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Jarick: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Orba Book 2)

Page 9

by Zara Zenia

  "Victorinth and I have been side by side since we were babies, so in a way, yes. She was always rather up in my business."

  Madison giggled.

  "What's so funny?"

  "Just … nothing," she shook her head and laid back down. "It's been a crazy day."

  "It has … but also one of the best days of my life," I confided.

  She smiled and squeezed my hand.

  "You are so very sweet, Jarick."

  I didn’t reply. I was too busy rolling out of bed and making my way across the room.

  "Hey, where are you going?"

  "I'll be back in a moment, I promise, but I need to speak to my sister."

  "Sure," she waved at me as though I had her permission to leave.

  Back in our bedroom, I pulled on my clothes as soon as I entered. Victorinth had her back to me as she sat on the other bed. The lights were off as she sat staring into the darkness outside. A branch reached down and tickled the window, making a scratching noise. Then the wind howled somewhere nearby creating a whistling sound.

  "I like it here," she said without turning around. "It's pure, wild, nature. There are no people and no buildings."

  "I like it here too," I sat on the window ledge in front of her. "And I like Madison as well."

  "Do you love her?" Victorinth said a little too abruptly.

  There was a tinge of anger in her voice but as I studied her face, I couldn’t register her feelings. Her eyes showed no emotion, her gaze fixed on the crescent moon in the distant.

  "How come you're not sleeping?" I avoided her question and asked my own.

  "I couldn't … not with all that noise."

  "I apologize," I pursed my lips and gave her a little embarrassed smile.

  "It's ok. Intercourse is an important activity for adults when they are in the act of reproducing," she looked up at me. "But that's not what you were doing, was it? You were engaging in intercourse for some sort of other reason."

  I was at a loss as to what to say. Part of me thought Victorinth was too young to know about these things, while another part of me knew that she was an adult and had every right to be educated about all matters. I lower my head and stare at my shoes so I don't have to look her in the face.

  "You are very perceptive, Little Victo. Indeed, we were not engaging in coitus for reproductive reasons but rather for pleasurable ones."

  "Pleasurable?" she seemed confused.

  "Yes. Humans have different social conventions for such an act and well, it's not always just for creating offspring. Here on Earth, people sometimes copulate for the pleasure of being close with one another, and to bond through sharing a sensation of ecstasy. It's not like at home, Victo, it's private and almost sacred."

  "Like a ritual?"

  I think this concept over for a moment.

  "Maybe," I answer as I scratch my chin. "I mean there are certain times when couples are more likely to have sexual relations, such as on a date night or after drinking alcohol so I guess, yes, as always you are right. In a way, it's kind of like a ritual."

  "Was tonight a ritual?" she asks as she picked up one of the children's books again and thumbed through it.

  "I don't think so. I just wanted to bond with her, show her how much I liked and appreciate her."

  "Ok, I understand," she said as she ran her fingers over a drawing of a pig.

  "But do you understand that on Earth it's a private affair?"

  "Yes … I suppose I do," she turns the page and smiles as she sees a herd of sheep. "But animals like these don't have sex for the same reasons, do they? They're more like Orbans."

  "I think so," I pat her on the back as I walk away. "Perceptive as ever."

  I reached the doorway before I heard her faint voice drift over to me.

  "I'm sorry," she murmured.

  "What was that?" I spun around.

  "I said I'm sorry…for ruining your special moment with Madison."

  "Don't be sorry," I laughed. "But do it again and I'll throw more than a pillow at you."

  Back out in the hall I saw Madison leaning against the bathroom door, a bed sheet tied around her. She looked like a figure from an ancient painting I once saw, like a Greek Goddess.

  "I'm sorry about that."

  "It's ok.

  "No really, I'm sorry. Orbans have different ways of reproducing than humans. I know a little about it because other members of my crew learned about these things and passed on the knowledge but Victorinth on the other hand, I tried to shield her from such knowledge for a long time. In a way, this strategy of catering to her innocence has backfired on me tonight."

  "Don't worry about it," Madison gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. "We can talk about it more in the morning. I think there are a few things you both need to learn about romance."

  "I think you're right. Life can be so confusing here."

  "You're so far away from home. It's no wonder things are scary and new to you. But for now, I think we should both get some sleep. We've had a pretty scary day and you need to rest and recuperate after all that you've been through. It'll take time to heal those injuries."

  I nodded although I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. I'd love to spend more time with her but I knew she was right. It's better that we sleep.

  "Ok. I better go back to my own bed. We'll see each other in the morning?"

  "Of course!"

  We held each other tight and she kissed me one last time, this time passionately.

  "It's been a really special night," she whispered. "I won't ever forget it."

  "Goodnight, Madison."

  "Goodnight, Jarick. Sleep well."

  Turning back into the bedroom, I glanced over my shoulder in the hope that she'll still be there but she's not. I hear the click of her bedroom door.

  "So you're stuck in here with me for the rest of the night," Victorinth jokes as she places her animal book down on the ground.

  "Seems that way," I lay on top of the bed.

  "I hope I didn't wreck your night."

  "Just go to sleep. It's been a horrendous day and we need to rest while we have a safe place to stay."

  "Ok then."

  She made a grumpy face as though she took the hint that I didn’t want to talk any more. Then she rolls over and pulls her blanket up and over her head. After a few minutes, I could hear her deep breathing turn into gentle snores. Meanwhile, I stared up at the ceiling and thought about all that had happened. But more than anything I thought about the experience I just had with Madison. I thought about the soft curves of her body and the noises she made. I thought about lying in her arms and look out the bedroom door and across the hall. Morning can't come soon enough.

  Chapter 15


  I'm lying in bed exhausted but unable to sleep. I could hear Jarick talk to his sister for a while after we said goodnight. I wondered what they were saying. Regardless, I was still amused by Victorinth charging in here looking for all the juicy details as though it was perfectly normal. I say amused, I mean I'm still humiliated, and a little outraged but things must be different out there, on Orba, a place I couldn’t even imagine.

  Still, although light years split Orba and Earth apart, there were so many similarities between myself and the people sleeping across the hall. In fact, I felt closer to Jarick in the short time we'd known each other than I have with some of my own family. He seemed to respect my wishes more than most humans I'd encountered. It confuses me so much.

  However, I was going to have to have a little chat with them both in the morning. After Jarick walking naked into the bathroom and his sister wandering in here, they need to learn about human boundaries and privacy. The poor souls. Life must be so terrifying and different for them now.

  Rolling over, I thought about the way Jarick felt, how his body was so muscular against mine and how he was so eager to please me. I'd never had a lover like him. Obviously, there were some peculiar things that he didn't understand but we had
a connection anyway.

  I close my eyes and thought about the way he stroked my hair.

  As soon as I open my eyes I could hear a noise downstairs. Gibson? Johanssen? Shit, who was that? They're in the kitchen, opening cupboard and drawers at random.

  "Crap, it's raccoons again," I roll my eyes and drop my legs down off the side of the bed.

  The sun was burning brightly in the sky, illuminating the house with beams of yellow. I lift up my head and could see right across the hall. The door to the spare bedroom was open. I could see the children's books scattered across the floor, the sun dancing on the animal drawings.

  Aliens ... Aliens slept in there last night and now they were downstairs. It wasn't a dream. That really happened. Standing up and staggering over to the mirror, I leaned my elbows on the dresser and moved in close so I could see my face. I looked exhausted. My skin almost looked gray, a sign I was dehydrated and drinking too much coffee. There's was an angry, red pimple hanging off the end of my chin. I scrubbed at my itchy eyes with the base of my hands and yawned.

  "This is too much; this is all crazy."

  Slamming my hands down on the dresser, I looked myself in the eye.

  "You broke two aliens out of the Trojan research facility last night and then you brought them home and had sex with one of them. You had sex with an alien, Madison and now he's down in your kitchen foraging for breakfast."

  I shook my head and looked away as though I had barely recognized the girl in the reflection.

  "Get a grip of yourself."

  Pulling on some clothes, I could hear them bickering with each other downstairs.

  "Where's the candy?" Victorinth is asking.

  "You can't eat that stuff all day!" Jarick was annoyed with her and opened the fridge door. "You should have something healthier."

  "But I like candy!"

  As I walked into the kitchen they looked at me and stop what they're doing immediately like mischievous children.

  "Sorry it's just, we're hungry," Victorinth explains.

  "You don't need to apologize for anything,” I tried to put her at ease.

  As I seat her at the table and get sucked into making breakfast, I couldn’t help but notice she was averting my gaze. I think she's still a little embarrassed about last night. Jarick, on the other hand, looks happy and bubbly. He was practically bouncing up and down on his chair.

  "You look great this morning, Madison!" he beamed.

  "Aww, thank you," I gave him a quick hug before flipping the pancakes.

  "What are you making?" Victorinth interrupted us.

  "I'm making something I think you'll both love. It's kinda like junk food and it's kinda healthy. Here, try it."

  I placed down two plates of steaming blueberry pancakes and watched as Victorinth grinned as she chewed. Joining them at the table, I pushed the food around my plate. I knew I should eat but the Trojan Group … I can't get them out of my head. I'm surprised they're not here already, kicking down my door and retrieving Jarick and his sister. I wonder what else they're up to. They must be plotting something…

  "Are you ok?" Jarick asked me.

  "Yeah fine, why?"

  "You look really worried."

  "Yeah you do look really worried,” Victorinth chimed in. "Are you ill?"

  "No, I'm just … stressed."

  "Because of me?" Victorinth asks.

  "Oh no!" I glided my hand across the table and held hers. "Of course not. You've done nothing wrong."

  "But I ruined your moment last night. I feel bad about that."

  I think for a moment then I catch a glimpse of something through the doorway to the living room.

  "I have an idea. Bring your breakfast."

  Leading them to the television, I grabbed a pile of DVDs from the shelf and placed them down on the floor.

  "Everything you need to learn about romance is in these."

  "Entertainment discs," Jarick whispered.


  "That's what we called them in the apartment when Alison used to bring them over."

  "Oh … Well yeah, that's pretty much what they are. You can watch movies on them. Have you seen movies before?"

  They both nod.

  "I really loved this one about a clown that goes around killing people," Victorinth says flatly.

  I turn to face Jarick and gave him a little anxious look.

  "Yeah she got really obsessed with a man called Stephen King," he explained. "Benzen, one of our crewmates brought home his books and movies."

  "Oh…" I laugh. "I went through my own Stephen King phase at the same age, but these movies are different."

  "How different?" asks Victorinth.

  "Well, they're more realistic. There aren't any fantastical monsters or killers. They're stories about people, like me and how they fall in love. Humans are private creatures and sex and love are very much intertwined with this privacy. These movies will show you a little about how people interact with each other."

  Jarick seemed fascinated. I could visibly see his pupils dilate and he leaned in close to me, so close that I could feel his breath on my face.

  "Sounds interesting," he nodded.

  He passed his hands over the stack of DVDs.

  "There is so much to learn."

  "Sex and love are private?" Victorinth was still finding these subjects difficult to grasp.

  "Erm… In a way. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't … you know, had a crush on someone."

  "What's a crush?" she asks as she mops up the last of her maple syrup with her final bite of pancake.

  I sighed. I didn't realize something so natural to humans could be so difficult to understand for aliens. They knew how to travel through space and time and create technological marvels but they didn’t get that you need to knock before you entered a room.

  "I'll leave these here with you. Get comfy and watch them all if you need to."

  "The Notebook," Victorinth says as she picked up the nearest one. "I think I'd like to watch this one."

  "It'll make you cry," I said. "I better go get you some tissues."

  "Cry?" she looks worried. "I thought love was a good thing."

  "It can hurt sometimes," I tried to explain.

  "Love can hurt!"

  She flings the DVD away from her as though it was dangerous.

  "How can human love do such a thing?"

  "Yes," Jarick frowned and chewed on his lower lip in deep thought. "How can human love hurt someone? Back on Orba we love each other, our families, our friends but it is not possible to cause harm with this feeling. It is, after all, a feeling of mutual respect, care, and understanding. There is nothing hurtful in these sentiments."

  I didn’t know what to say any more and there were more pressing matters on my mind.

  "Just … watch the freakin' movies ok?"

  I left them to it. Walking through to my home office I hang my head in my hands. To say the last day had been stressful would be an understatement. I'd only been up for an hour and my head was already banging with a migraine. Behind me, I could hear the sound of the television playing a movie. From the sounds of it, Victorinth realized The Notebook wasn't so dangerous after all.

  As I log into my computer I recognize I knew every piece of dialogue in the film, mouthing the words silently to myself as the movie played. I must have seen it a thousand times. Romance movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm supposed to be a serious scientist, who reads and watches serious and profound material but that doesn't mean I can't dream of falling in love.

  As my computer lights up I think about the task at hand. I needed to contact Bradley. Of course, doing this from home was risky. No doubt they'd be tracking any correspondence between the two of us but I just wanted to know that he was ok. I wanted to know what the word is at Trojan Group. Are they even telling people I've escaped with the aliens? Or are they pretending like nothing is happening?

  I need to login to the Trojan access page, a password protected
site for employees. As per usual, I punch in my username and password and smack the enter key.


  I try again.


  There seems to be something wrong with the site like it just won't move past the homepage. I wonder if I've typed in the wrong details. Double checking the caps lock is off and I have my information correct, I try one last time.

  "Third time's the charm."

  Finally, it logged me in.

  "Thank God!"

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I had a real problem there. There's a little, flashing red dot in my inbox. It must be Bradley. Clicking on it I wait to read his message but nothing is happening. I click again but still nothing happens, then I begin to click frantically. Still, my inbox won't load up.

  "What the fuck?"

  The screen goes black.

  "Oh Jesus, no."


  The words were flashing bright red and bold across the page. No matter how many times I hit ESC and click the mouse it won't go away. I tried to turn the computer off but even holding the power button down does nothing.


  I scrambled to the floor and leapt under my desk to rip the cables from the wall. At last, the computer turns off. I hear the fan inside whir slower and slower until it reaches a standstill.

  "This is bad. This is really bad."

  Chapter 16


  I’m trying to concentrate on the movie but all I can hear is the sound of Madison hurrying through the house. She seems to be in a panic and is running from room to room, talking to herself and throwing random items in a bag. I leave Victorinth alone at the television. She’s engrossed in the movie anyway and is sitting two inches away from the screen.

  “You’ll hurt your eyes,” I said as I walked out of the room.

  She waved a hand dismissively.

  “Hey Madison.”

  I tracked her down in a cupboard beneath the stairs. She was looking through a box of miscellaneous stuff, throwing shoes, books and gadgets across the floor.


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