The unspoken Rule

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The unspoken Rule Page 7

by June Whitfield

  "I mean, why did you really ask me out?"

  I played dumb. "Because I like you."

  She rolled her eyes at my answer. "That's it?" She questioned.

  "Yeah, and you're nice."

  This earned another roll of her eyes. She placed her hands flat on the cafeteria table. "Fine. Don't tell me."

  Did Sarah really think she knew why I had asked her out? How could she know? No one knew about Maria and I, save Cynthia and Laura.


  My mind scratched for earlier memories, willing them to surface. I vaguely recalled Cynthia and Sarah being friends before. If my memory served correct.

  Crap. That meant Sarah probably did know the whole truth. Maria and I. And all the drama of Cynthia too. Crap.

  Sarah stood up to leave and grabbed her tray. "I know more than you think, Jake."

  And I cursed myself for asking Sarah out. She disappeared, leaving me to my thoughts.

  Sarah would probably black mail me. Or, she would team up with Cynthia and crush both me and Maria.

  Or, maybe she was just faking the whole thing. She didn't know anything about my relationship with Maria. And she was just bluffing.

  But my gut told me otherwise. Sarah probably did know more than I thought she did. Apparently she wasn't the person I had intended to date.

  So much for that plan.

  Chapter 16: The Plan 2

  Maria's POV

  1 month later

  It had been almost two months since Jake. Two months of drama free-time. 8 weeks of pleasure trying out all the suitable guys at my school. 60 days of good times.

  As of right now, I wasn't dating anyone, and the guys definitely weren't holding back on me.

  It was lunch time that Thursday and Zac was offering to pay for my lunch.

  I had picked out some mini corn dogs and a milk, ready to pay, when he spoke.

  "Hey, you want me to pay for that?" I looked up at his sincere light blue eyes.

  I gave him a small smile. "Thanks, but I got it."

  I swiped my card and exited the lunch line. Zac trailed behind me, like a lost puppy. I surveyed the cafeteria trying to find the table. Ah, there they were.

  "Hey guys," I said, sliding into an empty seat, Zac sitting next to me. Casey, Tyler, Brad and Seth greeted hello back to me. As you could see, I was no longer sitting with Laura. I hadn't replaced her no, but I couldn't find a boyfriend if I was sitting with only girls. The guys had actually asked me to sit with them, not the other way around.

  We chatted about school work, sports, the usual.

  I tuned out the other guys, my gaze drifting around the room. As I thought about the good-looking guys around me, I wondered about Laura. I should probably call her tonight and ask how she was doing. We hadn't hung out for a while.

  "Hey Maria," I turned towards Zac next to me. He quickly ran his hand through his short black hair. "You got any plans for this Saturday?"

  "I don't think so."

  "Cool, you wanna see a movie?"

  I nodded my head. "Sure."

  He gave me a pearly white smile. "Awesome, I'll text you."


  I finished my lunch and headed to the restroom to reapply my makeup. I stood before one of the mirrors and fished out my mascara and lip gloss. I leaned towards the mirror, and touched up my dark mascara. Behind me, a girl entered.

  "Maria?" She gasped.

  I put my mascara back and turned around. "Laura! How are you?"

  "I've been better," She shrugged, "You look different." She pointed out.

  I looked down at my attire. Today I had worn a short denim skirt and a low scoop top. My hair was curled (it was naturally straight) and my fingernails were painted bright pink.

  "Oh, yeah. You wouldn't believe how many guys run after you wearing this." I told her, gesturing to my outfit.

  She shook her head, her brown hair flitting around her head. "Maria, you're dressing a bad different. This isn't the Maria I know."

  The Maria she knew? Sometimes I felt like she didn't know me at all!

  "Well, the Maria you knew is gone. This is who I am, and if you don't accept me, then so be it." I pulled out my sparkly lip gloss and applied some to my lips. I smacked my mouth and gave her an exaggerated smile.

  "Maria, you're hanging out with all guys. Why? They're just gonna use you. There's already rumors spreading about you now."

  I squinted at the mirror. This was news to me.

  I looked at Laura again. "Maybe I hang out with guys because they treat me better than a certain guy."

  "He thinks about you every day, you know. He broke up with Sarah a long time ago. He's single and is still distraught over losing you."

  She came close to me and put her hand on my forearm. "Listen to me, he needs you. And he regrets all the terrible things he's made you suffer through. He wants a final chance, but he knows you won't give him one."

  Jake thought about me? And needed me?

  So what? A different part of me declared. Think of all the heartbreak he put you through.

  "He's right, I won't give him another chance. I did give him a chance, and he just ruined it. There's no reason to repeat the same mistake."

  My remark left Laura silent. She slowly pulled her hand away from me. She nodded, "I understand."

  I slung my bag over my shoulder. "I gotta go."

  And I stalked out of the bathroom.

  Jake's POV

  What happened to time? It was painfully slow now, ever since that day.

  I was lounging in my beanbag chair, staring at my blank TV. Laura barged in, a serious expression on her face.

  "What?" I spat, wanting to be alone so I could sulk.

  "It's Maria. She, she, she's different."

  I sat up, wanting to hear more. "What do you mean?"

  Laura started pacing. "She dresses trashy and hangs out with guys and is rude and-"

  "She dresses trashy?" That seriously did not sound like the Maria I knew.

  "Yeah, and she seemed to like all the guys drooling over her. She didn't even glance at them really."

  Wow. Who knew what two months could do to you?

  "She needs you more than ever now."

  Maria needed me? I thought it was the other way around?

  Laura answered my thoughts. "She probably doesn't think she needs you, but she does. Something bad will happen to her if she keeps acting this way. We need to do something."

  "She doesn't want anything to do with me." I pointed out.

  "I know, so I've got a plan."

  And she explained in full detail. Laura definitely had thought on this a while.

  "It sounds perfect." I agreed.

  Laura gave me a devilish grin. "It has to work."

  Chapter 17: Salad, Breadsticks, and Root Beer

  Jake's POV

  The plan had to work. Had to. If it went up in flames, then, my life would surely turn into a black hole.

  Nothing to live for, nothing to do. Just nothing.

  So, to say the least, it was absolutely vital Laura's idea went perfectly. She had everything planned accordingly, everything so specific. It made me believe that it could work. Would work.

  But there was always that doubt, lurking in the depths of my mind. It sat there like a predator watching its prey. There was always the possibility that Maria's randomness would mess everything up. That she would refuse to participate or just get angry and storm out. Or, the opposite. She would remain completely silent and not say a word.

  And so Laura set everything up; me just observing her careful process in making sure it was alright.

  Maria's POV

  1 day later, otherwise known as Friday

  I grunted, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. I sat my pencil down atop my notebook and whipped it out.

  1 new text message

  I rolled my eyes, couldn't they figure I was doing my homework now? I eyed my math homework suspiciously. Maybe I could use a little distraction. I o
pened up the text message, it was from Laura.

  Hey Maria,

  I'm sorry about some things I said yesterday, it wasn't my place to judge you. You're my friend, after all :)

  Listen, we should hang out sometime and catch up with each other. How about this Saturday at the Olive Garden? My treat :)

  I laid my phone on my bed. Laura seemed very sincere about her apology. And I wasn't really mad at her or anything, she was true about her statements. I was dressing differently, and it wasn't a change for the better. And my guy friends maybe weren't such a good thing, either.

  I couldn't pass up a free meal at Olive Garden. They had endless salad and bread sticks, right?

  I giggled to myself, no, the real reason I wanted to go was to chat with Laura. I hadn't realized how distant we were until our meet up at school yesterday. I had given up Jake to keep my friendship with her, and I still didn't want to lose her. I sent a quick text back saying I'd love to.

  Wait a second.

  This Saturday?

  Wasn't this Saturday the day I was supposed to see a movie with Zac?

  Crap. Looks like I double-booked myself. I stared guiltily at my phone, wondering if I should retract my text. I blew off the notion. No, Laura was my best friend. I had to save time for her, not guys.

  Jake's POV

  And Phase 1 begins.

  Laura stated that everything is going smoothly. And to her plans.

  This, I was a little impressed at, for I thought the initial phase would be difficult. Turns out I was wrong. I smiled at the thought of seeing Maria again, it'd be nice.

  Maria's POV


  I stared at my closet, willing the perfect outfit to spring out at me. Nothing happened.

  I wanted to look nice for the dinner, and Laura had insisted too. I chose a mid-thigh skirt with black leggings underneath and a sparkly gray baby doll top. Cute. After some chap stick and a matching head band, I was on my way.

  Laura had driven us, she said it was better for the environment if we car pooled.

  We pulled up to the restaurant and headed inside. The air was a little cool, considering it was in the middle of spring.

  Laura headed to the main desk and asked for a reservation. Reservations? Wow, Laura was serious about this dinner. After a few moments, a waitress lead us to our table.

  I took in the fancy restaurant, noting all the golden accents inside. Waiters were floating about, trays held high above their shoulders. And the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted into my nostrils as we got seated. My stomach grumbled in response.

  "Hello, my name's Ashley and I'll be taking care of you today. And what would you ladies like to drink?"

  "Pepsi, please." I told her.

  "Root beer." Offered Laura.

  And Ashley left to get our beverages. Laura pulled out the oversized menu, perusing it. I narrowed my eyes at her root beer, I thought she hated root beer? I ignored the thought and decided to look at the menu.

  So many choices to pick from! I felt giddy inside, I had never been to Olive Garden before.

  "What should I get, Laura?"

  She shrugged her shoulders, her face still behind the menu. "Whatever you want."

  I pulled the menu closer to my face. "What about the chicken pennini? Or the lasagna? Oooh! Maybe I should just go classic spaghetti! I don't know! Laura, you decide for me!" I chanted, unable to make up my mind.

  "You should get the spaghetti." A male voice told me. I froze in fear, wondering who was answering for Laura.

  Ever so slowly, I pulled away the menu, revealing Jake sitting where Laura was.

  I immediately narrowed my eyes at him. "Where's Laura?"

  He gave me a heart-melting smile. "No idea."

  "Jake. Why are you here?"

  As he paused, I took in his appearance. It didn't help induce my anger when he was looking adorable in his dark gray sweater and nice jeans. His blonde hair fell perfectly across his tan features, his blue eyes bright.

  He shrugged. "I happened to be around."

  And I hated his vagueness. Why couldn't he just tell me? Couldn't he see I was over him? And if I remember right, he was clearly over me too!

  "Did Laura set this up?"


  I slumped back in my seat, stunned. This whole scene was just screaming Laura. But Jake wouldn't lie to me about this...would he?

  Jake's POV

  The view was breath-taking. And no, I wasn't talking about Niagra Falls.

  I was talking about Maria. Her brown eyes were so clear that day, so worry free, I just wanted to stare into them all day. Her luscious hair was hanging down by her shoulders and she looked great in her outfit.

  And so I played a little cocky. Something I knew she wouldn't be able to resist. She just had to know the answers to everything.

  "Seriously, Jake," She said unnerved, "What are you doing here?"

  What could I say? I'm trying to make you fall in love with me again? Because Laura sees as I do, that we were meant for each other.

  And so I didn't stray from the truth. "You want the truth?"

  She nodded earnestly.

  "I miss you Maria, more than you can ever know. I have thought about you everyday since we were apart. The whole Sarah thing, it was just a set-up. I did it trying to make you jealous. I need you Maria, and I love you. I just want to hold you and have you be mine forever. You're all I want in a woman, you're absolutely perfect. Stunning beauty and fantastic personality. Maria, I honestly think we were meant for each other. Even if you don't think so yourself."

  She sat there for a minute, soaking up everything.

  Maria's POV

  He really did think of me everyday! Just this sentence alone was enough to send my heart to do jumping jacks. Of course, I could tell he was telling the truth. He held eye contact the whole time and his tone was sincere. Genuine.

  "Jake," I began. "I miss you too." I whispered.

  And his grin widened like it did the day I announced I liked him. He sat up from his chair and pulled me into his arms. Some people stared at us in the restaurant, but I didn't care. I put my head against his chest, his chin resting on my head. Would we finally be together, nothing to stop us?

  My conscience didn't give up so easily. What about his cheating? It wondered. What about Cynthia? I pushed away the silly thoughts. Surely they didn't apply to him anymore. We had been over the moon and back in this short time of our on and off relationship.

  He pulled away and gazed into my eyes lovingly. "I have waited a long time to do that." He murmured.

  And he bent down and placed his lips on mine. It was only for a second, and it made me hungry for more. But I composed myself and we took our seats again. We would share a meal together, and it would be one of the best moments of my life.

  Chapter 18: Perfectly Happy

  Maria's POV

  The following day, of course, Cynthia confronted me. Again.

  She huffed up to me and smirked at me. "Just to let you know," She snapped on her gum, "I went out with Zac on Saturday because he claimed you stood him up."

  Zac was history. We never were a thing, and wouldn't be, now that Jake and I were back together.


  She narrowed her eyes at me. "That's it? That's all you're gonna say when I take him from you?"

  I looked her in the eyes. "He was never mine. And I don't care. I have someone else now." Now it was my turn to smirk.

  She heavily made up eyes widened in disbelief. "Who?" She cried.

  I gave her a small smile. "Why would you care? You have Zac now." I pointed out.

  Her jaw lowered. "No," She shook her head, her voice weak. "Not Jake."

  At that point, I just wanted to victory dance all around her and rub it in her face. Looks like witches don't win around these parts.

  "Yes," I told her. "Jake. Believe it."

  And I waltzed away from her, leaving her in shock. I met up with Jake in the cafeteria. He gingerly grabbed me
by the elbows. "Hey, you alright?"


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