Murder by magic: twenty tales of crime and the supernatural

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Murder by magic: twenty tales of crime and the supernatural Page 4

by edited by Rosemary Edghill

  “You’re a genie,” he guessed, “like in a lamp, only in a mirror. And she found you somehow and you gave her a wish, her resurrection as a youthful woman and a magician, only she had to promise you… something.”

  “Not very much.” The tone implied the creature had been studying him and found him wanting. “I did require a soul that had squeezed itself bare of attachments to this world, that had shriveled enough that there would be room for me to expand.”

  “You can’t just… take me over!”

  “Ah, but I can. That is my sole talent. I can replicate any being, anybody. I got into trouble about that millennia ago, and some wicked magician—a real one—sentenced me to my lonely mirror.”

  “What kind of demon are you?”

  “Explaining that would take too long. Although time is endless for me, I see by the spinning of my senses that we are expected to make our appearances upon the stage. I will warn you about one thing: my gift of replication responds only to the genuine. I can’t control that. So it is and so shall you be and so shall I be when I become you. But freedom is worth the price.”

  “Freedom! And you would imprison me in your place? For eternity? No mortal soul deserves that.”

  “You are right.” The creatures gray aura faded as it appeared to think.

  Marlon knew a moments relief and a sudden surge of hope for a new life, a better life, a kinder, gentler life. It was not too late…

  “I will not abandon you to the dark,” the croaking voice whispered, very near now, but no more visible. “I will not deprive you of your beloved limelight. I am a master of transformations, and I can manage that. Watch and believe.”

  Marlon… Merlin the Magnificent… found himself blinking like a tourist under a bank of gel-covered spotlights. Red, blue, green they blazed, Technicolor stars in an artificial sky.

  He was… himself. Standing on a stage as he did almost every night, and Majika was lifting one graceful arm to indicate his presence. His reappearance from the box. His deliverance. His rebirth. I will be good, I will, I will. Well, better.

  He took the stage, spread his arms and cape, rejoiced in the magic of his vanishing and recovery.


  And then more applause, accompanied by fevered whispers and then shouts of wonder.

  Majika had thrust her left arm out to introduce the second half of the illusion, the other Merlin the Magnificent standing on her other side.

  Marlon turned his eyes uneasily, expecting to see the gray, shriveled, scrofulous thing from the dark.

  Instead, he saw a tall, white-haired man in fanciful evening dress… a man whose snowy mane had dwindled to a few threadbarestrands… whose lumpy frame slumped like an overstuffed sack of extra-large baking potatoes… whose neck had become a jowly wattle, whose eyes were sunk in ridges of suet flesh.

  For the first time he truly felt the horror in the story of Dorian Gray. Gray!

  And before he could do or say anything, or even make a few more frantic mental promises to what or whom he couldn’t say, before he could even take in the enormity of it all and the loss that loomed before him, the foul thing moved toward him—the man he was before he had changed his own mirror image—and sank into him like fog, or like an exiled part of himself.

  Marlon drowned in the engulfing presence of Merlin, a Merlin cursed to live and die looking exactly as Marlon had not allowed himself to look, and happy for that.

  Where Marlon went he couldn’t say. It was dark. And narrow. And he heard and felt nothing and knew he’d go mad if he was kept here.

  And then… slap! Snap! A sharp small sound and the world exploded again with light and applause. He gulped a deep, anxious breath of light-heated stage air, lifted his head, and almost sniffed the sound of the applause. It was thunderous. Better than ever. He’d survived whatever nightmare the mirrored box had put him through.

  Then it became too much. The continuing racket crashed on his sensitive ears. He shrank again, cowered, even as Majika lifted her arm the better to display him to the admiring audience.

  His heart pounded against the palm of her hand.

  His long white hair was full and thick again, luxurious, and she stroked it with her other hand.

  Majika’s giant face stared down with piercing eyes. His sensitive ears flattened at the horrid screeching of her voice in the microphone as she displayed her triumph of illusion: him.

  Her face came close, smiling.

  “You’ve been such a good boy tonight, Marlon,” she whispered giddily as if to a confrere, “you’ll have extra veggies in your after-show supper, and maybe even a big carrot from Mr. MacGregor’s garden.”

  While his ears and tail drooped with self-recognition, he spied his former form, now bent and shuffling, hastening out of the theater before the crowd began its rush for the exits.


  Laura Resnick

  Laura Resnick is the Campbell Award-wining author of several fantasy novels, including the upcoming In Fire Forged, and more than forty sf/f short stories. She is also the award-winning author of a dozen romance novels published under the pseudonym Laura Leone. In her copious spare time, she wrote A Blonde in Africa, a nonfiction account of her journey across the continent. You can find her on the Web at

  It wasn’t no surprise that Skinny Vinny Vitelli got rubbed out. I mean, hey, I’d nearly whacked him myself a couple of times. So had most guys I know. Not to speak ill of the dead and all that, but he was an irritating bastard. Vinny could pick an argument with a plate of pasta. He could piss off the Virgin Mother. He could annoy the dead—so it wasn’t exactly a big shock when he became one of them.

  A couple of nuns taking a cigarette break found his body in an alley early one morning. He’d been done with four slugs straight to the chest. Which was a little strange, actually, because Vinny always wore the bulletproof vest he got the time he whacked that fed.

  It’s not what you’re thinking. It was personal, not business. Vinny caught the guy in bed with his underage daughter. The vest was lying right there on the floor, and after Vinny impulsively emptied a wholeclip into the guy’s torso, he decided the vest as A Sign. (Did I mention he was a pretty religious guy?) See, Vinny had always been afraid of dying exactly the way he’d just killed the fed who’d been stupid enough to take off his bulletproof vest before humping a wise guy’s seventeen-year-old daughter right there in her father’s house. (Feds. They breed ‘em dumb.)

  So Vinny picked the vest up off the floor, put it on, and never took it off since. I mean never. Just ask his wife. Well, if you can find her. She hot-tailed it straight down to Florida before the corpse was cold and ain’t been seen since. She was making plans for her new life right there at Vinny’s funeral, yakking on her cell phone with her real estate agent while the casket was being lowered into the ground.

  “It’s a funny thing,” I said to Joey “the Chin” Mannino while the grieving Mrs. Vitelli kicked some dirt into her late husband’s open grave with the toe of her shoe while telling her real estate agent she expected to be in Florida by nightfall.

  “Huh?” Joey didn’t really hear me. He was stroking his scarred chin as he stared lovesick at the Widow Butera. She was glaring back at him. A very beautiful woman, even at forty-five, but bad news for any guy.

  “Give it up, Joey,” I advised.

  “I can’t.” He shook his head. “I’ve asked her to marry me.”

  I slapped my forehead. “Are you nuts?” One of the mourners frowned at me, so I lowered my voice. “She’s had three husbands, and they’re all dead. Don’t that tell you something?”

  “She’s been unlucky.”

  “Her husbands have been unlucky. All three of them. So I’ll lay odds that number four is gonna be real unlucky, too.”

  “It’s not her fault, Vito.”

  “No, but being married to her is so unlucky it crosses over into dumb.”

  Her first husband got hit just because he was having d
inner with Big Bobby Gambone at Buon Appetito the night Little Jackie Bernini decided to kill Bobby and didn’t feel too particular about who else he sprayed with his Uzi. That was the start of the first Gambone-Bernini war. Well, a beautiful woman like that couldn’t stay widowed forever. So three years later, during the second Gambone-Bernini war, she married a hit man from Las Vegas whom the Gambones brought into townto teach the Berninis a lesson. But then the Berninis brought in their own hit man from Boise to deal with him, and ain’t nobody tougher than those Boise guys. So the Widow was widowed again. Then, maybe because she was tired of marrying Gambones who got whacked out, the Widow shocked everyone by marrying Bernini Butera, who was everybody’s favorite pick to head the Bernini family next—until Joey clipped him last year. That hit pretty much ended the third Gambone-Bernini war. But from the way the Widow Butera was glaring at Joey across Skinny Vinny Vitelli’s grave now, it didn’t look like she had forgiven Joey for stuffing her third husband into a cement mixer in New Jersey.

  “What’d she say when you asked her to marry you?” I asked Joey.

  “She told me she’d rather fry in hell.” He shrugged. “She’ll come round.”

  I shook my head. “Joey, Joey, Joey…”

  He gave a friendly little wave to the Widow Butera. She hissed at him. The priest, Father Michael, smiled vaguely at her and said, “Amen.”

  So, to take Joey’s mind off the Widow, I said, “Anyhow, like I was saying before, it’s a funny thing.”

  “What’s a funny thing?”

  “About Vinny.”

  “No, no,” Connie Vitelli was saying into her cell phone as she shook Father Michael’s hand, “the condo’s got to have an ocean view, or no deal. Understand?”

  “Funny?” Joey said. “Oh! You mean about the vest, right?”

  “Yeah.” I shook my head when Father Michael gestured to me to throw some dirt onto the coffin. Hey, I didn’t kill Vinny, so no way was I doing the work of deep-sixing him. Not my problem, after all. “Why’d Vinny take off that vest for the first time in five years? It ain’t like him. He was a religious bastard.”

  “I think you mean superstitious.” Joey’s an educated guy. Almost read a book once.

  “Okay, superstitious. Vinny always thought he’d get killed if he ever took that thing off. And, sure enough, look what happened. So why’d he take it off? It don’t make sense.”

  “You mean you didn’t hear, Vito?”

  “Hear what?”

  Connie was shouting into her cell phone. “Speak up! Are you driving through a tunnel or something? I’m getting tons of static!”

  Vinny’s daughter, now twenty-two years old and reputedly still a virgin, stepped up to the grave, made a face at her fathers coffin, and then spit on it.

  “Poor Vinny,” said Father Michael, who looked like he’d taken a fistful of Prozac before coming here. “He will be missed.”

  “Not by anybody I ever met,” muttered Joey.

  I said to Joey, “What is it that I didn’t hear?”

  “Oh! The strange thing is, Vito, Vinny was still wearing his vest when they found his body.”

  “Huh? So how’d four slugs wind up in his chest?”

  Joey shrugged. “It’s a mystery. No holes in the vest. No marks at all, like it was never even hit. But as for Vinny’s chest…”Joey grimaced.

  While I thought about this, Connie Vitelli said, “But how big is the master bathroom?”

  “So, Joey, you’re saying that someone clipped Vinny, then put that vest back on him? For what? A joke?”

  Joey shook his head. “That vest never came off him, Vito.”

  “Of course it did. How else did four bull—”

  “The cops said the fasteners on Vinny’s vest were rusted and hadn’t been disturbed for years.”

  “Jesus. So it’s true what Connie said. Vinny even showered in that thing!”


  I frowned at Joey. “But what you’re saying… I mean, how did the bullets get past the vest and into Vinny’s chest?”

  “That’s what’s got the cops stumped.”

  “And why’d the cops tell you this?” Cops don’t usually say nothing to guys like us besides, “I’ll get you into the witness protection program if you cooperate.”

  “I don’t think they meant to tell me,” Joey said. “It just sort of slipped out somewhere during the seven straight hours they spent interrogating me yesterday.”

  “Oh, that’s why you weren’t at the wake.”

  Joey nodded wearily. “I’m thinking of suing them for the emotionaltrauma caused by missing a dear friends wake, as well as the stain they have placed on my good reputation.”

  “How come they think you’re the one who whacked him?”

  “Well, you know, I had that argument with Vinny last week at Buon Appetito.”

  “So what?”

  “So it turns out there were three undercover feds in the place at the time, and they took it the wrong way when I held a steak knife to Vinny’s throat and said I’d kill him if I ever saw him again.”

  “Man,” I said, sick of how unfair it all was. “You just have to be so careful these days. Watch every damn little word.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Whatever happened to the First Arraignment?” I said.



  “I admit,” Joey said, “I thought about whacking Vinny.”


  “Who didn’t?”

  “You said it.”

  “But it’s not like he didn’t deserve it,” Joey said.

  “Absolutely,” I said as Vinny’s son opened his fly and pissed on his father’s grave.

  “So I don’t see why the cops have to get so bent out of shape just because someone finally did whack Vinny.”

  “Me, neither.”

  “And just because I’m the last guy anyone saw threatening to kill him, the cops ruin my whole day. Now, is that fair? Is that the American way?”

  “It really stinks.” I patted Joey on the back. “Just out of curiosity, did you kill him?”

  “No. I was proposing to the Widow Butera at the estimated time of death.”

  “Did she alibi you to the cops?”



  “So I wonder who did it,” I said.

  “Could’ve been any one of a hundred guys,” Joey said.

  “More,” I said.


  The Widow Butera stepped up to Vinny’s grave and looked down at it for a long moment. Then she crossed herself, glared once more at Joey, and started walking to her car.

  When Connie Vitelli got off the phone for a split second, Joey and I paid our respects so we could get the hell out of there.

  “Such a shame,” Joey said politely to Vinny’s widow. “Him being so young and all.”

  “Not that young.” Connie shook her head. “And I think dementia was setting in already. He was seeing things.”

  “Seeing thing?” Joey said. “Then ‘dementia’ probably isn’t the right word, because that’s when—”

  “Oops! I gotta take this,” Connie said as her cell phone rang.

  “Wait a minute,” I said. “What things was Vinny seeing? Feds stalking him? Hitters from the Bernini family coming after him?” If we knew, we might be able to figure out who’d whacked him.

  Connie rolled her eyes. “Himself, if you can believe it.”


  “The day before Vinny died, he came home in a cold sweat, babbling about how he had just bumped into the spitting image of himself on the street outside Buon Appetito The guy was even dressed like Vinny. Right down to the bulletproof vest. Go figure.” Connie shrugged off the idea that her husband’s perfect double was out there somewhere and added, “Now, I’ve really got to take this call. Thanks for coming, fellas.” She turned away and said into her cell phone. “Hello? Oh, good! Thanks for getting back to me today. Yes, I’ll
be out of the house by tonight, so put it on the market right away.”

  “So Vinny was losing his mind,” I said.

  Joey nodded toward Connie and the kids. “And you’re surprised by this?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  Which is why I didn’t think any more about it. Not then, anyhow. Not until three days later, which was when a dinner-and-dance cruise accidentally found Johnny Be Good Gambones body floating in the Hudson River.

  “But it can’t be Johnny,” I said to Joey Mannino when he told me about it.

  “It is. Positive ID, no doubt about it.”

  “No, it can’t be, because—”

  “Vito, pull yourself together,” Joey said. “Two of our guys dead in one week. We’re going to the mattresses.”

  “It can’t be Johnny, because I saw him alive at the same time they were fishing that corpse out of the river.”

  “It must be the Berninis doing these hits. Who else would have the nerve? Those bastards! Well, if they want another war, we’ll give them another w—”

  “Joey, are you listening to me? I’m telling you, whoever they found in the Hudson, it wasn’t Johnny Gambone, because I had dinner with him last night!”

  Joey stared at me. “Are you losing your mind, too?”

  “No! They’re just putting the wrong name on the corpse.”

  But when we showed up at the mortician’s to inspect the body, I saw there’d been no mistake. That was Johnny Gambone lying on that slab, no doubt about it. Who else in the world had a purple tattoo of a naked broad on his shoulder with the word “Mom” written across it?

  “So you’re not still denying that’s Johnny?” Joey prodded.

  “Couldn’t be anyone else, but…”


  “But I’m telling you, I was having dinner with him that evening. We talked about Vinny’s death. Johnny told me that no matter how much we hated Vinny, it was our job to find out who’d clipped him, because we can’t just let people go around killing made guys without even asking first. Especially not our made guys.”

  “Vito, that’s impossible. According to the cops, Johnny had already been dead for thirty-six hours by the time you had dinner with… with…”


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