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Demon Hunters

Page 12

by JKMelby74

  We were backtracking through the terminal. My heart was easing as we went along. The tough stuff was over. The security checkpoints were open to us and all that was left was to load the box in the van and take it to who knows where to dispose of it.

  I could feel something coming from within the box. Not just the chill of the cold. I felt something greater. It was power. Even dead, Morgan practically hummed with it. I darted my eyes around. There didn’t seem to be any attempt to retrieve Morgan’s body. I was still debating over what Jackal had said. While I did want to be free of the family curse, I wasn’t totally sold on betraying Tyler and there didn’t seem to be any opportunity to do so. Suddenly, I saw three dark figures appear out of nowhere. I felt the gurney jerk back.

  “Back! Back!” I followed him and then I heard gunshots. I looked around and saw the dark figures were now holding large rifles. I tripped over my feet and fell to the floor. Soon after that, I heard a loud metallic bang. I looked up and saw the gurney had tipped over and the metal box was rolling away. It felt like everything was going in slow motion as I saw Tyler dive for the box amid the gunfire. I stalled as I spotted Jackal just down the hall, outside the building. His eyes were on me. Instinct took over. I jumped up, grabbed Tyler and we both tumbled off the box. I held Tyler tightly and did my best to shield him. I could feel the slugs hit me and push against my skin. It felt like quick bites being taken out of me, but soon it stopped. I let Tyler go and rolled over. I saw that the box was gone as were the dark figures. Tyler got up. His face was a mix of anger and exhaustion. He looked over at me with steaming eyes.

  “What was that?”

  “You mean the part where I saved your life?”

  “No, the part where you let them take the body!”

  “I’m sorry, but I saw it as a choice between you and Morgan and considering she’s already dead, I kind of thought you might appreciate me saving you.”

  “I was expendable! We needed the body! That was our only chance of destroying Morgan forever! Now The Reborn have her!”

  The ride home was quiet. Tyler kept his eyes glued to the road and his lips were pursed tightly. I didn’t really blame him. I wasn’t too crazy with myself either. I’ve always prided myself on acting in the interests of others over myself. It was too easy to give in to the dark urges and once that door was opened, there was no going back, but the temptation had been too great. For one act of treason, I had the chance to be free of everything I hated in my life.

  Chapter 20

  Plan B

  I walked into my apartment with Tyler behind me. Ivar was already at my kitchen table. Two beers were set before him. One for me and since I knew Ivar didn’t drink, I assumed the other was for Tyler. I handed it to him and he took it but not without shooting me a glare as cold as the bottle in my hand.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t expect to be blindsided like that.”

  “What happened?” Ivar asked.

  “The Reborn got Morgan. They stole her right out of our arms.” Tyler said as he stormed toward the sofa and flopped down, chugging his beer.

  “How could that have happened?”


  “Because Jake here froze and all but handed her over!”

  “We were under heavy fire!”

  “From the stories I’ve been told, that kind of thing is pretty routine for you.”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear. I get in pretty tight most of the time, but I don’t get careless. We were in a high risk situation and it was either you or the corpse.”

  “You made the wrong choice!”

  “Fine! I’m sorry! I’m sorry I saved your ungrateful ass!”

  “I think the issue at hand now is the fact that The Reborn have Morgan. We should work on that now.” Ivar said.

  “Fine. We’ll just have to go to Plan B.”

  “What’s Plan B?”

  “The Reborn think bringing Morgan back will be like raising one of their own. Wrong. Bringing someone as powerful as Morgan back is going to require something more potent. It won’t be long before they figure that out, but that should give us plenty of time to get the dagger.”

  “What dagger?”

  “The Dagger of Sira. A ceremonial dagger that has been under the protection of the Black Flame for thousands of years. It has been used for powerful resurrection rituals in the past. It has the ability to grant life and power to any who wield it. Once the Black Flame got it, they decided it was too dangerous to have out in circulation. It has been entrusted with the Grand of the Black Flame for protection.”

  “So, you have it.”

  “No. I knew The Reborn would know I had it, so I left it with someone very trustworthy.”


  “Not yet. I need to speak with the others. Let them know what’s going on. I will be in touch soon.” Tyler then finished off his beer and walked out the door.

  “Do you know what he was talking about?”

  “Many different tools have been used in all kinds of rituals over the years. Many such rituals that require a sacrifice often use swords or daggers. In particularly complex or powerful rites, the tools must be blessed or empowered. I do not know anything of this particular dagger, but if it is the only thing that can bring Morgan back, it would be likely The Reborn will be searching for it.” I started working on my beer. “What happened today?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You froze under fire? That is not like you.”

  “There was a little more to it.”

  “Such as?”


  “He was there?”

  “Yes. He claimed that if I let The Reborn take Morgan, he would be able to lift the curse on me. He said he could free me.”

  “You didn’t believe him. Did you?” I could only answer with a shaky look. I turned away from him and I could feel the shame in his look. “You did let them take her.”

  “No! Maybe. When it all started I just focused on getting out of there alive, but then I heard Jackal in my ear. I thought about what it would be like to be free. After that, I’m not sure what I was thinking. I might have pulled a punch or two,” I looked to Ivar and his disapproving glare was on me. “I’m not proud of it! I know it was stupid of me. You just don’t know what it’s like having this thing inside me. How many nights I’ve spent awake because of the voice in my head? Do you realize how much concentration it takes me to just maintain my sanity on a daily basis?”

  “And you believed him.”

  “I’m desperate, I admit that,” I paced around the room frantically. Ivar just stood there, his eyes patiently locked on me. “I didn’t totally believe him, but if there was even a slim chance that he could deliver, I had to take it. Besides, I figured Tyler would have a back-up plan, and he does!”

  “Yes, but how do you intend on collecting from Jackal?” I was about to open my mouth, but froze. It would seem I hadn’t thought out my plan as thoroughly as I had thought.

  Chapter 21


  I didn’t get much sleep that night. I was lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling and playing the events of the day through my mind continuously. At my core, I knew I had done something incredibly stupid. I hadn’t even really realized I was doing it. After talking to Jackal, my mindset was to go ahead with the mission, but when the moment came I let my instincts take over and I let them take Morgan.

  It had been the first time I had ever let anyone get away with anything like that. I took a dive! And for what? Some slim chance that psycho would help release me from the personal Hell I have made into a comfortable existence? What happened? Did my brain disappear for those few seconds? The gravity of what I had done was weighing on my soul, but I knew there was a chance of redemption. All we had to do was get this dagger and then it would be as if I hadn’t done anything at all.

  I had instructed Ivar to stay behind and get the office straightened away. Going for the dagger seemed like a simple mission and some
one had to be around to deal with the business. He knew how to get me if there was an emergency.

  I felt my eyes growing heavy and the presence of sleep was taking over, then the phone rang. I sprang up with a light yelp. I looked over and saw the time. Just a few minutes shy of three in the morning.


  “It’s me.”

  “Hey, Tyler.”

  “I spoke with the others. They have agreed that destroying the Dagger of Sira is the only way to go.”


  “Yes. Without that dagger, she will stay dead forever.”

  “Okay. It’s your game. You call the shots.”

  “I’ll pick you up after sunrise.”

  I managed to fit in a couple hours of sleep before I heard a pounding at my door. I was tangled up in the sheets as I roused. I slid off the mattress and padded to the door. I opened it up and saw Tyler standing before me, as bright and chipper as you could hope for. He had two cups of coffee in his hand and an eager glint in his eye. I took the coffee.

  “Are you just getting up?”

  “Yes.” I said between sips.

  “Well, get ready! We’ve got a long way to go and not a lot of time!”

  “All right! Just let me pull on some new drawers and we’ll be on our way.”

  I stepped into the shower and felt the hot water stream down my body. I heard the usual murmurings in between my ears as I soaped up. Flashes of the day before danced through my mind. I heard the gunshots and the screaming. I could also remember the power. I never thought I’d ever encounter the rotting, unholy bitch, but there she was. Dead in a box. She was the reason my soul had been saddled with a bloodthirsty demon, and I actually did something that some might consider a favor. I think that was what irked me most. It was almost as bad as saving her life.

  I shut off the water and dressed. I slipped on my good harness boots and I grabbed my bag. I didn’t know what I would need on this trip, so I only packed the basics. Bullets, a couple of knives, and my back up pistol. I stepped out to the living room where Tyler was waiting. He looked down at his watch.

  “What is your problem?”

  “It won’t be long before The Reborn figure out what’s going on.”

  “Just cool down. I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  We piled into Tyler’s car and he zoomed off. We got on the interstate heading west.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Far. The dagger is being kept just outside of Marin County.”

  “Marin County? Are you nuts? That’s nearly eight hours away!”

  “I had to keep it safe.”

  “I realize that, but I didn’t think we were going that far. Why don’t we fly? We could shoot up to San Francisco and get a rental car. We could be back before dinner.”

  “No. They’ll expect that.”

  “The Reborn?”

  “Not just them. News of Morgan’s possible return has spread like wildfire in the occult community. There are many factions who have been waiting for this and they’ll do anything to make it happen.”

  “But they won’t know it’s us or what we’re doing.”

  “Maybe not, but these are chances The Black Flame can’t afford to take. We must assume the enemy is two steps ahead of us.”

  “Okay, but eight hours?” Tyler responded only by turning on the radio. I sat back in my seat and set my eyes forward.

  I was slumped in my seat, asleep, catching up on some much needed rest, but it wasn’t very peaceful. I would have chalked it up to a guilty conscience, but I knew better. The demon was enjoying this instance of bad judgment. It was picking at it and blowing it out of proportion in the one place I couldn’t stop it. I forced my eyes open.

  We had driven well past Los Angeles. I saw nothing but road and the coast on one side of the car. I looked over at the clock in the dashboard. It had only been three hours. I looked over at Tyler and his attention was totally focused on the road. I was about to open my mouth to talk, but his expression was far too serious. I didn’t really peg him as the talk type. I turned away and tried to regain my state of sleep, but the visions would not stop. I sat up with a slight grunt.

  “Trouble sleeping?”

  “Nothing new. This thing in me likes to keep me up.”

  “You really are possessed.”

  “You doubted?”


  “You’re a werewolf. I think we’re even on the ‘hard to believe’ scale.”

  “I know other werewolves. I’ve never met anyone who was possessed.”

  “Over the years, I’ve met just about every freak you can imagine. You really should learn to be more open minded.”

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  “Where exactly are we going?”

  “You’ll know when we get there.”

  “You’re kidding me. We are in the car. We’re on the way and you still won’t tell me?”

  “I can’t. They might hear.”

  “Look, bud, it’s just us in the car. There are no bugs or listening devices in here. No one has any idea what we are talking about. Just tell me where we’re going.”

  “Why do you need to know where we’re going? Why is it so important to you?”

  “Maybe I could drive for a bit. Aren’t you getting tired?”

  “No. I’m fine. Werewolf, remember?”

  “You are a real piece of work, you know that? Keep your damn secret.” I flopped back onto my other side. Dealing with the demon in my soul seemed like a better prospect than dealing with Tyler.

  “You’re upset about this?”

  “Actually, yes. You hired me to help you with all this and now I feel like the load that carries the bags on the golf course. I’m the professional here.”

  “If that were true, we’d have Morgan’s body and all this wouldn’t be happening.”

  “I told you, I made a snap decision under fire! I wasn’t aware you would rather die. If I had known that, I would have shot you myself!”

  “In the Black Flame, we know there are greater things in the universe than ourselves and by that knowledge; we know there are sometimes certain sacrifices we will be called upon to make. As Grand, it was my duty to forfeit my life in order to stop The Reborn.”

  “Next time you should quote me on all your club’s little rules. I live by a ‘survival of the fittest’ philosophy. The fact is they do have Morgan. We are in this car. We are doing what we have to, so let it go and let me do my job!” Silence filled the car.

  “Blue Haven.” Tyler said.


  “We’re going to my sister Gwen’s house in Blue Haven. I gave her the dagger.”

  “She’s a part of the Black Flame too?”

  “No. She knows nothing about this part of my life, and that’s the way I want to keep it. She knows about the werewolf thing, and that’s weird enough for her.”

  “Then why did you give her the dagger?”

  “I needed it someplace no one would ever look. Gwen’s as typical and boring a person as you can hope to find. I love her, but she’s pretty ordinary. Regular job. Regular hobbies and living in a little, regular town.”

  “Hide in plain sight.”

  “So to speak.” Tyler’s demeanor seemed to relax a bit and I felt as though the air was a little clearer between us.

  “You need me to drive?” Tyler quickly slumped his shoulders and smiled at me.

  “Yes. Please. My arms are killing me.”

  Chapter 22

  Blue Haven

  We filled the tank up at the next service station and I took the wheel from then on. Tyler fell right to sleep as we hit the main highway and it wasn’t long before I could see San Francisco ahead of us. I was able to cut through the main hub of the city and got to the Golden Gate Bridge in what I could only assume was record time.

  It was late and the sun was all but gone. The light of the city behind us was dancing along the water in the bay. I caught a quick glimpse of the sky in the rea
rview mirror. In front of us was a curtain of endless dark, while behind us was a brilliant mural of purples and pinks and oranges. I was about to wake Tyler so he could see, but he was dead to the world.

  After another hour or so of driving, I pulled off the highway and finally found some roads that had signs, but there weren’t a lot of streetlights. I could barely make them out. I just did the best I could. I finally found the correct street, which turned out to be more of a dirt road that trailed deep into a dark forest. I drove through and as we left the heavily wooded road, I saw a small, quaint hamlet nestled among the hills and trees.

  We finally made it to Blue Haven. It was a charming little town. Like something out of those paintings that old ladies buy to decorate their houses at Christmas time. The quiet streets were lined with large oak trees and there were cute shops with brick storefronts that had handmade crafts and bric-a-brac behind the windows and there was an inescapable sense of peace all around.

  Everything was so quiet. Only the streetlights were on and even they only gave a dim glow. I managed to find a street that led further through the town and into a large pocket of homes and apartments that had seemed hidden behind the large trees and brushes surrounding. I saw a large sign indicating the next street was Pearblossom Boulevard. I turned right, as Tyler instructed, and we cruised down the lone street. I stopped at the next to last house.

  “We’re here.” Tyler said.

  “What time is it?”

  “A little past ten. Is she going to be up?”

  “Probably not. They go to bed early around here, but I can smooth it over. Come on,” I checked my gun, but Tyler twisted around and caught my eye. “I don’t think you’ll need that.”

  “You never know.”

  “Leave it.” He said in a stern tone.


  We followed a small brick path up to the front door. The house was well sized. It looked solid and well cared for. I couldn’t make out the color but it did have a neat white trim and there were several delicate looking flowers crawling up along the walls. It all looked rather dream-like and unreal.


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