by Arana, Marie
Shannon, HMS, 439
silver, in Peru, 323
slaves, slavery, 10–12, 471
blacks as, 11, 12, 27, 28, 30
1812 Venezuelan insurrection of, 113
1813 insurrection of, 151
Indians as, 10–11, 323
in Peru, 310–11, 323
San Martín’s freeing of, 274
SB’s abolition of, 350, 351
SB’s freeing of, 186, 200, 224, 249, 270, 457
in U.S., 72, 259
Smith, Adam, 20
Smith, William Stephens, 69, 70, 73
Smith, William Steuben, 70
Socha, Colombia, 232
Sojo, Padre, 40
Solanda, Mariana Carcelén Larréa, Marquesa de, 352, 551
Soublette, Carlos, 120–22, 167, 173, 179, 180, 184, 186, 195, 198, 229, 244, 247, 375, 377, 425, 500
Soublette, Isabel, 167, 180, 214, 496, 500
Soublette, Soledad, 496
South America:
parochialism and xenophobia in, 409
post-liberation discord in, 419
post-liberation economic and social problems in, 409–10
racism in, 463
SB’s Bolivian constitution as model for, 351
SB’s goal of unity for, 4, 5, 204–5, 240, 246, 271, 301, 314, 331–32, 338, 353–55, 409
Spanish eviction from, 335–36, 338
South American revolutions, human cost of, 409
absolutism of, 26–27
in armistice with Greater Colombia, 254, 261
Central Junta of, 79, 80–81, 82, 83–84
1812 constitution of, see Constitution of Cádiz (1812)
financial decline of, 41–42
misguided fiscal policy of, 25–26
modernization rejected by, 26
Napoleon’s invasion of, 92
Napoleon’s loss of, 272
Regency in, 84, 88, 89, 95, 100, 102, 113
Royal Order against republicans issued by, 140, 143
SB in peace negotiations with, 261–62
SB’s first trip to, 38–41
in war with England, 41–42, 43
Spanish America:
British blockade of, 79, 111
class in, 86
desire for independence in, 64, 92, 106
education discouraged in, 106
entrepreneurship suppressed in, 27
independence declared in, 86
Inquisition in, 27
Jesuits expelled from, 26
lack of support for independence among blacks and Indians in, 83
manufacturing banned in, 27
mixed-race population of, 166
post-liberation discord in, 346–47
race in, 86, 223–24
race rebellions in, 29–30
racial hierarchy of, 10–13, 28–29
Spain’s absolute control of, 26–27
U.S. policy in, 74
Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu), 20, 387
Staël, Mme de, 54, 63
Sucre, Antonio José de, 173, 202, 252, 254–55, 262, 278, 279, 280, 283, 285, 288, 305, 306, 308, 311, 313, 319, 320, 321, 325, 328–29, 332, 338, 348, 349, 351, 358, 365, 372, 376, 390, 400, 404, 407, 417, 422, 436, 445, 511, 517, 552
assassination of, 440, 560
at Battle of Ayacucho, 333–36
at 1830 constitutional convention, 429–30
elected president of Bolivia, 352
Quito captured by, 286–87
San Martín’s reinforcement of, 285
as SB’s choice to lead Ecuador, 410–11
and SB’s departure from Bogotá, 437–38
SB’s political disagreements with, 345
SB’s reunion with, 344–45
Upper Peruvian campaign of, 342, 344–45
Supreme Junta of Caracas, 87
black and pardo mistrust of, 95
factions in, 95
loyalty to Ferdinand VII proffered by, 86, 89–90, 95
Miranda and, 96–97
Sutherland, Robert, 178, 190
Taíno, 10, 11
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 78
Tambora, Mount, eruption of, 181, 498
Tancrède (Voltaire), 30
Tarqui, Battle of (1829), 413, 552
Tejada, Luis Vargas, 397, 399
Tenerife, SB’s capture of, 132
Thorne, James, 290, 340–41, 359, 457
Times (London), 217
Titicaca, Lake, 344–45, 346
Tolima volcano, 382
Torices, Manuel Rodríguez, 129, 133, 136, 137, 138–39, 183, 489
execution of, 237
Toro, Bernardo Rodríguez del, 47, 52
Toro, Fernando del, 47, 52–53, 61–63, 65–66, 82, 84, 113, 270, 340, 485
Toro, Francisco, Marquis del, 48, 62, 71, 80, 81, 82, 99–100, 104, 113
appointed War Department head, 100
Toro, María Teresa Rodríguez del, 46–49, 100, 453
death of, 49, 50
marriage of SB and, 48–49
Toro family, 57, 82, 182
Torres, Camilo, 128, 129, 136, 138, 145, 168, 183
execution of, 237
Torres, Manuel, 288, 519
Torre Tagle, Marquis of, 308–9, 311, 312, 348, 350
defection to Spanish of, 317, 318, 552
Tovar, Count of, 81–82
Tovar family, 81, 182
Trafalgar, Battle of (1805), 70, 170, 256
Tristan, Flora, 54, 55–56, 477
Tristan y Moscoso, Mariano de, 55, 60
Trujillo, Venezuela, 139, 140, 141–42, 254, 308, 312, 318
SB in, 319–20
tuberculosis, 8, 21, 391, 406, 418, 432, 441, 445–46, 448, 451–53, 455–56
Tudor, William, 385
Tunja, Colombia, 128, 129, 134, 136, 138, 168, 243
Túpac Amaru II, 29–30
Turbaco, Colombia, 438
Uluapa, Marquesa of, 41
Uluapa, Marquis of, 40
Unanúe, Hipólito, 350
Union of New Granada, 138
United States, 354
Bolivian constitution and, 351
Colombia recognized by, 288–89
1811 earthquake in, 110
federal system of, 223
Florida purchase of, 259, 261
Greater Colombia and, 258–61
Miranda-Smith affair in, 73, 74
New Madrid earthquake in (1812), 110
in “quasi-war” with France, 39
in refusal to arm South American rebels, 155
SB’s trip to, 71–75
SB’s unified South America opposed by, 353–54
slavery in, 72, 259
Spanish American policy of, 74
and South American revolutions, 155, 174–75
in War of 1812, 111–12, 157–58
Upper Peru, see Bolivia
Urdaneta, Rafael, 145, 192, 206, 227, 247, 263, 374, 419, 426, 429, 449
anti-liberal coup of, 445, 446
assassination conspirators dispersed by, 402, 403
as Colombian minister of war, 414
in defection from Mariño, 202
loyalty to Páez of, 367
loyalty to SB of, 139, 398, 404
in Maracaibo rebellion, 262
in monarchy scheme, 414–15, 424, 553
overthrow of, 456
Santander’s enmity toward, 404
SB’s attack on, 435
and trial of Santander, 407
Uribe, Miguel Saturnino, 511
Urica, Battle of (1814), 164
Ustáriz, Marquis of, as SB’s mentor, 44–45, 46
Valdés, Jerónimo, 320, 321, 325, 332, 334, 335
Valencia, Venezuela, 103–5, 106, 109, 112, 145, 150, 159, 485
Valle de Upar, 131
Valparaiso, Chile, 276
Van Buren, Martin, 386
Vargas battalion, 401, 402
Vargas Laguna, Antonio, 65
Venezuela, 9, 268, 354, 383, 454, 461
Chirino’s uprising in, 30–31, 32
Committee of Confiscation in, 182
Creole coup in, 84–86
Creole junta attempt in, 80–81
1806 invasion of, 96
Gual-España conspiracy in, 36–37, 38, 69–70
Morales in, 187–88
Morillo in, 170–72, 182, 192
Páez as president of, 456, 459
post-liberation discord in, 349
post-liberation economic and political problems in, 370
post-liberation insurrections in, 372
regional warlords in, 201
rival warlords in, 190, 191
rotating presidency of, 98, 100
SB as persona non grata in, 434, 455
SB’s critics in, 434
SB’s December 1816 return to, 191–92
SB’s flight from, 124–28
in secession from Colombia, 426, 435
Spain’s increased control over, 19–20
taxes in, 19
Venezuela, first republic of (1810–12), 142
blacks and pardos in, 103
collapse of, 117–19
creation of, 101
earthquake seen as God’s punishment for, 108–10
federal constitution of, 106
Miranda appointed dictator of, 112–13
as partial democracy, 102–3
racial discrimination in, 103
racism in, 106
royalists in, 102, 103–4, 105, 106
slave insurrection in, 113
Venezuela, second republic of (1813–14):
civil war in, 154, 155
collapse of, 163
Legions of Hell in, 151–52
SB as dictator of, 149–50, 154
slave insurrection in, 151
wholesale barbarism in, 151–53, 156–57, 158, 161, 165
Venezuela, third republic of:
congress of, see Second National Congress, Venezuelan
constitution of, 222, 225
SB’s proclamation of, 184
SB as supreme chief of, 200
warlord’s insubordination in, 244–46
Veracruz, Mexico, 39, 41
Vergara, Estanislao, 414–15
Villa, José de, 552
Villaret, Captain, 187
Villegas, Micaela “La Perricholi,” 526
Vinoni, Francisco, 115, 234–35
Viscardo y Guzmán, Juan Pablo, 19, 28
Voltaire, 20, 30, 36, 149, 269
War of 1812, 111–12, 157–58
“war to the death,” 2, 142–43, 151, 154, 157, 165, 184, 185, 196, 233, 235, 254, 458, 495
Washington, George, 6, 19
SB compared to, 4–5, 447
Waterloo, Battle of (1815), 174, 216–17, 264
Watts, Beaufort, 385
Wealth of Nations (Smith), 20
Wellesley, Richard Colley, Marquis of, 88–91, 95, 155, 174, 256, 483
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 92, 101, 155, 170, 174, 216, 217, 256
White Volunteers of Valley of Aragua, 37
Wilson, Belford H., 124, 351, 449
Wilson, Henry C., 213, 215, 220
Wordsworth, William, 59
Xedler family, 8
Yacuanquer, Battle of (1822), 306–7
Yañez, Juan, 152–53, 156
Yapeyú, Argentina, 272
“year without a summer,” 181–82, 498
Yerupajá, Mount, 323
Zaraza, Pedro, 190, 192
Zea, Francisco Antonio, 179, 201, 225, 245, 246, 247, 252, 259, 371
Zuazola, Antonio, 135, 151
Zubiaga de Gamarra, Francisca, 360
Zulia River, 137
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Arana, Marie.
Bolívar : American liberator / Marie Arana. — 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Bolívar, Simón, 1783–1830. 2. Heads of state—South America—Biography. 3. South America—History—Wars of Independence, 1806–1830. I. Title.
F2235.3.A876 2013
[B] 2012034661
ISBN 978-1-4391-1019-5
ISBN 978-1-4391-2495-6 (ebook)
Frontispiece drawing by José María Espinosa, Colección Fundación John Boulton, Caracas.