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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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by Jason Chapman

  The Angel Conspiracy


  Jason Chapman

  Book 2: The Angel Chronicles

  Copyright © Jason Chapman 2014

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored on a Retrieval system other than The Amazon Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Fire or Kindle fire HDX, Kindle app, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the Author.

  Foreword by Nick Pope

  People say that secrets can no longer be kept. Media stories about Chinese hackers, revelations from people like Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning and Edward Snowden, the ongoing saga of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange – all these things combine to make people think that in this age of 24/7 media coverage and social networking, the secret state is losing its grip. It isn’t. Secrets are successfully kept each day and the leaks we read about are simply the tip of the iceberg. The secret state has never been more secret.

  Many people believe that one of the biggest secrets still being kept by governments relates to UFOs. From Roswell onwards, people claim, the powers that be kept the truth about this subject from the public. I don’t pretend to know all the details, but I do know that while the Ministry of Defence told Parliament, the media and the public that the UFO phenomenon was of limited interest and “no defence significance”, highly classified intelligence studies were undertaken on the subject, with various nations seeking to harness the “novel military applications” they thought might be obtainable – whatever UFOs turned out to be.

  Jason Chapman’s Angel Chronicles series combines these twin themes of government secrecy and UFOs, and while it’s a work of fiction, it has its roots in a number of incidents that actually took place. Blurring the lines between fact and fiction results in a blend of Cold War intrigue and pop culture, where readers are never quite sure what comes from the author’s fertile imagination and what comes from some real-life X-File.

  Nick Pope

  Ministry of Defence UFO Project, 1991 - 1994


  I would like to thank the many people who have supported me in this venture. Many thanks to all my friends on Facebook and Twitter who have put up with me over the past few years. Thanks to my friends, work colleagues and family, especially my wife who has stuck with me through thick and thin.

  Many thanks to Nick Pope former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator who has written a the foreword for this book.

  Special thanks to my work colleague and friend Jan Wood whose inspirational words helped me come up with the title for this book.

  This book is dedicated to all those who have spent their lives searching for answers


  Death in Paris

  Neapolitan Hotel – Paris – 12:34pm

  Tuesday August 31st 1954

  ‘For Christ’s sake Jack, will you stop doing that! Jesus I can’t hear myself think.’ Frank Cones complained.

  ‘I’m famished.’ Jack Baker replied. ‘Can’t help my stomach, we’ve been stuck in the same spot for nearly six hours. God, what I wouldn’t do for one of Benny’s lunch time specials right now.’

  Agent Cones looked at his partner and smiled. ‘Sorry pal but I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.’

  ‘You would have thought the company would have planned for this outcome.’

  ‘We’re on a wing and a prayer out here.’ Cones said. ‘The company never has a plan for anything.’

  ‘We should have capped that bastard in Prague when we had the chance.’

  Cones listened as a voice hissed over his two way radio. ‘Copy that.’ He acknowledged. ‘How long do you reckon it’ll be before that asshole decides to emerge?’ Baker asked.

  Cones shrugged. ‘You know what he’s like, he’ll keep us hanging around here for days if he has to.’

  ‘Well that better not be the case, I promised Joey I’d be home for his birthday in three days...’

  ‘Jesus it’s him.’ Cones stated cutting Baker off in midstream, glaring at the man coming out of the hotel’s main entrance.

  Baker removed his gun from its holster.

  ‘Stand fast Jack, we don’t know if he’s got back up.’ Cones didn’t have time to say anything else. Baker had already jumped out from behind the wall, his gun pointed squarely at the man who had just exited the hotel’s main entrance. Steadily he moved out into the narrow cobbled street.

  ‘Shinski!’ Baker shouted, clasping his gun with both hands, pointing it firmly at the man on the opposite side of the street. ‘Give it up, it’s all over!’

  People enjoying the afternoon sunshine looked in Baker’s direction.

  Shinski froze glaring at the man pointing a gun at him. In the distance the sound of wailing sirens could be heard drawing nearer.

  Cones grabbed his radio. ‘Gamma one, what the fucks going on?’

  ‘We got company!’ The other man screamed into his radio.

  Cones appeared from his hiding place. ‘Jack! get back, we’ve been set up!’ Cones shouted, his voice echoed around the narrow street

  Baker swung around to face Cones. ‘What?’ The man on the other side of the street seized the opportunity drawing his weapon. ‘No---!’ Cones screamed.

  Jack Baker stared at Cones and smiled before closing his eyes. ‘It’s been a blast Frank.’ Two gunshots echoed around the cobbled street. People began screaming, running in all directions desperately searching for what little cover they could find. Jack Baker was thrust forward as the rounds drove into his back. His eyes filled with terror and pain as he was thrown face forward onto the cobbled street.

  Cones gawped on as his friend was sent sprawling to the ground, the sounds of sirens filled the air as three French police cars screeched to a halt.

  ‘You bastard!’ Cones yelled, opening fire on the man who had just cut down his partner.

  A round caught Shinski on the shoulder, he yelped like a whipped dog and was sent sprawling backwards.

  A police officer in one of the vehicles had jumped out. ‘Drop your weapon!’ He demanded pointing his gun at Cones, his French accent clearly distinctive.

  Shinski jumped to his feet, clasping his hand on his wounded shoulder. He glared at Cones before sprinting towards a waiting car that sped off down the street in the opposite direction. One of the other police cars gave chase. The others remained parked where they had skidded to a halt. The French policeman repeated his demand this time with a more menacing tone.

  ‘Drop your weapon now!’

  Chapter 1

  The Field Agent

  Church of St Edmonds – Emneth – Norfolk – 10:23am

  Sunday September 5th 1954

  The small crowd of people gathered around the church font as the vicar conducted the Christening ceremony.

  Professor Ralph Frederick gazed lovingly at Elizabeth his wife and their six week old baby boy James. Their seven year old daughter Susan stood next to them smiling up at her parents.

  ‘He has your eyes Ralph.’ Frederick’s father in law commented.

  ‘And his mother’s chin.’ Frederick added. Laughter resonated around the 12th Century church. The group failed to notice the two men in black suits who had entered and walked briskly up to the christening party.

  ‘Professor Frederick.’ One of them called out, an American accent prominent.

  Frederick turned to face the men. ‘I am Professor Frederick, is there something I can help you gentlemen with?’

  ‘We need you to accompany us to London immediately.’

  Elizabeth’s father stepped forward. ‘Do you mind, we’re in the middle of a famil
y gathering.’

  The American ignored him and stared at Frederick. ‘I’m sorry Professor but I am under strict orders to escort you to London immediately. There’s a plane at RAF Marham waiting.’

  Frederick looked at his wife who nodded solemnly. He turned and was escorted out of the church by the two Americans.

  Whitehall – London – 2:12pm

  ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ Frederick bellowed. ‘My son was being christened and you morons just waltz in and make me look like an idiot in front of my family!’

  General Frank Stacy showed no emotion. ‘With all due respect Professor you are part of a highly classified research group and are obliged to make yourself available whenever you are called.’

  ‘Is this how it’s going to be now, you Americans whistle and we have to come running?’

  Stacy glared at him. ‘Yeah that pretty much the size of it Professor. You are lead investigator on the Angel Committee which means you have to answer a call when it comes.’

  ‘Even in the middle of christening my son!’

  ‘All I can do is apologise for the bad timing Professor.’ Stacy remained unemotional. ‘But nothing else.’

  Frederick looked at the other two men present. Morris Stanford and Ian Morgan remained silent. Finally he sat down next to Stanford.

  Stacy began his briefing. ‘Last week one of our operatives was gunned down while on active duty in Paris. He was part of a snatch team charged with escorting a prominent German physicist out of Europe to join our team at our Groom Lake facility. Unfortunately the Soviets already had agents in Paris and were on the scene when our boys showed up.’

  Stacy slid a folder across the table towards Frederick. ‘I believe you’re familiar with the agent in question.’

  Frederick opened the document. ‘Agent Jack Baker, yes we’ve met, Stoke Lacy and Ripley last year. As I recall they weren’t exactly friendly meetings.’

  ‘Agent Baker was killed by a Soviet operative called Nikita Shinski. We believe the German physicist is still in Paris although we’re not sure where exactly.’ Stacy picked up another file. ‘The Soviet scientist Dmitri Kirov who defected may know his whereabouts. We’ve been looking through his file.’ Stacy glanced at the document in front of him. ‘The physicist’s name is Bernard Schroder, Kirov claims that he worked closely with Schroder on the Tunguska region of Russia. We would like you to accompany Agent Cones to Paris to look for this man.’

  Frederick shook his head. ‘I’m sorry general but I’m not a secret agent. I’m not being put in the line of fire for the sake of this Schroder.’

  ‘Nevertheless Professor Majestic feels that you are the right man for the job. We believe that Shinski is long gone from the area so you shouldn’t have any trouble. It’s a straight forward mission Professor you won’t be put in the line of fire. Agent Cones has been assigned as your bodyguard.’

  ‘Bodyguard!’ Frederick remarked. ‘I don’t need a bodyguard, I’m a senior Professor at Cambridge, why an earth would I need a bodyguard.’

  ‘Your experiences over the past few years make you ideal for field missions.’

  ‘I’m sorry General I have duties at Cambridge you’ll have to find someone else. I can’t just go swanning off all over the place.’ Frederick tossed the folder back across the table.

  ‘Professor Frederick, it seems that you are forgetting where your loyalties lie. Majestic has preference over everything.’ Stacy said.

  ‘And what about the Angel Committee? We were assured that we would be equal in this partnership.’ Morris Stanford pointed out.

  Stacy looked at him. ‘The Angel Committee is under the command of Majestic Mr Stanford. If you gentlemen have a problem with that I will pass your comments along to Senator Barnes.’ Stacy looked back at Frederick. ‘Your post at Cambridge will still be there when you get back Professor. In the meantime you are to report to Bletchley Park this afternoon where Kirov will be transported.’ Stacy stood. ‘Good day to you gentlemen.’

  ‘I really don’t like that man.’ Stanford remarked.

  ‘Has anyone heard from the Prime Minister?’ Frederick asked.

  Stanford shook his head. ‘I tried to gain an audience with him last week but was unable to get anywhere near him.’

  ‘You think the Americans are monitoring us?’

  Stanford nodded. ‘It wouldn’t surprise me. I’ll have another go in the next few days. Since General Stacy has taken over The Prime Minister has been side stepped.’

  ‘I supposed we better get used to the Yanks being in charge.’ Ian Morgan said.

  Frederick’s thoughts dwelled on his friend who had died a few months earlier. ‘I miss Malcolm.’

  Both Stanford and Morgan nodded in unison.

  Chapter 2

  Bletchley Park – 4:53pm

  ‘I’m so sorry to hear about Jack Baker.’ Frederick said shaking Frank Cones hand.

  Cones nodded recalling the events several days earlier. The image of Jack being shot had affected him emotionally. His friend and colleague of six years was now dead. For the second time in his life Cones felt helpless. Nightmares of Omaha Beach returned, his brother being cut down by machine gunfire. ‘Thank you Professor.’ Cones said. ‘It’s been difficult.’

  Dmitri Kirov was shown in to the interview room. ‘Professor Frederick what do I owe the pleasure?’ He made brief eye contact with Cones before sitting down.

  Frederick slid a file across the table towards the Russian defector. ‘I’ve been reading through your file Mr Kirov, giving details of your time out in the Tunguska region. I wish to know more about a Doctor Bernard Schroder.’

  ‘Forgive me Professor Frederick but what makes you think I am just going to give you details on other people?’

  ‘Isn’t that’s why you defected.’ Frederick replied.

  ‘I defected because I thought I would be of use to your scientific community. Instead I have been locked away for over a year, a virtual prisoner.’

  ‘Your comrades will still be looking for you, you must be aware of this.’

  ‘What I am aware of Professor is that I haven’t heard from a soul.’

  ‘Have we not provided you with a safe house and comfortable living conditions?’

  ‘For which I am grateful, but if you want information from me Professor then I want to make a new deal.’

  ‘New deal?’

  ‘I want passage to the United States.’

  ‘What could you offer the United States government?’ Cones finally spoke.

  Kirov looked at him. ‘Ah so you are American.’

  ‘Cut the crap Kirov.’ Cones snapped. ‘What exactly can you offer us?’

  ‘I have advanced knowledge of the Soviet atomic weapons program. They plan to build a massive atomic weapon far more powerful than what America or Britain are developing.’

  Frederick flicked through the file in front of him. ‘Funny, it doesn’t say anything here about any atomic bomb. And since you have been here for over a year Mr Kirov it’s highly likely that any information you provide our intelligence services with will be out of date.’

  ‘I can assure you Professor the information I have stored in my head is accurate.’ Kirov replied.

  ‘How do we know you’re not full of it?’ Cones said.

  Kirov inhaled. ‘The Tsar bomb.’

  ‘The Tsar Bomb?’ Frederick repeated.

  Kirov nodded. ‘It’s a massive undertaking, my government wants to develop a bomb so powerful it will deter the United States and Great Britain from attacking the Soviet Union.’

  Kirov paused looking at Frederick. ‘I’m afraid that is all I am prepared to reveal. If you consider my offer then I will cooperate in helping you track down Bernard Schroder.’

  Cones nodded. ‘Very well Mr Kirov I will take your offer into consideration.’

  Frederick threw Cones a sharp glare.

  Kirov stood. ‘I look forward to your answer.’ He said leaving the room.

  ‘What the hel
l was all that about, you cannot make a deal.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Why not, you heard the man. He’s been stuck in exile for over a year.’

  ‘With good reason.’ Frederick stared at Cones. ‘It took a massive effort to get him here Agent Cones. In time he would have been set to work. You know what the Russians are like, they’re fanatical.’

  Cones stood. ‘I’m afraid it’s out of your hands.’

  ‘Is this how Majestic operates steamrollering everyone to suit their purposes?’

  ‘Pretty much Professor, I suggest you get used to it.’

  Whitehall – London – 1:36am

  Tuesday September 7th 1954

  ‘General Stacy, Dmitri Kirov belongs to us!’ Morris Stanford protested.

  ‘From what I hear Mr Stanford you Brits have kept him locked up for over a year without utilizing him. Kirov could have valuable intelligence on what the Russians are up to.’

  ‘It is for his protection, we went to great lengths to get him out of Austria.’

  ‘Well rest assured he will be well protected in the United States.’

  ‘Can you be sure of that General?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Gentlemen.’ Stacy addressed Stanford and Frederick. ‘Kirov is going state side the matter is closed. Professor Frederick you will be flying out to Paris with Agent Cones on Thursday. Kirov revealed information on where Doctor Bernard Schroder could be hiding.’ Stacy pushed the file across the desk. ‘Once you locate Schroder you and Agent Cones will accompany him back to England.’

  ‘Exactly why is this Schroder so important General?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘As well as this Tsar bomb he mentions. He has vital information on secret Nazi research projects during the war.’

  ‘What about the Paperclip scientists haven’t they already provided you with a wealth of information.’


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