Bolivar: American Liberator

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Bolivar: American Liberator Page 74

by Arana, Marie

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  Page numbers beginning with 469 refer to notes.

  Aconcagua, Mount, 274

  Adams, Henry, 45

  Adams, John, 6, 74, 111–12, 174–75

  Adams, John Quincy, 4, 216, 258–59, 260, 261, 288, 316, 337, 370

  on SB, 386

  Adams-Onís Treaty, 261

  Admirable Campaign, 146, 165, 421

  Aguirre, Guillermo, 40

  Aguirre, Lope de, 9

  Agustín de Iturbide, Emperor of Mexico, 41

  Alamo, José Angel, 84, 432

  Alexander VI, Pope, 471

  Alvear, Carlos, 273, 483

  Alvear, María Joaquina de, 514

  Amat y Juniet, Manuel, Viceroy of Peru, 526

  Amazon River, 323

  American Indians, see Indians

  American Revolution (U.S.), 6, 39

  Amestoy, Félix, 177

  Ancón, Peru, 304

  Andes, 229, 273

  San Martín’s crossing of, 274, 275

  SB’s crossing of, 231–32, 239, 323–24

  Andes, Federation of the, 353, 362, 366


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