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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 12

by Jason Chapman

  After several minutes of navigating a maze of corridors and a few flights of stairs Frederick, Chambers and Thornton arrived in an unremarkable storeroom.

  ‘The artefact I want to show you is through here.’ Thornton revealed.

  The three of them stopped in front of a rectangular wooden crate which had been placed on a table. The lid to the crate had already been removed and placed loosely back on top. Thornton removed the lid and put it to one side. A sheet covered the contents.

  ‘When this was discovered by Professor Winters, the amulet I showed you was in the box with this creature.’ Chambers revealed.

  Thornton threw back the sheet.

  ‘Good lord!’ Frederick took a step back, staring at the body inside. Approximately four foot in length the creature bared resemblance to a picture Frederick had been shown when the Angel Committee held their first meeting with the Majestic group.

  ‘Whatever this is, it’s been in the ground of at least three thousand years. Professor Winters believed that that the Mayans transported this body to Chichen Itza from another sight.’

  ‘Another site?’

  ‘The last time I spoke to Professor Winters he said that he was investigating a Mayan legend regarding a god who fell to earth.’ Chambers revealed. ‘This could be what the Mayans talked about, and why Winters was so excited.’

  ‘Frederick studied the body noting the grey skin texture. ‘There is no trace of any kind of decomposition.’ He gently prodded the cheek of the body. ‘Skin texture is soft.’

  ‘It’s been down here for a couple of months now.’ Thornton said. ‘There has been a steady stream of visitors. Mr Forsdyke comes down here regularly to view this.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘John Forsdyke, I am familiar with his work.’

  ‘There is more to show you.’ Thornton offered.

  Chambers looked towards the entrance to the storeroom. ‘Someone’s coming!’ He alerted the others.

  Frederick spun on his heels and looked in the same direction. He could make out three different voices approaching. Chambers and Thornton quickly covered up the body and put the lid back on the crate.

  ‘Quick this way.’ Thornton ordered.

  Frederick and his two companions retreated behind a series of storage crates which had been stacked on top of each other. Frederick could feel his heart race. Being caught sneaking around the British Museum storeroom would not be a good thing. Frederick watched as the three men entered the storeroom.

  Chester Osborne, Paul Dirac and John Forsdyke walked up to the crate. They removed the lid and uncovered the body.

  ‘It’s incredible!’ Osborne declared.

  ‘Have you decided what you’re going to do with it?’ Dirac asked.

  ‘It will be put up for private auction.’ Forsdyke said.

  ‘When will that be exactly?’ Osborne asked.

  ‘On Thursday.’ Dirac replied. ‘We have already had parties from all over the world showing interest. Russia and America will be locked in a bidding war. The Vatican has also shown interest.’ Dirac placed the lid back on the box.

  ‘Did you manage to find Professor Winters’ diary?’ Forsdyke asked.

  Dirac shook his head. ‘Winters kept things close to his chest, his diary will be hidden. When I was in his office looking for it Professor Frederick disturbed me.’

  Osborne looked at the box. ‘I’m sure given the Professor’s involvement with the Americans he will be interested to see this.’

  ‘What about Winters.’ Dirac said. ‘Any clues as to who murdered him?’

  Osborne shook his head. ‘The police still maintain it was suicide. Whoever did murder him went to great lengths to make sure their tracks were covered.’

  Forsdyke looked at his watch. ‘I’m afraid gentlemen I have prior engagements to attend. Mr Jacob Barnes is flying in later today and has requested a private viewing of this artefact along with other which were recovered at the dig.’

  All three men left the storeroom and Frederick and his two companions came out of hiding. Frederick stared at the box. ‘We have to get this away from here.’

  Thornton shook his head. ‘There’s no way we’re going to be able to remove this. Dirac will know straight away and security is tight in the museum.’

  Frederick drew breath staring at the box and then looked at Thornton. ‘You said you had more to show me.’

  Thornton nodded and led them to the back of the storeroom. ‘One of the artefacts that was recovered from the dig.’ Thornton opened a large box that contained an object wrapped in black cloth. He placed it on the table and removed the cloth.

  ‘My god!’ Frederick felt breathless as he stared at the object. ‘I never thought I’d see one of these.’

  The crystal skull seemed to shimmer in the dim light, giving off an unearthly blue glow.

  Frederick and the others stared into the skulls eyes failing to notice the man who had followed them into the museum.’

  ‘Magnificent isn’t it gentlemen.’

  All three turned and were confronted by a tall thin man holding a gun.

  ‘Professor Frederick if you please.’ The man said holding out his hand.

  ‘Who are you and how do you know my name?’ Frederick demanded to know.

  ‘I’m know many things Professor, now please hand over the skull. I’m sure Mr Chambers and Mr Thornton don’t want things to get out of hand.’

  Frederick stared at the gun the man held which was equipped with a silencer.

  The man pointed his gun at Thornton and fired. Thornton recoiled in pain dropping to the floor as the bullet tore into his forearm.

  ‘The skull now, Professor.’ The man said pointing his gun at Chambers.

  Frederick reluctantly picked up the skull and wrapped it in the black cloth. He handed it to the stranger. ‘Are you responsible for Professor Winters death?’

  ‘Professor Winters tried to double cross me, I had to take action.’

  ‘What exactly do your want with this skull?’

  The man took the skull. ‘Until next time Professor, say hello to Agent Cones for me.’ He turned fleeing towards the exit.

  Chambers knelt down by his friend. ‘Are you ok?’

  ‘No I’ve been bloody shot!’ Thornton winced in pain.

  Chambers glanced at Frederick. ‘Go after him!’

  Frederick spun around and quickly headed out of the storeroom. He managed to find his way out of the maze of corridors and found himself back in the reading room. Frederick caught sight of the thin man heading towards the door. He raced across the reading room and exited the building. The man casually jogged down some steps. Frederick chased down his quarry and blocked his path.

  ‘Who the hell are you?’

  The man smiled at him. ‘You have no idea the power you have discovered here Professor.’ The man held up the object. ‘But I do.’

  ‘You’re not getting out of here with that?’

  ‘I’m afraid I am Professor.’ The man replied.

  Frederick became aware of the barrel of a gun prodding his back.

  ‘You see Professor, you have now become a part of history. A history that will involve your family for generations to come.’ The man stepped past Frederick and climbed into a waiting car. The other man with the gun also retreated.

  Frederick returned to the storeroom. Chambers had managed to make a temporary bandage for Thornton and was busy making sure they had left no sign that they had been there.

  ‘We need to get out of here.’ Frederick suggested.

  ‘I’ll get Thornton some treatment I know someone who won’t ask any questions.’

  Frederick nodded and looked at Thornton. ‘Dirac mentioned an auction.’

  Thornton nodded. ‘The museum is rife with rumours about secret auctions. Artefacts come here from all of the world and are sold off to private collectors.’

  ‘Artefacts?’ Frederick questioned.

  Thornton nodded. ‘Stuff the museum doesn’t want going on public display.
’ He indicated to the box. ‘Like this fellow here, and that skull.’

  ‘I don’t understand, who was that man and how did he know all of us, what did he mean say hello to Agent Cones?’

  Frederick shook his head in despair looking at the injured Thornton. ‘I don’t know, but something tells me we haven’t seen the last of him.’

  Chapter 48

  Trinity College – Cambridge – 10:23am

  Tuesday 29th March 1955

  Frederick spent the morning grading papers. The previous day’s events plagued his mind. Particularly the man he had encountered and who had shot Thornton. He pondered over the stranger’s words, ‘generations to come.’

  A knock on the door alerted Frederick.

  ‘Sorry to bother you Professor but there’s a man here who wants to see you.’ His secretary announced.

  At that moment Janet was pushed aside and Jacob Barnes entered the room. ‘No need for introductions my dear.’ He said boldly. ‘Me and the Professor are already acquainted.’

  Frederick got to his feet. ‘It’s ok Janet I do know this gentleman.’

  Frederick sat down and forced a smile. ‘Mr Barnes what an unexpected surprise.’

  Barnes wasted no time. ‘Are you busy this Thursday night Professor?’

  Frederick shrugged. ‘I don’t have any plans.’

  Barnes nodded. ‘I would like you to accompany me to London. I’ll be attending an auction and thought you would like to come along for the ride.’

  Frederick suddenly found himself back in the museum storeroom with Chambers and Thornton. ‘I’m not a huge fan of auctions.’ He said.

  Barnes smiled back. ‘Believe me Professor you’ll want to attend this one.’ The American produced a piece of paper and handed it to Frederick. ‘I will meet you at this address.’ Barnes got to his feet. ‘Don’t be late.’

  Frederick stared out of the window and watched Barnes as he climbed into his car. He placed the old bottle of brandy in the window and returned to grading papers.

  William chambers smiled as he stared at the address that Barnes had given Frederick. ‘Do you think this is the auction Dirac mentioned?’

  Frederick nodded. ‘It has to be, Jacob Barnes wouldn’t travel all this way if it wasn’t important.’

  ‘All we need now is a plan to try and steal the artefact away from whoever buys it.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Do you think Barnes will win the auction?’

  ‘I honestly don’t know, although Barnes is a very rich man. I suppose it all depends who else turns up at this auction.’

  Chambers nodded. ‘I know a few people who could help. Now that we know where and what time this auction is taking place at least we can come up with a plan.’

  ‘What do you suggest?’ Frederick asked noting the look on Chambers’ face.

  ‘Trust me Professor I think I can come up with something.’

  Chapter 49

  St James Park

  Wednesday 30th March 1:56pm

  Frederick stood as he saw Rothschild approach from Buckingham Palace. ‘Professor good to see you.’

  Frederick nodded and got to his feet. The two men started to walk down a path towards Horse Guards Parade ground. ‘I have been invited to an auction tomorrow. There is an unusual artefact going up for sale.’

  Rothschild nodded. ‘The body Professor Winters brought back from South America.’

  ‘I take it you know of this auction.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Very little escapes the attention of the Order Professor Frederick. The auction you speak of is just one of many which have taken place over the centuries. Men of power exchanging artefacts they believe will bring them power.’

  ‘Is this body which is being auctioned of a creature from another world?’

  Rothschild nodded. ‘The entire history of mankind has been shaped by these creatures Professor. Stories of beings descending from the heavens have dominated the world religions. But there are those who have spent a lot of time making millions believe that such creatures are not possible.’

  ‘You’re talking about the Brotherhood of the Holy See?’ Frederick guessed.

  ‘Amongst other groups yes.’

  ‘Other groups?’

  ‘You have to remember Professor this world has many religions. Christianity and Catholicism as well as Hindu, Muslim and others.’ Rothschild looked at. ‘This fact alone makes one question that of there are some many religions all believing in one true god then why isn’t there just one religion.’

  Frederick mulled over Rothschild’s words before remembering what had happened at the British Museum. ‘And the crystal skull found with the body.’

  ‘I have seen only two of these skulls.’ Rothschild replied. ‘I can tell you that they have incredible power. There are many scattered all over the world. They usually come in pairs.’


  Rothschild nodded. ‘Legend speaks of the skulls ability to open doors to other realities or creating gateways to other parts of the universe. There are even stories about the skulls being able to open a window in time which anyone can step through.’

  ‘I take it these skulls do not originate from our world.’

  ‘No.’ Rothschild replied. ‘The order has been trying to obtain some of these skulls for study but has been unsuccessful.’

  ‘The one I saw yesterday was stolen by a man. He say that I had become part of something that would have consequences for my family for generations to come.’

  Rothschild thought about what Frederick had just revealed.

  ‘Is there something you wish to tell me?’ Frederick said noting the look on Rothschild’s face.

  ‘There have been stories for centuries about people with the ability to travel through time.’

  Frederick smiled at Rothschild. ‘Like H.G.Wells.’

  ‘When we first met Professor I said life elsewhere in our universe is just part of the splendour. Time travel is just one of these aspects. Legend speaks of one of these skulls and its ability to open a doorway through time. If such a skull exists then you must find it.’

  Frederick shook his head. ‘I cannot go off looking for the other skull, Majestic would get suspicious.’

  Rothschild took a deep breath. ‘The auction tomorrow night will give you a sneak peek into what lurks beneath the world of antiquities. The objects on display in our museums and art galleries are there for a purpose.’

  ‘What purpose?’

  ‘To make ordinary people believe that mankind has followed just one path.’

  Frederick checked his watch as both men emerged from St James Park.

  ‘We must part company here Professor.’ Rothschild said.

  A car drew up and stopped by the side of the curb. Rothschild turned and looked at Frederick. ‘There will be many eyes on you tomorrow night Professor. The Angel Committee is now well known amongst certain circles. Be on your toes.’ Rothschild tipped his hat before getting in the car.

  Chapter 50

  Billingsgate – London – 11:25pm

  Friday 1st April 1955

  Frederick looked at two men stood at the main door to the building the auction was to be held. One of them was holding a clipboard.

  ‘Name!’ The man barked.

  ‘Professor Ralph Frederick.’

  The man stared at the name sheet for a few moments before finding Frederick’s name. He nodded and the other man opened the door.

  Frederick stepped inside and found himself in a grand hallway. A tall man approached with a tray of drinks.

  ‘Professor!’ Jacob Barnes called out. ‘Glad you could make it.’ Barnes plucked two glasses off the tray and handed one to Frederick.

  ‘Not for me thanks.’ Frederick said politely.

  Barnes Frowned. ‘Come now Professor this is an informal gathering.’

  Frederick hesitated before accepting the glass. Both men then walked through to what appeared to be a large library. At the centre was a table which was covered with a white c
loth under which lay what appeared to be a figure. Frederick guessed that it must be the body Chambers and Thornton had shown him a few days earlier. The room was already occupied by a number of people. Frederick quickly scanned their attire. It was obvious that some of the men were representatives of different religions. As Frederick glanced around he locked eyes with a catholic priest who he had encountered before. The priest peeled away from the group he was with and approached.

  ‘Professor Ralph Frederick isn’t it.’

  Frederick nodded recalling his last encounter with the man, just over a year earlier in Abbotsbury. The priest offered his hand. ‘Cardinal Marcus Portis.’

  ‘What brings you to this auction?’ Frederick asked candidly.

  The Cardinal smiled. ‘The Vatican is interested in acquiring this artefact for its private collection.’

  ‘Private collection?’ Frederick said candidly. ‘I didn’t realise his holiness was an art collector.’

  Portis laughed and looked at Jacob Barnes. ‘I see you’ve have yet to reveal what is on display here tonight.’

  Barnes smiled. ‘You know me Cardinal I’m full of surprises.’

  Another man approached. ‘Professor Ralph Frederick I believe.’ He said exhibiting a Russian accent. ‘Professor Pavel Vladimir of the Russian science academy. I am follower of your work especially in the field of quantum mechanics.’

  Frederick sipped from his drink. ‘Thank you Professor Vladimir.’

  Another man approached dressed in a black tunic with a purple sash and a sabre strapped to his side.’

  ‘Professor Frederick may I present Akon Kahn from India.’ Barnes introduced.

  Kahn simply nodded. ‘Professor Frederick it is an honour, I have read tales of you exploits over the last few years.’

  ‘I didn’t realise my exploits were a matter of public record.’ Frederick said politely.

  Kahn smiled at Frederick. ‘Maybe not public but certainly known in certain circles.’ Kahn then walked away.

  ‘Certain circles.’ Frederick said looking at Barnes.


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