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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 22

by Jason Chapman

  Frederick could only shake his head and looked skyward. ‘I don’t know, perhaps they saw what was about to happen and intervened.’

  ‘Looks like you have a guardian angel watching over you Professor.’ Barnet said. ‘I for one am grateful.’

  Frederick looked at the alien device he had taken from Vladimir.

  ‘A souvenir for Majestic.’ Barnett said.

  Frederick thought for a moment before shaking his head and handing it to Barnet. ‘No, Majestic already have enough souvenirs. This will help you keep track of Albert should he decide to disappear again. But you must never reveal it to anyone. The incident in Loch Ness a few years ago has already put you on Majestic’s radar. If they find out you have this they will kill you.’

  Barnet stared at the device. ‘Thank you Professor.’

  All four headed back to the hotel.

  Lake Windermere – 5:56am

  Vladimir blinked before looking around him. The two men and woman he had were gone. Vladimir checked his watch and noted several hours had passed. A dread rose from within, fearing his superior’s reaction on the loss of the Roswell device. He looked around but the object was nowhere to be seen.

  Double Cross

  Chapter 85

  Whitehall – London

  Wednesday 31st August 1955

  ‘Good Morning gentlemen.’ General Stacy greeted as he entered the room and sat down.

  Frederick, Cones and Morris Stanford were present in the briefing room.

  ‘A few days ago CIA operatives in Stuttgart intercepted a Soviet transmission regarding a German physicist who went on the run after the war. This man is of great interest to Majestic’s research team out at Groom Lake in Nevada. The individual’s name is Doctor Karl Brack. He worked on many top secret Nazi research projects during the war. Most notably the Bell that the Germans had been developing. Operation Paperclip did assign men to track him down however they were unsuccessful. This man has a talent for disappearing under everyone’s nose so you have to be on your toes.’ Stacy tossed a file across the table. ‘Doctor Brack was close to another German scientist during the war, Victor Klaus.’

  Cones looked at General Stacy. ‘The scientist me and Jack helped escape East Germany.’

  Stacy nodded. ‘Klaus has offered to go along for the ride and help you two track down Brack.’

  ‘Isn’t that a bit risky, both the Russians and Mossad were keen to get their hands on Klaus. If he is seen in Europe it could turn into a witch hunt.’

  ‘Jacob Barnes feels that it is worth the risk.’

  Cones rolled his eyes. ‘Why doesn’t that surprise me.’

  Stacy looked at Stanford. ‘British intelligence has been keeping an eye on the apartment that Brack is staying at. So it’s just a simple mission, you should be there and back again in twenty four hours.’

  ‘Forgive me general but if as you say it’s a simple enough mission why do we need this Victor Klaus along for the ride?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘As I just said this man is very clever in evading our operatives. We feel that a familiar face will help persuade him to come over to us. Doctor Klaus will be flying in tomorrow, you will extend him every courtesy.’ Stacy got to his feet. ‘Mr Stanford I need to speak with you in private please.’

  Chapter 86

  London Airport – 12:01pm

  Thursday 1st September 1955

  Doctor Victor Klaus smiled as he approached the two men who were to greet him. ‘Agent Cones, I feel better already knowing that you will be escorting me.’

  Cones nodded. ‘How you doing doc?’

  ‘Very well thanks to you and your heroic partner.’

  Cones thought about an incident in Germany nearly a decade back. Both he and Jack Baker had been assigned to escort Doctor Klaus out of Germany. Klaus had proven to be difficult and would not leave without his family.

  Klaus offered his hand to Frederick. ‘Professor Frederick, good to meet you again.’

  Frederick managed a smile briefly recalling a meeting he had with Klaus a few years back, and Doctor Forbes protest about working with a former concentration camp doctor.

  ‘We need to get moving doc there’s a car waiting for us.’ Cones said.

  ‘Are you alright Agent Cones?’ Frederick had noticed that Cones seemed agitated since Doctor Klaus had shown up.

  Cones took his time to nod. ‘I guess I have a few nerves about helping this man track down another Nazi scientist. Majestic doesn’t mind getting its hands dirty as long as it’s us who are dropped in the shit.’

  ‘What happened ten years ago?’

  ‘We barely got out of Germany that’s what happened. Now we’re going back into the lions den.’

  ‘We let’s hope it’s like what General Stacy said just a simple pick up.’

  Chapter 87

  Bletchley Park – 3:34pm

  ‘Doctor Brack was a close colleague of mine during the war. We worked at a facility in what is now Soviet occupied Germany.’ Klaus explained.

  ‘I thought you worked at Belzec during the war.’ Cones pointed out.

  Klaus ignored the comment and carried on. ‘Doctor Brack is a brilliant man, he is also unstable.’

  ‘Unstable?’ Morris Stanford questioned.

  ‘During the war when we worked on the Bell device he was obsessed with the concept of being able to manipulate time.’

  ‘Manipulate time.’ Frederick remarked.

  Klaus looked at him. ‘Sound like science fiction Professor, believe me when I say this, I have seen things that rewrites the laws of Einstein.’

  ‘And you only now decided to tell us about it.’ Cones stated.

  ‘I thought Doctor Brack had been killed during the war. During the closing stages there was a lot of chaos. Research projects being moved out of Germany so that both the Russians and the allies would not acquire the technology we had developed during the war. The Americans were successful in acquiring the bell device, but they only obtained the first prototype. There were five bells developed in all. The final one using a very exotic substance known as red matter.’

  ‘And what exactly is red matter?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘A substance capable of wiping out a large city. It can also be used as a power source. One tiny drop could power a city block.’

  ‘Do the Americans know about this red matter?’ Stanford asked.

  ‘They obtained documents in the closing stages of the war but they have yet to get their hands on the actual substance.’

  ‘How exactly is this red matter supposed to manipulate time?’

  Klaus paused for several seconds. ‘Karl was convinced that the substance contained a unique property and that used in the correct manner it could propel an individual back in time.’

  Frederick shook his head smiling. ‘I’m sorry Doctor but I have a hard time believing in time travel is possible. Time travel is the stuff of science fiction.’

  ‘So are beings from another world as well as flying saucers.’ Klaus replied.

  Frederick mulled over Klaus’ words before eventually nodding.

  ‘Doctor Brack was confident that he was close to a breakthrough regarding the red matter. But when the tide of war started to turn he was assigned to other weapons projects. Unfortunately Germany fell and he was forced to abandon his work to the Russians who raided one of the facilities he was working at. Before the Russians raided the facility Karl had developed a much smaller version of the bell which was powered by the red matter. He managed to move the bell device before the Russians could get their hands on it.’

  ‘Where did he move it to?’

  ‘I do not know.’

  ‘How well did you know him?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Very well we studied together at the Berlin Science Academy.’

  ‘So you think that you’ll be able to persuade him to come over to us.’

  ‘It shouldn’t be a problem.’

  ‘You’ll fly out to Germany tomorrow and track down this Doctor Bra
ck.’ Stanford said. ‘Then you are to escort him to an airfield outside Stuttgart. A CIA transport plane will fly you to Paris where you will hand Brack over to Majestic agents for escort back to the United States. It should be a straight forward mission.’

  Chapter 88

  Stuttgart – Germany – 11:01am

  Friday 2nd September 1955

  Cones looked around the small café. Being with Klaus made him nervous. He found himself missing his friend Jack.

  ‘You needn’t worry Agent Cones no one cares who we are.’ Klaus said.

  Cones nodded. ‘That maybe so doc but it wouldn’t hurt to keep on our toes.’

  Frederick checked his watch. ‘I guess we need to move.’

  All three men got up and walked towards the entrance. At the back of the café Nikita Shinski sat out of view watching the three men walk across the road towards the apartment block.

  Frederick tried to catch his breath after walking up four flights of stairs. Agent Cones wanted to stay out of plain sight suggesting that the stairs would be the best rout if they wanted to stay hidden. Klaus approached the apartment door hesitating.

  ‘Something Wrong doc?’ Cones asked.

  ‘I haven’t seen Karl in fourteen years.’

  ‘Well think of this as an old school reunion.’

  Klaus summed up the courage and knocked loudly on the door. Movement could be heard from inside the apartment block.

  The door opened and a short man with a receding hairline stared back at Klaus. ‘My god Victor!’ He gasped.

  Klaus offered his hand. ‘Hello old friend.’

  Cones looked up and down the corridor feeling nervous. He shoved Klaus through the doorway and entered to the room followed closely by Frederick. ‘Yeah it’s great to see you.’ He said. ‘Now could we please get moving.’

  Brack glared at the American. ‘What’s going on, who are these people?’

  ‘Karl you must come with us, it is imperative that you get to the United States.’

  Brack shook his head. ‘No I will not just give myself up to the Americans.’

  ‘Really!’ Cones stated. ‘You’d rather take your chances with the Russians.’

  ‘Certainly not!’ Brack replied. ‘My research belongs to all humanity.’

  ‘That’s very noble of you Doctor Brack.’ Frederick said. ‘But for now we have to get you out of here to a safe location.’

  Brack laughed. ‘A safe location, America. I know of Operation Paperclip. Safe passage to the United States in exchange for knowledge. And who benefits from this knowledge? America, Majestic, Jacob Barnes.’

  Cones and Frederick exchanged glances.

  ‘Yes I am well aware who is interested in my work. I will not just hand over years of research.’ The knowledge I have could be used to destroy humanity.’

  ‘So you’re just going to spend the rest of your life running.’ Cones said. ‘Great plan.’

  ‘In time there will be new organisations who will see my work as valuable.’

  ‘Karl you must listen to me.’ Klaus pleaded. ‘You cannot just spend your life on the run. Sooner or later you will be caught. You will have a good life in America.’ Klaus looked at Cones. ‘This man recued me and my family. He risked everything so I could have a better life. You don’t have to share all of your research, you call the shots.’

  ‘Unlike you victor my family was killed during the war. I have nothing left but my research now.’

  ‘Doctor Brack I understand that you may feel that you don’t have anywhere to go, but what we are offering is better than the alternative.’ Frederick said. ‘Let me ask you this, what exactly are you planning to do regarding your future.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘What I mean is you are reluctant to work for the Americans or the Russians. You say you will quite happily wait for someone to come along and appreciate your work. How long will that be exactly? Years, you could be long dead and your research lost to history.’

  Brack took a deep breath before nodding and looking at Klaus. ‘Perhaps you’re right. I am tired of running.’

  ‘You will love America Karl it is full of opportunity.’ Klaus said. ‘I have been allowed to carry on my research and the breakthroughs I have made are astonishing. It’s like the glory days of the Third Reich.’

  Cones glared at the German. ‘America is nothing like you bastards, we don’t throw people into gas chambers.’

  Klaus looked at him and smiled. ‘You’ll be surprised what Jacob Barnes lets us do.’

  Frederick looked at his watch. ‘I suggest we get moving if we want to catch that transport plane.’

  ‘I need to pick up a few things before we board a plane.’

  Cones rolled his eyes looking at Klaus. ‘This has a familiar tune to it.’

  Brack gathered a few things and stuffed them into a suitcase. ‘We must head for the central Library in the city. It is where I have hidden some of my research.’

  All four men appeared in the corridor of the building. They headed back towards the stairway they had just come up.’

  ‘Doctor Klaus!’ A voice shouted from behind.

  Cones reached for his weapon, he recognised the voice of Nikita Shinski who was standing in the corridor pointing his weapon. ‘You should have stayed in America.’

  Cones stepped between Shinski and the other three men gripping his gun. ‘Back off.’

  Shinski cocked his gun.

  A door to one of the apartment opened and a man, a woman with three young children emerged. The father glared at the Russian with the gun. His wife screamed while the children huddled behind their father.

  Frederick’s heart was pounding. Klaus and Brack used the distraction to continue down the corridor.

  The Family huddled together between the two men pointing their guns at each other.

  Cones took a leap of faith and turned his back on the Russian. Images of his partner Jack Baker became clear in his mind. That fateful day in Paris, his partner being shot in the back by Shinski. Cones walked back down the corridor waiting for the gunshot. He reached the door to the stairs and walked through it letting out a sigh of relief. Why hadn’t Shinski pulled the trigger?

  All four men descended the stairway emerging into a narrow roadway at the back of the building. Cones jumped into and started the engine. Suddenly another vehicle ploughed into the back of the car shoving it forward. Frederick managed to brace himself but Dr Brack wasn’t so lucky. He was shoved into the Back of Frederick’s seat.

  ‘Karl are you ok?’ Klaus asked.

  ‘Blood poured from Brack’s nose. ‘I’m fine, drive!’ He ordered.

  Cones put his foot flat to the floor and the car lurched forward. He checked his rear view mirror, the vehicle behind was in pursuit. Cones wrenched the steering wheel to the right avoiding the gunfire coming from the car behind. ‘Keep your heads down!’

  The car sped along the narrow street before careering onto a main city road that was packed with commuters. Cones pounded on his horn as he drove down the wrong side of the road scattering cars.

  ‘Turn right at the next junction!’ Brack ordered.

  ‘Cones checked his rear mirror, the car behind was still chasing them. He scanned the road ahead and spotted a lorry heading straight for them. Cones mustered all the speed he could out of the car gripping the steering wheel.

  The driver of the lorry pounded on his horn at the on coming car.

  Frederick glared at the sight in front of him. ‘Agent Cones what are you doing?’

  ‘Hang on!’ Cones screamed yanking the steering wheel to the right. The car narrowly missed the truck which jack-knifed, its trailer blocked the entire road as it skidded into a number of vehicles including the one chasing them. Shinski had little time to react; he spun the steering wheel of his car slamming his foot hard on the break pedal. The trailer from the truck ploughed into the side of his car pushing it into another two cars. Shinski was thrown about smashing his shoulder against the door of his c
ar. He screamed in agony.

  Frederick glanced behind him at the carnage. ‘Nice bit of driving.’ He panted.

  ‘The library is three blocks from here.’ Brack said.

  Cones eased off on the accelerator and drove at normal speed. He didn’t want to attract the attention of local police.

  When they reached the library all four men walked through the main entrance. The reading hall of the library stretched the length of the building. Many people occupied the spacious room. Some sat at reading desks while other browsed the magnificent collection of books. Brack hurried down the centre or the room towards a staircase that led up to the second level.

  ‘Is this going to take long?’ Frederick asked looking at a large antique clock on the wall.

  ‘My research notes are close by, I hid them here last year.’ Brack replied.

  Cones was looking around the library making sure they were not attracting too much attention. The group walked up the stairway that led to a wide balcony which encircled the ground level. Brack made his way along the bookcases that were crammed with old volumes of encyclopaedias. Brack smiled stopping in front of one of the bookcases. He carefully removed a book and walked over to a table.

  Frederick looked on as Brack opened the book that appeared to be hollow. He pulled out a large file.

  ‘Thank god it is still here.’ Brack said.

  ‘Great can we go now?’ Cones said.

  All four men turned back towards the staircase.

  ‘Thank you Doctor Brack, I never expected you to pull this off.’ A man blocked their path.

  Frederick stared at a man clutching a luger pistol.

  ‘Agent Frank Cones and Professor Frederick.’ The man announced. ‘Such a pleasure to see you both together.’

  ‘Who are you?’ Frederick demanded to know.

  Brack walked towards the man and handed over the file. ‘My research on the device.’

  ‘What the hell is going on here?’ Cones demanded to know staring at the man pointing the gun at them.


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