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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 29

by Jason Chapman

  ‘You know I am loyal to the Order I will tell them this encounter took place as well as Majestic.’ Frederick revealed.

  The Pope waved his hand dismissively. ‘I expect nothing else but loyalty from you Professor Frederick, which is why I have chosen you for this task. The Order of Galileo is of no concern to us. We have clashed in the past but we have also collaborated. Your loyalty to the Angel Committee and Majestic is exemplary.’

  ‘Unfortunately the Angel Committee isn’t as it once was.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Jacob Barnes has seen to that no doubt. He doesn’t like the idea of a rival group operating outside his control.’

  Frederick was taken aback by Pius’ frankness.

  ‘You will be reunited with Agent Cones, then you will be taken to Remus’ villa.’

  Frederick checked his watch.

  ‘Do not worry Professor you will be dropped in after dark.’ Pius pressed a button on what looked like a control box before standing and walking around the desk. ‘In the meantime you are welcome to view the Vatican’s paintings and sculptures.’

  The two men who had accompanied the Pope appeared at the door and Frederick was led away.

  ‘He wants what!?’ Cones said.

  Frederick shook his head. ‘I have a feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The Vatican is keen to get their hands on a sample of that water.’

  Cones took a deep breath. ‘So what now Professor?’

  Frederick looked around the room they occupied. Lined to the ceiling with priceless pieces of art by Leonardo Davinci, Michael Angelo and several other renaissance artists. ‘For now Agent Cones.’ Frederick smiled. ‘I am going to take his holiness up on his offer.’

  Chapter 111


  The moon was high in a crystal clear sky illuminating the landscape. A warm breeze enveloped Frederick as he looked up the hill towards the villa silhouetted against the star filled heavens.

  ‘I can see why they wanted us to go tonight.’ Cones said. ‘Perfect for a night op.’ He glanced up at the full moon before surveying the landscape in front of them. ‘We’ll head up this hill and go around the back.’

  Frederick nodded.

  ‘According to our friends at the Vatican Remus has guards posted around the front entrance of the building. They do patrols every twenty minutes, so we’re going to have to be quick.’

  The two men scrambled up the hillside, although they had torches they took advantage of the full moon. Eventually they reached a perimeter wall approximately seven feet in height.

  Frederick was out of breath by the time he reached the wall. ‘Can we stay here for a few minutes I need to catch my breath and I seemed to have developed a stitch.’

  ‘Must be the easy life back in Cambridge Professor. Back home most of our academics go out for a run.’

  Frederick glanced back down the hill they had just climbed. ‘I think I just had more than a run.’ He panted.

  Suddenly the silent landscape which surrounded the villa was shattered by the sound of gunfire.

  Frederick and Cones stared at each other.

  ‘So much for doing things the easy way.’ Cones said.

  Frederick and Cones scrambled over the wall and found themselves in a courtyard. A fountain occupied the centre. Both men darted across the courtyard and took cover. The gunfire had stopped as suddenly as it began.

  ‘Looks like whoever is here has dealt with the guards.’ Cones said.

  ‘Or have been killed by the guards.’ Frederick remarked in a grim tone.

  ‘Ok Professor on three, we head for that doorway.’ Cones pointed at a large oak door which was partly open. Candle light streamed through the partly open door, the aroma of freshly baked bread drifted over to Frederick and Cones.

  They Jumped to their feet and made for the doorway, but before they could get close several heavily armed men clad in black appeared from nowhere. They wore black balaclavas masking their faces.

  Cones went for his weapon.

  ‘I wouldn’t do that Agent Cones.’ A woman’s voice called out.

  Frederick turned to see a slender figure walking towards him.

  She approached and waited for a few seconds before removing her balaclava. The moonlight caught her red hair as it rolled down her back. ‘Professor Frederick.’ Anna Vilenko greeted before looking at Cones.

  ‘Doctor Vilenko, lovely night for a stroll.’

  Anna smiled. ‘I see you’re still doing Majestic’s dirty work.’

  ‘What brings you here at this time of night?’

  ‘I could ask you the same question, but I think we can drop the act. We’re both here for the same thing.’

  ‘Remus.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Serge Molenko.’ Anna nodded. ‘We have orders to take him back to the Soviet Union for interrogation.’ She looked at Cones. ‘I’m afraid Majestic cannot have him.’

  ‘We’re here to find out how he’s been able to perform his miracles.’ Frederick said. ‘You can have him but not before we have had chance to question him.’

  Anna gathered her thoughts. ‘Ok we search the house for Molenko and you can question him about his actions. But we are still taking him back to Russia.’

  Frederick nodded glancing at the men with Dr Vilenko. ‘I suggest we keep any casualties to a minimum. We don’t want a bloodbath.’

  Anna turned to one of her men. ‘Secure the outside of the house. We’ll head inside and locate Molenko.’

  As they entered the back door the sound of music could be heard drifting through the house. Frederick, Cones and Anna made their way through the kitchen. As they entered a hallway to the house the music grew louder. The sounds of laughter could be heard coming from upstairs.

  One of the bedroom doors was partly open, light streamed out onto the darkened landing. It was obvious by the sounds that were coming from the bedroom there women woman inside with Remus.

  Anna was the first to charge through the door followed by Cones, both with their weapons drawn.

  Remus was on a large bed with two women who were naked. It wasn’t until Anna wrenched the plug from the record player when Remus looked up.

  Both Cones and Anna pointed their guns at Molenko.

  ‘Serge Molenko you are under arrest.’ Anna announced.

  The two women did their best to cover their nudity.

  ‘What is the meaning of this?’ Molenko demanded to know.

  Two armed men entered the room. ‘We have secured the perimeter.’

  ‘Doctor Molenko, where do you store your miracle water.’ Frederick asked.

  Molenko stared back. ‘I do not know what you are talking about.’

  ‘We witnessed your stunt in the market square earlier today doc.’ Cones said. ‘We saw you cure that woman.’

  ‘Please you must leave, you cannot be here.’ Molenko sounded fearful as he spoke.

  ‘Why who is here with you Doctor?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘If he finds you here he will destroy us all.’

  Anna walked up to the doctor. ‘Who will destroy us Doctor, who else is in the house?’

  Molenko remained silent.

  Anna looked at the two soldiers. ‘Take him.’

  ‘Please!’ Molenko struggled to free himself. ‘You have no idea who you are dealing with.’

  ‘So what now?’ Cones asked.

  ‘We tare this place apart until we find the person that Doctor Molenko mentioned.’ Anna said heading towards the door.

  Another soldier was stood in the hallway. Anna glanced at him and nodded.

  Frederick watched as the soldier entered the room. He looked at Anna. ‘What are you doing?’

  Two gunshots rang out.

  ‘Those girls were innocent you had no right to take their lives!’ Frederick protested.

  ‘There can be no witnesses Professor.’ Anna said without emotion.

  ‘Our agreement was that casualties should be avoided.’

  ‘Yes but in this case we have t
o silence anyone who has seen what Molenko has done.’

  ‘Does that include everyone he has healed?’

  Anna took a deep breath. ‘I have my orders Professor, just like you have yours.’

  After several minutes of searching the villa Frederick, Cones and Anna found themselves in the kitchen staring at a cellar door. Cones stepped forward and turned the iron key in the lock.

  ‘What an earth?’ Frederick stared in disbelief from the top of the cellar stairs.

  A large room under the villa containing what looked like a laboratory.

  Steadily they descended the stairs.

  Anna approached four large glass vats approximately six feet in height. Each vat contained what appeared to be mercury.

  Frederick spotted a microscope on a large table. Several jars containing a clear liquid stood next to it. He approached the microscope and peered through. ‘My god!’

  ‘What is it?’ Anna said walking over to him.

  ‘See for yourself.’ Frederick invited.

  Anna stepped up to the microscope and peered through. ‘They’re not organic, what are they?’

  ‘They look like machines, microscopic machines?’ Frederick replied.

  Cones spotted two examination tables. He walked over and examined one of the people that lay on the table. ‘My god it’s Jimmy.’

  Frederick marched over to when Cones was standing. He looked down at the young man they had first encountered in Stoke Lacy a few years earlier. Frederick then looked at the other examination table at. ‘I don’t believe it!’

  ‘Who is she?’ Cones asked.

  ‘It’s Jessica, a young girl I was assigned to investigate.’

  Anna now stood by the side of Frederick. ‘Why, what so special about her?’

  ‘She had advanced telekinetic abilities.’ Frederick stopped talking. A feeling of dread started to rise from within. He glanced back at Jimmy then at Jessica making the connection. ‘This is Janus’ doing.’

  ‘Astute as usual Professor Frederick.’ A voice from the shadows said.

  Cones instinctively drew his weapon and pointed it at the figure.

  Janus smiled at Cones. ‘Haven’t we been through this before Agent Cones.’

  Frederick stepped between Janus and Cones. ‘What are you doing here Janus?’ He indicated towards the microscope. ‘What the hell are those things?’

  ‘The future of humanity Professor.’ Janus replied.

  ‘The future of humanity.’ Frederick replied. ‘You’re talking about the disease that wiped out your people.’

  Janus nodded. ‘You species is the key to its own salvation.’

  ‘Let them go you son of a bitch!’ Cones ordered. ‘You have no right to do this.’

  ‘Agent Cones I promise you this individual won’t be harmed.’ Janus said indicating to Jimmy.

  Frederick glanced around the lab. ‘Where are the others, the people from Stoke Lacy?

  ‘As I explained to you before Professor they are safe.’ Janus then turned his attention to Anna. ‘Doctor Vilenko it’s nice to finally meet you.’

  Anna took one step back, glancing at Frederick. She drew her weapon and pointed it at Janus. ‘Who the hell are you? What is going on here?’

  ‘Just someone who is interested in the advancement of the human race, and its salvation.’ Janus replied.

  ‘I’d call it more exploitation.’ Frederick said.

  Janus stepped up to the microscope and looked into it. ‘Don’t be so melodramatic Professor, what you have discovered here will aid humanity in tis survival when the times comes.’

  ‘Humanity doesn’t need your help Janus, it can evolve just fine on its own.’

  ‘Will someone tell me what’s going on here!?’ Anna demanded to know. ‘She looked at Frederick. ‘Do you know him, are you working together with Molenko.’

  Frederick shook his head.

  Anna looked towards the stairs they had just come down and shouted for her men.

  ‘Your men cannot hear you Doctor Vilenko.’ Janus said coldly.

  All of a sudden gunfire could be heard.

  ‘Janus what are you doing?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Just playing a little game of misdirection.’

  Anna turned towards the stairs.

  ‘If you try to help them Doctor Vilenko then you will die with them. And you had such a promising future.’

  Anna froze and turned slowly facing Janus. She pointed her gun at him and pulled the trigger, nothing happened. She looked at her gun and checked the magazine. There was nothing wrong with her weapon. She pointed it back at Janus and pulled the trigger again.

  ‘This has a familiar tone to it does it not Professor. I believe you were as eager to kill me when we first met.’

  For a brief moment Frederick found himself back in the field at Stoke Lacy with Doctor Lloyd, Cones and Jack Baker.

  ‘Anna Vilenko, a star burning brightly in the night sky.’ Janus said as he stared at her. He then looked at Frederick. ‘I can see why you are attracted to her Professor.’

  Anna stared back at Janus, his words familiar to her as she remembered who had spoken them to her.

  Moscow – Russia

  Friday 3rd September 1942

  Captain Dominik Vilenko cradled his young wife in his arms.

  Anna Vilenko had never felt so content, the past eighteen months had been like a fairy-tale for her. The dashing young officer who had swept her off her feet. But she also felt great sadness. ‘Do you have to go?’

  ‘It is my duty Anna, the Germans are dug in at Stalingrad. Our military leaders believe that this battle could be a turning point in the war.’

  The vision seemed to vanish Anna suddenly found herself in a lecture hall at the Russian Academy of sciences. She held the letter in her hand she had just received and started to sob.

  ‘Such sadness.’ Janus said. ‘And you will have to endure more pain.’

  Another vision flooded Anna’s thoughts. She felt breathless at she started at the scene Janus had seeded in her mind. She pointed her gun at Frederick. ‘You bastard!’

  Frederick raised his hands taking a step towards her. ‘Doctor Vilenko whatever he has shown you is not real, it’s not real, fight it!’

  ‘Come now Professor I think you know me better than that.’

  Anna dropped to her knees and began to cry. Frederick stood in front of Janus.

  ‘Enough!’ He shouted.

  Janus turned away. ‘Of course Professor, just showing her what lies ahead.’ Frederick knelt to help Anna to her feet but she pulled away from him. ‘Get away from me!’ She screamed pointing her gun at Frederick. Frederick looked back towards Janus who stared through the microscope. ‘What are you doing here exactly Janus? Are those machines in that drop of water?’

  ‘Indeed they are my dear Professor.’ Janus looked up from his microscope. Machines capable of repairing damage to the human body.’

  ‘Impossible!’ Frederick stated.

  ‘In today’s world maybe, but there will be a time when machines like these will be common place carrying out all kinds of functions.’

  ‘Machines can also be controlled.’ Frederick said. ‘Is this what you meant by control? Is this part of the deal with Jacob Barnes? Allowing you to implant machines into people so that you can control them. It doesn’t sound like you’re trying to find a cure for any disease.’

  Janus remained silent.

  A static charge started to build up in the laboratory. ‘As usual Professor it has been a pleasure but I must now depart. We will meet again soon, the future of humanity will depend on you.’ ‘He looked at Cones. ‘And you also Agent Cones.’ An intense blue light suddenly filled the room.

  Frederick shielded his eyes. When he opened them again, he found himself standing at the foot of the hill where he and Agent Cones had been dropped off by Vatican officials. Daylight was starting to break over the rolling hillsides.

  Agent Cones, Anna and Molenko stood looking up at the sight at
the top of the hill. A huge craft hovered over the villa. A low pitch humming sound emanated from the object.

  Frederick stared at the sight in front of him.

  The craft suddenly accelerated vertically and vanished out of sight within the blink of an eye.

  Anna looked around feeling disorientated. ‘What the hell just happened?’

  ‘Janus happened.’ Frederick replied looking skywards.

  ‘What did he mean? The future of humanity will depend on you and me.’ Cones asked.

  Frederick mulled over Janus’ words. ‘With Janus you never know, but whatever he meant it can’t be good.’ He looked at Dr Vilenko.

  ‘What did Janus show you?’

  Anna stared back at Frederick. ‘Stay away from me Professor, that way I won’t have to kill you.’

  Chapter 112

  Vatican City – Rome – 11:09am

  Friday 7th January 1956

  Pope Pius XII listened to Frederick’s account nodding. ‘It’s a shame you could not get a sample of what Janus was working on.’

  Frederick looked at the Pope. ‘You know about Janus don’t you?’

  Pius took a deep breath. ‘Janus has been a thorn in the side of the Brotherhood and The Order for many centuries. He comes in many forms and must not be trusted.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘I meant what I said, I will reveal to the Order what transpired here. As well as Majestic.’

  Pius smiled at Frederick. ‘I understand Professor, say hello to Rothschild for me.’

  Whitehall – London – 11:02am

  Monday 10th January 1956

  General Stacy looked up as Frederick and Cones entered his office. ‘Gentlemen please sit down.’ Both Frederick and Cones sat opposite Stacy as he scrutinized their report. ‘Intelligence has discovered that Doctor Serge Molenko was part of the Tunguska project the Russians are running. His job was to study the bodies that came down with the craft. From what we have found out he vanished about six months ago only to turn up in Italy. It’s our guess that Janus contacted him and made him an offer.’

  ‘Janus is playing both sides.’ Frederick said.


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