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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 20

by Jason Chapman

  Frederick backed against the wall. ‘What’s going on?’ He glanced at Merkel then at the two men who grabbed him by the arms.

  Merkel produced a needle and syringe. ‘You weren’t supposed to stumble onto our little operation.’

  ‘Killing me will only draw attention to this place.’

  ‘I’m not going to kill you Professor Frederick.’ Merkel replied. ‘But we do need time to pack up and leave.’

  Frederick felt the needle stab into his arm. The two men let go of him. ‘You won’t get away with this.’ Frederick managed to say before collapsing in a heap on the floor.

  Chapter 78

  Warwickshire – 10:49am

  Sunday 29th July

  ‘Professor!’ A voice called out. ‘Professor can you hear me!’

  Frederick’s eyes opened. The first thing he wanted to do was throw up all over the back seat of the car he was sat in.

  Agent Cones shook Frederick’s arm.

  ‘What the hell happened?’ Frederick asked feeling extremely disorientated.

  ‘We’ve been out for nearly a day, that’s what happened.’ Rayman explained.

  Frederick looked out of the window at the countryside. ‘Where are we?’

  ‘I’m not sure.’ Cones replied. ‘A few miles out from the orphanage I guess.’

  Frederick jolted upright. ‘We need to get back there.’ Frederick said with a sense of urgency.

  After getting directions from a local farmer Frederick Cones and Rayman found themselves outside the orphanage. However the gates were padlocked and draped in chains.

  ‘Looks like they’ve packed up and left.’ Cones said.

  ‘Yes but who are they?’ Rayman explained.

  Norman Hinshelwood seems to be keeping secrets, he had a bloody nerve threatening me.’ He turned to face Rayman. ‘Mr Rayman when you get back to London I want you to write a full story about this place.’

  Rayman pointed towards the orphanage. ‘There’s nothing to report, Doctor Merkel is gone.’

  Frederick shook his head. ‘All he’s done is crawl back under the rock that Hinshelwood has supplied him with.’

  Rayman took out his camera and started snapping away at the building. ‘I’ll have a word with my editor and see what he thinks.’

  ‘I cannot tell you everything Mr Rayman. But I can tell you this both the British and American Governments have all kinds of secrets as well as the Soviet Government. I don’t want you putting anything about flying saucers in your article. You are to report solely on what happened here.’

  ‘Slow down Professor.’ Cones interrupted. ‘Rayman has just said there is nothing to report here and you showing up in an article about a casefile we’ve been assigned to will piss off both Jacob Barnes and General Stacy.’

  ‘Mr Rayman won’t be mentioning me.’

  ‘I won’t.’ Rayman said with a puzzled expression. ‘Forgive me Professor but without any evidence that anything has transpired here or anyone to interview then I have no story.’

  ‘Then you use what you do know for a story.’

  ‘And what exactly do I know.’

  ‘That a former Nazi doctor called Richard Merkel has been allowed to escape justice and how other prominent Nazis have got off scot free.’

  Rayman nodded slowly. ‘I suppose I could write a story on that.’

  ‘You know this will have to stay between the three of us.’ Cones pointed out looking at Rayman.

  ‘You needn’t worry Mr Cones I maybe a journalist but I know how to keep secrets.’ He looked at the orphanage. ‘What about Dr Merkel and his experiments?’

  ‘We will track him down eventually’ Frederick said.

  ‘And your buddy from the Royal Society, Hinshelwood?’ Cones said.

  ‘Hinshelwood does have the upper hand at the moment but the tables will be turned I can assure you that.’ Frederick replied.

  All three men jumped in the car and headed back to London.

  Chapter 79

  London – Whitehall – 11:56am

  Wednesday 2nd August 1955

  General Stacy slid the newspaper across the table. ‘Would you care to explain this Professor?’

  Frederick looked at the headline on the front of the London Evening Examiner.

  Former Nazi doctor at large in the UK

  ‘Can you tell me why a picture of the place you’ve recently visited has found its way into the press?’

  ‘This has nothing to do with me General.’ Frederick replied hiding his anxiety. ‘What I would like to know is why you sent us out there in the first place. This isn’t anything UFO related, the girl we visited had no connection with flying saucers.’

  ‘Doctor Merkel is of interest to Majestic.’


  ‘Because of his work during the war.’

  ‘I wouldn’t call murdering innocent people work General, that man should be locked up not allowed to roam free to continue his work.’

  ‘We are aware of his activities Professor.’ Stacy said.

  ‘But you still do nothing, did you know Norman Hinshelwood is acquainted with Merkel.’

  Stacy looked at Frederick. ‘No.’

  Frederick looked back at Stacy for several seconds wondering if he was telling the truth.

  ‘We only just got wind of Merkel’s presence in Europe a few weeks ago. He is part of something called the Fourth Reich.’

  ‘And what is that exactly?’

  ‘When the Germans surrendered after the death of Hitler a group of fanatics vowed to create another German Reich. No doubt you are familiar with Odessa.’

  Frederick nodded.

  ‘Thousands of Germans fled to South America establishing new lives for themselves. It wasn’t long before they began to make contact with former Nazi party members still in Europe. They are well organised. You’ll be surprised how many people still subscribe to Hitler’s twisted ideology. Majestic agents have had a number of incidents involving the fourth Reich. Every time we have had encounters with them, they seem to crawl deeper into the woodwork. Doctor Merkel is just one of many thousands of doctors and scientists still at large. We know the Russians have a large scale operation running in an effort to track down these men, some of whom were part of Nazi Germany’s nuclear weapons program.’

  ‘The Nazis had a nuclear weapons program.’ Frederick said with scepticism.

  Stacy nodded. ‘US intelligence received information in April 1945 after raiding a weapons research lab in Poland. According to a leading technician the Germans were in the final stages of perfecting a bomb capable of levelling a city. Acting on this information the Manhattan Project was stepped up. When we dropped the bombs on Japan we weren’t even sure if they would even work. When the first bomb was tested on the New Mexico desert flats there were plenty of scientists there to make sure everything went smoothly. The Enola Gay and the Bockscar were on a wing and a prayer when they dropped their payloads.’

  ‘Nevertheless the bombs worked.’

  ‘You don’t approve.’ Stacy remarked.

  ‘It ended the war didn’t it?’


  ‘Did this technician reveal the whereabouts of this bomb the Nazis were developing?’

  ‘No and that is the disturbing thing. Men like Dr Merkel are instrumental in helping us discover the full extent of what the Nazis were up to during the war and also any future plans the Fourth Reich may hatch.’ Stacy paused got to his feet and walked towards a window looking out. ‘If it’s any consolation Professor I have no love for the Germans. My son was executed by the SS during the war. I have had my fair share of arguments with my superiors on why we are hunting these men only to offer them safe haven instead of a noose.’

  Frederick found himself sympathising with Stacy. A memory pushed itself to the front of his mind. On his first night out with Elizabeth the third Reich had bombed London. He received the news that the bodies of his parents had been recovered from the rubble of a hotel they were staying at. He then
thought about Elizabeth and a new determination began to rise within. ‘I need some time to myself General.’

  Stacy turned and nodded.

  Chapter 80

  The Holiday

  The Kremlin – Moscow – Russia – 10:29am

  Tuesday 9th August 1955

  Pavel Vladimir waited patiently outside the office of Nikita Khrushchev. He checked his watch and stared down one of the many long corridors that lined the Kremlin. Eventually the door opened and Vladimir was ushered in.

  Khrushchev was sat behind a large antique desk once owned by Tsar Nicholas II. It was one of many items which had been stripped from the royal palaces during the revolution which ended in the execution of the Tsar and his entire family.

  ‘Comrade Vladimir.’ Khrushchev smiled.

  Vladimir walked up to the desk taking off his officers cap. ‘Comrade Khrushchev.’

  Khrushchev gestured to the man sat opposite. ‘Professor Luski is with the science division charged with studying the device that comrade Shinski managed to obtain from Jacob Barnes in London some time ago. We have learned some fascinating facts about what this device can do.’

  Vojislav Luski produced the device placing it on the table in front of him. ‘We are aware that the creatures who built this device have been monitoring various people around the globe. Taking them on occasion and performing examinations. There are several thousand people within the Soviet Union who have had direct contact with these beings. Our science division has had success with examining a number of individuals who have had contact and have removed tiny devices which allow these creatures to track humans they have taken. Unfortunately individuals which have been examined have not survived the extraction process. This has led us to believe that anyone who have had one of these devices implanted in them cannot survives once it has been removed.’

  ‘I see.’ Vladimir said.

  ‘Our intelligence operatives in the United States and Great Britain have informed us that both Majestic and remnants of The Angel Committee are not aware of this information.’ Khrushchev explained.

  ‘It seems the Americans and the British lack the stomach to carry out examinations on subjects which have been taken.’ Luski Said.

  ‘Professor Luski feels that we need to expand our investigation into what is happening to these people. You are being despatched to England to locate an individual who has had contact with these creatures and bring them back to Russia.’

  ‘I don’t understand, what can we learn from this if we have already have results from individuals native to Russia?’

  ‘We merely wish to see if people from other countries differ from those from the Soviet Union.’ Luski answered.’

  ‘You are to be despatched in two days, you will be taking two men with you. These men are highly trained and will aid you should you encounter any difficulty.’

  ‘And what about my position regarding the Tunguska Project? Colonel Konev keeps a watchful eye on who comes and who goes from that region.’

  ‘Do not worry about Comrade Konev.’ Luski said. ‘We will make sure a suitable reason is made for you.’

  Khrushchev pushed a file across the table. ‘This information details all the remaining members of the Angel Committee currently active in the United Kingdom.’

  Vladimir glanced at the folder. ‘If I encounter any Angel Committee members.’

  ‘Then you are two use any means to ensure the mission is a success.’ Khrushchev paused for a moment. The political wheels are starting to turn comrade. Many changes are coming. The Tunguska project will soon be yours.’

  Vladimir glanced at Khrushchev. ‘You still have to get passed Colonel Konev and his daughter Doctor Vilenko.’

  Khrushchev nodded. ‘We will deal with the Colonel and his daughter in time.’

  Chapter 81

  Winston Manner Hotel – Lake District – 2:02pm

  Monday 15th August 1955

  Frederick smiled at Elizabeth who stood beside him. A week earlier he had managed to make contact with her. Elizabeth had offered to meet with Frederick but not at their home. Before they had children they liked to visit the Lake District and walk along the many lakes that dotted the scenery.

  ‘Two single rooms please.’ Frederick said glancing at his wife.

  The hotel manager eyed the man and woman suspiciously before sliding the guestbook across the counter for them to sign.

  After unpacking they both met in the restaurant. For several minutes they sat opposite each other without saying a word.

  ‘So how have you been?’ Frederick finally said breaking the silence.

  ‘I’ve been keeping busy, James is starting to grow rapidly.’ Elizabeth replied.

  Frederick smiled.

  ‘Susan has been constantly asking about you, wondering when she’s going back home.’

  ‘I’m miss them, and you.’ Frederick reached across the table to touch his wife’s hand but she withdrew.

  ‘If I have to say sorry a million times over I will.’

  ‘I just want to know why Ralph that’s all.’ Elizabeth said staring at Frederick.

  Frederick inhaled. ‘I wanted to explain what had happened but your father didn’t really give me the chance.’

  ‘Should he have?’

  ‘Elizabeth, the woman in those photographs wasn’t who you think she was.’

  ‘Then who was she Ralph?’ Elizabeth said.

  Frederick looked down at the table desperately searching for an answer. He knew full well he had sworn an oath of secrecy not to reveal to anyone what his job with the Angel Committee entailed.

  ‘I’m waiting Ralph.’ Elizabeth said.

  Frederick was about to sum up an answer when a man approached their table. ‘Bless my soul if it isn’t Professor Frederick.’ Albert Atkins announced looking behind him.

  Fred Barnet appeared behind Atkins. ‘Good lord Professor Frederick!’

  Elizabeth eyed the two men cautiously.

  Despite the rude interruption Frederick felt a wave of relief wash over him.

  ‘There’s only one reason you must be up here.’ Atkins said. ‘You’re investigating the spate of flying saucer sightings.’

  Elizabeth looked at her husband. ‘Ralph who are these gentlemen?’

  Atkins bowed politely. Allow me to introduce myself. ‘Albert Atkins and this is my colleague Mr Fred Barnet.’ Atkins looked at Frederick. ‘And who is your lovely companion Professor? She’s definitely a step up from the head of MI6.’

  ‘Listen gentlemen it’s nice to see you but we would like a bit of privacy.’

  Atkins looked at both Frederick and Elizabeth before breaking out into a smile. ‘I see, like that is it Professor.’ He said with a wink. ‘And where’s your wife, at home I take it?’

  Elizabeth got to her feet. ‘If you’ll excuse me I would like to retire for the evening.’ She left the table rapidly.

  ‘Was it something I said?’ Atkins shrugged.

  Frederick glared at him. ‘That was my wife you idiot.’ He seethed before getting to his feet. Frederick followed Elizabeth to her hotel room. Knocking softly on the door he called out her name.

  ‘Please Ralph I want time to myself.’ Elizabeth said from behind the door.

  ‘When can we talk?’ Frederick asked.

  Elizabeth hesitated. ‘Tomorrow.’ She eventually said. Frederick nodded and headed back to his room.

  Chapter 82


  Frederick opened his eyes at the sound of knocking on his hotel room door. After several seconds of scrambling around for something to put on he marched to the door and opened it. For a fleeting moment he hoped it would be Elizabeth wanting to talk. However his hopes were soon dashed at the sight of Atkins and Barnet who stood smiling back at him.

  ‘Good evening Professor Frederick.’

  ‘Good evening!’ Frederick growled. ‘I’d swear it was the middle of the bloody night. What do you want?’

  ‘We were hoping for some inside informatio
n on what’s been going on in this area.’ Barnet said.

  Frederick massaged his tired brow. ‘Look gentlemen I know that we have had dealings in the past but just because I happen to be here right now doesn’t mean I’m up here on official business.’

  ‘So you’re not here investigating saucer sightings in this area.’

  ‘No I am up here with my wife.’

  Atkins folded his arms. ‘I see, so why is it you’ve booked into separate rooms?’

  ‘Unless she isn’t your wife and that she is a colleague.’ Barnet added.

  Frederick took a deep breath, holding his temper at the thought of a gossiping landlord. ‘Ok what UFO sightings?’

  Atkins smiled and stepped through the door followed closely by Barnet.

  Frederick sat down on the bed as Atkins explained what they were doing there.

  ‘After our previous encounter a few years ago our organisation has been looking for information regarding flying saucers over water.’ Atkins explained. ‘We believe that some of these flying saucers may have underwater bases.’

  ‘Underwater bases.’ Frederick couldn’t help but smiling at what Atkins had just said.

  ‘I don’t know why you think it sounds so farfetched.’ Barnet said. ‘Considering the incident in Loch Ness.’

  Frederick folded his arms looking at the two. ‘Ok I’ll let you in on a little secret. The craft at Loch Ness didn’t exactly have a base there.’

  ‘Go on.’ Atkins said.

  ‘It was tracked by the Russians who scrambled aircraft to intercept it. They actually managed to get a shot off which was why it came down in the loch.’

  ‘And what happened to it?’

  Frederick shrugged. ‘You gentlemen were there, we never heard from it after the sub we were in was attacked.’ Frederick paused thinking back to the incident in Scotland. ‘Incidentally did you take the advice I gave you about investigating other unexplained phenomena.’

  Barnet nodded. ‘We have been on the lookout for other strange occurrences.’


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