.”

  Corporal Edison walked along the sidewalk to a baby carriage. Inside was a doll and a bottle, still partially full of milk. He picked up the doll staring at it. “Even the children. The Vorn are monsters!”

  “Why didn’t these people take cover?” asked Lieutenant Jones. “They had plenty of warning.”

  “They had nowhere to go,” Kurt answered. “The only protection from the Vorn harvesting beams is to be deep underground. Basements and shelters might protect the population from meteors or a major failure of the dome. But would not have protected them from the Vorn harvesting beams.”

  Corporal Edison turned toward Kurt, still holding the doll. “We can’t allow this to continue. The people of Mars must be avenged!”

  “Calm down, Corporal,” Lieutenant Jones said sharply. “Someday the Vorn will get what’s coming to them.”

  Kurt took a deep breath, studying the area. Hard to believe that, just twenty hours ago, this city was full of people, and now they were all gone. Kurt had no doubt now about going to the Vorn staging system. Glaymon Fleet Captain Waelt and Tasid had asked Kurt to scout the system, but now he would do much more than that. He would destroy it! The dead of Mars called out for vengeance, and he would be the sword used in answer to those cries.


  “How soon before we leave?” asked Captain Randson as he and Kurt walked to the shuttle bay on Newton Station to go to the surface. They had spent a few days in the solar system until the Glaymons had reported the surviving Vorn ships had left this region of space.

  “A few more days at least,” Kurt replied. “I need to speak to Tasid about a few Glaymon disk ships accompanying us.”

  “We’re traveling so far,” Andrew said, his eyes focused on Kurt. “The Vorn staging system is way outside the galaxy.”

  “The Vorn think they’re safe in that system. They can fall back there, repair their ships, and then return and harvest more worlds. They don’t fear attack due to that ver
y distance.”

  “If any of our ships are damaged, we can’t repair them. Space is pretty empty out where we’re going.”

  Kurt nodded. “That’s why I’ll speak to Lomatz. I’ll need one of his construction ships to accompany us as well.”

  “The one the Glaymons updated?”

  “Possibly,” Kurt replied as they arrived in the shuttle bay. “After what happened on Mars, we need more time. More time for Fleet Commodore Dreen to build and arm his Lakiam Alliance, and more time for us to build more ships.”

  “I thought we were staying out of this war?”

  Kurt let out a deep sigh. “I wanted to. I had hoped, being way out here in such an isolated region, that the Vorn would never find us. With our five star systems and our inhabited planets, I believe we could have thrived. However, the Vorn did find us, thanks to High Profiteer Creed. That changes everything. The Vorn know where Earth is now, and someday they’ll return with a much larger fleet. What if we can’t stop them next time?” Kurt wondered if he should up the bounty on Creed, perhaps double it.


  Andrew didn’t reply. Kurt was right. Andrew didn’t go down to Mars, like Kurt did, but Andrew had spoken to Corporal Edison. He talked about the doll he had found in the baby carriage. What frightened Andrew was, now that the Vorn knew where Earth was, at some point in time they were bound to find Newton as well. Andrew was just grateful the Glaymons were nearby. At least they would help keep both Earth and Newton safe.

  As Andrew and Kurt got on the shuttle, Andrew had some decisions to make when he got home. The first thing he intended to do was meet this new boyfriend of his daughter’s. He intended to intimidate the boy enough to ensure the young man understood his boundaries and what lines not to cross. Andrew also wanted to spend some quality time with his family. This trip to the Vorn staging system would take some time. It might be several months before he saw Emily and Alexis again.

  The shuttle left the station and headed toward the planet. The next time Andrew boarded one, they would be leaving Newton with a fleet to attack the Vorn. While Andrew agreed with Kurt’s decision, it would be a very dangerous mission—one he might not come back from.

  Looking out the nearby viewport, he could see Newton Station receding in the distance. He could also see several of the new defensive platforms. Colonel Simms had mentioned earlier that production of these new platforms was still going on around the clock. These were all capable of destroying a Vorn ship. This made Andrew feel a little better about being away from Newton for so long. He didn’t want to worry about his family while on the mission, though he would do so anyway.


  Kurt arrived at his home and opened the front door, going inside. He had noticed another vehicle parked in the drive and was curious who it might be. As he walked through the house, he heard Keera talking to someone out in the backyard. He had called her earlier when the Star Cross docked at Newton Station. Of course that had been several hours ago, and he was actually home earlier than expected.

  Going to the back door, he opened it and stepped outside. He froze, his eyes growing wide. Keera was on the patio, wearing a skimpy pair of shorts, sunbathing topless. That was not what had stopped Kurt though. Keera did that quite often as their backyard had a privacy fence all the way around it. What had stopped Kurt was the other person sunbathing next to her. Mara. And she was just as topless as Keera!

  Kurt backed up, but Keera heard him. “Kurt,” she called out, sitting up. “You’re early. Mara and I just got back from the Westside Mall, and we decided to catch some sun.”

  Mara sat up, smiling at Kurt, making no attempt to cover herself. “Keera and I have been discussing what different varieties of tea should be on the first shipment to Lakiam. I’ve made arrangements for a Lakiam cargo ship to come to Newton in a few more weeks.”

  “I’m sure you and Keera can figure that out.” Kurt forced his eyes to focus on his wife. “I’ll be home for a few days, and then I have another mission to go on.”

  “The staging system,” Mara said knowingly.

  Kurt blinked and looked at Mara. “How did you find that out?”

  “Governor Spalding. I’ll be going as well with the Limeira. The Aurelia will come along as an escort.”

  Kurt shook his head. “Mara, this will be dangerous. You’re better off staying here.”

  “The Lakiams need to be represented,” persisted Mara. “Besides, both of my ships are as powerful as your battleships. We even put one of your kinetic energy cannons on the Limeira when updating it.”

  Kurt hesitated. Both of her ships had the same firepower as his battleships. He could definitely use her two vessels. “I’ll think about it.”

  “That’s all I’m asking. Now I need to return to the Limeira. I have a few more things to take care of.” Mara stood and nodded at Keera. “Thanks for taking me to the mall and for all the help you’ve been.”

  “You’re welcome,” Keera said, her eyes twinkling. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Kurt is enjoying seeing both of us topless.”

  Kurt choked, looking sharply at Keera. She knew how uncomfortable he felt around Mara.

  “I’ll leave now. I’m sure the two of you want some privacy.” Mara grabbed her blouse and walked past Kurt, barely brushing him as she passed. When she stepped into the house, she put on her blouse. “I’ll talk to both of you later.”

  Kurt stood on the porch speechless. He could see the humorous look in Keera’s eyes. “Why did you say that? You don’t need to give Mara any encouragement.”

  “I don’t understand why you keep turning her down,” Keera said as she walked up on the porch and gave Kurt a kiss. “I’ve told you that I have no problem with it. We’re married, and Mara is no threat. Plus she’s become a good friend.”

  “I just don’t feel comfortable with it,” Kurt replied. “Let’s go out to eat at that little restaurant you like.”

  “The one with the Italian food?” asked Keera, her eyes lighting up.

  “Yes, that one,” Kurt answered. Italian food was something new Keera had discovered, and she was already talking about how it would be a hit on Kubitz and some of the other humanoid worlds she was aware of.

  “No spaghetti and meatballs,” warned Keera, her eyes glinting dangerously. “You’re just too messy when you eat that.”

  Kurt laughed. “I promise. I think I’ll have their lasagna. I love all the different cheese flavors that restaurant uses.”

  “Lasagna is fine,” Keera said, nodding in agreement. Then Keera’s face took on a more serious look. “Mara told me about this new mission of yours. What’s this about you taking a fleet to scout out the Vorn staging system? You just told Mara how it was too dangerous for her to go.”

  Kurt let out a deep breath. He wished Mara hadn’t said anything. It would have been nice to have a few nights alone with Keera without that subject coming up. She would be greatly concerned over this mission.

  “It will be dangerous. Anything involving the Vorn is. But it’s something that has to be done, and, if it works out right, the Vorn will never know we were there.” Kurt hoped this satisfied Keera, as he planned on attacking the Vorn staging system to destroy as many of their large intergalactic transports as possible.


  Mara returned to her ship, pleased with how the day had gone. Between her and Keera, they had selected the tea varieties that would be on the first Lakiam cargo ship—and several varieties of popcorn as well. Reaching her quarters, Mara stepped in front of a full-length mirror to examine herself. She slowly took off her clothes and then looked thoroughly at her body. She was tall, well-proportioned, and her skin was unblemished and had a golden tan. Deep blue eyes stared at her. Yes, she would enjoy sharing with Kurt. It had been so long since she had shared herself with any man. She also knew that Keera had given her approval. All Mara had to do was set up the right situation.

  Mara went to freshen up and to change clothes before going to the Command Center and informing her crew as w
ell as the crew of the Aurelia that they would be accompanying Fleet Admiral Vickers on a special mission in a few days. From her own sources, she knew the mission would take several months. Months that Kurt would be away from Keera. Perhaps sometime during that mission, Mara would succeed in luring Kurt into sharing.

  She smiled. This had turned into a game, and she was enjoying it immensely. She had read a number of Human books on seduction. Perhaps on their long trip to and from the Vorn staging system, she would try a few. Even Lakiams weren’t averse to learning a few new tricks.


  Kurt was meeting with Lomatz on Newton Station; Rear Admiral Wilson was there as well.

  “I’ve explained to you my plans for the Vorn staging system,” Kurt said, looking intently at Lomatz. “I need one of your construction ships to go along in case some of my ships are damaged in the attack.”

  “It will have to be the Construct One,” Lomatz said, frowning.

  The ship had been updated by the Glaymons just so it could repair any of Kurt’s vessels. It had two Class One replicators on board which could furnish any spare parts that might be required. Also a couple Glaymons were still on board who were fully familiar with the new equipment. The ship had a very powerful energy shield as well as two Zero-Point Energy modules. The extra modules were required to operate the replicators.

  “Rear Admiral Wilson, you will be in charge of Newton’s defense while I’m gone. I’ve made arrangements with the Glaymons to station twenty of their disk ships in the solar system, and there will be thirty here. They’ll also help watch the other planets in our Alliance.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Rear Admiral Wilson replied. “What ships are you taking to this staging system of the Vorn?”

  Kurt took a deep breath. “We’ll only have one shot at this. The Vorn staging system is so far outside the galaxy that they won’t be expecting an attack. We should be able to get in, hit their intergalactic transports, and maybe a few of their Collector ships before they even know we’re there.”


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